Uncertainty of the Future CHAPTER THREE FORECASTING What is Forecasting? FORECAST: A statement about the future value of a variable of interest such as demand, price, production amount, interest rate, profits, changes in productivity, etc. Forecasts affect decisions and activities throughout an organization Accounting and finance Human resources Marketing MIS Operations Product /service design Uses of Forecasts Accounting Cost/profit estimates, cash management Finance Cash flow, funding, capital structure Human Resources Hiring/recruiting/training/layoff planning Marketing Pricing, promotion, competition strategies MIS IT/IS systems, services Operations Schedules, MRP, workloads, inventory planning, make or buy decisions, outsourcing Product/service design New products and services strategy, global Forecasting within OM: How it all fits together Forecasts impact not only other business functions but all other operations decisions. Operations managers make many forecasts, such as the expected demand for a company’s products. These forecasts are then used to determine: a. product designs that are expected to sell b. the quantity of product to be produced c. the amount of needed supplies and materials d. determine future space requirements capacity and location needs , and e. the amount of labor needed Forecasting within OM…….Con’td Forecasts drive strategic operations decisions, such as: a. Choice of competitive priorities b. Changes in processes, and c. Large technology purchases . Forecast decisions serve as the basis for tactical planning; developing worker schedules. Virtually all operations management decisions are based on a forecast of the future. Features Common in All Forecasts 1.Assumes causal system Past ==> Future 2. Forecasts are rarely perfect because of randomness 3. Forecasts for groups of items tend to more accurate than forecast for individuals items because forecasting errors items in a group usually have a cancelling effect 4. Forecast accuracy decreases as time horizon increases I see that you will get an A this semester. Elements of a Good Forecast Timely Reliable Accurate Written Elements of a Good Forecast…Cont’d The forecast should be timely. Usually, a certain amount of time is needed to respond to the information contained in a forecast. 2. The forecast should be accurate and the degree of accuracy should be stated. 3. The forecast should be reliable; it should work consistently. 4. The forecast should expressed in meaningful units. For example financial planner need to know how many dollars will be needed, scheduler need to know what machines and skills will be required. The choice of units depends on user needs. 1. Elements of a Good Forecast...Cont’d 5. The forecast should be in writing. 6. The forecasting technique should be simple to understand and use. Users often lack confidence in forecasts based on sophisticated techniques; they do not understand either the circumstances in which the techniques are appropriate or the limitations of the techniques. Steps in the Forecasting Process “The forecast” Step 6: Monitor the forecast Step 5: Prepare the forecast Step 4: Gather and analyze data Step 3: Select a forecasting technique Step 2: Establish a time horizon Step 1: Determine purpose of forecast Steps in the Forecasting Process. …Cont’d Determine the purpose of the forecast. What is its purpose and when will it be needed? This will provide an indication of the level of detail required in the forecast, the amount of resources (personnel, computer, time, dollars) that can be justified, the level of accuracy necessary. 2. Establish a time horizon. The forecast must be indicate a time limit, keeping in mind that accuracy decreases as the time horizon increases. 3. Select the forecast technique. 4. Gather and analyze relevant data. Before a forecast can be prepared, data must be gathered and analyzed. Identify any assumptions that are made in conjunction with preparing and using the forecast 1. Steps in the Forecasting Process. …Cont’d 5. Prepare the forecast. Use an appropriate technique of forecasting. 