FACULTY ECONOMIC AND MANAGBMENT SCIENCES DEPARTMENT ECONOMICS SUBJECT ENERGY ECONOMICS SUBJECT CODE CEEE 387I DATE JUNE 2OI5 DURATION 3 HOURS MARKS 100 REGULAR EXAMINATIONS Examiner: Mr. Dugald Hammerslacht (UNAM) Moderator: Prof. H. Siphambe, University of Botswana THIS QUESTION PAPER CONSISTS OF 5 PAGES INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE Instructions r o e . o o Read all instructions carefully before you start writing. This paper consists of 3 sections A, B and C. Section A consists of multiple questions, attempt all. Section B consists of 8 questions, attempt only 5 of the 8 questions. Section C consists of 3 questions, attempt only 1 of the 3 questions Total marks for each question are indicated at the beginning of each question. UNIVERSITY OF NAMIBIA EXAMINATIONS Page I of 5 SECTION A Multiple Choice Questions. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. Please cross only the correct answers. |0x2=201 Which of these products are not made from petroleum? a. Aspirin b. iPad c. lipstick d. None of the above What crop(s) in Brazil is/are not used to make ethanol to fuel cars? a. Corn b. Coffee c. Sugarcane d. All of the above What is the largest contributor to petroleum inputs in the ocean? a. Natural seeps b. c. Petroleumextraction Oil spills d. None of the above What is the most commonly used renewable resource? a. The sun b. c. Water d. None ofthe above Wind How many litres are in a barrel of oil? a. 106 b. 159 c. 280 d. None of the above Page 2 of 5 6. Which is the cleanest burning fossil fuel? a. Coal b. oil 7. c. Natural gas d. None of the above What is the earth's temperature a few meters underground? a. lOoC b. t2t"c c. It varies d. 8. 9. l0 None ofthe above Energy created directly from the actual resource can be classified in two groups: nonrenewable or renewable. Is this energy a; a. Primary energy source. b. Secondary energy source c. All of the above The current Namibian energy mix has all of the following sources; solar, natural gas, biomass, coal, wind, diesel a. true b. false ability to provide a flow of energy to meet demand in an economy in a manner and price that does not disrupt the course of the economy. . :. .... .. .. a system's a. Energy supply b. Energy security c. Energy sustainability Page 3 of 5 SECTION B: (short answer questions. Please answer any five questions. [5x10 :50]) QUESTION 1:[10 MARKS] What were the main drivers of grand energy transitions in the past? QUESTION 2: [10 MARKSI What do you understand by natural monopoly? What public policy issues are encountered in the presence of natural monopolies? QUESTION 3: [10 MARKSI What are the main concerns of relying on the traditional rate-of-return regulation for regulating energy industries? QUESTION 4:[10 MARKS] What are the main drivers behind renewable energy development? QUESTION 5: [10 MARKS] What are the justifications used in support of the deregulation initiatives in the energy industry? QUESTION 6: [10 MARKS] Please define energy demand, differentiate between primary energy demand and final energy demand? QUESTION 7:[ 10 MARKS] What are the drivers of renewable energy? QUESTION 8:[10 MARKSI Define "energy security" and list simple indicators of energy security? [5+5:10 marks] Page 4 of 5 SECTION C: (Essay questions. Please answer only one of the questions. [1 x 30:30]) QUESTION 9: [12+8+10=30 MARKS] "KEY CHALLENGES WILL FACE THE WORLD'S ENERGY INDUSTRY OVER THE NEXT FEW DECADES, CHALLENGES WHICH WILL REQUIRE GOVERNMENT AND INDUSTRY SOLUTIONS AS EARLY AS BEGINNING TODAY". (a) (b) (c) What do you think are the key challenges facing the global energy industry? [12] What industry solutions do you think would be required to face these challenges? [8] How can govemment help in facing the future energy challenges? [10] QUESTION 10: [15+15=30MARKSI Define at least 5 energy sources? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each of these five sources? QUESTION 11: [30 marksl What are the policy options relating to import dependence? Page 5 of 5