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By **HIMEL VAI*****
১। Confusing Words:
Mulish (
) = Stubborn, Inflexible.
Glib (
) = Smooth.
Fishy (
) = doubtful.
Coy (
) = kittenish, shy.
Stiff (
) = rigid.
Supple (
) = flexible.
Fierce (
) = aggressive.
Tame (
) = cooperative.
Brittleness (
) = instability.
Ransack (
) = search thoroughly.
Vanquish (
) = defeat thoroughly.
Seemly (
) = suitable, apposite.
Torrid (
) = hot, scorching.
Horrid (
) = horrible.
Altar (
) = flat-topped block or table.
Tallow (
) = hard fatty substance.
Chew (
) = munch, eat.
Blink (
Mania (
) = flash.
) = obsession.
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Paranoia (
) = obsession.
Nightmare (
) = bad dream.
Amnesiac (
) = person of memory loss.
Indigent (
) = poor.
Frown (
) = dislike.
Blush (
) = redden, rosiness.
Pallor (
) = lack of colour.
Sneer (
) = cruel smile.
Contempt (
) = feeling that a person is worthless.
Hermit (
) = loner, introvert.
Gregarious (
) = social.
Ascetic (
)= simple.
Hedonistic (
Crab (
) = pleasure-seeking.
) = One Kind Of Crustaceans
Crustacean (
) = Mollusk
Callow (
) = inexperienced.
Crusty (
) = having hard outer layer.
Fallow (
) = uncultivated.
Turntable (
) = a circular revolving plate.
Eygnet (
) = a young swan.
Indolent (
) = lazy.
Novice (
) = learner.
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Veteran (
) = experienced.
Opaque (
) = obscure.
Nonporous = not having vessels.
Rugs (
) = floor covering.
Mat (
) = protective material.
Drip (
) = drop.
Gush (
) = flow in a rapid stream.
Dent (
) = effect of reduction.
Tributary (
) = stream flowing into a large river.
Impeccable (
) = faultless.
Infallible (
Caterpillar (
Allay (
) = larva of butterfly.
) = relieve fear.
Amputate (
Limb (
)= inerrable.
Assuage (
) = cut off.
) = an arm.
) = pacify pain.
Ecstasy (
) = great happiness.
Deluge (
) = a severe flood.
Apprentice (
) = learner.
Peripheral (
) = secondary.
Hack (
Crave (
Ashik Hossain
) = cut with strong blow.
) = desire.
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Grind (
) = reduce by crushing.
Snip (
) = cut off.
Mince (
) = grind(cut up) into small pieces.
Rancid (
) = smelling unpleasant.
Stink (
) = have a strong unpleasant smell.
Savoury (
) = an aromatic plant.
Odour (
) = Unpleasant smell.
Tepid (
) = slightly warm.
Silo (
) = place for storing crop.
Bait (
) = food used to attract fish.
Hamper (
) = large busket for laundry.
Subpoena (
) = one type writ.
Dove (
) = pigeon.
Cote (
) = shelter for pigeon.
Den (
) = wild animal's habitation.
Sty (
) = shelter for pig.
Barren (
Fecund (
) = unproductive.
) = fertile.
Incessant (
Hackneyed (
Constellation (
Dally (
Ashik Hossain
) = continuous.
) = banal.
) = group of stars.
) = waste time.
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Squander (
) = waste money.
Trespass (
) = offend.
Carnivore (
) = an animal that feeds on flesh.
Herbivore (
Mare (
) = an animal that feeds on plant.
) = female horse.
Vixen (
) = female fox.
Pony (
) = small horse.
Bray (
) = cry of ass.
Bleat (
) = cry of sheep.
Snout (
) = nose.
Yawn (
) = involuntarily open mouth.
School (
) = a large group of fishes.
Pride (
) = group of lions.
Gustatory (
) = concerned with taste.
Hortatory (
) = tending to encourage.
Olfactory (
) = concerned with smell.
Compile (
) = produce by assembling.
Implicate (
) = involved in a crime.
Amorphous (
) = formless.
Anonymous (
) = nameless.
Rind (
Pit (
) = skin of lemon.