6. Monitor the forecast. A forecast has to be mentioned to determine whether it is performed in a satisfactory manner. If it is not, re examine the method, assumptions, validity of data so on; modify as needed; and prepare a revised forecast. Types of Forecasting There are two types of forecasting: 1. Qualitative methods – judgmental methods Forecasts generated subjectively by the forecaster Educated guesses It includes: Executive opinion, sales force opinions, consumer survey, outside opinion 2. Quantitative methods – based on mathematical modeling: Forecasts generated through mathematical modeling It include: 1) Time series and 2) Associative model Types of Forecasting....Con'td 1. Qualitative or Judgmental Forecasts i) Executive opinions: A small group of upper level managers (e.g. marketing, operations, and finance) may and collectively develop a forecast. ii) Sales force opinions: the sales staff of the customer service staff is often a good source of information because of their direct contact with consumers. iii) Consumer surveys: Because it is the consumers who ultimately determine demand, it seems natural to solicit input from them. However, there are usually to many customers or there is no way to identify all potential customer. Qualitative forecasting....Cont’d iv) Outside opinion/Delphi method It involves circulating a series of questionnaires among individuals who posses the knowledge and ability to contribute meaningfully. Responses are kept anonymous, which tend to encourage honest responses and reduce the risk that one person’s opinion will prevail. For example: When digital camera might be purchased by 50% of Ethiopian population? When a medicine for HIVs might be developed and ready for mass distribution? 2. Quantitative Forecasts i) TIME SERIES FORECASTS a) Trend - long-term movement in data either upward or downward. It is a gradual long-term directional movement in the data (growth or decline). b) Seasonality - short-term fairly regular variations in data. Related to factors such as calendar and time of day. For example, restaurants, supermarkets, and theaters experience weekly and even daily seasonal variations. c) Cycle - wavelike variations of more than one year’s duration. Related to variety of economic, political, and even agricultural products Time Series Forecasts…cont’d d) Irregular variations - caused by unusual circumstances such as severe weather condition, strike, major changes in product/service e) Random variations - are sporadic (unpredictable) effects due to chance and unusual. Are residual variations that remain after all other behaviours have been accounted for. Forecast Variations Irregular variatio n Trend Cycles 90 89 88 Seasonal variations i. Naive Forecasts Uh, give me a minute.... We sold 250 wheels last week.... Now, next week we should sell.... The forecast for any period equals the previous period’s actual value. A forecasting technique which assumes that demand in the next period is equal to demand in the most recent period, Uses for Naive Forecasts Stable time series data: last data point becomes the forecast for the next period. Seasonal variations: the forecast for this “season” is equal to the value of the series “last Season”. F(t) = A(t-1) F(t) = A(t-n) Data with trends: the forecast is equal to the last value of the series plus or minus the difference between the last two values of the series. F(t) = A(t-1) + (A(t-1) – A(t-2)) Naive Forecasts Simple to use Virtually no cost Quick and easy to prepare Easily understandable Can be a standard for comparison Cannot provide high accuracy Example If demand last week was 50 units, the naive forecast for the upcoming week is 50 units, similarly, if demand in the upcoming week turns out to be 54 units, the forecast for the following week would be 54 units. ii. Techniques for Averaging Averaging techniques smooth fluctuations in a time series because the individual highs and lows in the data offset each other when they are combined in to an average. A forecast based on average thus tends to exhibit less variability than the original data 1. Moving Average 2. Weighted moving average 3. Exponential smoothing 1. Moving Averages Moving average – A technique that averages a number of recent actual values, updated as new values become available. n Ft=MAn= A i i=1 n Where: i= an index that corresponds to periods n= number of periods (data points) in moving average Ai=Actual value in period i MA= Moving average Ft= Forecast for time period t Example 1.The demand for tires in a tire store in the past 5 weeks were as follows. Compute a three-period moving average forecast for demand in week 6. 