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The Great Gatsby questions

“The Great Gatsby” Possible Essay Questions
Choose a novel or short story in which the method of narration is
important. Outline briefly the writer’s method of narration and explain why
you feel this method makes such a major contribution to your understanding
of the text as a whole.
Choose a novel or short story in which there is a moment of significance for
one of the characters. Explain briefly what the significant moment is and
discuss, with reference to appropriate techniques, its significance to the text
as a whole.
Choose a novel or short story which has a satisfying ending. Discuss to what
extent the ending provides a successful conclusion to the text as a whole.
Choose a novel or short story in which there is a central character to whom
you react with mixed feelings. With reference to appropriate techniques,
briefly explain why you react to the character in this way and discuss how this
reaction adds to your understanding of the text as a whole.
Choose a novel or short story that deals with a theme of moral or social
significance. With reference to appropriate techniques, explain how the
writer develops this theme and discuss why its development adds to your
appreciation of the text as a whole.
Choose a novel or short story in which the choice of setting is central to
your appreciation of the text. Briefly explain how the writer effectively
creates setting and, with reference to appropriate techniques, discuss how
the writer’s presentation of the setting is central to your appreciation of the
text as a whole.
Choose a novel or short story in which there is a character who experiences
rejection or isolation. With reference to appropriate techniques, explain the
rejection or isolation, and discuss how this aspect adds to your appreciation
of the text as a whole.
Choose a novel or short story which has an effective opening or conclusion.
With reference to appropriate techniques, explain why the opening or
conclusion is effective and discuss how it adds to your appreciation of the
text as a whole.
Choose a novel or short story which deals with the theme of love or loss or
redemption. With reference to appropriate techniques, explain how the
writer develops this theme, and discuss how it adds to your understanding of
the text as a whole.
Choose a novel or short story in which there is a complex character for
whom the reader has some sympathy. With reference to appropriate
techniques, explain the nature of the complexity and discuss how your
response to this character adds to your appreciation of the text as a whole.
Choose a novel or short story in which important human values are
explored. With reference to appropriate techniques, explain how these
values are explored and discuss how this adds to your appreciation of the
text as a whole.
Choose a novel or short story in which the setting in time and/or place is
important to your understanding of the text. By referring to appropriate
techniques, explain the nature of the setting and discuss how it is important
to your understanding of the text as a whole.
Choose a novel with a central character you consider to be heroic.
Show how the heroic qualities are revealed and discuss how this portrayal of
the character enhances your understanding of the text as a whole.
Choose a novel in which the setting in time and/or place is a significant
Show how the writer’s use of setting contributes to your understanding of
character and theme.
Choose a novel which deals with true love, unrequited love or love
Discuss the writer’s exploration of the theme and show to what extent it
conveys a powerful message about the nature of love.
Choose a novel which features a relationship between two characters which
is confrontational or corrosive.
Describe how the relationship is portrayed and discuss to what extent the
nature of the relationship influences your understanding of the text as a
Choose a novel in which a character experiences a moment of revelation.
Describe briefly what is revealed and discuss its significance to your
understanding of character and/or theme.
Choose a novel in which a character seeks to escape from the constraints of
his or her environment or situation.
Explain why the character feels the need to escape and show how his or her
response to the situation illuminates a central concern of the text.
Choose a novel which explores loss or futility or failure.
Discuss how the writer explores one of these ideas in a way you find
Choose a novel in which a main character refuses to accept advice or to
conform to expectations.
Explain the circumstances of the refusal and discuss its importance to your
understanding of the character in the novel as a whole.
Choose an novel in which a central character is flawed but remains an
admirable figure.
Show how the writer makes you aware of these aspects of personality and
discuss how this feature of characterisation enhances your appreciation of
the text as a whole.
Choose a novel in which friendship or love is put to the test.
Explain briefly how this situation arises and go on to discuss how the
outcome of the test leads you to a greater understanding of the central
concerns of the text.
Choose a novel in which the narrative point of view is a significant feature
in your appreciation of the text.
Show how the writer’s use of this feature enhances your understanding of
the central concerns of the text.
Choose a novel in which a character is influenced by a particular location or
Explain how the character is influenced by the location or setting and discuss
how this enhances your understanding of the text as a whole.
Choose a novel in which there is an act of kindness or of compassion.
Explain briefly the nature of the act and discuss its importance to your
understanding of the text as a whole.
Choose a novel in which the death of a central character clarifies an
important theme in the text.
Show how this theme is explored in the novel as a whole and discuss how the
death of the character clarifies this theme.
Choose a novel in which a character reaches a crisis point.
Explain briefly how this point is reached and go on to discuss how the
character’s response to the situation extends your understanding of him/her.
Choose a novel in which one of the main characters is not in harmony with
his/her society.
Describe the character’s situation and go on to discuss how it adds to your
understanding of a central concern of the text.
Choose a novel in which a confrontation between two characters is of
central importance in the text.
Explain the circumstances of the confrontation and discuss its importance to
your understanding of the novel as a whole.
Choose a novel which is set during a period of social or political change.
Discuss how important the writer’s evocation of the period is to your
appreciation of the text a whole.