CD 262 Section RT 1181_10482 City Colleges of Chicago Harold Washington College CD 262 CHILD, FAMILY, AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS Section RT, Mondays and Wednesdays 6:00 -8:40 p.m. in room 723 ________________________________________________________________________ Faculty: Janvier Jones, M.S. Instructor Child Development Office: Applied Science Department Room 712E Office Hours: Mon./ Wed. 5:00 p.m. – 5:50 p.m. Phone: (773) 217-0483 E-mail: Via Blackboard “Messages” ________________________________________________________________ Title, Number, & Classification: Child, Family, and Community Relations 090-0262 Division: Curriculum: Program: Course Term: Credit & Contact Hours: Credit Hours: Contact hours: Activities: Prerequisite: College Credit Career Career/Occupational 8 weeks Three Two hours forty minutes per week Lecture, discussion, work experience, lab Completion of CD 101 and CD 120 with a grade of “C” or better or consent of Department Chair. Catalogue Description: This course explores the importance of building positive relationships between young children, their families, the community, and the early childhood setting. It examines issues of diversity, multiculturalism, and anti-bias approaches in working with young children, their families, and the community as well as current policies, and practices that influence families. This course promotes selfreflection, cross cultural communication, and sensitivity to cultural, linguistic, and ability diversity. 5 hours observing young children in an early childhood education setting are required for the course. Writing assignments and oral presentations as appropriate to the discipline are part of the course. Summer2017 Jones 1 CD 262 Section RT 1181_10482 Course Objectives: This course will introduce: 1. The importance of positive relationships between children, their families, the community and the early childhood setting. 2. Current policies, institutions, and practices that influence families. 3. The promotion of self-reflection, cross cultural communication and sensitivity to cultural, linguistic, and ability diversity. Student Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to Reflect on issues of separation, loss and acceptance or rejection in terms of the home, school, and community connection (Obj. 1). Identify and critique community resources that offer support and referral services to children and families within specific communities (Obj. 1). Identify family systems and parent partnership models in early childhood settings (Obj. 1). Evaluate current policies, institutions, and practices that influence families (Obj. 2). Review and discuss anti-bias and multicultural literature and construct classroom applications based on this perspective (Obj. 2). Examine the role of race, gender, class, ethnicity, and special needs in early care and educational settings (Obj. 2). Describe cultural differences, considering parents’ rightful desire to transmit their own cultural heritage to their children, and analyze the influence of one’s own values and possible biases in providing services to children and families (Obj. 3). Topical Course Outline: Multicultural issues and anti-bias curriculum in child education and care Parent partnerships Making the partnership work Systems for knowing families The community at large: Social policies and program Social services to children and families Personal transformation of teachers Summer2017 Jones 2 CD 262 Section RT 1181_10482 Required Text: Gestwicki, C. (2016). Home, school, and community relations (9th Ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. NOTE: The instructor will assign additional readings throughout the semester. Amount of Writing Required: This course requires various forms of writing i.e. observations, essay exams, interviews and research projects. Plagiarism will result in FAILURE. A student who submits a paper which in whole or part has been written by someone else or which contains passages quoted or paraphrased from another’s work without proper acknowledgement (quotations marks, citations, etc.) has plagiarized. Maintain your integrity when completing assignments and be overzealous to give credit where credit is due. If you are ever unsure about what constitutes plagiarism, ask questions. Please come see me if you are having any problems. Students who are found to have plagiarized work may be subject to various disciplinary actions including a failing grade on the particular assignment, failure of the entire course, and possible expulsion from Harold Washington. Students With Disabilities Statement Harold Washington College abides by the Americans with Disability Act and with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and will provide reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities covered by these laws. If you have a disability for which you may require accommodations, please contact the Disability Access Center