EHP4 for SAP ERP 6.0 March 2011 English Scheduling Agreement with Summarized JIT Call (A67) Building Block Configuration Guide SAP AG Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 69190 Walldorf Germany SAP Best PracticesScheduling Agreement with Summarized JIT Call (A67): Configuration Guide Copyright © Copyright 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP AG. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. Some software products marketed by SAP AG and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. Microsoft, Windows, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. 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Business Objects and the Business Objects logo, BusinessObjects, Crystal Reports, Crystal Decisions, Web Intelligence, Xcelsius, and other Business Objects products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Business Objects S.A. in the United States and in other countries. Business Objects is an SAP company. All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies. Data contained in this document serves informational purposes only. National product specifications may vary. These materials are subject to change without notice. These materials are provided by SAP AG and its affiliated companies ("SAP Group") for informational purposes only, without representation or warranty of © SAP AG Page 2 of 30 SAP Best PracticesScheduling Agreement with Summarized JIT Call (A67): Configuration Guide any kind, and SAP Group shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. The only warranties for SAP Group products and services are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services, if any. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. © SAP AG Page 3 of 30 SAP Best PracticesScheduling Agreement with Summarized JIT Call (A67): Configuration Guide Icons Icon Meaning Caution Example Note Recommendation Syntax External Process Business Process Alternative/Decision Choice Typographic Conventions Type Style Description Example text Words or characters that appear on the screen. These include Field names, screen titles, pushbuttons as well as menu names, paths and options. Cross-references to other documentation. Example text Emphasized words or phrases in body text, titles of graphics and tables. EXAMPLE TEXT Names of elements in the system. These include report names, program names, transaction codes, table names, and individual key words of a programming language, when surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE. Example text Screen output. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, source code, names of variables and parameters as well as names of installation, upgrade and database tools. EXAMPLE TEXT Keys on the keyboard, for example, function keys (such as F2) or the ENTER key. Example text Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation. <Example text> Variable user entry. Pointed brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries. © SAP AG Page 4 of 30 SAP Best PracticesScheduling Agreement with Summarized JIT Call (A67): Configuration Guide Contents Scheduling Agreement with Summarized JIT Call .......................................................................... 6 1 Purpose .................................................................................................................................... 6 2 Preparation ............................................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Prerequisites .................................................................................................................. 6 3 Configuration ............................................................................................................................ 6 3.1 Configuration in the Supplier System ............................................................................. 6 3.1.1 Master Data Maintain ................................................................................................. 6 3.1.2 Other Settings ............................................................................................................ 7 3.2 Configuration in the OEM System ................................................................................ 17 3.2.1 Master Data Maintain ............................................................................................... 17 3.2.2 Configuration ............................................................................................................ 17 © SAP AG Page 5 of 30 SAP Best PracticesScheduling Agreement with Summarized JIT Call (A67): Configuration Guide Scheduling Agreement with Summarized JIT Call 1 Purpose This configuration guide provides the information you need to set up the configuration of this building block manually. If you do not want to configure manually and prefer an automated installation process using eCATTs and BC Sets, use the SAP Best Practices Installation Assistant. 