Seismic attribute analysis in structural interpretation of the Gullfaks Field, northern North Sea Jonny Hesthammer and Haakon Fossen1 Statoil, GF/PETEK-GEO, N-5020 Bergen, Norway (e-mail: Present address: University of Bergen, Department of Geology, Allegt. 41, N-5007 Bergen, Norway (e-mail: 1 ABSTRACT: Seismic attribute maps provide a useful tool in interpreting faults, particularly those close to or below seismic resolution. Dip, relief, azimuth and amplitude maps are most useful. Optimal use of such maps requires careful filtering and appropriate use of colours and light sources. One of the challenges is to distinguish between anomalies related to real geological features and to seismic noise – both of which may occur as linear or curvi-linear, continuous features on the attribute maps. This challenge must be solved by use of independent data. In the North Sea Gullfaks Field, a family of (curvi-)linear features on the attribute maps are subparallel to contour lines on time maps. Core data, dipmeter data, stratigraphic log correlation and forward modelling show that these features are related to seismic noise rather than real faults. KEYWORDS: structural geology, fault (geology), seismic interpretation, Gullfaks Field INTRODUCTION Detailed knowledge of structural geometries is crucial in order to optimize production from North Sea and other oil fields. The importance of accurate structural maps is emphasized as new discoveries of oil and gas fields are often smaller in size and more structurally complex. A sound structural interpretation provides a basis for understanding fluid flow patterns and distinguishing structurally complex areas from less deformed domains. Large-scale structures can commonly be identified by standard seismic interpretation methods. However, minor structures may have a dramatic effect on reservoir performance (e.g. Antonellini & Aydin 1994), particularly for thin reservoir units separated by impermeable shales, but also for thicker sandstone units where deformation structures may drastically decrease permeability. Detection and mapping of structures close to or below seismic resolution (typically 15–30 m in the Gullfaks Field, depending both on lateral and vertical resolution) require additional methods, such as seismic attribute mapping and structural core analyses. Since the introduction of computers, data manipulation has become easier. With today’s technology, seismic attribute maps can be created within seconds on a seismic workstation. These maps allow the seismic interpreter to identify structures such as fractures and folds as well as sedimentological features, and are commonly incorporated into the seismic interpretation of oil fields and in exploration. However, without a sound knowledge of what information the attribute maps can yield, they may not always be used to the extent possible, and may be over-interpreted and misunderstood. This paper shows an integrated use of seismic attribute maps and well information on the Gullfaks Field in the Tampen Spur area, northern North Sea (Fig. 1). The field covers an area of c. 55 km2. Total recoverable reserves amount to c. 310#106 Sm3 of oil and some 30#109 Sm3 of gas in the Jurassic Brent Petroleum Geoscience, Vol. 3 1997, pp. 13–26 Group, the Cook and the Statfjord Fm. reservoirs (Fig. 2). The Gullfaks Field occupies the eastern half of a major 10–25 km wide NNE-trending fault block and is bounded by faults with kilometre offset to the east and west. Structurally, the field can be separated into three contrasting compartments: a western domino system with domino-style fault block geometry, a deeply eroded eastern horst complex of elevated subhorizontal layers and steep faults, and a transitional accommodation zone (graben system) which is in part identified as a modified fold structure (Fig. 1). The Gullfaks Field is one of the most structurally complex oil fields in the North Sea. Although the seismic data are generally of poor quality, an enormous amount of well data aid understanding the complex geometry. About 150 wells have been drilled, yielding more than 6 km of cores and 34 km of dipmeter data, together with 110 km of standard log data. An integrated structural analysis of the available data on the field has recently been carried out (Fossen & Hesthammer in press). Most larger-scale structures (faults with several tens to hundreds of metres offset and folds with wavelengths of several kilometres) can be recognized by direct interpretation of E–W seismic lines, N–S lines and time slices. In the following we focus on identifying smaller-scale structural features, such as faults with only a few metres offset and drag folds. Due to the large amount of well data available, it is often possible to distinguish between seismic noise and real structural features. By noise, we refer to unwanted energy that can produce a damaging effect on the desired seismic reflection signals (Sheriff 1977; Fitch 1981), i.e. patterns observed on seismic data that are not related to real geological features. SEISMIC ATTRIBUTE MAPS In 1991–92, the existing seismic 3D dataset of the Gullfaks structure was reprocessed. This improved the data quality and a 1354-0793/97/$10.00 ?1997 EAGE/Geological Society, London 14 J. Hesthammer and H. Fossen Fig. 1. Structure map of the Rannoch Fm. (near intra-Ness) in the Gullfaks Field. An E–W profile through the