83 80 85 90 94 MA3= 94+90+85 =89.67 3 2. Compute a two period moving average forecast given demand for shopping carts for the last five periods. 42 40 43 40 41 Moving average & Actual demand 2. Weighted moving average Weighted moving average – More recent values in a series are given more weight in computing the forecast. Ft 1 w t At All weights must add to 100% or 1.00 e.g. wt .5, wt-1 .3, wt-2 .2 (weights add to 1.0) Example: For the previous demand data, compute a weighted average forecast using a weight of .40 for the most recent period, .30 for the next most recent, .20 for the next and .10 for the next. If the actual demand for week 6 is 91, forecast demand for week 7 using the same weights. Solution to example F6= (94x0.4)+ (90x0.3)+(85x0.2)+(80x0.1) =89.60 F7=(91x0.4)+(94x0.30)+(90x0.20)+(85x0.10) =91.10 The Advantage of a weighted average over simple moving average is that the weighted average is more reflective of the most recent occurrences. However the choice of weights is some what arbitrary and generally involves the use of trial and error to find a suitable weighting scheme. 3. Exponential Smoothing Ft = Ft-1 + (At-1 - Ft-1) Where: Ft= Forecast for period t Ft-1= Forecast for the previous period Smoothing constant At-1= Actual demand for the previous period • The most recent observations might have the highest predictive value. Therefore, we should give more weight to the more recent time periods when forecasting. Exponential Smoothing Weighted averaging method based on previous forecast plus a percentage of the forecast error A-F is the error term, is the % feedback Example: Suppose the previous forecast was 42 units, actual demand was 40 units, and is 0.10. Then new forecast would be computed as follows: Ft= 42+ 0.10(40-42) =42+ -0.20 = 41.80 Example - Exponential Smoothing Period Actual 1 83 2 80 3 85 4 89 5 92 6 95 7 91 8 90 9 88 10 93 11 92 12 0.1 83 82.70 82.93 83.54 84.38 85.44 86.00 86.40 86.56 87.20 87.68 Error -3.00 2.30 6.07 8.46 10.62 5.56 4.00 1.60 6.44 4.80 0.4 83 81.80 83.08 85.45 88.07 90.84 90.90 90.54 89.53 90.92 91.35 Error -3 3.20 5.92 6.55 6.93 0.16 -0.90 -2.54 3.47 1.08 Picking a Smoothing Constant Exponential Smoothing Actual Alpha=0.10 Alpha=0.40 100 Demand 95 90 85 80 75 70 2 3 4 5 6 7 Period 8 9 10 11 Problem 1 National Mixer Inc. sells can openers. Monthly sales for a seven-month period were as follows: Forecast September sales volume using each of the following: A five-month moving average Exponential smoothing with a smoothing constant equal to .20, assuming a March forecast of 19. The naive approach A weighted average using .60 for August, .30 for July, and .10 for June. Month Sales (1000) Feb 19 Mar 18 Apr 15 May 20 Jun 18 Jul 22 Aug 20 Problem 2 A dry cleaner uses exponential smoothing to forecast equipment usage at its main plant. August usage was forecast to be 88% of capacity. Actual usage was 89.6%. A smoothing constant of 0.1 is used. Prepare a forecast for September Assuming actual September usage of 92%, prepare a forecast of October usage Problem 3 An electrical contractor’s records during the last five weeks indicate the number of job requests: Week: 1 2 3 4 5 Requests: 20 22 18 21 22 Predict the number of requests for week 6 using each of these methods: Naïve A four-period moving average Exponential smoothing with a smoothing constant of .30. Use 20 for week 2 forecast. iii. Techniques for Trend • Develop an equation that will suitably describe trend, when trend is present. • The trend component may be linear or nonlinear • We focus on linear trends because these are fairly common. Common Nonlinear Trends Parabolic Exponential Growth Linear Trend Equation Ft Ft = a + bt Ft = Forecast for period t 0 1 2 t = Specified number of time periods a = Value of Ft at t = 0 b = Slope of the line Example: Ft =10+2t. Interpret 10 and 2. Plot F 3 4 5 t Example Sales for over the last 5 weeks are shown below: Week: Sales: 1 2 150 157 3 162 4 166 5 177 Plot the data and visually check to see if