2 Preparation 2.1 Prerequisites Before you start installing this building block, you must install prerequisite building blocks. For more information, see the building block prerequisite matrix (Prerequisites_Matrix_[xx]_EN_JP.xls; the placeholder [xx] depends on the SAP Best Practices version you use, for example, Auto refers to the SAP Best Practices for Automotive Package: Prerequisites_Matrix_Auto_EN_JP.xls). This document can be found on the SAP Best Practices documentation DVD in the folder \Auto_JP\Documentation\. 3 Configuration 3.1 Configuration in the Supplier System 3.1.1 Master Data Maintain Master Maintenance Maintaining Partner Description in Customer Master Data Use The purpose of this activity is to maintain the partner description for the ship-to party in the customer master data. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Logistics Sales and Distribution Master Data Business Partner Customer Change Complete Transaction code XD02 2. On the Customer Change Initial Screen, enter the following data and choose Continue. Field name User action and values Customer A-6701 Sales Organization 1000 © SAP AG Page 6 of 30 SAP Best PracticesScheduling Agreement with Summarized JIT Call (A67): Configuration Guide Field name User action and values Distribution Channel 10 Division 10 3. Choose Sales Area Data. 4. Choose the Partner Functions tab, on the line SH ship-to party, make the following entries: Field name User action and values Partner Functions Partner description 1000 5. Choose Save. 6. Choose Back. Result The partner description for the ship-to party in the customer master data has been maintained. 3.1.2 Other Settings Pricing Condition Use The purpose of this activity is to create condition records at supplier side. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Logistics Equipment and Tools Management Master Data Conditions Prices Others Create Transaction code VK11 2. On the Create Condition Record screen, enter Condition Type: PR00. 3. Choose Material with release status. 4. Choose Continue. 5. On the Create Price Condition (PR00) : Fast Entry screen, make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Note Sales Organization 1000 Distribution Channel 10 Direct Sales Material Amount Currency UOM A-67-2000_SUP 12000 JPY PC 6. Choose Save. 7. Choose Back twice and go back to SAP Easy Access screen. Result © SAP AG Page 7 of 30 SAP Best PracticesScheduling Agreement with Summarized JIT Call (A67): Configuration Guide The condition record PR00 for material A-67-2000_SUP is created. Sold-To Party Use In this step, you assign a sold-to party number to the following criteria: Vendor number (the number used by the customer for you, the component supplier) Partner description (such as delivering plant) Unloading point Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Sales and Distribution Sales Sales Documents Scheduling Agreements with Delivery Schedules Control EDI Inbound Processing Execute Sold-to Party Assignment for Release Orders 2. Choose New Entries, make the following entries: Vendor Partner desc A-V6701 1000 Unloading Point Sold-to party A-6701 3. Choose Save. Result A sold-to party number is assigned according to the following criteria: - Vendor number (the number used by the customer for you, the component supplier): A-V6701 - Partner description (such as delivering plant): 1000 Special Features for Delivery Schedules Use In this step, you define how the system processes delivery schedules received by Electronic Data Interchange from a particular customer, or combination of customer/unloading point. You must create a record for every customer! The system checks this record in Customizing for every incoming delivery schedule. If it cannot find a record for the particular sold-to party, it issues an error message and stops the processing of the IDoc. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Sales and Distribution Sales Sales Documents Scheduling Agreements with Delivery Schedules Control EDI Inbound Processing Define Special Features for Scheduling Agreement 2. Choose New Entries, make the following entries: Sold-To Party © SAP AG Unloading Point Check PO number Page 8 of 30 SAP Best PracticesScheduling Agreement with Summarized JIT Call (A67): Configuration Guide Sold-To Party Unloading Point Check PO number A-6701 X 3. Choose Save. Result How the system processes delivery schedules received by Electronic Data Interchange from customer A-6701, or combination of customer/unloading point is defined. A record for every customer is needed! The system checks this record in Customizing for every incoming delivery schedule. If it cannot find a record for the particular sold-to party, it issues an error message and stops processing of the IDoc. Call Control Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Logistics Execution JIT Inbound Call Control Define Call Control 2. Choose New Entries. 3. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, enter the following values: Field name Description User action and values Control YA01 Call Ctrl Short Text General control MAB Logging Active Deselect Note 4. Choose Save. 5. Choose Back. 6. In the Call Control sub dialog, choose Control YA01, and then choose Status change actions from Dialog Structure. 7. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, enter the following values: CurrStatus VF New Status Action VF CREA VF MODI 8. Choose Save. 9. Choose Processing statuses and actions from Dialog Structure. PrSt.Curr Action CREA 0000 0000 JIT2 1000 0000 MODI 1000 0000 VL10 7000 © SAP AG Page 9 of 30 SAP Best PracticesScheduling Agreement with Summarized JIT Call (A67): Configuration Guide PrSt.Curr Action 1000 JIT2 1000 1000 MODI 1000 1000 VL10 7000 7000 MODI 7000 7000 REOR 10. Choose Save. 11. Choose Back and go to the IMG menu. Result The call control type YA01 is defined for the JIT call processing, which is used to control actions based on processing status. With this flexible action net you can also realize various processes in a call control. You can, for example, control a repeat order or a cancellation differently to a standard JIT call. Control Profile for Summarized JIT Calls Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Logistics Execution JIT Inbound Define Control Profiles Define Control Profile for Summarized JIT Calls (SumJC) 2. Choose New Entries. 3. On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen, make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Note SumJC Profile YA0000000001 Profile Text MAB_HEADERDATAF:DELIVERYSPLIT/IDOC Quantity Change Change in Quantity not permitted Procg Status Split Warning, yellow 24:00 Alarm level,red 10:00 Call Relevance Calls are always relevant SumJC DG Split No additional JIT criteria, standard splitting SumJC ID Level Call header (=external call number) Ref. No.Check Deselected ATP Check No ATP Check 4. Choose Save. 5. Choose New Entries. 6. On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen, make the following entries: © SAP AG Page 10 of 30 SAP Best PracticesScheduling Agreement with Summarized JIT Call (A67): Configuration Guide Field name Description User action and values Note SumJC Profile YA0000000002 Profile Text MAB-GRP-INFO FOR DELIVERYSPLIT/IDOC Quantity Change Change in Quantity not permitted Procg Status Split Warning, yellow 24:00 Alarm level,red 10:00 Call Relevance Only Relevant for CGs without production scheduling SumJC DG Split Split per grouping information SumJC ID Level Components group/discrete material (=grouping information) Ref. No.Check Deselected ATP Check No ATP Check 7. Choose Save. 8. Choose Back and go to the IMG menu. Result Control profile for summarized JIT calls YA0000000001 and YA0000000002 are maintained. Components Group Determination Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Logistics Execution JIT Inbound Define Control Profiles Define Components Group Determination 2. Choose New Entries. 3. On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen, enter the following values: Field name Description values Note Determ.Profile YA000001 Text determn prof. MAB CALL CMP AS PART GROUP MATERIAL Prio.unload.point Not relevant for determination – copy to JIT call Prio. of assby locn Obligatory for determining components groups Comp.groups mat. Not relevant for determining components groups Prio.of prod.vers. Not relevant for determining components groups © SAP AG Page 11 of 30 SAP Best PracticesScheduling Agreement with Summarized JIT Call (A67): Configuration Guide Field name Description values Derivation of CG mat Note Component groups material (EDI customer exit/dialog) 4. Choose Save. 5. Choose Back and go to the IMG menu. Result Component group determination YA000001 is maintained. Control Profile for Delivery Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Logistics Execution JIT Inbound Define Control Profiles Define Control Profile for Delivery 2. Choose New Entries. 3. On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen, make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Note Profile dely creatn YA000001 Text ctrl profile PAB_LF01 / PRODN IN IDOC Not rel. picking Selected HU creation Handling units not created PackTransProfile 0002 Type Log.Match No logistics matching Select open dely No goods issue posted Type of Ref. No. External call number Ref. No. in Delivery Header and item lever (Segment E1EDL51 and 52) Ref. No. in BillDoc. No reference numbers in Billing Document IDoc Status Update on GI Deselected 4. Choose Save. 5. Choose Back and go to the IMG menu. Result Control profile for delivery YA000001 is maintained. JIT Customer Use © SAP AG Page 12 of 30 SAP Best PracticesScheduling Agreement with Summarized JIT Call (A67): Configuration Guide This step is to create JIT customer at the supplier side. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Logistics Logistics Execution JIT Inbound Basic Data Maintain Customer Transaction code JITV 2. On the Change View Maintain JIT Customer: Overview screen, choose Maintain JIT Customer in the Dialog Structure and then choose New Entries. 3. On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen, make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values JIT Customer UCAR Sold-to party A-6701 Partner Descr 1000 Cust. time zone JAPAN Usage S Determ.Profile YA000001 Sig.monitor active Select CallType Summarized JIT Call [D] MaintenanceMode Discrete Material /SumJC SumJC Profile YA0000000001 Profile dely creatn YA000001 Note (or your personalized data) 4. Choose Save. 5. Choose Back. 6. In the Maintain JIT Customer sub dialog box, on the Change View Maintain JIT Customer: Overview screen, choose JIT customer: UCAR. 7. Choose Conversion of external status information from Dialog Structure. 8. Choose New Entries. 9. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, make the following entries: Stat. Info Ext. Status VF 0000 VF 1200 VF 1400 VF 10. Choose Maintain Lead Times from Dialog Structure: Field name © SAP AG Description User action and values Note Page 13 of 30 SAP Best PracticesScheduling Agreement with Summarized JIT Call (A67): Configuration Guide Field name Description User action and values Note CG Type Basis Time Time of External Status Change Ext. Status VF Days TimeShift 02:00:00 Prelim.Run 11. Choose Save. 12. Choose Maintain Destinations from Dialog Structure. 13. Choose New Entries. 14. Make the following entries : Field name Description User action and values Destination WSP3 JIT Customer UCAR Unloading Point Tor 10 Assy Loc. YA0004 Note Supply area DestText 1 DestText 2 15. Choose Save. 16. Choose Back. 17. In the Maintain Destination sub dialog box, on the Change View Maintain Destination: Overview screen, choose WSP3. 18. Choose Maintain Components Group Types from Dialog Structure. 19. On the Change View Maintain Components Group Types: Details screen, make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Comp.Grp Type WSP3 Destination WSP3 CG Material A-67-2000_SUP Call Control YA01 Plant 1000 CGText 1 Component Group A67 Note 20. Choose Save. 21. Choose Back and go back the SAP Easy Access screen. Result JIT customer UCAR is created. © SAP AG Page 14 of 30 SAP Best PracticesScheduling Agreement with Summarized JIT Call (A67): Configuration Guide The external status information is maintained. The lead time for the JIT customer UCAR is defined. The inbound destination WSP3 is defined for the JIT customer UCAR. The component group type WSP3 is defined for the JIT customer UCAR. Assigning Sales Order Types Permitted for Sales Areas Use In this menu option, you allocate the allowed order types to each sales area. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SM30 (Customizing Object V_TVAKZ) IMG menu Sales and Distribution Sales Sales Documents Sales Documents Header Assign Sales Area To Sales Document Types 2. In the Choose Activity dialog box, double-click Assign sales order types permitted for sales areas. 3. On the Change View Sales Documents. Allowed Order Types per Sales Org.: Overview screen, choose New Entries and make the following entries: Ref.S RefD Div SaTy 1000 10 10 LZJ 4. Choose Save and then choose Back. Creating Scheduling Agreement LZJ Use The purpose of this activity is to create Sales Scheduling Agreement. Prerequisites Related customizing must exist. Related master data is ready. Perform the following check for your customer master data, A-6701 and so on. Transaction code: XD02 (Changing Customer master data) Menu path: Sales Area Partner Check whether the partner description 1000 exists for partner function SH, which is important for Scheduling agreement, release processing. The incoming customer scheduling agreement (56xxxxxxxx and so on) will use this entry as well as PO No., Customer-material, and sold-to party, to search the corresponding SD scheduling agreement, 35xxxxxx and so on. If not, add the partner description manually. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: © SAP AG Page 15 of 30 SAP Best PracticesScheduling Agreement with Summarized JIT Call (A67): Configuration Guide SAP ECC menu Logistics Logistics Execution JIT Inbound Environment Master Data Scheduling Agreement (SD) Create Transaction code VA31 2. On the Create Scheduling Agreement: Initial Screen, make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Sched.Agreemt Type LZJ Sales Organization 1000 Distribution Channel 10 Division 10 Sales Office 1000 Sales Group 100 Note 3. Confirm your entries. 