) = hole, coal mine.
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Dune (
) = bank of river.
Omen (
) = signal.
Saddle (
Reins (
) = burden.
) = restrain, brake.
Fathom (
) = a unit of length equal to six feet.
২। Analogy Practice:
1. Stubborn: mulish::
A. glib: fishy
B. coy: kittenish
2. Stiff: Supple::
A. fierce: tame
B. brittleness: soft
3. Search: _____:: defeat: vanquish
A. ransack
B. find
4. Seemly: _____:: torrid: scorching
A. apposite
B. horrid
5. Statue: bronze::
A. temple: altar
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B. candle: tallow
6. Walk: legs::
A. chew: mouth
B. blink: eyes
7. Enthusiasm: mania::
A. suspicion: paranoia
B. nightmare: hallucination
8. Building: storey::
A. ladder: rung
B. wall: brick
9. Blind: sight::
A. amnesiac: memory
B. indigent: wit
10. Frown: displeasure::
A. blush: pallor
B. sneer: contempt
11. Hermit: gregarious::
A. ascetic: hedonistic
B. crab: crustacean
12. Callow: maturity::
A. crusty: incivility
B. fallow: productivity
13. Reel: tape::
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A. turntable: record
B. spool: thread
14. Cygnet: swan::
A. kid: goat
B. gender: goose
15. Lazy: indolent::
A. introvert: unsocial
B. novice: veteran
16. Opaque: light::
A. reflective: mirror
B. nonporous: liquid
17. Walls: corner::
A. rugs: mat
B. bones: joint
18. Drip: gush::
A. dent: destroy
B. stream: tributary
19. Impeccable: flaw::
A. irreversible: cure
B. infallible: error
20. Ostrich: bird::
A. tiger: cat
B. caterpillar: moth
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21. Allay: fear::
A. amputate: limb
B. assuage: pain
22. Joy: ecstasy::
A. breeze: hurricane
B. deluge: flood
23. Apprentice: master::
A. slave: owner
B. pupil: teacher
24. Relevant: crucial::
A. peripheral: central
B. perceptible: obvious
25. Hack: crave::
A. grind: polish
B. snip: mince
26. Rancid: stink::
A. savory: odour
B. tepid: temperature
27. Assent: dissent::
Supported by :
FB group: Banking Career in Bangladesh
A. endorse: ratify
B. affirm: spindle
28. Silo: corn::
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A. mill: grain
B. reservoir: water
29. Needle: knit::
A. loom: weave
B. bait: fish
30. Mail: mailbox::
A. gasoline: pump
B. laundry: hamper
31. Royalty: payment:
A. gratuity: check
B. subpoena: writ
32. Dove: cote::
A. fox: den
B. pig: sty
33. Barren: fecund:;
A. incessant: continuous
Supported by :
FB group: Banking Career in Bangladesh
B. hackneyed: original
34. Constellation: stars::
A. range: mountains
B. construction: houses
35. Dally: time::
A. squander: money
B. trespass: land
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36. Carnivore: herbivore::
A. animal: bird
B. flesh: plant
37. Horse: mare::
A. fox: vixen
B. donkey: pony
38. Ass: bray::
A. sheep: bleat
B. fox: snout
39. Yawn: boredom::
A. anger: madness
B. smile: amusement
40. Fish: school::
A. lion: pride
B. team: practice
41. Gustatory: taste:;
A. hortatory: hearing
B. olfactory: smell
Supported by :
FB group: Banking Career in Bangladesh
42. Convene: assembly::
A. compile: collection
B. implicate: court
43. Amorphous: form
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A. analogous: parallel
B. anonymous: name
44. Rind: lemon
A. pit: seed
B. shell: egg
45. Crest: wave::
A. sand: dune
B. crown: tree
46. Abhor: dislike::
A. ruin: damage
B. chastise: punish
47. Calorie`: heat::
A. omen: bird
B. acre: area
48. Brake: automobile::
A. boat: saddle
B. reins: horse
49. Degree: temperature::
A. fathom: volume
B. ounce: weight
