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UTT Feasibility Study Questionnaire: ICT & Vehicle Data

I am currently attending the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT) pursuing a
Masters in Information and Communication Technology. I am currently seeking
your input on my feasibility study and as such, I have provided a short
questionnaire to assist.
Any additional questions regarding the legitimacy of this questionnaire can be
clarified by my project supervisor, Laurice Phillips (laurice.phillips@utt.edu.tt).
Please note that all responses are anonymous any such information collected will
be eventually destroyed within this year (2019).
Personal Information
1. What is your Sex?
 Male
 Female
 Prefer not to say
2. What is your age?
 Under 18
 18 – 25
 26 – 35
 36 – 45
 > 45
3. How long have you had a driving license?
 <1
 2–7
 8 – 13
 14 – 19
 > 20
4. Which area do you currently reside in?
 North
 South
 East
 West
 Central
 Crown Point Tobago
 Charlottesville Tobago
 Scarborough Tobago
Vehicular Data
5. How long have you have been Driving?
 <1
 2–7
 8 – 13
 14 – 19
 > 20
6. Do you have access to a vehicle?
 Yes
 Occasionally (sometimes)
 No
7. Do you own a vehicle?
 Yes
 No
8. If you answered “yes” to the previous question, what type of vehicle do you
own? Select all that apply.
 Motorbike
 Light Motor Vehicle (Car, Sport utility vehicle - SUV)
 Pickup
 Truck
 Boat
 Not applicable
9. How many vehicles do you own?
 One
 Two
 Three
 > Four
10. If you answered “yes” to the previous question, what type of fuel does the
vehicle(s) consume?
 Gas
 Diesel
 CNG – compressed natural gas
 Hybrid (gas/ diesel with electric)
 Not applicable
11. Are regular vehicular maintenance check-ups performed?
 Yes
 Occasionally (sometimes)
 No
 Not applicable
12. How often is vehicle maintenance performed?
 < 3 months
 4 – 7 months
 8 – 11 months
 Annually
 Not sure (whenever you feel like)
Please rate your agreement with the following statements on a scale from 0 to 5
with 0 indicating no agreement and 5 indicating maximum agreement
Vehicles and Fuel Questions
Current fuel prices are too high
Reducing reliance on the fuel subsidy is a good
Fuel millage increases using fuel additives
Will switch to a different fuel type to save costs at
the pump (Regular, Super, Premium, Diesel)
Traditional fossil burning (gas, diesel) vehicles can
be modified to reduce carbon emission pollutants
Hybrid vehicles are the future of automobiles
Mobile Inquiries
19. Do you possess a smartphone?
 Yes
 No
20. How many smart phones do you own?
 One
 Two
 Three
 Four or greater
21. Which operating system (OS) does your smartphone possess?
 Google (Android)
 Apple (IOS / iPhone)
 Windows Phone
 Nokia (Symbian)
 HP (webOS / Palm)
 Blackberry
 Not applicable
22. Are you aware of any mobile app, which can perform diagnostic tests on
your vehicle?
 Yes
 No
 Not Sure
 Not applicable
23. If answered “YES” to the previous question, have you installed any vehicle
diagnostic mobile app on your smartphone?
 Yes
 No
 Not applicable
24. Is the diagnostic app always active / running?
 Yes
 No
 Only when needed
 Not applicable
25. Are you comfortable using your phone, while the vehicle is in motion, using
a hands-free holder?
 Yes
 No
 Not sure
 Not applicable
Fuel Costs
26. Is saving money at the fuel pump of any interest to you?
 Yes
 No
 Maybe
27. If a product increases the fuel millage on the same amount of fuel, would
you be interested?
 Yes
 No
 Maybe
28.Will you consider converting your vehicle with a CNG (compressed natural
gas) kit?
 Yes
 No
 Maybe
29. Are the terms HHO (hybrid hydrogen oxygen), Hydro Tuning, HHO
generator, Brown gas familiar to you?
 Yes
 No
 Not sure
30.If answered “Yes” to the previous question, will you install a HHO (hybrid
hydrogen oxygen) kit?
 Yes
 No
 Maybe
 Not applicable
Thank you for your time in answering my questions. Do note that any personal
information collected, will never be shared with anyone.