Lund University ETSN01 Advanced Telecommunication Tutorial 5 : Link layer Author: Antonio Franco Course Teacher: Emma Fitzgerald April 10, 2014 Contents I II Before you start Exercises 3 3 1 3 2 3 3 3 4 4 III Solutions 4 1 4 2 4 3 5 4 5 Part I Before you start This tutorial is given to prepare you to the exam. Since time is limited, it is highly advised that you first try to solve the exercises (Part II) at home, then have a look at the solutions (Part III), and, finally, ask questions during the exercises sessions. Part II Exercises 1 A disadvantage of a broadcast network is the capacity wasted when multiple hosts attempt to access the channel simultaneously. Consider the following simplistic example, suppose time is divided into discrete slots with each of n hosts attempting to access the channel with a probability p during each slot. What fraction of slots will be wasted due to collisions? 2 Consider a link layer protocol which requires lost frames to be retransmitted. The probability of a frame being lost is p. What is the expected number of transmissions to successfully send a frame if acknowledgements are never lost? 3 Consider a wireless network where each node generates packets from a number of independent sources where both the inter-packet spacing and the packet lengths are negative exponentially distributed with a mean rate of λ and mean size β=10000 bit. Each host has an infinite transmit buffer where packets are stored while waiting for transmission on the wireless link. The data rate on the link C = 100 Mbps. a) If there are N identical nodes in the network, derive an expression for the expected delay for a packet, from generation until it has been successfully sent. b) Calculate the delay when N = 10 and λ = 900 packets/s. 3 4 Two CSMA/CD stations are each trying to transmit long (multiframe) files. After each frame is sent, they contend for the channel using the binary exponential backoff algorithm. What is the probability that the contention ends on round k and what is the mean number of rounds per contention period? Part III Solutions 1 Distinguish between n + 2 possible events E[n]. • E[1] - E[n] = successful transmission by one of the n hosts (i.e. only one host transmits in one slot and the others remain silent), • E[n+1] = no host attempts transmission (i.e. zero hosts transmit in one slot), • E[n+2] = unsuccessful transmission (i.e. two or more hosts transmit in the same slot); we can write: Pr{E[i]} = p · (1 − p)n−1 , i = 1, . . . , n Pr{E[n + 1]} = (1 − p)n n+2 X Pr{E[j]} = 1 j=1 ⇒ Pr{E[n + 2]} = 1 − Pr{E[1] − E[n]} − Pr{E[n + 1]} = 1 − n · p · (1 − p)n−1 − (1 − p)n , and Pr{E[n + 2]} is, effectively, the fraction of lost slots. 2 The probability, Pk , of a frame requiring exactly k transmissions is the probability of the first k - 1 attempts failing, pk−1 , times the probability of the k-th transmission succeeding, (1 - p). The mean number of transmission is then simply1 : ∞ X 1 pk−1 · (1 − p) · k = 1−p k=1 1 remember that ∞ P k=1 k · xk = x (1−x)2 4 . 3 a) The formula is the standard formula for delay for an M/M/1 queue where β 1 , ρ = µλ and Ts = C ; so: E[Tr ] = µ1 · 1−ρ E[Tr ] = β 1 β · = C 1−ρ C · (1 − λ · β C) = C β 1 −λ (1) ; b) first we calculate the total λtot = N P λi = N · λ = 9000, then substituting i=1 into (1) we have: E[Tr ] = 1 = 1 ms 10000 − 9000 . 4 Number the attempts starting from 1. Attempt i is distributed among 2i−1 slots (see Figure 1). Thus, the probability of a collision on attempt i is 2−(i−1) . The probability that the first k-1 attempts will fail is then: Pk = (1 − 2−(k−1) ) · k−1 Y 2−(i−1) i=1 , which can be simplified 2 to: Pk = (1 − 2−(k−1) ) · 2− , so, the expected number of rounds is simply: X k · Pk k . 2 remember that N Q 2−i = 2 −N ·(1+N ) 2 . i=1 5 (k−1)·(k−2) 2 p 0 1-p { { p p 0 1-p p { 20 21 2k-1 0 1-p { 2k p 0 1-p Figure 1: After k consecutive collisions (in this figure a single collision happens with probability p), a station delays retransmission by a random interval uniformly distributed beetween 0 and 2k , (so the packet is transmitted k+1 times in total). 6