50. Find: search:;
A. win: fight
B. seek: look
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৩ Analogy Revision
1. Stubborn: mulish::
A. glib: fishy
B. coy: kittenish©
2. Stiff: Supple::
A. fierce: tame©
B. brittleness: soft
3. Search: _____:: defeat: vanquish
A. ransack©
B. find
4. Seemly: _____:: torrid: scorching
A. apposite©
B. horrid
5. Statue: bronze::
A. temple: altar
B. candle: tallow©
6. Walk: legs::
A. chew: mouth©
B. blink: eyes
7. Enthusiasm: mania::
A. suspicion: paranoia
B. nightmare: hallucination©
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8. Building: storey::
A. ladder: rung©
B. wall: brick
9. Blind: sight::
A. amnesiac: memory©
B. indigent: wit
10. Frown: displeasure::
A. blush: pallor
B. sneer: contempt©
11. Hermit: gregarious::
A. ascetic: hedonistic©
B. crab: crustacean
12. Callow: maturity::
A. crusty: incivility
B. fallow: productivity©
13. Reel: tape::
A. turntable: record
B. spool: thread©
14. Cygnet: swan::
A. kid: goat©
B. gender: goose
15. Lazy: indolent::
A. introvert: unsocial©
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B. novice: veteran
16. Opaque: light::
A. reflective: mirror
B. nonporous: liquid©
17. Walls: corner::
A. rugs: mat
B. bones: joint©
18. Drip: gush::
A. dent: destroy©
B. stream: tributary
19. Impeccable: flaw::
A. irreversible: cure
B. infallible: error©
20. Ostrich: bird::
A. tiger: cat
B. caterpillar: moth©
21. Allay: fear::
A. amputate: limb
B. assuage: pain©
22. Joy: ecstasy::
A. breeze: hurricane©
B. deluge: flood
23. Apprentice: master::
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A. slave: owner
B. pupil: teacher©
24. Relevant: crucial::
A. peripheral: central
B. perceptible: obvious©
25. Hack: crave::
A. grind: polish©
B. snip: mince
26. Rancid: stink::
A. savory: odour©
B. tepid: temperature
27. Assent: dissent::
A. endorse: ratify
B. affirm: spindle©
28. Silo: corn::
A. mill: grain
B. reservoir: water©
29. Needle: knit::
A. loom: weave©
B. bait: fish
30. Mail: mailbox::
A. gasoline: pump
B. laundry: hamper©
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31. Royalty: payment:
A. gratuity: check
B. subpoena: writ©
32. Dove: cote::
A. fox: den
B. pig: sty©
33. Barren: fecund:;
A. incessant: continuous
B. hackneyed: original©
34. Constellation: stars::
A. range: mountains©
B. construction: houses
35. Dally: time::
A. squander: money©
B. trespass: land
36. Carnivore: herbivore::
A. animal: bird
B. flesh: plant©
37. Horse: mare::
A. fox: vixen©
B. donkey: pony
38. Ass: bray::
A. sheep: bleat©
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B. fox: snout
39. Yawn: boredom::
A. anger: madness
B. smile: amusement©
40. Fish: school::
A. lion: pride©
B. team: practice
41. Gustatory: taste:;
A. hortatory: hearing
B. olfactory: smell©
42. Convene: assembly::
A. compile: collection©
B. implicate: court
43. Amorphous: form
A. analogous: parallel
B. anonymous: name©
44. Rind: lemon
A. pit: seed
B. shell: egg©
45. Crest: wave::
A. sand: dune
B. crown: tree©
46. Abhor: dislike::
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A. ruin: damage©
B. chastise: punish
47. Calorie`: heat::
A. omen: bird
B. acre: area©
48. Brake: automobile::
A. boat: saddle
B. reins: horse©
49. Degree: temperature::
A. fathom: volume
B. ounce: weight©
50. Find: search:;
A. win: fight©
B. seek: look
৪ Relationship Justification:
Mulish (
Glib (
) = Stubborn, Inflexible.
) = Smooth.
Fishy (
Coy (
) = doubtful.
) = kittenish, shy.
Stiff (
) = rigid.
Supple (
) = flexible.
Fierce (
) = aggressive.