field shows the rotated domino blocks in the western part which are the subject of the present study. Attribute analysis in structural interpretation 15 reinterpretation was carried out. Since the previous seismic interpretation (based on a 1985 3D dataset), significant improvements in hardware and software allowed for more interactive interpretation of E–W lines, N–S lines, random lines, and time slices. For structural studies, seismic attribute mapping became most important for recognizing small-scale structures (such as faults with offsets of less than 20–30 m and drag structures), but also helped with the interpretation and understanding of larger structures. Active use of attribute maps resulted in far more accurate and detailed structural maps of the Gullfaks Field (Fig. 3). Previous interpretations showed anomalously high densities of faults around the platforms, where most wells were drilled. The new maps show no such anomalies and the more even distribution of faults indicates a more realistic interpretation. The detailed maps have helped the reservoir engineers to better understand fluid flow in the reservoirs (Fig. 4b). Finally, the new maps allowed for a better and more optimal planning of new wells where accuracy is crucial for success. We discuss the seismic attribute maps that have proven useful for structural analysis of the Gullfaks Field: dip (both normal dip map and ‘relief’ map), azimuth and amplitude maps. Other seismic sample and volume attribute maps such as instantaneous frequency, acoustic impedance contrast and reflection intensity maps were tested but did not add to the interpretation. To create the attribute maps, the interpreted surfaces were interpolated so that all gaps were closed. Generally, every eighth E–W line (100 m) was systematically interpreted. Interpreted N–S lines, random lines and additional E–W lines were removed prior to interpolation to avoid inconsistencies. The maps were then ‘snapped’ (refined) to the nearest minimum or maximum within a specified time window. One of the reflections was also interpreted using an automatic tracking routine and then compared with the refined map. The overall picture showed no differences between the ‘snapped’ and the autotracked interpretation, indicating that the true seismic signal was within the specified refinement time window. It was therefore considered unnecessary to auto-track the other seismic reflections. Fig. 2. Stratigraphic column for the Jurassic and Triassic reservoir units on the Gullfaks Field (modified from Tollefsen et al. 1994). Dip maps The dip maps proved most useful during the seismic reinterpretation of the Gullfaks Field (Fig. 4a). The use of the dip map for structural interpretation has been documented by Dalley et al. (1989), Hoetz & Watters (1992), Voggenreiter (1993), Rye-Larsen (1994) and Dorn et al. (1995). This sample level attribute map highlights changes in dip of an interpreted seismic reflection. Since faults offset strata, a continuous interpretation across the fault will result in a change in dip of the interpreted horizon, provided the vertical resolution is high enough to resolve the offset (Yilmaz 1987). How abrupt the change in dip across a fault is depends on the seismic dataset’s bin size as well as lateral resolution, which is governed by the size of the Fresnel zone (Yilmaz 1987). Where the data quality is poor, the lower frequency of the seismic signal results in a larger Fresnel zone and the offset of a reflector will appear more gradual. On the Gullfaks Field, bin size is 12.5 m in the E–W direction and 50 m in the N–S direction. As a result, N- or S-dipping features will generally display a more gradual dip than E- or W-dipping structures. As dip maps highlight even the most subtle changes in dip, it is now possible to identify faults with offsets down to approximately 5 m. The dip maps of the Gullfaks Field have a tendency to highlight linear or curvi-linear features that run subparallel to the strike of bedding, i.e. N–S. As will be shown later, these 16 J. Hesthammer and H. Fossen Fig. 3. Comparison of the 1991 and 1995 interpretation of the Ness Fm. of the Middle Jurassic Brent Group in one of the rotated fault blocks of the Gullfaks Field. The 1995 interpretation is based on reprocessed seismic data and extensive use of seismic attribute maps. As a result, much more detail is added to the structure maps. Contour values are in metres below sea-level. features are mostly related to seismic noise. Similar effects have also been recognized by Hoetz & Watters (1992). Due to the overprinting effect of the noise, N-trending faults on the Gullfaks Field may be under-represented with respect to more E-trending structures. Generally, only the more continuous lineaments or groups of lineaments were interpreted as faults. Relief maps The ability to ‘illuminate’ the interpreted seismic reflection with a computer-generated ‘light source’ helps to highlight any changes in dip and makes faults stand out as easily distinguished lineaments (Fig. 4b). If the seismic signal is relatively low frequency, thus resulting in a more gradual offset of the interpreted reflection, the inclination of the light source can be adjusted to enhance this change. In addition, more subtle changes in dip, such as draping of a layer above existing faults, features related to differential compaction, and folds are