located in Room 107 or call 312-553-3050. Section 504 Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Our college also abides by Federal privacy laws on behalf of students and employees. Student Support Services: Financial Resources: In arranging for the cost of tuition, or to address financial challenges in trying to pay for college, please visit the Financial Aid Office or learn more about Financial Aid Guidelines, grants, loans and scholarships. Summer2017 Jones 3 CD 262 Section RT 1181_10482 Writing Lab: The Writing Lab, located in 407A, is pleased to assist students with their writing with individual and group sessions. Free writing workshops are also available throughout the semester and will be advertised in the writing lab and on the website. Tutoring and Academic Support Services: Tutors are available in a wide variety of subjects to assist students through individual and group tutoring sessions. Any student should utilize tutoring services to gain a deeper comprehension of course content and to enhance learning development. Students can meet with a tutor by visiting one of the following tutor locations: Main Tutoring Center - Room 409 Art Tutoring - 8th Floor (Must be currently enrolled in an HWC Art course) Applied Sciences - 7th Floor (room TBA) Math Tutoring - Room 702 Math Emporium- Room 502 (Subject to Availability) Music Tutoring - 3rd Floor Science Tutoring - Room 923 Writing Tutoring Lab - Room 407A Library: The Harold Washington College Library offers electronic, database, and print media to support the scholarly work of students, faculty, and staff as well as individual and group library and information literacy instruction. Wellness Center: The Harold Washington College Wellness Center provides mental health and other social services to support your personal well-being and academic success. Computer Lab: Computers and print stations are available for students to write a paper, research for class, or check email. Student computers are located in the Open Computer Lab (room 404) and Library on the fifth floor. Chicago Legal Clinic: The Chicago Legal Clinic works directly with students to identify their legal needs and provide community based quality services. During the summer semester is not available on campus. Please go to for Chicago Legal Clinic information and resources. Summer2017 Jones 4 CD 262 Section RT 1181_10482 Career Planning and Placement: Career Planning & Placement offices offer one-on-one support, assistance with major and career selection, employment participation, and job hunting. Grades First: Grades First is a student support system that will be used by faculty, advisors and tutors to help students achieve success in their classes. Use Grades First to schedule tutoring or advising appointments, or to see communications about your course progress generated by me or your other professors. . “Active Pursuit of Course”: You are maintaining “active pursuit” if you are completing assigned work on time; prepared and engaged during in-class discussions, activities, and projects; and maintaining a level of attendance that will facilitate successful completion of the course. You must also complete at least 50% of all coursework as of week eight to be considered in active pursuit. Expectations of the students: Attendance is mandatory. Grades are lowered one letter grade after the fourth absence Consistent tardiness is not tolerated and will result in a lowered grade. Students are expected to turn in all work on time. Late assignments NOT accepted. Students are expected to complete each exam on time each week. Make-ups for the exams will be at the sole discretion of the instructor. Class participation is essential to student success. Participation grade includes attendance, preparedness (always bring your text and any other required materials), timely homework submission, completion of reading assignments, inclass discussion and general contributions to the class as a whole. BlackBoard Use is an integral part of this course. You must check the BB site for this course at least four times a week. You will turn in all assignments to BB. Also, additional readings and crucial course information will be posted there. Please see attached document detailing how to submit assignments to BB. Expectations of the instructor: The instructor will begin and end each class session on-time The instructor will be prepared for each session The instructor will be available during office hours and will be otherwise accessible electronically via “Course Messages” in Blackboard. The instructor will return work promptly and maintain grades throughout the semester Summer2017 Jones 5 CD 262 Section RT 1181_10482 Commitment to Honesty and Respect: In this class, we will take a closer look at issues surrounding how we were raised and educated, as well as our views about how we raise and educate our own children or those in our care. The choices we make in these areas are often