09 01 Cellular Growth

09 Cellular Reproduction
01 Cell Growth
Essential Questions
• Why are cells relatively small?
• What are the primary stages of the cell
• What are the stages of interphase?
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Cellular Growth
• selective
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cell cycle
Cellular Growth
Why are Cells Small?
Ratio of surface area to volume
• Several factors influence cell size.
– Surface area
– Volume
– Surface area : volume ratios
• Surface area is the area covered by the
plasma membrane.
• Volume is the space taken up by the inner
contents of the cell.
• Cells with a higher surface area: volume
ratios can sustain themselves more easily.
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Cellular Growth
Why are Cells
• As a cell grows,
the surface area :
volume ratio
• At some point the
cell must stop
growing or die.
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Cellular Growth
Why are Cells Small? Cell Size Limitations
Ratio of surface area to volume
Several factors influence cell size.
• Surface area is the area covered by the
plasma membrane.
• Volume is the space taken up by the inner
contents of the cell.
• Cells with a higher surface area: volume
ratios can sustain themselves more easily.
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Cellular Growth
Cell Size Matters!
• Smaller cells can transport
substances more easily
• Diffusion is inefficient over
longer distances
• Cytoskeleton is less efficient
when cells are larger
• Cellular communication is more
efficient in smaller cells
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Cellular Growth
What are the Stages of the Cell
The Cell Cycle is a series of events that cells
go through as they grow and divide.
• Cells reproduce by a cycle of growing and
dividing called the cell cycle.
• A cell that completes one cell cycle
becomes two, smaller daughter cells.
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Cellular Growth
What are the Stages of the Cell
Three main stages of the cell cycle:
• Interphase: stage during which the cells
grows, carries out cellular functions, and
replicates its DNA.
• Mitosis: the cell’s nucleus and nuclear
material divide; has four substages.
• Cytokinesis: cell’s cytoplasm divides,
creating two new daughter cells.
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Cellular Growth
The Cell Cycle
The Cell Cycle
The stages of
• Interphase has three
substages: G1, S,
and G2 .
• During G1, the cell is
growing and
carrying out normal
cellular functions.
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Cellular Growth
What are the stages of
The stages of interphase
• During S, the cell
copies its DNA in
preparation for cell
• Chromatin is the
relaxed form of DNA
in the cell’s nucleus.
• Chromosomes are
the structures that
contain the genetic
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Cellular Growth
The Cell Cycle
The stages of
• The G2 stage
follows the S
stage and is the
period when the
cell prepares for
the division of
its nucleus.
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Cellular Growth
The Cell Cycle
Mitosis and
• During mitosis, a
cell’s nuclear
material divides and
separates into
opposite sides of the
• During cytokinesis,
the cell divides into
two daughter cells.
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Cellular Growth
M Phase
Cell Division
The Cell Cycle
Eukaryotic Vs. Prokaryotic Cell Reproduction
• Eukaryotic cells divide via the cell cycle.
• Prokaryotic cells divide via binary fission.
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Cellular Growth
Prokaryotic Cell Division
• It occurs in some singleBinary
celled Eukaryotes like the
fission ("division in
Amoeba and the
half") is a kind of
asexual reproduction.
• It is the most
common form of
reproduction in
prokaryotes such
as bacteria.
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• In binary fission, DNA
replication and segregation
occur simultaneously.
Cellular Growth