4. On the Create JIT Scheduling Agt: Overview screen, enter the following values: Field name Description User action and values JIT Scheduling.Agt. 35006701 Sold-to party A-6701 Ship-to Party A-6701 PO Number 5600006701 Note 5. On the Item Overview tab, enter the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Item 10 Material A-67-2000_SUP Rounding Qty 0 Customer Material Number A-67-2000_OEM PO Item 10 Storage location 1040 Note 6. Choose Save. 7. Choose Back and go back to SAP Easy Access screen. Result The Sales Scheduling Agreement 35006701 with scheduling agreement type LZJ is created. Creating Copy Control for Delivery Use This activity copy controls. Procedure © SAP AG Page 16 of 30 SAP Best PracticesScheduling Agreement with Summarized JIT Call (A67): Configuration Guide 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code VTLA IMG menu Logistics Execution Shipping Copying Control Specify Copy Control for Deliveries 2. On the Display View Header: Overview screen, choose Display Change. 3. Select the required combinations of source sales document type and delivery type. Doubleclick Item in the Dialog Structure pane. 4. Choose New Entries. 5. Make the following entries: Sales Doc Type Delivery Type ItemCat Order requirements Item Data Item Ext. System Business Data Update doc flow LZJ LF LZN 101 101 0 2 X +/- 6. Choose Save. 7. Choose Back. Result Controls are copied. 3.2 Configuration in the OEM System 3.2.1 Master Data Maintain 3.2.2 Configuration Creating Message Record for Forecast Delivery Schedule in MM Scheduling Agreement Use The purpose of this activity is to creating the message record for forecast delivery schedule in MM Scheduling Agreement. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Master Data Messages Scheduling Agreement Delivery Schedule Create Transaction code MN10 2. On the Create Output – Condition Records: Purch.SchAgrRelease screen, make the following entries: Field name Output type Description User action and values Note YAH1 3. Choose Key Combination. 4. Confirm the dialog box. © SAP AG Page 17 of 30 SAP Best PracticesScheduling Agreement with Summarized JIT Call (A67): Configuration Guide 5. Make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Purch Organization 1000 Vendor A-V6701 Funct VN Medium 6 Date/Time 3 Note 6. Choose Save. 7. Choose Back and go to SAP Easy Access screen. Profile, Only Basic Data Use Partner profiles for EDI communication are created at the OEM side. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Logistics Logistics Execution Internal Whse Processes Communication with External Systems ALE Administration Runtime Settings Partner Profiles Transaction code WE20 2. On the right area of the Partner profiles screen, select Partner profiles Partner type LI. 3. Choose Create. 4. On the right top area of Partner profiles screen, make the following entries: Field name Description Partner No. User action and values Note A-V6701 The system assigns this number if you create a master record in an application (for example, purchasing, sales). The EDI partner is identified uniquely via the partner number and partner type. If you define your own partner types, they are also identified by this number. 5. On the right area of Partner profiles screen, select Post processing: permitted agent. 6. Make the following entries: Field name © SAP AG Description User action and values Note Page 18 of 30 SAP Best PracticesScheduling Agreement with Summarized JIT Call (A67): Configuration Guide Field name Description User action and values Note Ty. Agent type US Agent type Classifies the recipient of error notifications. Examples 'US': An individual agent is notified. 'O': Agent type is an organizational unit: all persons assigned to this organizational unit are notified. Dependencies Individual persons are assigned to the positions, organizational units and so on in the PD Organizational Model (PD-ORG). AM-MUSTER Permitted users: ID Specifies the job (person or group of people) to be notified if processing errors occur on the IDoc interface. You can define up to three different jobs: In the inbound or outbound partner profiles for special partners, messages and direction. In the general partner profiles for special partners. In the general IDoc Administration settings. Use If an error occurs, only one (the most specific) job is notified. If an error occurs in the ORDERS message for partner HUGH, the system first attempts to determine whether a job responsible for ORDERS and HUGH is defined. If this is not the case, the job defined for HUGH (required entry) is notified. The IDoc administrator is notified if HUGH does not exist at all in the partner profiles. Examples If the recipient type is 'US' ('user'), enter the name of the SAP user who is to be notified. If the recipient type is 'O' ('organizational unit'), enter the organizational unit whose personnel are to be notified. Dependencies This specification depends on how you have configured the PD Organizational Model (PD-ORG). EN If an error occurs, SAPoffice notifies the permitted user in this language. Agent Lang. Language of notification 7. Choose Save. © SAP AG Page 19 of 30 SAP Best PracticesScheduling Agreement with Summarized JIT Call (A67): Configuration Guide If the partner already exists, you can change the partner or choose a different customer. If the customer number does not exist in your system, the following error message appears: Enter a permitted partner number. Result Partner profile for A-V6701 is created successfully. Profile Outbox for DELFOR and SEQJIT Use Outbound parameters in partner profiles are created at OEM side. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Logistics Logistics Execution Internal Whse Processes Communication with External Systems ALE Administration Runtime Settings Partner Profiles Transaction code WE20 2. On the right area of the Partner profiles screen, select Partner profiles Partner type LI A-V6701. 3. On the right area of Partner profiles screen, choose Insert under Outbound parmtrs. 4. On the Partner profiles: Outbound parameters screen, make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Note Partner Role Partner function of sender VN As an optional parameter, the partner function containing the sender and the recipient can be specified. Example: 'VN' for 'vendor' or 'AG' for 'sold-to party'. SNDPFC, SNDPRN and SNDPRT provide a unique ID for the sender. They are among the key fields in the partner profiles, which are used in inbound processing, for example, to determine the process code and therefore the internal processing for the IDoc. Therefore, if the sender function has been specified in the inbound partner profiles, the external system must maintain the field with the corresponding value. © SAP AG Page 20 of 30 SAP Best PracticesScheduling Agreement with Summarized JIT Call (A67): Configuration Guide Field name Description Message type User action and values Note DELFOR In EDI, message types are assigned to SAP document types uniquely. Their names correspond as much as possible to those of the UN/EDIFACT standard. ALE scenarios, on the other hand, have no EDIFACT correspondence, for example when master data is transmitted. Example ORDERS for purchase order data INVOIC for invoice data 5. On the bottom area of the screen Partner profiles: Outbound parameters, select outbound options tab. 6. Make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Note Receiver Port Z_AUTO Specifies how the IDocs are transferred to the EDI subsystem. There are various technical possibilities for this communication known as port types. The choice of port type also depends on the technical capabilities of the EDI subsystem. Output Mode Transfer IDoc immed. Output is started immediately for each individual IDoc. Basic type DELFOR02 Basic types can be used without additional coding for data communication: SAP supplies functions modules, which enter application data in the basic types. Basic types can be extended by the customer with upward-compatibility. Cancel Processing After Syntax Error X If you select the syntax check, the IDoc Interface terminates the processing if a syntax error is found. If you do not select the syntax check, the IDoc Interface continues the processing. You receive a message that a syntax error was found. 7. Choose Save. 8. Repeat steps 1-7 to make the following entries: Partn er No. Partn. Type Partner Role AV6701 LI VN © SAP AG Mess age Type Recei ver Port SEQJ IT Z_AUT O Packet Size IDoc Type 1 SEQJ IT03 Transfe r IDoc Immed. Cancel Processing After Syntax Error X X Page 21 of 30 SAP Best PracticesScheduling Agreement with Summarized JIT Call (A67): Configuration Guide Result The message types DELFOR and SEQJIT are maintained for partner profile A-V6701. Partner Profiles Message Control for DELFOR and SEQJIT Use Message Control of outbound parameters in partner profiles is created at OEM side. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Logistics Logistics Execution Internal Whse Processes Communication with External Systems ALE Administration Runtime Settings Partner Profiles Transaction code WE20 2. On the right area of the Partner profiles screen, select Partner profiles Partner type LI A-V6701. 3. On the right area of Partner profiles: Outbound parmtrs screen, double-click following item. Field name Description User action and values Partner Role VN Message Type DELFOR Note 4. On the bottom area of the Partner profiles: Outbound parameters screen, select Message Control options tab. 5. Make the following entries: Field name Application © SAP AG Description User action and values Note EL This key field is assigned to the corresponding message control (output control) field. Together with the output type, it uniquely identifies a message type in message control that can then be assigned uniquely to an IDoc type. Examples 'EA' = 'Purchasing RFQ' in Materials Management (MM). 'V3' = 'Billing' in Sales and Distribution (SD). Page 22 of 30 SAP Best PracticesScheduling Agreement with Summarized JIT Call (A67): Configuration Guide Message type YAH1 This key field is assigned to the corresponding message control (output control) field. Together with the application, it uniquely identifies a message type in message control that can then be assigned uniquely to an IDoc type. Examples 'NEW' = 'New message', such as a new purchase order (application 'EF') or a new request for quotation (application 'EA'). 