Uploaded by Ahmad Alkady

Criteria for salaries

Criteria for Evaluating Teaching Performance
This paper is intended to serve as a common reference on teaching
performance for staff members who are involved in teaching or
evaluating teaching. It describes criteria and standards for evaluating
teaching performance,
 Subject of teaching
 Certificates
 Position (Job description and responsibilities)
 Work Experience
 Team Work
 Added Value to school
 Positive energy to other teachers
 Interactions with others
 Languages
 Performance (After the test period - 2 months)
 Deadlines
 Being punctual
 Attitude
1- Interaction with others(students &
teacher) (10)
2- performance (9)
3- position (8)
4- Certificates (7)
5- Work Experience 6
6 - Added value to school 5
7- Team work 4
8- subject of teaching 3
9- Languages 2
10 -Commitment to school 1
Abdulkerim Usta
1-Work Experience 10
2- Certificates 9
3- Subject of teaching 8
4- Performance 7
5- Languages 6
6-Position ( jop description ........ 5
7- Added value to school 4
8- Interaction with others 3
9- Team work 2
Commitment 1
1- Performance 10
2- Experience 9
3- position 8
4- added value 7
5- interaction with others 6
6- certificate 5
7- team work 4
8- subject 3
9- languages 2
10- commitment 1
1.Performance 10
2.Team work 9
3.interaction with others (students teacher - other staff) 8
4.commitment to the school 7
5.Added value 6
6.experience 5
7.position 4
8.Certificates 3
9.subject of teaching 2
10.languages 1
1. Performance 10
2. Experience 9
3. Subject of T. 8
4. Team work 7
5. Certificate 6
6. Position 5
7. Added Value 4
8. Language 3
9. Interaction 2
10. Commitment to school 1
Performance (10+10+10+10+10+10+9)=69
Experience (4+9+5+9+9+10+6)= 52
1- Performance
2- Experience
3- Position
4- Interaction with others
5- Certificate
6- Added Value
7- Team Work
8- Subject of Teaching
9- Languages
10- Commitment to school
1. Performance 10
2. Interaction with others (positive
influence) 9
3. Team work 8
4. Position 7
5. Added value to school 6
6. Certificates 5
7. Experience 4
8. Languages 3
9. Subject of Teaching 2
10 commitment 1
Team work (8+7+9+4+2+2+4)=36
Position (7+5+4+8+8+5+6)=43
Added value (
Certificates (5+6+3+5+5+9+7)=40
Languages ( 3+3+1+2+2+6+4)= 21
Subject of Teaching(
2+8+2+3+7+8+3) = 33
Interaction (9+2+8+6+3+3+10)=41
1. Performance 10
2. Experience 9
3. Added Value 8
4. Subject of T. 7
5. Position 6
6. Certificates 5
7. Languages 4
8. Interaction 3
9. Team work 2
10. Commitment to School 1