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Seminar 3

I. The set of questions:
1. Historical background: the Puritans and Pilgrims; the Mayflower Compact.
2. The History of American colonization.
3. Colonial writers:
 Prose:
1. W. Bradford “Of Plymouth Plantation”, other works, style, themes.
2. J. Winthrop “The History of New England”, style, themes.
3. Puritan theocracy, its main ideas and principles in the works by E. Johnson,
Th. Hooker, J. Cotton (statements of the Puritan laws).
4. The Mathers: R. Mather, I. Mather, C. Mather: literary works, themes, genres,
5. Objectors of the Puritan theocracy: A. Hutchinson, R. Williams: literary works,
themes, genres, styles.
 Poetry:
1. Bradstreet: literary works, themes, genres, style.
2. E. Taylor: literary works, themes, genres, style.
3. M. Wigglesworth: literary works, themes, genres, style.
 Fiction:
1. S. Sewall: literary works, themes, genres, style.
2. M. Rowlandson: literary works, themes, genres, style.
3. J. Woolman: literary works, themes, genres, style.
4. J. Edwards: literary works, themes, genres, style.
5. Literature in Southern and Middle colonies:
6. W. Byrd: literary works, themes, genres, style.
7. R. Beverley: literary works, themes, genres, style.
8. Black literature: its representatives (O. Equiano, J. Hammon), genres, themes, specifics, style.
4. General characteristic of Puritan literature: contents, style, main themes, genres.
Prepare e-presentations, gathering together in several groups of 2-4 people, be ready to
act them out, and send them to my e-mail on Tuesday (not later!!!).
Do not forget to use the information given in Reader 3 too (as proofs of your ideas).
II. Define the following terms and learn their definitions by heart:
a history (a historia); a sermon; poetry, a poem; a diary; an account; an essay; a journal; a letter; a slave narrative.
III. Prepare for the test in Pre-Columbian and Columbian Periods, searching for short answers in Test №2 (e-study-guide).
IV. Project tasks:
1. Read READER 3, focusing on the questions as follows:
 What are the peculiarities of the Colonial literature?
 What are the main genres of the Colonial literature?
 Who are the main representatives of that period of American literature?
 What are the main themes of the Colonial period?
2. Prepare a short article (20-30 sentences) on one of the following, summarizing the given
1. Historical background: the Puritans and Pilgrims; the Mayflower Compact and the History
of American colonization.
2. W. Bradford “Of Plymouth Plantation”, other works, style, themes.
3. J. Winthrop “The History of New England”, style, themes.
4. Puritan theocracy, its main ideas and principles in the works by E. Johnson, Th. Hooker,
J. Cotton (statements of the Puritan laws).
5. The Mathers: R. Mather, I. Mather, C. Mather: literary works, themes, genres, styles.
6. Objectors of the Puritan theocracy: A. Hutchinson, R. Williams: literary works, themes, genres, styles.
7. A. Bradstreet: literary works, themes, genres, style.
8. E. Taylor: literary works, themes, genres, style.
9. Crossword: “Historical background: Puritans vs Pilgrims and the Mayflower Compact”. (not
less than 20 questions).
10. Some interesting facts about the History of American colonization.
PART II (in a seminar):
1. M. Wigglesworth: literary works, themes, genres, style.
2. S. Sewall: literary works, themes, genres, style.
3. M. Rowlandson: literary works, themes, genres, style.
4. J. Woolman: literary works, themes, genres, style.
5. J. Edwards: literary works, themes, genres, style.
6. Literature in Southern and Middle colonies: W. Byrd: literary works, themes, genres, style
and R. Beverley: literary works, themes, genres, style.
7. Black literature: its representatives (O. Equiano, J. Hammon), genres, themes, specifics,
8. General characteristic of Puritan literature: contents, style, main themes, genres.
9. Crossword: “Colonial prose and poetry” (not less than 20 questions).
10. Some interesting facts about American Colonial Life and Literature.