highlighted by means of shading, and can be made very obvious. If subparallel (curvi-)linear features related to seismic noise are present, the artificial illumination azimuth can be set so that the effect of overprinting noise is minimized. It is thus possible to extract the real structures and obtain a better and more detailed interpretation. By colour-contouring the seismic relief map, the visual effect can be further enhanced (Fig. 4b). The technique of artificially illuminating surfaces has been used for aeromagnetic data for more than a decade (Tucker et al. 1985; Kowalik & Glenn 1987) but has only recently been incorporated into seismic interpretation (Hoetz & Watters 1992; Dorn et al. 1995; Eggink et al. 1996). On the Gullfaks Field, the interpreted and snapped horizons have been artificially illuminated from the north, south, east and west (Fig. 5). Since dark lineaments are easier to identify than bright trends, it may be necessary to illuminate the surface both from the north and south (two maps) when trying to identify E-trending structures. Seismic relief maps from the Gullfaks Fig. 4. Seismic attribute maps of the intra-Ness Fm. (see Fig. 2) reflection in one of the rotated fault blocks of the Gullfaks Field. See Fig. 1 for location. (a) Dip map. Dark colour indicates steep dips. (b) Colour-contoured relief map artificially illuminated from the north, where yellow and red represent shallow depths, and purple indicates deeper levels. Well 34/10-A-42 was drilled into the reservoir to the southeast of producer 34/10-A-9H and gas was injected in the well. The gas migration time was much longer than expected and corresponds with the path indicated in (b), which utilizes a soft-linked relay structure between two NE-trending fault segments between the wells. (c) Azimuth map. Yellow colour represents dips to the east, green shows dips to the west, red indicates dips to the southeast, and blue shows dips to the northwest. (d) Amplitude map. Red colour represents areas of high amplitudes, whereas blue shows areas of low amplitude values. Attribute analysis in structural interpretation Fig. 4. 17 18 J. Hesthammer and H. Fossen Fig. 5. Attribute analysis in structural interpretation 19 Fig. 6. (a) Colour-contoured seismic relief map of the intra-Ness Fm. reflection in one of the rotated fault blocks on the Gullfaks Field, artificially illuminated from the north. See Fig. 1 for location. (b) The same relief map with interpretation of faults shown. Interpretation based on 1991 reprocessed data is shown as red lines. Although this interpretation is much more detailed than that prior to 1991 (shown in green), the new seismic relief maps add a potential for even more accurate and detailed interpretation (indicated by yellow lines). Field that are artificially illuminated from the east or west (Fig. 5c–d) tend to highlight the seismic noise features seen in the dip maps (Fig. 4a). The main faults on the Gullfaks Field are roughly N-trending and E-dipping. They are therefore best observed on relief maps illuminated from the east (bright faults, Fig. 5c) or the west (dark faults, Fig. 5d). However, since the faults are commonly curved, the visual effect is best when the maps are illuminated from a more northerly or southerly direction (Fig. 5a–b). Figure 6 shows how the use of seismic attribute maps greatly improved the interpretation that existed before the 1991 reprocessing of the data. It is also possible, as shown in Fig. 7, to cut a 3D-seismic cube along an interpreted seismic horizon and add a relief map to that horizon. As a result, one can now interactively interpret seismic E–W lines, N–S lines, random lines, and time slices, and at the same time make use of the seismic attribute maps. Azimuth maps Dalley et al. (1989) first demonstrated the use of seismic azimuth maps for detection of small-scale faults. Later work includes that by Voggenreiter (1991, 1993), Hoetz & Watters (1992), and Dorn et al. (1995). The azimuth map (Fig. 4c) highlights the most subtle changes in dip direction of the interpreted seismic reflection. Since faults are often associated with a change in dip direction as well as dip, these structures Fig. 5. Seismic relief maps of the intra-Ness Fm. reflection in one of the rotated fault blocks on the Gullfaks Field. See Fig. 1 for location. (a) Artificially illuminated from the north. (b) Artificially illuminated from the south, with current interpretation shown. (c) Artificially illuminated from the east. (d) Artificially illuminated from the west, with current interpretation shown. Abundant N-trending (curvi-)linear features that are best seen on relief maps illuminated from the east or west are, based on independent data, believed to be seismic noise. By artificially illuminating the maps from the north or south, the overprinting effect of this noise can be greatly reduced. 