very personal. We will also be discussing issues of diversity related to race, gender, class, ability, religion, and sexual orientation—again issues that can be very personal. There will be times when you will find support for your beliefs, and times when they will be challenged. Because of the many personal issues that may arise, it is important that we seek to create a classroom community in which the rights, dignity, and worth of every individual are respected. We do this in many ways; we always use respectful language, we give our attention to whomever is speaking in class, we commit to exploring our own biases, and we commit to giving and receiving respectful feedback as we work to do these things. Please speak up, in class or directly to me, if I or any other member of the community behaves in a way that undermines the security of our time together. Thank you. . Assignment Grid: Assignments Weekly Exams Observation/Reflections Community Resource Report Final Group Presentation Participation Points 5 points each chapter 10 points one and two 15 points three and four 40 points Total Points 80 points 50 points 50 points 5 points each class session 50 points 80 points 40 points 300 total points Assessment & Evaluation: Final grades are determined by a percentage of total points (see above) earned on quizzes, observations, homework, final project, discussion sessions, attendance and participation. The instructor will mark student work with the number of points given for each assignment. Grading Scale: A = 90% - 100% B = 80%- 89.9% C = 70% - 79.9% D = 60% - 69.9% F= 59.9% ≤ Summer2017 Jones = = = = = 270-300 240-269.7 210-239.7 180-209.7 179.7 ≤ 6 CD 262 Section RT 1181_10482 Weekly Exams 5 points each / 80 points total=27% of final grade Exam content may include information from the assigned chapters and homework, class discussions, activities, videos, and corresponding observations. Quizzes and exams will usually be comprised of multiple choice, or short answer questions. You are required to take each quiz until you get a “C”, or 3.5 points. However, it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that you take each until you get an “A”, or at least 4.5 points. These points add up, and by the end of the semester they can contribute substantially to a higher grade. The weekly quizzes will be taken online, and can be found in the “Exams and Quizzes” folder in each weekly module. Each quiz will be open from Monday through Sunday of the week in which it is offered. You will have thirty minutes to take each quiz, and you can take it as many times as you like during the week it is offered. Only your highest score for each quiz will “count” towards your grade, and there is no penalty for taking a quiz as often as you need to during each week. Once the week is over, that quiz will close, and the quiz for the next chapter will open Observation/Reflections 10 points each / 50 points total=16.5% of final grade All observations must take place in a naturalistic setting with an active child (Please do not submit observations where the child and adult are watching television or playing with electronic devices or talking on their cell phone). The ideal is that the observations would take place in an educational or childcare setting. However, other settings are acceptable IF they allow for the participants to behave in a ways that facilitate natural actions and interactions. You cannot observe your own family, and you cannot interact with the subjects of your observation or with any other people who may be present. During the observation, your ONLY role is to observe and write down what you observe. Each observation/interpretation will last approximately one hour; this will allow you to fulfill your five hour observation requirement for the course. You will take detailed notes during the observation (please keep these, as they may be useful to you during the revision process). You will then type the observation, and conclude the paper with a two- to three-paragraph reflection on what you observed that includes and discusses key concepts and ideas from the text. The papers are incomplete without the tie in to the text. Summer2017 Jones 7 CD 262 Section RT 1181_10482 Community Resource Report 45 points=15% of final grade Communities can provide a wealth of educational, recreational, and support resources. You will explore those resources in this assignment, which is designed to help think about the available resources within the community you serve. You have TWO options for how you might approach this assignment. 