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We have chosen what we feel are the best international curricula available:
Nursery and Reception use our own curriculum developed around the Early Years Foundation
Stage (EYFS) curriculum taught in England and best practice from around the world.
Years 1 to 6 follow the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) – a comprehensive, thematic,
creative curriculum with a clear process of learning. It has specific learning goals for
international mindedness and for personal learning based on cooperation, communication,
thoughtfulness, respect, resilience and morality. English and Mathematics objectives meet or
exceed those of the English National Curriculum.
The International Middle Years Curriculum (IMYC) is specifically designed for adolescent brains
and is ideal for Years 7-9. It aims to help maintain the students’ engagement with learning
during a time of immense physical and emotional development while providing a structured
and challenging academic platform to prepare the children for the next stage of their learning.
English and Mathematics objectives are based on the English National Curriculum.
For Years 10 and 11, our curriculum will be built around the Cambridge IGCSE, with its strong
foundation of core subjects and encouragement of learners to engage with a variety of
subjects. It develops skills in creative thinking, enquiry and problem solving and is a great
springboard to advanced study, such as for the International Baccalaureate (IB), ‘A’ levels, or
other national systems. IGCSE exams at the end of Year 11 provide your child with a set of
qualifications that are recognised world-wide.
As a school, we value the importance of the creative and performing arts and the role they play
in not only positively impacting on academic achievement, but also in developing, amongst
other things, self esteem, confidence, collaboration, appreciation and enjoyment.
Curriculum areas such as music, PE and Swedish are taught by specialist teachers, even in the
primary age ranges.
We invite you to find out more about our curriculum through the links in this section of the
Joy Garingo Updated 5 January 2017
"the curriculum for boys and girls was aimed to teach them to serve and love God, discover
what is good and proper for one's self and enable the individual to get along with his or her
consists of 4 Primary years and 3 Intermediate years. Body and Mental Training were given to
each student. As each student progressed, the subjects taught become more complicated and
Teacher's Training Curriculum was established in Normal Schools (Cebu Normal University,
Silliman University, Philippine Normal University, Far Eastern University), so that Filipino
Teachers could teach the Filipino children and slowly replace the Thomasites.
Phenomenology is used to identify phenomena and focus on subjectiv e
experiences and understanding the structure of those lived experiences. It was
founded in the early 20 t h century by Edmund Husserl and Martin Heideggar and
originated from philosophy. Phenomenology is used to describe, in depth, the
common characteristics of the phenomena that has occurred. The primary data
collection method is through in-depth interviews.
There are three main types of qualitative sampling: purposeful sampling, quota sampling, and
snowballingsampling. The following descriptions describe the reasons for choosing a
particular method. PurposefulSampling is the most common sampling strategy.
Purposeful sampling is widely used in qualitative research for the identification and selection
of information-rich cases related to the phenomenon of interest. Although there are several
different purposeful sampling strategies, criterionsampling appears to be used most commonly
in implementation research.Aug 15, 2014
In qualitative research, there are various sampling techniques that you can use when
recruiting participants. The two most popular sampling techniques are purposeful and
convenience sampling because they align the best across nearly all qualitative research designs.
Sampling techniques can be used in conjunction with one another very easily or can be used
alone within a qualitative dissertation. Here we will describe the two most popular techniques
in a bit more detail.
Purposeful Sampling: Also known as purposive and selective sampling, purposeful sampling is a
sampling technique that qualitative researchers use to recruit participants who can provide indepth and detailed information about the phenomenon under investigation. It is highly
subjective and determined by the qualitative researcher generating the qualifying criteria each
participant must meet to be considered for the research study. An example of this would be a
student who seeks to look at current nurses’ perceptions of leadership styles within a specific
hospital setting. This one sentence description alone can already generate two selection
criteria: (a) must be an active nurse and (b) must work at a specific hospital setting. Additional
criteria such as number of years in the field or level of nursing education will ensure
participants have a similar foundation.
Convenience Sampling: This is a sampling technique that qualitative researchers use to recruit
participants who are easily accessible and convenient to the researchers. Oftentimes this may
include utilizing geographic location and resources that make participant recruitment
convenient. An example of this would be a teacher who wanted to examine the perceptions of
teachers about a policy change and decided to utilize a school within the district he or she
worked in to recruit participants. Another example would be a professional who is a member of
a professional organization and wanted to recruit participants through contact information
available to members of that organization. Both examples would be convenient to each
researcher but would also require obtaining permissions to recruit participants (from the
district and professional organization respectively).
There are additional sampling techniques, such as snowball and quota sampling, that
qualitative researchers can use, but the majority of qualitative researchers utilize one of the
sampling techniques described above.
Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) refers to the processes and procedures that are used
to analyze the data and provide some level or explanation, understanding, or
interpretation. Qualitative
analysis typically
the data collection. ... Focus theanalysis.
Qualitative Data Analysis
Qualitative data refers to non-numeric information such as interview transcripts, notes, video
and audio recordings, images and text documents. Qualitative data analysis can be divided into
the following five categories:
1. Content analysis. This refers to the process of categorizing verbal or behavioural data to
classify, summarize and tabulate the data.
2. Narrative analysis. This method involves the reformulation of stories presented by
respondents taking into account context of each case and different experiences of each
respondent. In other words, narrative analysis is the revision of primary qualitative data by
3. Discourse analysis. A method of analysis of naturally occurring talk and all types of written
4. Framework analysis. This is more advanced method that consists of several stages such as
familiarization, identifying a thematic framework, coding, charting, mapping and interpretation.
5. Grounded theory. This method of qualitative data analysis starts with an analysis of a single
case to formulate a theory. Then, additional cases are examined to see if they contribute to the