20 J. Hesthammer and H. Fossen Fig. 7. It is possible to add a seismic relief map, or any other attribute map to an interpreted seismic horizon in a 3D cube. This allows for integrated seismic interpretation of E–W lines, N–S lines, random lines, time slices, and attribute maps. See Fig. 1 for location. tend to be highlighted on the azimuth map. Folds (including drag structures) and the general shape of the reservoir may also be easily displayed. The azimuth map is highly affected by seismic noise. This problem may, to a large extent, be avoided by filtering the data prior to generating the attribute map. Figure 4c shows a filtered azimuth map from a fault block on the Gullfaks Field. Yellow indicates dip to the east, green shows dip to the west, red shows dip to the southeast, and blue indicates dip to the northwest. Because yellow is the most eye-catching colour in the map, E-dipping features will be highlighted in the figure. On the Gullfaks Field, this will apply to most major faults. By letting yellow represent dips to the south or north, the E-trending structures will be highlighted. Because the azimuth map efficiently displays larger and more general changes in dip, folds are easily recognized. Thus, the azimuth attribute map may help identify relay ramps or areas affected by drag. Several gentle folds are observed in Fig. 4c where the colours change from green (westerly dip) to blue (northwesterly dip). Amplitude maps The most commonly used sample level seismic attribute map is the amplitude map (Fig. 4d), which simply displays the amplitude value at any point along an interpreted seismic horizon. This type of map was probably the first attribute map used for seismic interpretation, and is commonly utilized in structural analyses (e.g. Buchanan et al. 1988; Flint et al. 1988; Voggenreiter 1991). The amplitude map has been successfully used on the Gullfaks Field for identifying oil-filled reservoirs (the seismic response for oil-filled and water-filled sandstone is different in the field). In addition, the amplitude of a seismic reflection is typically weakened along structural lineaments such as faults. It is thus possible to map fault traces along an interpreted seismic reflection by analysing the seismic amplitude map. The larger faults on the Gullfaks Field are easily recognized by a marked decrease in amplitude value. We have, however, found it difficult to identify minor structures based on the amplitude map alone, and the map is therefore always used in conjunction with the dip and azimuth map for structural analysis. In areas of good seismic data quality, however, minor structures with little or no observable stratal offset on the Gullfaks Field can sometimes be identified solely on the basis of a decrease in amplitude value. The ability to do so depends on the width and character of a fault’s damage zone, the frequency of the seismic signal, and travel time. The edges of the damage zone must be sufficiently separated to allow the corresponding diffraction patterns from the seismic signal to be distinguished. NOISE VERSUS REAL STRUCTURES All seismic data will contain a mixture of signal and noise (Sheriff 1978). Signal in seismic work refers to reflections from interfaces in the subsurface, whereas noise is anything which obscures the signal. The noise can be separated into coherent (systematic) and random ambient noise and have many different sources (e.g. Sheriff 1977; Yilmaz 1987). Since reflections and noise are always mixed together, all seismic attribute maps will, to some extent, be influenced by seismic noise. An obvious method for identifying real faults is to look for continuous anomalies and disregard more distributed, non-linear anomalies as seismic noise. However, coherent seismic noise may also Attribute analysis in structural interpretation 21 Because of the upward widening of the triangular zone and the angular relationships between bedding and faults, we interpret the deformation within the triangular zone to be higher than elsewhere (see Fossen & Hesthammer in press for a more detailed discussion). In the model shown in Fig. 8, this deformation is modelled as a shear deformation, where the shear strain is highest in the triangular zone. The high footwall deformation that may be inferred from the seismic attribute maps would be inconsistent with this model. This indicates that most of the (curvi-)linear features in the footwall position of the fault blocks represent seismic noise rather than real structures. Fig. 8. The structural model resulting from forward modelling of the Gullfaks Field implies rigid rotation of fault blocks combined with internal shear deformation, where the shear plane dips more steeply than the final orientation of the main faults. This model takes into consideration the non-planar bedding geometry and implies high hanging wall strain and low footwall deformation. This simple model is consistent with seismic data, core data, dipmeter data, as well as field analogue data. Modified from Fossen & Hesthammer (in press). appear as linear or curvi-linear features. In general, if such noise is not properly understood, noise-related patterns may be interpreted as faults, and the resulting structural maps may in part be based on data that are not real. This may lead to the abandonment of favourable drilling sites, and optimal well positioning would probably not be obtained. It is therefore important to distinguish between anomalies or features related to seismic noise and those of real events. In our experience, areas of poor seismic data quality may easily be recognized on seismic attribute maps, especially on amplitude (Fig. 4d), dip (Fig. 4a) and relief maps (Figs 4b & 5). In the Gullfaks Field, areas of poor data quality are often located along the crest of rotated fault blocks (i.e. in a footwall position of a domino fault block, see Fig. 1). If these areas of poor data