1. Refer to your individual parent surveys (collected as you prepared for the Final Presentation), and note what areas of interest and/or concern families reported most. Then, canvas the community to find services that address those needs identified by the parents. OR 2. Focus on the broader community and compile a list or services that might be of general use to families. You will write a paper that consists of an introduction stating which option you chose and why, a completed community resource chart (that lists and discusses at least four community resources), and a thorough and reflective discussion of what you learned about yourself (as an advocate for families), about the families you serve, and about the community. Throughout the paper, you must include and discuss relevant information from the text, otherwise the paper will be considered incomplete. With this in mind, it is a good idea to take some focused notes as you are reading—highlighting portions of the text that might be of use to you as you write the concluding portion of the Community Resource Report. Final Group Presentation 50 points=16.5% of final grade All students are required to participate in a group presentation for the class. Presentations will be conducted in front of the class at the end of the semester. Presentations directed towards parents should be related in some way to material we have covered in class, and should cover a topic suitable for a parent conference or parent education workshop. There are several steps your group will follow as you plan and implement your parent education project: Consider information from the text about parents and parent education—This info can be found throughout the text, but Section I and Chapter 11, from Section III) will be the most immediately relevant. Collect information using a Parent Interest Survey—The template for the survey will be provided, and each individual in the group will be responsible for collecting info from at least ten parents regarding their preference. Those survey results will be brought back to the group and a decision will be made based on the Summer2017 Jones 8 CD 262 Section RT 1181_10482 responses. NOTE: These forms will also be used for the Community Resource Report Plan the parent education meeting—This step will include working with your group to establish the style and content of the meeting. Present the parent education meeting in class—During this step, each group will present their content to the class; we will be your “parents”. Presentations will be scored based on the Presentation Rubric below. You will all rate each other based on the Group Participation rubric, and these ratings will be used to help tabulate your grades for the project. Purpose of Group Work: 1) Provides students an opportunity to learn from each other in small group setting. 2) Allows students to relate theory and learning outcomes of course to practice. 3) Facilitates hands-on learning vs. book learning. 4) Teaches students to function as a team (part of job in education, child development, social services, HR). Guidelines for Group Work: 1) Show respect and listen to each other! 2) Use “I” messages NOT “you” messages to resolve conflict 3) Ensure equal treatment—everyone has a voice; no one is “better” than anyone else. 4) Work together for the GOAL (e.g., assignment, project). 5) Organize and prepare. Attendance/Participation 5 points each class session / 75 points total=25% of final grade Participation each week will consist of in-class work for the week. Students will receive the maximum allotted points for each session if they come to class and are prepared to participate in discussion of weekly topics. This does not mean that every student must lead the discussion every week. Rather, students participate by actively listening, contributing questions, and/or discussion points to the group and taking notes/completing in-class work. Your text is required for every class. If there is reading/writing to be done before class, completion of those activities also counts towards participation. This work will be requested at the beginning of class and will not be accepted for points after class has begun. Summer2017 Jones 9 CD 262 Section RT 1181_10482 Course Outline—Note: All essay assignments will be due on Wednesday evenings unless otherwise noted. Week Date Week One June 7 Topic Ch. 1 Lecture and Discussion: A Day With Two Families: Diversity of Experience Readings and Assignments Ch. 1 and Ch. 2 Quiz for Chapters 1 and 2 Ch. 2 Lecture and Discussion: Families Today Week Two June 12/14 Ch. 3 Lecture and Discussion: Parenting Ch. 11 Lecture and Discussion: Parent Education Ch. 3 and Ch. 11 Quiz for Chapters 3 and 11 Video: “The Motherhood Manifesto” Week Three June 19/21 Ch. 4 Lecture and Discussion: What Is Family Involvement? Ch. 5 Lecture and Discussion: Benefits and Barriers in Teacher-Family Partnerships Week Four June 26/28 Week Five July 3/5 Ch. 6 Lecture and Discussion: Foundations of a Successful Partnership Ch. 7 Lecture and Discussion: Good Beginnings with Parents and Children Ch. 8 Lecture and Discussion: Informal Communication with Families Ch. 9 Lecture and Discussion: ParentTeacher Conferences Ch. 10 Lecture and Discussion: Families in the Classroom Ch. 4 and Ch. 5 Quiz for Chapters 4 and 5 Submit Observation/Reflecti on #1 Ch. 