a linear trend line is appropriate. Determine the equation of the trend line Predict sales for weeks 6 and 7. Line chart Sales 180 175 170 Sales 165 160 Sales 155 150 145 140 135 1 2 3 Week 4 5 Calculating a and b n (ty) - t y b = 2 2 n t - ( t) y - b t a = n Linear Trend Equation Example t Week 1 2 3 4 5 2 t 1 4 9 16 25 t = 15 t = 55 2 (t) = 225 2 y Sales 150 157 162 166 177 ty 150 314 486 664 885 y = 812 ty = 2499 Linear Trend Calculation b = 5 (2499) - 15(812) 5(55) - 225 = 12495-12180 275 -225 = 6.3 812 - 6.3(15) a = = 143.5 5 Ft(y) = 143.5 + 6.3t Linear Trend plot Actual data Linear equation 180 175 170 165 160 155 150 145 140 135 1 2 3 4 5 Recall: Problem 1 National Mixer Inc. sells can openers. Monthly sales for a seven-month period were as follows: Plot the monthly data Forecast September sales volume using a line trend equation Which method of forecast seems least appropriate? What does use of the term sales rather than demand presume? Month Sales (1000) Feb 19 Mar 18 Apr 15 May 20 Jun 18 Jul 22 Aug 20 Line chart Sales 20 0 F M J A Month A M S J Problem 4 A cosmetics manufacturer’s marketing department has developed a linear trend equation that can be used to predict annual sales of its popular Hand & Foot Cream: Ft 80 15t where Ft Annual sales (1000 bottles) t 0 corresponds to 1990 Are annual sales increasing or decreasing? By how much? Predict annual sales for the year 2006 using the equation. iv. Techniques for Seasonality Seasonal variations in time series data are regularly repeating upward or downward movements in series values that can be tied to recurring events. Seasonality may refer to regular annual variation. There are two models Seasonality in a time series is expressed in terms of the amount that actual values deviate from the average value of a series. Additive: expressed as a quantity (e.g., 20 units), which is added or subtracted from the series average Multiplicative: a percentage of the average or seasonal relative (e.g., 1.10), which is used to multiply the value of a series to incorporate seasonality. Additive vs. multiplicative Techniques for Seasonality…cont’d Knowledge of seasonal variations is an important factor in retailing planning and scheduling. Moreover, it is important in capacity planning for systems that must be designed to handle peak loads (e.g. Public transportation, electric power plants, highways, and bridges) Incorporating seasonality in forecast useful when demand has both trend (average) and seasonal components. It is accomplished in the following ways: 1. Obtained trend estimates for the desired periods using a trend equation 2. Add seasonality to the trend estimates by multiplying (assuming multiplicative model is appropriate) Example A furniture manufacturer wants to predict quarterly demand for a certain loveseat for periods 15 and 16, which happen to be the second and third quarters of a particular year. The series consists of both trend and seasonality. The trend portion of demand is projected using the equation Quarter relatives are Ft 124 7.5t Q1 1.20, Q2 1.10, Q3 0.75, Q4 0.95 Use this information to predict demand for periods 15 and 16. Solution The trend values at t=15 and t=16 are: F15= 124+7.5 (15)= 236.50 F16= 124+7.5 (16) = 244.00 Multiplying the trend value by the appropriate quarter relative yields a forecast that includes both trend and seasonality. Given that t= 15 is a second quarter and t= 16 is a third quarter, the forecast are: F15= 236.50(1.10)= 260.15 F16+ 244.00(0.75)= 183.00 Problem A manager is using the equation below to forecast quarterly demand for a product: Y(t) = 6,000 + 80t where t = 0 at Q2 of last year Quarter relatives are Q1 = .6, Q2 = .9, Q3 = 1.3, and Q4 = 1.2. What forecasts are appropriate for the last quarter of this year and the first quarter of next year? Problem A manager of store that sells and installs hot tubs wants to prepare a forecast for January, February and March of 2007. Her forecasts are a combination of trend and seasonality. She uses the following equation to estimate the trend component of monthly demand: Ft 70 5t Where t=0 is June of 2005. Seasonal relatives are 1.10 for Jan, 1.02 for Feb, and .95 for March. What demands should she predict? Computing seasonal relatives 