'LAVA' = 'Shipping notification' in dispatch (application 'V2'). Process code ME14 The IDoc Interface uses the process code to determine the application selection module, which converts the SAP document into an IDoc. Examples ME10: Purchase order (MM) SD09: Invoice 6. Choose Save. 7. Repeat steps 1-6 to make the following entries: Partner No Partn.Type Partner Role Message Type Application Message Type Process Code A-V6701 LI VN SEQJIT PA OJIT SJCL Result The message type YAH1 has been maintained for message type DELFOR and the message type OJIT has been maintained for message type SEQJIT. JIT Call Control Procedure Step 1: Define Processing Status 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Logistics Execution JIT Inbound Call Control Define External Status and Internal Processing Status 2. On the Change View Define Internal Processing Status: Overview screen, choose the Define Internal Processing Status from Dialog Structure. 3. Ensure the following values exist in the table. Otherwise, on the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, choose New Entries to enter the correspondent values: ProcStat Text Call not saved/deleted © SAP AG Page 23 of 30 SAP Best PracticesScheduling Agreement with Summarized JIT Call (A67): Configuration Guide ProcStat Text 0000 JIT-call created JIT 指示生成済 1000 JIT-call modified JIT 指示変更済 1400 JITOUT MAB: ASN created JIT 出力 MSB:ASN 生成済 1600 JITOUT MAB: GR posted JIT 出力 MSB:入庫転記済 1700 JITOUT MAB: JC finished JIT 出力 MSB:JC 完了 7000 Delivery created 出荷生成済 4. Choose Save. 5. Choose Back and go to the IMG menu. Step 2: Define JIT Call control 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Logistics Execution JIT Outbound Call Control Define Call Control 2. Choose New Entries. 3. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Control YA01 Call Ctrl Short Text Summarized JIT call control Logging Active Deselect Note 4. Choose Save. 5. Choose Back. 6. In the Call Control sub dialog, choose Control YA01, and then choose Processing statuses and actions from Dialog Structure. PrSt.Curr Action OCRE 0000 0000 OMOD 0000 0000 OSDD 1400 0000 OSHP 1400 1400 OGRE 1600 1600 OFIN 1700 © SAP AG Page 24 of 30 SAP Best PracticesScheduling Agreement with Summarized JIT Call (A67): Configuration Guide PrSt.Curr Action 1700 OARC 1700 OREO 7. Choose Save. 8. Choose Back and go to the IMG menu. Result The call control YA01 is maintained. JIT Call Profile Use In this step, JIT call profile is defined, which is assigned to a control cycle, thereby setting the automatic controls for all JIT calls created via this control cycle. A JIT call profile consists of: The JIT call type (the summarized JIT call is currently available) The partner role The type of summary The time definition Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Logistic Execution JIT Outbound Control Profiles Define JIT Call Profile 2. Choose New Entries 3. On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen, make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values JC profile YA01 JIT call profil SumJC (Outbound) Note SumJC ( 送信) JIT Call type S Partner Role JC VN Summary Summary by plant, unloading point Time definition Call Control YA01 Messg Det. Usage Message Determination Required 4. Choose Save (Ctrl + S). 5. Choose Back (F3). © SAP AG Page 25 of 30 SAP Best PracticesScheduling Agreement with Summarized JIT Call (A67): Configuration Guide Result The summarized JIT call profile ZJC1 has been created. Condition: JIT Call Use The purpose of this activity is to create the message condition for JIT calls. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Logistics Production KANBAN JIT Call Message Conditions Create Transaction code PJNK1 2. On the Create Output - Condition Record: JIT Call screen, make the following entries: Field name Description Output Type User action and values Note OJIT 3. Choose Key Combination (Enter). 4. On the key Combination screen, select following checkbox: Field name Description User action and values Note Plant/JC Profile/vendor 5. Choose Enter. 6. On the Create Condition Records (Outbound JIT-Call):Fast Entry screen, select the following entry: Field name Description User action and values Plant 1000 JC Profile YA01 Vendor A-V6701 Funct Partner Function Note VN Medium 6 Date/Time 3 EDI 7. Choose Save (Ctrl + S). Result The message condition for summarized JIT call OJIT for A-V6701 has been created. MM Scheduling Agreement Use The purpose of this activity is to create the scheduling agreement, which is to be used in the replenishment of external procured components with KANBAN. © SAP AG Page 26 of 30 SAP Best PracticesScheduling Agreement with Summarized JIT Call (A67): Configuration Guide Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Logistics Material Management Purchasing Master Data Subsequent Settlement Vendor Rebate Arrangement Environment Vendor Environment Outline agreement Create Transaction code ME31 2. On the Create Contract: Initial Screen, make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Vendor A-V6701 Agreement Type LPA Agreement 5600006701 Note Organizational Data Purch. Organization 10000 Purchasing Group 100 Default Data for Items Plant 1000 Storage Location 1040 3. Choose Continue (Enter). 