quality represent areas of high fault densities, then the footwall side of the rotated fault blocks are more deformed than the hanging wall side, and the deformation is present as mostly N-trending minor faults. With the large number of wells drilled, and the enormous quantity of data collected, it is possible to distinguish between seismic noise and real structures in large parts of the Gullfaks Field. In the following, we discuss the most important types of data analysed and methods applied to make this distinction. (a) Structural modelling Structural modelling based on geometric analysis of bedding and fault geometries in the Gullfaks Field (Fossen & Hesthammer in press) has resulted in the simple model shown in Fig. 8. The model involves both slip along faults, fault-block rotation and internal deformation. Ideally, the non-planar bedding surfaces define a characteristic upward-widening triangular zone in the hanging wall where bedding is particularly non-planar and shallowly dipping. Outside of this triangular zone, bedding is more planar. Since the bedding surfaces were planar prior to deformation, the curved bedding traces reflect internal deformation of the domino blocks (e.g. Lisle 1994). (b) Dipmeter data Analysis of dipmeter data on the Gullfaks Field indicates that the deformation associated with faults is stronger in the hanging wall than in the footwall (Fossen & Hesthammer in press). This means that the zone of brittle (faulting) or ductile (drag) deformation around faults is wider in the hanging wall, and that footwalls are less deformed. The same conclusion has been reached based on geological field work on faulted sandstones in Utah and Suez (unpublished) and on results from physical modelling (Fossen & Gabrielsen 1996). These observations suggest that the (curvi-)linear features shown on the seismic attribute maps in the footwall position of the rotated fault blocks are not related to faults. Although examples of gravitational failure such as those seen on the east flanks of the Statfjord and Brent Fields to the west may result in a more deformed footwall (Kirk 1980; Livera & Gdula 1990), no evidence of such gravity collapse structures are observed related to the rotated fault blocks on the Gullfaks Field. In addition, the (curvi-)linear features observed on the relief maps dip to the west, whereas gravity collapse structures would dip in the same direction as the main faults; i.e. to the east. (c) Stratigraphic logs Stratigraphic log correlation is being carried out in detail on the Gullfaks Field, thanks to many wells and the detailed stratigraphic model in the area. Missing (or repeated) sections down to about 10 m and locally less (depending on stratigraphic level) are detectable from log information in the reservoir (Fossen & Rørnes 1996). This type of information from the many wells in the reservoir does not show an increase in fault density in the footwall portions of fault blocks where the seismic (curvi-) linear features are observed on attribute maps (e.g. Fig. 5c). Instead, there appears to be more faults located in the hanging wall portions, which is consistent with the results from structural modelling. (d) Core data Structural core analysis, where faults with displacements down to the millimetre-scale can be identified, indicates a surprisingly low fracture population in the footwall parts of the rotated fault blocks on the Gullfaks Field. More than 400 m of cores were analysed from two of the many (subvertical) wells located in a footwall position to the rotated fault blocks. In the cores from these two wells, 34/10-A-9H (Fig. 4b) and 34/10-3 (Fig. 5d), 5–10 micro-fractures with no more than millimetre-scale offset were the only faults identified. There is always a possibility that faults may be represented by missing intervals in incompletely cored wells, or as non-cohesive rock which is occasionally seen in some shaly intervals or in loosely consolidated sandstones. 22 J. Hesthammer and H. Fossen Fig. 9. Fracture distribution around a fault with 11 m of missing section in well 34/10-A-15. See Fig. 1 for location. This type of distribution of fractures (micro-faults) around the fault defines a damage zone of only a few metres width, and is typical for cored faults in the Gullfaks Field. Almost no micro-fractures are observed outside the fault damage zone. On the structurally complex Gullfaks Field, several hundred metres of continuous core without any micro-faults suggest that deformation was largely by a more widely distributed grain reorganization rather than by discrete and pervasive fracturing. Because faults with throws down to less than 10 m can be identified with confidence from log correlation with neighbouring wells (see above), such faults should be checked for in cored intervals. Figure 9 shows the distribution of micro-fractures around an identified fault with 11 m of missing section on the Gullfaks Field (well 34/10-A15). The figure shows that although the fractures are restricted to a damage zone a few metres wide around the identified fault, several tens of fractures exist within this zone. Because almost no fractures exist outside of the damage zone, fracture analysis provides a clear definition of the fault in its own right. Several faults that had been identified solely by log correlation by Gullfaks sedimentologists have been cored, and they all show