Uploaded by Satira Holiday

Professional Development Models Matrix for Educators

Satira Holiday
Models of Professional Development
8 May 2019
Models of Professional Development Matrix
Individual Inquiry
Individuals are
allowed to explore
professional develop
opportunities that they
may have identified as
meaningful and
beneficial to their own
personal growth and
interests. They are
supported by their
schools or districts by
being offered time and
sometimes funding to
participate in these
When supported and
executed properly,
this model can lead to
the individual feeling
a personal sense of
pride and expertness
in their field. It also
helps to build a
positive culture in the
school and district.
One of the challenges
comes in the
process. The
individual will need
support in
redeveloping the
content to incorporate
the new knowledge or
Personal/ Professional
Services by
improvement is
disseminated over
teachers or
supervisors to staff in
the form of a
mentoring or coaching
relationship. This
model of professional
development includes
observations and pre
and post conferences.
This model allows for
development based on
identified areas of
growth. This model
also helps build
relationships amongst
staff allowing staff to
feel supported.
Large caseloads at
times can be a
disadvantage of this
model. Being a
classroom teacher and
having to also find to
observe and grow a
novice colleague can
prove to be
overwhelming. The
same goes for any
administrative staff
that also has the
responsibility of
coaching several
teachers on staff.
Name of Model
This model may also
manifest in the form
of a teacher or
administration led
presentations to the
© 2015. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
Satira Holiday
Models of Professional Development
8 May 2019
Sets of Workshops on
Staff PD days
Open-Ended Local
Learning Community
Several times a year,
teachers and principal
participate in a paid
development day.
Menus of mini
workshops are
available for
participants to attend
throughout that day
This model has built
in time for all staff to
participate without
having to work more
In this model, groups
of teachers and even
admin, come together
to form committees to
address and assess
situations and
decisions about
needed improvements.
This model allows
teachers to be a part of
improving the school
developing buy in and
Many teachers may
not find the
meaningful to what
they need.
Teachers get multiple
workshops in one day
A lot of times many
of the initiatives
birthed through this
model is not
implemented or lack
the resources to be
Having multiple openimplemented
ended learning
affectively. This is
communities running
also voluntary in
at once allows the
many places which
work to be dividing
many teachers may
amongst the staff as
opt out of
opposed to being the
bulk of it being placed
on a small few.
When looking over each of the models, there are two that I prefer to participate in when
given the option. The first model that is of preference to me is the Personal and Professional
Services by Peers and or Supervisors. I believe having a more experienced teacher or
administrator serve as a coach and mentor to a current or more novice teacher has many benefits.
For new teachers, having a resource in the form of a person that has been in your shoes before
helps build and foster a sense of comfort, guidance and community. It allows new teachers to
feel like they are a welcomed member of the team and will be supported as they grow in their
role. The model can also manifest in the form of teachers leading presentations to groups of
© 2015. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
Satira Holiday
Models of Professional Development
8 May 2019
teachers. This is beneficial because many times as teachers we hear to the amazing things
happening in other classrooms but often lack the time to get to witness or discuss the those that
may be useful to their scholars as well. Having time to share best practices and collaborate also
helps builds a sense of community in the school.
The second model that stuck out to me was the Open-Ended Local Learning Community
model. I was drawn to this model because it gives teachers a sense of ownership in the daily
happenings of the school. Whether it be organized recess, standard based grading, or family style
dining allowing teacher and admin to work together to address an identified need helps to make
the teachers feel valued and apart of decision making in the school as well as takes a load off of
the administrative team.
Hammond, L., & Moore, W. M. (2018). Teachers Taking Up Explicit Instruction: The Impact of
a Professional Development and Directive Instructional Coaching Model. Australian
Journal of Teacher Education, 43(7), 110–133. Retrieved from https://search-ebscohostcom.lopes.idm.oclc.org/login.aspx?direct=true&db=eric&AN=EJ1188027&site=edslive&scope=site
Joyce, B. & Calhoun, E. (2010). Models of Professional Development. A Celebration of
Educators. Thousand Oaks, Ca. Corwin Press. Retrieved
from https://viewer.gcu.edu/6DAKFX
© 2015. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.