Ut'!JYJRS lT l TEKNOLOGI PETRONAS COURSE PCB 4013/ PDB 4013- GAS FIELD ENGINEERING DATE 28 AUGUST 2018 (TUESDAY) TIME 09.00 AM - 12.00 NOON (3 HOURS) INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. Answer ALL questions in the Answer Booklet. 2. Begin EACH answer on a new page in the Answer Booklet. 3. Indicate clearly answers that are cancelled, if any. 4. Where applicable, show clearly steps taken in arriving at the solutions and indicate ALL assumptions, if any. 5. DO NOT open this Question Booklet until instructed. 6. ATTACH Appendix 4 in Answer Booklet. Note i. There are FOURTEEN (14) pages in this Question Booklet including the cover page and appendices. 11. DOUBLE-SIDED Question Booklet. iii. Graph paper(s) will be provided. Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS PCB4013/PDB4013 1. a. i. State FIVE (5) different properties that are considered for the calculation of bottom hole flowing pressure (BHFP) as compared to bottom hole static pressure calculation (BHSP). [5 marks] ii. Construct the friction factor equation for laminar flow, transitional flow, and turbulent flow using the FIVE (5) properties from Q1 a(i). Indicate the Reynold's number for each flow regime. [6 marks] b. Well data is listed in TABLE Q1. Evaluate the BHFP using the Average Temperature and Average z-Factor method with TWO (2) iterations for the deviated well which is drilled to an inclination of 10°. Use APPENDIX 1-3 to answer the question. TABLE Q1: Well Data Properties Values Specific gravity of gas 0.62 Gas pseudocritical pressure 667.8 psia Gas pseudocritical temperature 343.37 °R Gas flowrate 5,125 Mscfd Flowing tubing-head pressure 1,125 psia Flowing tubing-head temperature 100°F Flowing bottom-hole temperature 298.5°F Total Vertical Depth (TVD) 12,122 ft Tubing ID 2.441 inch [15 marks] 2 PCB4013/PDB4013 2< a A Well shows poor performance based on the bottom hole flowing pressure results (BHFP). A well deliverability test is conducted to confirm the poor performance. The collected data is listed in TABLE Q2. Evaluate the Absolute Open Flow (AOF). Use APPENDIX 4 and attach it to the answer booklet. TABLE Q2: Well Data Time Pressure q (MMscfd) Remarks (hours) (psi a) 14 2345 0 Initial Shut-In 10 2170 3.8 Flow 1 10 2335 0 Shut-In 10 2050 5.5 Flow 2 10 2250 0 Shut-In 10 1750 7 Flow3 10 2245 0 Shut-In 10 1010 15 Flow4 26 990 9 Extended Flow 70 2345 0 Final Shut-In [15 marks] b Differentiate THREE (3) properties that are required to determine gas well deliverability test appropriate for a particular well. Select an equation and a field measurement to determine these THREE (3) properties. [9 marks] 3 PCB4013/PDB4013 3. a. Field Development Plan FOP study for reservoir A in the process of finalizing the Gas Initially In Place (GIIP). The reservoir parameters are summarized in TABLE Q3a and the reservoir top map is given in FIGURE Q3a. TABLE Q3a: Reservoir A properties. Parameter Reservoir pressure Value 2,700 psia Reservoir temperature 250°F Average porosity 21% Average water saturation 14% Average thickness 7.3 ft FIGURE Q3(a) : Reservoir A top map. Estimate the GIIP, expressed in BSCF unit, for Reservoir A using the approriate equation in APPENDIX 1 and the information in APPENDIX 5. [5 marks] 4 PCB4013/PDB4013 b. During development of Reservoir A, Well A and Well B were drilled at Eastern Lobe and Western Lobe respectively. The first gas from the field was on 1 January 2015. Reservoir pressure measurements were taken on yearly basis at the end of the year. The production history and the reservoir pressure are given in TABLE Q3b(i) and TABLE Q3b(ii) below. FIGURE Q3b : Well A and well B locations. TABLE Q3b(i): Well A production history Year Average Yearly Pressure, Gas rate MMscfd psi a 1/1/2015 2,700 1/1/2016 90 2,332 1/1/2017 90 1,978 1/1/2018 90 1,631 1/7/2018 90 1,456 5 PCB4013/PDB4013 TABLE Q3b(ii): Well B production history. Year Average Yearly Pressure, Gas rate MMscfd psi a 2,700 1/1/2015 i. 1/1/2016 79 2,004 1/1/2017 68 1,428 1/1/2018 