4. On the Create Scheduling Agreement: Header Data screen, make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Validity end For example: 2099.12.31 Invoicing party A-V6701 Suppl. vendor A-V6701 Note 5. On the Create Scheduling Agreement: Item Overview screen, make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Item 10 Material A-67-2000_OEM Target Quantity 1000000 Net Price 120 Note 6. Select the item and choose Item Details. 7. On the Display Scheduling Agreement: Item 0010 screen, make the following entries: Field name Description Tax Code User action and values Note V1 8. Choose Additional data and make the following entries: Field name © SAP AG Description User action and values Note Page 27 of 30 SAP Best PracticesScheduling Agreement with Summarized JIT Call (A67): Configuration Guide Field name Description User action and values Kanban Indicat. Z Creation profile YA02 Note 9. Choose Save. Result The scheduling agreement 5600006701 with type LPA has been created. Defining Replenishment Strategies for External Procurement Use The purpose of this activity is to define replenishment strategies for external procurement. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Logistic Execution JIT Outbound Summarized JIT Call Define Replenishment Strategies For External Procurement 2. On the Change View “ Replenishment Strategy: Ex. Procurement for SumJC”: Over screen, select following entry: Field name Description User action and values Plant 1000 Ext. Procurement. YA01 Replenishment Strategy Description Rep. Strategy: Ext. Proc. for Sum. JC Note 補充方針:サマリ JC のための外部調達 3. Choose Details. 4. On the Change View “ Replenishment Strategy: Ex. Procurement for SumJC “: Deta screen, make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Trans.Type 101 Variable Source X Use PIs No functional use, packing instruction is a commentary Ctrl Cycle Card CONTROLCYCLE Print Function PK_CONTROLCYCLE_PRINT Note 5. Choose Save (Ctrl + S). 6. Choose Back (F3). Result © SAP AG Page 28 of 30 SAP Best PracticesScheduling Agreement with Summarized JIT Call (A67): Configuration Guide The external procurement strategy YA01 is maintained. Manual Step: Creating Control Cycle Use The control cycle is required when you create summarized JIT call. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Logistics Production KANBAN Control Cycle Control Cycle Maintenance Transaction code PKMC 2. On the Control Cycle Maintenance: Display screen, make the following entries and choose Data Selection (F8). Field name Description Plant User action and values Note 1000 3. On the Control Cycle Maintenance: Display screen, choose Display Change (F7) to switch to change mode. 4. On the Control Cycle Maintenance: Change screen, choose Create Control Cycle. 5. In the Create Control Cycle dialog box, choose Manual SumJC, and make the following entry, then choose Continue (Enter). Field name Description User action and values Material A-67-2000_OEM Supply Area YA0004 Note 6. On the Control Cycle Maintenance: Change screen, make the following entries. Field name Description User action and values Call Item Qty 10 No.Load Carrier 1 Ext. Procurement YA01 Note 7. Choose Flow Control Tab page and make the following entries: Field name Description JIT call Profile User action and values Note YA01 8. Choose Enter. 9. Choose External Procurement tab page and make the following entries: Field name Description Agreement User action and values Note 5600006701 Item 10 10. Choose Enter and Save. © SAP AG Page 29 of 30 SAP Best PracticesScheduling Agreement with Summarized JIT Call (A67): Configuration Guide Maintaining Source List Use The purpose of this activity is to create source list. Prerequisites Related customizing must exist. Related master data exist. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Logistic Logistics Execution JIT Outbound Environment Master Data Maintain Source List Transaction code ME01 2. On the Maintain Source List: Initial Screen, make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Material A-67-2000_OEM Plant 1000 Note 3. Choose Enter. 4. On the Maintain Source List: Overview screen, make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Valid from Today Valid to For example: 2099.12.31 Vendor A-V6701 Porg 1000 Agmt 5600006701 Item 10 Fix X MRP 2 Note 5. Choose Save. 6. Choose Back. Result Purchase Source List for material A-67-2000_OEM is created. © SAP AG Page 30 of 30