Uploaded by Brendon Pares

Brendon Pares - Period 9 Rock Webquest

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Rock Webquest
Directions:​​ ​Types of Rocks​. Go to​ ​http://www.learner.org/interactives/rockcycle/types2.html​ to “Start Your Rock
Collection.” Answer the questions below based on the information on the website.
1. Gneiss can often be seen on ​[mountainsides ]​, where rocks formed deep ​[within ]​ the surface. This rock has
[Ribbonlike layers ]​.
2. ​[Conglomerate]​ is made up of pebbles, stones, and smaller particles ​[pressed together]​ by the action of
waves or water. This rock is often found in ​[Large Expanses or beds]​, and finding a bed of this can be a clue
that a ​[river or beach]​ once existed in that location.
3. Marble is formed when ​[limestone ]​ is pushed down into the earth and subjected to intense ​[heat ]​ & ​[
pressure ]​ for a long period of time. Marble is found in ​[mountainsides ]​ and is often used in ​[construction and
sculpture ]​.
4. ​[This rock/Obsidian ]​ has a glassy surface. It is created from lava that ​[ cools ]​ so quickly that no crystals can
form on its surface. It can be found near ​[volcanic lava flows ]​, and was often used to make ​[ arrowheads
because its edges are very sharp ]​.
5. Basalt is usually very ​ ​[dark ]​ in color. It is the most common rock type in ​[Earth’s crust ]​ and makes up
most of the ​[Ocean Floor ]​.
6. ​[Limestone ]​ is a sedimentary rock and is often found near the ocean and lakes. It can contain ​[ Fossils ]​.
These were formed when seashells and the​[skeletons of marine animals ]​ were compressed into the sea floor,
along with other ​[Sediment ]​.
7. Which two rocks (from #1-6) are sedimentary? ​[Conglomerate ]​ & ​[ Limestone ]
8. Which two rocks (from #1-6) are metamorphic? ​[ Gneiss ]​ & ​[Marble ]
9. Which two rocks (from #1-6) are igneous? ​[ Basalt ]​ & ​[ Obsidian ]
Directions:​​ ​How Rocks Change​. Go to​ ​http://www.learner.org/interactives/rockcycle/change4.html​ and answer
the questions below.
10. Sediment + ​[Compacting and Cementing ]​ = Conglomerate
11. Limestone + ​[ Heat and Pressure ]​ = Marble
12. Obsidian + ​[Weathering and Erosion ]​ = Sediment
13. Gneiss + ​[Melting ]​ = Magma
14. Magma + ​[Cooling ]​ = Granite
15. Granite + ​[ Weathering and Erosion ]​ = Sediment
16. Sediment + ​[Compacting and Cementing ]​ = Sandstone
17. Sandstone + ​[Heat and Pressure ]​ = Quartzite
18. Quartzite + ​[Melting ]​ = Magma
Directions:​​ ​The Rock Cycle Diagram​. Go to​ ​http://www.learner.org/interactives/rockcycle/diagram2.html​ and
answer the questions below. Then, using the diagram below, fill in the missing rock cycle steps.
19. When rocks are affected by weathering and erosion, they change into ​[Sediment ]​.
20. When sediment is compacted and cemented, it changes into ​[Sedimentary Rock ]​.
21. When heat and pressure are applied to a sedimentary rock, it changes into ​[Metamorphic Rock ]​.
22. When melting of a metamorphic rock occurs, it changes into ​[Magma ]​.
23. When magma is cooled, it changes into ​[Igneous Rock ]​.
24. ​[Sedimentary Rock ]​Refer to the picture below!
25. ​[Metamorphic Rock ]​Refer to the picture below!
26. ​[ Magma ]​Refer to the picture below!
27. ​[Igneous Rock ]​Refer to the picture below!
28. ​[Sediment ]​Refer to the picture below!
Directions:​​ ​Test Your Skills​. Go to​ ​http://www.lear
ner.org/interactives/rockcycle/testskills.html​ ​and enter your name. Answer the fifteen questions, then click “See
Your Results.” Take a screenshot (on Chromebook, ​ctrl​​ + ​shift​​ + ​Switch Screens​​ button) of your results and insert
the image below (​Insert​​ + ​Image...​​).