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 If your data appears to have seasonality, how do you compute the seasonal relatives? Computing seasonal relatives Calculate centered moving average for each period. Obtain the ratio of the actual value of the period over the centered moving average. Number of periods needed in a centered moving average = Number of seasons involved: Monthly data: a 12-period moving average Quarterly data: a 4-period moving average Example The manager of a parking lot has computed the number of cars per day in the lot for three weeks. Using a seven-period centered moving average, calculate the seasonal relatives. Note that a seven period centered moving average is used because there are seven days (seasons) per week. Problem 5 Obtain estimates of quarter relatives for these data: Year: 1 2 Quarter: 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Demand: 14 18 35 46 28 36 60 71 3 1 2 3 4 45 54 84 88 4 1 58 Problem The manager of a restaurant believes that her restaurant does about 10% of its business on Sunday through Wednesday, 15% on Thursday night, 25% on Friday night, and 20% on Saturday night. What seasonal relatives would describe this situation? Quantitative Forecast ii. Associative forecast/Causal forecasts Associative techniques rely on identification of related variables that can be used to predict values of the variable of interest. For example: Real estate prices are usually related to property location, size of the house, design of the house, etc The essence of associative techniques is the development of an equation that summarizes the effects of predictor variables. The primary method of analysis is known as regression. Associative/causal forecast...Cont’d Predictor variables - used to predict values of variable interest (predicted variables). Regression - technique for fitting a line to a set of points Least squares line - minimizes sum of squared deviations around the line Simple Linear Regression Simple linear regression analysis analyzes the linear relationship that exists between two variables. y a bx where: y = Value of the dependent variable x = Value of the independent variable a = Population’s y-intercept b = Slope of the population regression line Simple Linear Regression The coefficients of the line are b or n xy x y n x ( x ) 2 2 y b x a n a y bx Example The general manager of a building materials production plant feels the demand for plaster board shipment may be rotated to the number of construction permit issued in the region during the previous quarter. The manager has collected the data shown in the companied table below: Required Determine a point estimate for plasterboard shipment when the number of construction is 30 Example....cont’d Construction permit Plaster Board 15 6 9 4 40 16 20 6 25 13 25 9 15 10 35 16 solution X 15 Y 6 XY 90 X² 225 Y² 36 9 40 4 16 36 640 81 1600 16 256 20 25 6 13 120 325 400 625 36 169 25 15 35 9 10 16 225 150 560 625 225 1225 81 100 256 ∑X= 184 ∑Y= 80 ∑XY= 2146 ∑X²=5006 ∑Y²=950 Solution....cont’d b= n(∑XY)-(∑X) (∑Y) y=a+bx n(∑x²)-(∑X) ² y=0.915+0.395x b= 8(2146)-(184) (80) y= 0.915+0.395(30) 8(5006) –(184)² y=12.76 =13 shipments b=0.395 a= (∑Y)-b(∑X) n a= 80-0.395(184) =0.915 8 Correlation The correlation coefficient is a quantitative measure of the strength of the linear relationship between two variables. The correlation ranges from + 1.0 to - 1.0. A correlation of 1.0 indicates a perfect linear relationship, whereas a correlation of 0 indicates no linear relationship. Note that: A correlation of +1 indicates that change in one variable are always matched by changes in the other; a correlation of -1 indicates that increases in one variable are matched by decreases in the other. An algebraic formula for correlation coefficient r n xy x y [n( x ) ( x) ][ n( y ) ( y) ] 2 2 2 2 Problem 7 The manager of a seafood restaurant was asked to establish a pricing policy on lobster dinners. Experimenting with prices produced the following data: Create the scatter plot and determine if a linear relationship is appropriate. Determine the correlation coefficient and interpret it Obtain the regression line and interpret its coefficients. Sold (y) Price (x) 200 6.00 190 6.50 188 6.75 180 7.00 170 