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Benefits of Drinking Alkaline Water

Benefits of Drinking Alkaline Water
From the stuff we drink and swim in, to the steam
that eases cramming and the ice that reduces
swelling, water is all around us. Water is the main
component of the human body. Water makes up
about 2/3 of who we are, and influences 100 percent
of the processes in our body. In fact, the body is
composed of between 60 and 70% water, depending
on body size. Adequate and regular water intake has
numerous health benefits. As an added plus, it has
no calories, fat, carbohydrates or sugar. The amount
of water you drink everyday plays an important role
in maintaining a healthy body. Experts endorse
drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water each day to
maintain good health. Water helps keep the body
well hydrated, which is essential because almost
every cell in the body needs water to function
The functions of water in human body are vivacious. They are:
 Transport nutrients and oxygen into cells.
 Protects our vital organ.
 Helps with metabolism and organs to engross
nutrients better.
 Controls body temperature.
 Protects and soothes our joints.
Buy you have wondered ever from where these drinking
water are coming from? Mainly these drinking water
comes from municipal source or unprotected water
source like streams, rivers, cisterns and poorly
constructed wells polluted with bacteria, nitrates, e-coil,
herbicides and pesticides etc. Though tap water was
considered safe for drinking has it goes through a
process of distillation at municipal water treatment
plants, it seems that now more chlorine and other
additives have been added to supply our homes with
pollutant free tap water.
Unfortunately the quality of tap water has declined
over the last number of years, to the point where
you can actually smell and even the taste the
chlorine that is present in the tap water
Because of this nowadays more and more people
are now opting for water ionizers for home water
purification. Here comes the benefit of drinking
alkaline water?
An Introduction to Alkaline Water
Alkaline Water is commonly known as ionized
water, i.e. the water that has pH level greater
than seven. Alkaline water is generally
produced with the aid of water ionizer. It
balances the body pH of an acidic person.
Human body is not properly balanced and
contains far too much because of poor diets
and lack of physical activity among other
reasons. To prevent this, you need to have
alkaline water to normalize your acidic body.
It is an antioxidant that can stop of premature
aging and improve weight loss. By increasing
the alkaline level of the body it neutralizes the
acidity level. Enjoy 3 to 4 glasses of tasty and
healthy alkaline water daily would be
Phenomenal Benefits of Drinking Alkaline Water
Better Hydration.
2. Enhance your immune system.
3. Effective Antioxidant.
4. Improves your body’s pH.
5. Helps body to eliminate toxic waste.
6. Helps in weight loss.
7. Purifies water from body.
8. Ward off all allergies.
9. Good for gardening and farming.
10. Better skin and hair
11. Helps in achieving better concentration.
12. Anti –Cancer agent
Better Hydration
This is basic to maintain or regain optimum
health. Ionized water is essentially different
from conventional water. When compared
with conventional water, alkaline water is able
to spread more minerals and vitamins
throughout our body faster.
During ionization your alkaline water filter
forms your water into micro clusters that are
more easily absorbed at the cellular levels thus
“super hydrating” your body.
Enhance your immune system
Alkaline water boost or improve our
immune system to maximize our body’s
capacity to fight off disease and heal itself.
It fights against the aging process and many
degenerative diseases with antioxidant rich
alkaline water. It is effective at protecting
against diseases such as osteoporosis,
arthritis, various kidney and colon disorders
that entail bone and cellular degeneration.
Oxygenate /Antioxidants
Alkaline water acts as antioxidants. It has the ability to give up the electrons and can
effectively neutralize and block free-radical damage to the body. Ionized alkaline water
seeks out free radicals and converts them into oxygen which your body can use for
energy production and tissue oxygenation.
Alkalize Our Body’s pH
Alkaline water balances the body’s pH, which tends to be acidic because of our
high acid food diet, stress and exposure to environmental toxins. It has a pH
range of 7.2 to 9 which is safe to our body. It alkalizes our body’s pH from
acidic to alkaline pH. Alkaline is the “normal” state of a healthyperson.
Alkaline Water detoxify your
body to remove normal acidic
waste products accumulated
daily, and also remove toxins
accumulated in the body from
prescription drugs, unnatural
foods and from the “normal”
process of aging.
Daily drinking of alkaline
water can neutralize acidity
and wash acid waste products
from cells and tissues.
Weight Loss
Is Obesity crushing you..?
Alkaline water is here to let
go of the excess pounds. The
pH in the alkaline water
helps to balance the body in
preventing the fat cells. It
allows the body to return to
the normal pH level that
stops the excess fat storage.
The smaller cluster of
alkaline water can enter
more easily to cells and flush
acids and toxins. When the
body realizes that extra fat is
not necessary for protection,
it will eliminate the excess fat
by its own. Thus we can see
a dramatic change in weight
Before and After Drinking
Alkaline Water
Effective Antioxidant
Alkaline water acts as an antioxidant,
hunting for and resolving harmful free
radicals. It has the ability to give up
electrons and can effectively nullify and
block free-radical damage to the body.
Because alkaline water has the ability to
give up electrons, it can effectively
neutralize and block free-radical damage to
the body. Ionized alkaline water follows out
free radicals and converts them into oxygen
which your body can use for energy
production and tissue oxygenation. Cancer
and most other illnesses cannot survive in
an oxygenated, alkaline environment.
Improves your body’s pH
Alkaline water helps balance the body’s pH,
which have a tendency to be acidic because of
our high acid food diet, stress and exposure to
environmental toxins. It has a pH range of 7.2 to
9 which is safe to our body. It alkalizes our body’s
pH from acidic to alkaline pH. This creates an
perfect environment for our body to become
vulnerable to diseases. Alkaline is the normal
state of a healthy person.
Helps body to eliminate toxic waste
Alkaline water purify your body to
remove normal acidic waste products
accrued daily and also remove toxins
accrued in your body from your
unnatural foods and from the normal
process of aging. These alkaline water
not only carries adequate nutrients and
oxygen, but it also increases the efficacy
and absorption rate of any supplement
as they get brought deep in to your cells
and tissues. Alkaline water has the skill to
fight against free radicals and flushes out
the toxin and acid waste quite efficiently
from cells and tissues.
Thank You…
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