well-defined fracture frequency peaks of the type shown in Fig. 9. This fact strongly suggests that all faults detected from log correlation should be recognizable in cores. Core studies also indicate that there are few faults with a throw of a metre-scale and up that are not already detected by detailed log correlation. Based on this, too few faults and micro-fractures exist to allow the (curvi-)linear features observed on seismic attribute maps in footwall parts of the fault blocks to be explained as fault structures. (e) Dip angles If the deformation within the rotated fault blocks occurred mainly as a result of faulting rather than a more distributed grain reorganization, dip angles calculated from dipmeter data and from seismic reflections should generally be different. For example, if antithetic faults are concentrated in the footwall portion of the rotated fault blocks, the dip angles from dipmeter data should be shallower than those indicated by the seismic data (Fig. 10). Statistical analyses of dipmeter data from 48 wells (c. 23 km) from the Gullfaks Field reveal no significant differences in dip angles from dipmeter data and seismic data. This suggests that the main deformation mechanism was something other than faulting of the reservoir. Most of the internal fault-block deformation was probably accommodated by a widely distributed ‘ductile’ reorganization (rotation and translation) of grains without the influence of discrete zones of grain-size reducing processes (Fossen & Hesthammer in press). This conclusion is supported by the fact that even in a hanging wall position, large cored intervals without micro-fractures are identified. This deformation requires low grain-contact stresses, which for the Gullfaks reservoir sands can be explained as being due to shallow or no burial depth at the time of deformation, and possibly also due to elevated fluid pressures. Fig. 10. Illustration of the differences in dip as extracted from seismic data and dipmeter data. In the case where sub-seismic antithetic faults occur in the footwall part of the fault blocks, the dip of bedding is lower from the dipmeter data than inferred from the seismic data. For the case of synthetic minor faults, the situation would be reversed. No such difference in dip is found between dipmeter and seismic data on the Gullfaks Field. POSSIBLE ORIGINS OF NOISE Recognizing that the generally N-trending linear or curvi-linear features on seismic attribute maps in a footwall position most likely represent seismic noise, it is important to find the source of this noise. Noise can have many different sources. Systematic coherent noise may result from effects such as cable noise, sea state noise, side-scattered noise, water-borne diffractions, propeller noise, acquisition geometry, multiples and peg legs (e.g. Yilmaz 1987). Systematic noise may also be generated by the filter operations in the processing sequence. Random seismic noise includes effects such as natural noise (e.g. wind motion), incoherent seismic interference, instrumental noise and imperfect static corrections (e.g. Fitch 1979). The fact that the seismic (noise) features on the attribute maps tend to parallel the strike of the seismic reflection may suggest that the noise is a result of interference between the dipping reflection that represents bedding and a subhorizontal seismic signal such as a multiple, or between bedding and other N-trending features. It is important to note that the line of intersection between the real seismic reflection and the seismic noise (e.g. remnants of multiples or coherent linear dipping 23 Attribute analysis in structural interpretation Fig. 11. A conjugate set (E- and W-dipping) of seismic artefacts cut through most of the seismic data on the Gullfaks structure, and is especially pronounced where the data are poor. This coherent noise affects data both above and within the reservoir (the auto-tracked red reflector is above the reservoir). The interference of this seismic noise with weak reflections causes the weaker reflections to break up into segments that rotate subparallel to the dipping seismic noise features. Thus, the horizon may come to have the appearance of being highly faulted although well data show that it is not. See Fig. 1 for location. Table 1. Key recording and processing information for the 1985 seismic dataset of the Gullfaks Field KEY RECORDING DATA* SOURCE Gun depths: Total volume: Shot interval: RECORDING SYSTEM: Record length: Recording fold: Sample interval: WIDE AIRGUN ARRAY 7.5 m 2856 CU.IN 25.00 m 2#GECO NESSIE 6s 48 2 ms CABLE No. of groups: Group interval: Cable depth: Near group dist. 2#GECO NESSIE 2#384 6.25 9m 56 m KEY PROCESSING PARAMETERS† Signature deconvolution FK demultiple Dip moveout Predictive deconvolution Bin sort to nominal 48 fold Bin size: Line spacing 12.5 m in line 50.0 m cross line 25.0 m *Recorded by GECO, April–August 1985. †Reprocessed by Seismograph Service, April 1991–March 1992. Pre migration filter In-line finite difference migration Cross line interpolation to 12.5 m Cross line finite difference migration FK filter: with 40% feedback Predictive deconvolution Zero phase conversion 24 J. Hesthammer and H. Fossen Fig. 12. W–E orientated seismic in-line through some of the rotated fault blocks on the Gullfaks Field. See Fig. 1 for location. The deeper Amundsen Fm. (see Fig. 2) reflection is weaker