6, Ch. 7, and Ch. 8 Quiz for Chapters 6, 7 and 8 Submit Observation/Reflecti on #2 Ch. 9 and Ch. 10 Quiz for Chapters 9 and 10 Submit Observation/Reflecti on #3 Week Six July 10/12 Ch. 12 Lecture and Discussion: It Takes a Village: Teachers, Families, and Communities Ch. 12 and Ch. 13 Quiz for Chapters 12 and 13 Ch. 13 Lecture and Discussion: It Summer2017 Jones 10 CD 262 Section RT 1181_10482 Working with Families from Diverse Backgrounds Week Seven July 17/19 Ch. 14 Lecture and Discussion: Working with Families in Particular Circumstances Ch. 15 Lecture and Discussion: Working to Resolve Challenging Attitudes and Behaviors Submit—Community Resource Report Submit Observation/Reflecti on #4 Ch. 14, Ch. 15, and Appendix Quiz for Chapters 14, 15 and Appendix Appendix Lecture and Discussion: Home Visits to Families and Children Final Presentation Workshop Week Eight July 24/26 FINAL PRESENTATIONS Grade Conferencing Enjoy your summer!! Summer2017 Jones 11 CD 262 Section RT 1181_10482 INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTING ASSIGNMENTS THROUGH BLACKBOARD Create the document you will submit using word processing software (Microsoft Word is best). Acceptable document extensions are .doc, .docx, .pdf, .rtf. Please make sure that you take note of restrictions in Turn It In. There may be other acceptable file types added, so reference the site to make sure. Save your document! Give it a name associated with the assignment you are doing (Thought Paper 1, or Infant/Toddler Observation, for example). You should save a copy of the work to your flash drive. If you are creating the document on a public computer, your flash drive will be the ONLY way you can preserve a copy of your work, unless you email it to yourself. Documents on public computers are erased at each reboot! Login to BlackBoard and click on this course in your course list Click the “Assignments” menu option on the left side of the page. Find the assignment you want to complete and click on “View/Complete Assignment” (just below the assignment title). You will be directed to the Turn It In page for the assignment 1. “Single File Upload”—You will be attaching a single file unless otherwise instructed. You don’t need to change this setting. 2. “Author/First Name, Last Name”—Your name should automatically appear here. If it doesn’t, then type it in and let me know (just in case there is some problem). 3. “Submission Title”—You should give the assignment the same title that it has in the syllabus, for the sake of consistency. 4. “Requirements for Single File Upload”—Please read. This tells you what file types and sizes are permitted, as well as what to do if your file exceeds the size limit. This should not happen in most cases. Files must be at least 20 words long, which should also not be a problem. 5. “Browse”—Click this button to search for the document you wish to submit. If the document is on the computer you are working on, check the “Documents” or “My Documents” menu item and look for the document. If the document is on your flash drive, then insert the drive and access the document. When you find the work, double click on it and it will appear in the box to the left of the “Browse” button in Turn It In. 6. “Upload”—Once the document title appears in the box, click “upload”. You will be directed to the submit page. 7. “Submit”—NOTE: MAKE SURE YOUR FILE IS COMPLETE BEFORE YOU SUBMIT. You can only submit one file per assignment. Once you click “Submit” you will not be able to go back and add another file. This page will allow you to view the document before you submit. Check to make sure you have attached the correct document and that it is complete BEFORE you click the “Submit” button. If you have mistakenly uploaded the wrong document, simply click the link marked “return to upload page” and follow the instructions. If you review the document and it is what you want to send, click “Submit”. Once you do, you will be directed to the successfully submitted page. Click “OK”. 8. Make sure to check your CCC student email for a submission receipt. This is the ONLY way you will have to prove you submitted the work on time. The receipt lists the time and date of the submission, among other info. 9. IMPORTANT! You can view comments on your work by clicking on the “View/Complete” link that you used to submit, then following the prompts OR by clicking on the grade for the assignment in “My Grades”. You MUST review comments for each assignment. Summer2017 Jones 12 CD 262 Section RT 1181_10482 Group Presentatoin Rubric Trait Criteria 1 Point 2 Points Points 3 Points 4 Points Content--Did the presentation contain valuable and relevant material that was related to the text? The presentation contained little or no valuable or relevant material. Text was not referenced. The presentation had some valuable and relevant material. Text was referenced a few times. The presentation had a good amount of relevant and valubale material. The