7.25 162 7.50 160 8.00 155 8.25 156 8.50 148 8.75 140 9.00 133 9.25 Forecast Accuracy Source of forecast errors: Model may be inadequate Irregular variations Incorrect use of forecasting technique Random variation Key to validity is randomness Accurate models: random errors Invalid models: nonrandom errors Key question: How to determine if forecasting errors are random? Error measures Error is difference between actual value and predicted value Error= Actual value-Forecasted value Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) Mean Squared Error (MSE) Average absolute error Average of squared error Mean Absolute Percent Error (MAPE) Average absolute percent error Tracking signal MAD, MSE, and MAPE MAD = Actual forecast n MSE = ( Actual forecast) 2 n -1 MAPE Actual Forecast 100 Actual n Tracking Signal A tracking signal is a measurement of how well a forecast is predicting actual values. As forecasts are updated every week, month, or quarter, the newly available demand data are compared to the forecast values. The tracking signal is computed as the cumulative error divided by the mean absolute deviation (MAD): Tracking = Signal ( Actual forecast) MAD Example Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MAD= MSE= MAPE= Actual 217 213 216 210 213 219 216 212 2.75 10.86 1.28 Forecast 215 216 215 214 211 214 217 216 (A-F) 2 -3 1 -4 2 5 -1 -4 -2 |A-F| 2 3 1 4 2 5 1 4 22 (A-F)^2 4 9 1 16 4 25 1 16 76 (|A-F|/Actual)*100 0.92 1.41 0.46 1.90 0.94 2.28 0.46 1.89 10.26 Controlling the Forecast Control chart A visual tool for monitoring forecast errors Used to detect non-randomness in errors Forecasting errors are in control if All errors are within the control limits No patterns, such as trends or cycles, are present Controlling the forecast Control charts Control charts are based on the following assumptions: when errors are random, they are Normally distributed around a mean of zero. Standard deviation of error is MSE 95.5% of data in a normal distribution is within 2 standard deviation of the mean 99.7% of data in a normal distribution is within 3 standard deviation of the mean Upper and lower control limits are often determine via 0 2 MSE or 0 3 MSE Example Compute 2s control limits for forecast errors of previous example and determine if the forecast is accurate. 5.41 s MSE 3.295 2s 6.59 3.41 1.41 -0.59 0 Errors are all between -6.59 and +6.59 No pattern is observed Therefore, according to control chart criterion, forecast is reliable -2.59 -4.59 -6.59 10 Problem 8 The manager of a travel agency has been using a seasonally adjusted forecast to predict demand for packaged tours. The actual and predicted values are Compute MAD, MSE, and MAPE. Determine if the forecast is working using a control chart with 2s limits. Use data from the first 8 periods to develop the control chart, then evaluate the remaining data with the control chart. Compute tracking signal and interpret it Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Demand Predicted 1 29 1 94 1 56 91 85 1 32 1 26 1 26 95 1 49 98 85 1 37 1 34 1 24 200 1 50 94 80 1 40 1 28 1 24 1 00 1 50 94 80 1 40 1 28 Problem Given the following demand data, prepare a naïve forecast for periods 2 through 10. Then determine each forecast error, and use those values to obtain 2s control limits. If demand in the next two periods turns out to be 125 and 130, can you conclude that the forecasts are in control? Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Demand 118 117 120 119 126 122 117 123 121 124 Choosing a Forecasting Technique No single technique works in every situation Two most important factors Cost Accuracy Other factors include the availability of: Historical data Computers Time needed to gather and analyze the data Forecast horizon Using Forecasting Information A manager can take a reactive or a proactive approach to a forecast. A reactive approach views forecasts as probable descriptions of the future demand, and manager reacts to meet that demand (e.g. Adjusts production rates, inventories, the work force). Proactive approach seeks to actively influence demand (e.g. By means of advertising, pricing, or product/service changes). The End of Chapter Three ! Good Luck! Read Further William J. Stevenson Chapter 10 (page 480)