than the intra-Ness Fm. reflection and therefore more affected by seismic noise. The intra-Ness Fm. reflection (Ness1) is seen to become weak just below the Base Cretaceous reflection. This may be due to the proximity of the Base Cretaceous reflection (interference with Base Cretaceous ‘follow-cycle’) or to gas escape at the crest of the fault block, which results in reduced seismic data quality. The Amundsen Fm. reflection appears weaker vertically below the point where the intra-Ness Fm. reflection becomes weak, thus supporting the latter theory. noise) is represented as a (curvi-)linear feature on the attribute maps, similar to the features generated by faults. This complicates the separation between real features and seismic noise. Generally, seismic noise is more apparent where the seismic reflection is weak. On the Gullfaks Field, the overall relatively poor data quality at Jurassic levels is a result of the combination of strong water layer multiples, shallow gas and smaller amounts of gas in the Tertiary and Cretaceous strata. Within the reservoir, the structural complexity also results in a weaker signal-to-noise ratio. Seismic E–W lines on the Gullfaks Field show a network of conjugate (E- and W-dipping) features (Fig. 11). In 1995, an additional seismic dataset was collected from parts of the Gullfaks Field. These data were identically processed to the 1985 dataset and manipulated so that the strengths and positions of the seismic signals were comparable. A comparison of the two shows that the dipping features are present in both. A difference cube cancels all real reflections, whereas the dipping coherent noise as well as random noise from both sets remain. This shows that the dipping noise is somewhat offset between the two datasets, and the difference cube thus displays the noise present in both. The fact that real reflections are cancelled whereas dipping noise remains suggests that the noise is a result of the data recording procedure rather than inhomogeneities in the rocks. Although several attempts have been made to increase the seismic signal-to-noise ratio on the Gullfaks Field (Table 1), much of this coherent linear dipping noise remains. Yilmaz (1987) anticipated that most linear noise observed on a stacked section results from scattered energy along the flanks of its travel-time curve that was stacked together with any high-velocity primary energy. In theory, however, side-scattered noise signals should in 3D seismic be migrated to their proper position. Hoetz & Watters (1992) related the (curvi-)linear features observed on a dip map to reflection discontinuities resulting from migration and/or stack errors in seismic processing. It is also possible that the linear dipping events on the stacked sections result from ‘streamer noise’ caused by pull and drag on the streamer. On the Gullfaks Field, the dipping coherent noise was suppressed by DMO (dip moveout), migration of the data and postmigration f–k dip filtering. However, since the dips and strikes of bedding and faults are subparallel to the dipping coherent linear noise, processing methods that remove all dipping noise would also result in the removal of primary reflections. It was therefore impossible to obtain a processed seismic dataset free of dipping coherent noise. An alternative solution, that will be tested on the Gullfaks Field, is to combine the 1985 and 1995 datasets to increase the signal-to-noise ratio. The dipping coherent linear noise on the Gullfaks Field is present both in the deformed reservoir and in the relatively undeformed post-rift strata above the Base Cretaceous unconformity, and is especially pronounced where the seismic primary reflections are weak. Within the reservoir zone, the Attribute analysis in structural interpretation 25 Fig. 13. Filtering of the interpreted and snapped (or autotracked) seismic horizon may have a large effect on the final result. The filter used with most success on the Gullfaks Field is a median filter that removes extreme values. When snapping or autotracking a horizon without any filters applied, much seismic noise will be recorded. The figure shows the effect of median filters of 6#6 and 9#9 (refers to grid cell sizes of n E–W lines and n N–S lines; i.e. 75#75 m and 112.5#112.5 m respectively) applied to the interpreted and snapped Amundsen Fm. reflection on the Gullfaks Field. It is clear how a median filter removes local ‘spikes’ and allows the interpreter to ‘see through’ the noise. However, some noise remains and must be ‘removed’ by other methods, such as artificially illuminating the seismic dip map. See Fig. 1 for location. coherent noise interferes with dipping reflections and causes the reflection to break up and rotate towards parallelism with the noise features. The weaker the reflection, the stronger the effect of interference. This explains why the noise observed on the dip maps is more pronounced along the weaker reflections. The stronger reflections are mostly affected in the footwall parts of the rotated fault blocks (Fig. 4), where the seismic signal generally is poorer. Several explanations exist for the weaker reflections observed in footwall parts of the rotated fault blocks. First, remnants of subhorizontal multiples, especially from the top of the Cretaceous, which evidently occur in the dataset, will cause interference with the dipping reflection. A