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Tame (
) = cooperative.
Brittleness (
) = instability.
Ransack (
) = search thoroughly.
Vanquish (
) = defeat thoroughly.
Seemly (
) = suitable, apposite.
Torrid (
) = hot, scorching.
Horrid (
) = horrible.
Altar (
) = flat-topped block or table.
Tallow (
) = hard fatty substance.
Chew (
) = munch, eat.
Blink (
Mania (
) = flash.
) = obsession.
Paranoia (
Nightmare (
) = obsession.
) = bad dream.
Amnesiac (
) = person of memory loss.
Indigent (
) = poor.
Frown (
) = dislike.
Blush (
) = redden, rosiness.
Pallor (
Sneer (
) = lack of colour.
) = cruel smile.
Contempt (
) = feeling that a person is worthless.
Hermit (
) = loner, introvert.
Ashik Hossain
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Gregarious (
) = social.
Ascetic (
)= simple.
Hedonistic (
Crab (
) = pleasure-seeking.
) = One Kind Of Crustaceans
Crustacean (
) = Mollusk
Callow (
) = inexperienced.
Crusty (
) = having hard outer layer.
Fallow (
) = uncultivated.
Turntable (
) = a circular revolving plate.
Eygnet (
) = a young swan.
Indolent (
) = lazy.
Novice (
) = learner.
Veteran (
) = experienced.
Opaque (
) = obscure.
Nonporous = not having vessels.
Rugs (
Mat (
) = floor covering.
) = protective material.
Drip (
Gush (
Dent (
) = drop.
) = flow in a rapid stream.
) = effect of reduction.
Tributary (
) = stream flowing into a large river.
Impeccable (
) = faultless.
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Infallible (
Caterpillar (
)= inerrable.
) = larva of butterfly.
Allay (
) = relieve fear.
Amputate (
Limb (
) = cut off.
) = an arm.
Assuage (
) = pacify pain.
Ecstasy (
) = great happiness.
Deluge (
) = a severe flood.
Apprentice (
) = learner.
Peripheral (
) = secondary.
Hack (
) = cut with strong blow.
Crave (
) = desire.
Grind (
) = reduce by crushing.
Snip (
) = cut off.
Mince (
) = grind(cut up) into small pieces.
Rancid (
) = smelling unpleasant.
Stink (
) = have a strong unpleasant smell.
Savoury (
Odour (
) = an aromatic plant.
) = Unpleasant smell.
Tepid (
) = slightly warm.
Silo (
) = place for storing crop.
Bait (
) = food used to attract fish.
Ashik Hossain
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Hamper (
) = large busket for laundry.
Subpoena (
) = one type writ.
Dove (
) = pigeon.
Cote (
) = shelter for pigeon.
Den (
) = wild animal's habitation.
Sty (
) = shelter for pig.
Barren (
Fecund (
) = unproductive.
) = fertile.
Incessant (
) = continuous.
Hackneyed (
) = banal.
Constellation (
Dally (
) = group of stars.
) = waste time.
Squander (
) = waste money.
Trespass (
) = offend.
Carnivore (
) = an animal that feeds on flesh.
Herbivore (
Mare (
) = an animal that feeds on plant.
) = female horse.
Vixen (
) = female fox.
Pony (
) = small horse.
Bray (
) = cry of ass.
Bleat (
Snout (
Ashik Hossain
) = cry of sheep.
) = nose.
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Yawn (
) = involuntarily open mouth.
School (
) = a large group of fishes.
Pride (
) = group of lions.
Gustatory (
) = concerned with taste.
Hortatory (
) = tending to encourage.
Olfactory (
) = concerned with smell.
Compile (
) = produce by assembling.
Implicate (
) = involved in a crime.
Amorphous (
) = formless.
Anonymous (
) = nameless.
Rind (
Pit (
) = skin of lemon.
) = hole, coal mine.
Dune (
) = bank of river.
Omen (
) = signal.
Saddle (
Reins (
) = burden.
) = restrain, brake.
Fathom (
) = a unit of length equal to six feet.
Supported by :
FB group: Banking Career in Bangladesh
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