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Momentum Theory in hover

Momentum Theory
•We saw that the helicopter’s rotor
provides three basic functions:
•Generation of Lift
•Generation of propulsive force for forward
•Generates forces to control attitude and
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Momentum Theory
• The helicopter must be able to operate in a
variety of flow regimes:
Forward flight
Backward flight
Any flight regime that is a combination of the
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Momentum Theory
• The main goal of the helicopter is it’s ability to
• Hover is also the simplest of the flight regimes, so
it should be the easiest to model
• Although it’s the simplest flight regime it is still
complicated enough.
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Momentum Theory
• Let’s simplify our first approach and develop a
simple method capable of predicting the rotor
thrust and power
Momentum Theory
• First developed by Rankine (1895) for marine
propellers and developed further and generalized
by several other authors
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• Conditions in hover:
No forward speed
No vertical speed
The flow field is axisymetrical
There is a wake boundary with the flow outside this
boundary being quiescent
– The flow velocities inside this boundary can be quite
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• Momentum theory concerns itself with the global
balance of mass, momentum, and energy.
• It does not concern itself with details of the flow
around the blades.
• It gives a good representation of what is
happening from a view far away from the rotor.
• This theory makes a number of simplifying
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• Rotor is modeled as an actuator disk which adds
momentum and energy to the flow.
• Flow is incompressible.
• Flow is steady, inviscid, irrotational.
• Flow is one-dimensional, and uniform through the
rotor disk, and in the far wake.
• There is no swirl in the wake.
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Representation and notation
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Conservation of Mass
– Air inflow trough control surface 0:
– There is no inflow/outflow through the side boundaries:
– Airflow trough control surface ∞
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Conservation of Mass through the rotor
– Air inflow trough the rotor disk control surface 1:
– Air inflow trough the rotor disk control surface 2:
– Since the two surfaces (A1=A2=A) are equal:
– There is no velocity jump across the rotor disk. vi is the
induced velocity at the rotor disk.
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Hover conditions
• In hover Vc→0:
– The velocity at station 0 is 0
– The velocity at the rotor is the induced velocity at the
rotor vi
– The velocity at the far field is the induced velocity at
the far field w
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Momentum and energy equations
• The momentum rate of change is equal to the applied
• The work done per unit time (power) done by the rotor is
equal to the energy rate of change
• Eliminating
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Conservation of Mass through the
rotor disk
• At control surface 1:
• At control surface ∞
• And:
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Conservation of Mass
• We can reach the conclusion that:
– The far wake induce velocity is twice the induce
velocity at the disk
– The far wake area is half the rotor disk area
– In reality
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Bernoulli equation
• Consider a particle that goes from Station 0
to station ∞
• We can apply Bernoulli equation between:
– Stations 0 and 1,
– Stations 2 and ∞.
• Recall assumptions that the flow is steady,
irrotational, inviscid.
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Bernoulli equation
• From the previous expressions we have:
Flow field
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Induced Velocity at the rotor disk
• We can now compute the induced velocity at the
rotor disk in terms of the thrust T
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Induced Velocity at the rotor disk
• And the following expression can be obtained:
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Ideal Power
• Power consumed=Energy rate flow out-Energy
rate flow in
• So:
Or in terms of the induced velocity:
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Disk Loading
• Disk loading is defined as the ratio of the thrust by
the disk area:
• The expression of the induced velocity at the rotor
can then be expressed in terms of the disk loading:
• Remember that in hover T=W
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Power Loading
• Power Loading is defined as:
• On the other hand the induced velocity at the rotor
can be obtained from:
• We can then write:
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Induced inflow ratio
• The induced velocity at the rotor can be expressed
in the following manner:
• λh is called the induced inflow ratio
• For rotating-wing aircraft it is the convention to
nondimensionalize all velocities by the blade tip
speed in hover
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Thrust coefficient
• Since the convention is to nondimensionalize the
velocities by the blade tip speed, we can define
the thrust coefficient:
• The inflow ratio can then be expressed
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Power coefficient
• The rotor power coefficient is defined as:
• Since the power is related to the rotor shaft torque
by P=ΩQ and the rotor shaft torque is defined by:
• We can conclude that CP=CQ
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Thrust and power coefficient
• The two coefficient can be related using the
momentum theory.
• Therefore
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Figure merit
• All the previous expression were calculated for an
ideal rotor in an ideal fluid
• There is the necessity to calculate the rotor
• In 1940 Prewitt of Kellett Aircraft introduce the
Figure of Merit
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Figure of Merit
• The ideal power is calculated
momentum theory so we can write
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Figure of merit
• Because a helicopter spends considerable portions
of time in hover, designers attempt to optimize the
rotor for hover (FM~0.8).
• A rotor with a lower figure of merit (FM~0.6) is
not necessarily a bad rotor. It has simply been
optimized for other conditions (e.g. high speed
forward flight).
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Non Ideal effects
• Until now we have considered ideal situation
• We did not take into account situations like:
Non-uniform inflow
Tip losses
Wake swirl
Non ideal wake contraction
Finite number of blades
• We can then take into account these factors and
compute more accurately the necessary rotor
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Non Ideal effects
• First let’s correct the power coefficient using a
correction factor (induced power coefficient):
• Where κ is the induced power correction factor
• Typical value of κ is 1.15
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Non Ideal effects
• Secondly let’s take into account the blade drag:
– D is the drag per unit span
– Nb is the number of blades
– y is the blade element distance to the rotor hub
• The power necessary to overcame the blade drag
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Non Ideal effects
• The drag force per unit span can be obtained using
the drag coefficient of the section profile
• It is assumed that:
– Cd0 is independent of Re and M
– The blade is not tapered or twisted
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Non Ideal effects
• The profile power is:
• With it’s associated power coefficient
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Non Ideal effects
• The rotor solidity is defined as:
• With typical values of 0.07 to 0.12
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Non Ideal effects
• The actual rotor power can then be expressed as:
• Using the modified form of the momentum theory
with the non ideal approximation for power the
rotor figure of merit can be written as:
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Induced Tip losses
Helicopters / Filipe Szolnoky Cunha
• A portion of the
rotor near the tip
does not produce
much lift due to the
leakage of air from
the bottom of the
disk to the top
• We can account for
it by using a smaller
modified radius BR
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Induced Tip losses
• So the effective blade radius Re that produces lift
is smaller than the blade radius R:
• Where B<1. The effective rotor disk area is:
• Which is smaller the the actual rotor disk are by
a factor of B2.
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Induced Tip losses
• There are several propositions to calculate the
factor B:
– Prandtl theory
– Helicopters Rotor approximation
Since λi (inflow ratio) is small and in hover related to CT
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Induced Tip losses
• Empirical geometric calculations:
– Gessow & Meyers
c is the tip chord
– Sissingh
c0 is the root chord and τr is the blade tapper ratio
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Blade Loading Coefficient
• The blade loading coefficient is defined as:
– Where Ab is area of the all the blades
• The maximum realizable value is about 0.12 due
to the occurrence of blade stall
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Power Coefficient
• We have defined power loading as:
• Since
– T depends on (ΩR)2
– P depends on (ΩR)3
• To maximize PL →ΩR should be minimum
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Power Coefficient
• We have already reach to the relations:
• Using the modified momentum theory:
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Power Coefficient
• We can also write:
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Power Coefficient
• Or alternatively:
• That is
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