second explanation may be due to the proximity to the Base Cretaceous reflection (Fig. 12): ‘follow-cycles’ will obscure the data immediately below the stronger Base Cretaceous signal. A third explanation may be the escape of gas at the crest of the rotated fault blocks (Fig. 12). If gas has migrated to shallower levels, the high acoustic impedance contrast of shallow gas zones may result in poor seismic data quality below the shallow gas pockets. Also, hydrocarbons within the reservoir may affect the seismic signal. Where oil-filled sandstone occurs immediately beneath the Base Cretaceous unconformity (commonly at the crest of the rotated fault blocks), the resulting acoustic impedance causes a strong reflection. This will obscure the seismic data below and weaken the reflections within the reservoir. Oil-filled Ness Fm. may also weaken the generally strong intra-Ness Fm. reflection, thus causing a poorer reflection in a footwall position. It is clear from the discussion above that we cannot point to one single explanation for the origin of seismic noise or what causes poor seismic data quality. On the other hand, this is not required for an integrated use of seismic and well data to distinguish real features from (curvi-)linear noise features on the seismic attribute maps. It is, however, crucial to identify the characteristics of the noise and areas of poor seismic data quality in order to produce the best possible interpretation of the data set. To take full advantage of the seismic attribute maps, the autotracked or refined interpretation should be filtered so that the effect of seismic noise is minimized. Figure 13 shows the effect a median filter may have on the final results. It is clear that, rather than losing detail, the median filter tends to enhance subtle structures by removing local extreme values related to seismic noise. Noise will still be present, but it is easier to identify the more continuous lineaments related to real structural trends. Since noise can have a preferred orientation, it may be worth exploring filters such as the median filter with different x- and y-values. On the Gullfaks Field, a large x-value may remove much of the N-trending seismic noise, whereas a low y-value will keep as much detail as possible in an E–W direction. CONCLUSIONS From our experience with the Gullfaks Field, the dip, relief, amplitude and azimuth attribute maps are most useful in mapping small-scale faults from seismic data. In contrast to the dip maps, the relief maps will, depending on illumination azimuth, reveal lineaments with preferred orientations. Combined with a colour contour map, a very strong visual effect is 26 J. Hesthammer and H. Fossen created, and the relief maps become a powerful tool for identifying detailed structures. The azimuth maps, when filtered properly, will highlight subtle changes in dip direction (folds) as well as larger faults. The amplitude maps help to identify areas of good data quality and areas affected by much deformation or seismic noise. Larger structural trends may be observed on the amplitude maps as well. In areas with existing seismic interpretations, snapping to nearest amplitude minimum or maximum is a quick and efficient method for providing input grids to seismic attribute mapping. The resulting grids will be similar to those obtained by auto-tracking. The grids are then filtered depending on the structural features wanted and the amount of seismic noise present. Although seismic data on the Gullfaks Field may, in many places, be of poor quality, experience has shown that it is possible to filter and process the data so that even minor structures (faults with offset less than 20–30 m) can be identified. In order to obtain the best results, it is critical that time is spent on finding the right parameters for input, the right type and amount of filtering, and the correct colour setting for the final display of the seismic attribute maps. We stress the importance of using any available data or method to help separate noise and real features. This includes detailed well log correlation, dipmeter data, structural core analysis, field analogue observations, section balancing, and physical modelling. If observed (curvi-)linear features on seismic attribute maps are believed to be related to seismic noise, efforts should be made to find the source of this noise. Core data, dipmeter data, log correlation, structural modelling, and field studies all indicate that a family of (curvi-)linear features that stand out on seismic attribute maps from the Gullfaks Field cannot be geological fault structures. Furthermore, faulting cannot be responsible for all of the internal block deformation in the Gullfaks Field, where the footwall of the rotated fault blocks are less deformed than the hanging wall side of the same blocks. Due to the weak degree of consolidation at the time of deformation, it is likely that deformation by distributed grain reorganization dominated over localized cataclasis (discrete micro-faulting). This type of deformation is not detectable from seismic attribute maps, although it may be significant in the Gullfaks and other North Sea oil fields. The authors want to thank Norsk Hydro, Saga Petroleum and Statoil for permission to publish these results. The article has benefited from comments by Roy H. 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