text was referenced several times. The presentation had an exc eptional amount of valuable and relevant material. The text was referenced often. Collaboration--Did everyone contribute to the presentation? Did all seem well-acquainted with the material? The presenters never worked from each others' ideas. It seemed as though only a few people worked on the presentation. The presenters sometimes worked from each others' ideas. It seemed as though some people worked more on the presentation than others. The presenters worked from each others' ideas most of the time. It seemed as though everyone did some work, but a few people carried the presentation. The presenters always worked from each others' ideas. It seemed as though everyone worked equally on preparation and presentation. Organization--Was the presentation well organized and easy to follow? The presentation lacked organization and showed little evidence of preparation. The presentation showed minimal signs of organization and preparation. The presentation contained some organizing ideas, but could have been much stronger with better preparation. The presentation was well organized and easy to follow. Presentation--Did the presenters speak clearly, engage the audience, and show evidence that they had rehearsed the material? The presenters were not confident and/or demonstrated little evidence of planning prior to presentation. The presenters were not consistent with the level of confidence and/or preparedness but there were some strong moments. The presenters were generally confident and prepared, but presentation was not as engaging as it could have been. The presenters were very confident and did a good job of engaging the class. Preparation was evident. Conclusion--Did the presenters stay within the time limit? Were they prepared during Q&A period? The presenters were far below or above the time limit. They were not prepared for questions, and did not share any follow-up resources. The presenters were within the time limit, but were not prepared for questions, and did not share follow up resources. The presenters were within the time limit. They were prepared for questions OR had follow-up resources. The presenters were within the time limit, prepared for questions, and provided follow-up resources. Total Summer2017 Jones 13 CD 262 Section RT 1181_10482 Group Participation Rubric--Refl ect on ea ch tea mma tes ' pa rti ci pa ti on, a nd ra te us i ng the rubri c bel ow. Add ea ch tea mma tes ' na me a t the bottom, a l ong wi th the number of poi nts you ha ve a wa rded her or hi m. Thes e poi nts wi l l be a vera ged a nd fi gured i nto ea ch tea mma te's fi na l gra de. Trait Criteria Teammate Pts. Never-1 Sometimes-2 Usually-3 Always-4 1 2 3 4 5 Helping--The teammate offered assistance to others. Listening-The teammate worked from others' ideas. Participating-The teammate contributed to the project. Persuading-The teammate exchanged, defended, or rethough ideas. Questioning-The teammate interacted, discussed, or posed questions to other teammates. Respecting-The teammate encouraged and supported the ideas and efforts of others. Sharing-The teammate offered ideas and/or reported his or her findings to others. Totals Teammate 1 Name____________________Points_____ Notes: Teammate 2 Name____________________ Points_____ Notes: Teammate 3 Name____________________ Points_____ Notes: Teammate 4 Name____________________ Points_____ Notes: Teammate 5 Name____________________ Points_____ Notes: Summer2017 Jones 14 CD 262 Section RT 1181_10482 Parent Education Interest Survey To help us better address the needs of your child and family, we would like to know your interest in learning more about the following topics. YOUR ideas are important, too! If you have ideas or topics not listed here, please include them in the spaces provided. All survey responses are completely anonymous Topic High Interest Some Interest No Interest Positive discipline techniques Sibling rivalry Nutrition and children Financial planning Choosing good books and toys Being on only parent Television and electronic media exposure Circle the day that best fits your schedule M T W Th F Circle the time of day that is best Lunch hour Right after work Evening (7-7:30 start) What else would you like us to know? Please include any specific details about the strengths, challenges, interests and abilities of your family in the space below. Continue on the back if needed. All responses are completely anonymous. Summer2017 Jones 15 CD 262 Section RT 1181_10482 Community Resource Report Chart (must be included in the Report) Community Resource #1 Community Resource #2 Community Resource #3 Community Resource #4 Community Resource #5 Location Hours of operation Days and times Population served by resource Services offered by resource Strengths/Benefits related to resource Challenges/Concerns related to resource How did you find out about this resource Notes Summer2017 Jones 16