60 916 1/7/2018 60 652 Estimate the total GIIP based on the production history of both wells given in TABLE Q3b(i) and TABLE Q3b(ii). [18 marks] ii Based on your answer in Q3b(i), evaluate the reservoir connectivity between Eastern Lobe and Western Lobe. Justify your answer. [2 marks] 6 PCB4013/PDB4013 4. a. Gas Sales Agreement (GSA) is needed before the gas field development project begins. Explain why this agreement is important and provide FOUR (4) examples of its components which impact the development decision in FOP. [5 marks] b. Well B nodal plot showing multiple plots at various reservoir pressures and tubing sizes is given in FIGURE Q4b. 1000 I 3.s" ~-.N 900 ,, 800 700 (II 'Vi 600 c.. QJ. .... :::l VI VI QJ ,_ CL. 500 ,, ,, ...... ~ ..... " ~ ... ~ ...~ li!' '. ~-•llo.. ~ ~ 400 ~ ...... 300 .. "· .._ .. ..:.¥. ... ~ ....... ...,. 1'!11. , . .... ·.:,:_ ,... ,' """~ ~ ', ..., ' .• • •• 40 D 60 "" . ····· ... ~ 7 ~ 7"~ """ " '' '- I 4.5" I .... ····· ... .. ., ''" •• • ••• 20 ~ ....>~ ••• 100 ,. .L -- ,, - - - ....... .. ~ .... ... ·" ~~-·· •• "" ,..,..;"" "..... """'' '--. 200 0 ... ............... ,, c " '· ' ... 80 [\.. "' ~\. 100 B ' ~ 120 Gas Flowrate, MMScfd " A FIGURE Q4b: Nodal Plot for Well Bas of 1/7/2018 Using the information from FIGURE Q4b and TABLE Q3b(ii), identify tubing size of Well B. Justify your answer by comparing the performance of other tubing sizes. [4 marks] 7 PCB4013/PDB4013 c. By referring to your answer in Q4b, describe the definition of the following parameters and assess the plot to identify its value if any. You may indicate your answer using sketch in the Answer Sheet. i. Absolute Open Flow ii. Drawdown iii. Reservoir pressure iv. Stable solution or operating point v. Unstable solution vi. Erosional region [12 marks] d As of 1/7/2018, by referring TABLE Q3b(ii), Well B is currently producing at 60 MMscfd. FIGURE Q4d shows gas production at different Water Gas Ratios (WGR) and WHP. Water Gas Ratio (STBIMMsd) FIGURE Q4d : Sensitivity plot for Well B at various WHP and WGR. i. Identify Well B current operating point from FIGURE Q4d and the WGR. [2 marks] 8 PCB4013/PDB4013 ii. Calculate the new produced water flowrate from Well B if WGR increases by 100% from current WGR and WHP decreases to 100 psigo [2 marks] -END OF PAPER- 9 PCB4013/PDB4013 APPENDIX 1 List of formula and conversion unit Ptt ) (Leos(}) Pwt = Ptt + 0.25 ( 100 lOO f = 4 2.28 - 4log r ( 0.0023 d 21.25)1- 2 + NRe 0 .9 0.0375y Lcos(} s = - - - -9= - fl' Pwf 2 -_ Ptt 2 e s + 6.67x1od5 4 q 2 B fT 2 z2 cos (} ( e s - 1) 1 GllP = 43,560Ah0(1- Swi)GI/P B9i =SCF A= Acres h=ft T(Rankine) = T(°F) + 460 1 kilometer square= 247 Acres 10 PCB4013/PDB4013 APPENDIX 2 Pseudo Reduced Pressure, Pr 3 1.1 4 ~~=:.ti:.::..:J..:C::;;;I~~;;.r-:-,::". 6 1.1 1.0 0.9 0"8 N ..: 0.7 1.6 0.6 1.5 0 t5 ro u. :=:>- :0 'iii C/} ~ ) 0.5 '' 1.4 a. E 0 0 0.4 1.3 0.3 1.2 0.25 1.1 Compressibility of Natural Gases (Jan. 1, 1941) 1.0 1.0 : j : . '' ~I f. 0.9 0.9 7 8 9 11 10 12 13 Pseudo Reduced Pressure, Pr 11 14 15 PCB4013/PDB4013 APPENDIX 3 CIA$ If ,JI '" l't , liftAYITY (Alii • ,. 1.-1 u ... II !i ~~ rt U11 ~ '• s !; ~ 8.010 F«o.on 0.407 A0.001 ~~ II.. •z t II~~ ' . ., ;! IS ·0 tOt. ... 20 ..: • ill IIDL ~ loW:fll ; ·,;. io MOC..ECIJUR WI!IGHT, M ~ 3~~~~~~~~~~ ·--~--~-+--~--+--4--4 • k !! .t I 21---+---+~--fll.,.---~ ,LCt±:E;§S~--LJ o..& 2.8 \.0 .Coz y .,. U 1,4 Pls.l.ll Vilcolity ratio t.8 1.1 2.0 2.2 2.• Ptluclcnductd ~ VCIS\JS pswdoAMliK"Cd 12 " ~ ~ ·'-' :...".iu ,,... I• lfl I, ~ I -.,;.: .1011 co II- II I I I··* ~~ Its 1,1 U l.O U tempattute. (After Carr ct al.) 3.4 PCB4013/PDB4013 APPENDIX 4 EXAM ID: ----- TABLE NUMBER: - - DATE: -----< ·-·-·- ----···~·---~----·-·-- ------ ---~-~-, t I I ·- 13 I I Z Factor :.... c ...... .tlo. .j..l ':; 'ii u. N 0. 92 ~0.91 0.9 ~. ~ 0.88 0.87 .86 0.85·-0.84·-0.83 0.82 0.81 0.8 0 1J 200 400 600 800 () 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 Pressure (psig) Ill )> ""C ""C m .tlo. 0 ...... w ...._ 1J z c Ill (II w >< 0 .tlo. 0 ......