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Leadership & Management Case Study: Models & Attributes


Ricky Thompson

Principles of Management

Willis B.

10 November 2014

Case Application 1 Page 558

1. What do you think about Buckley’s statement that leaders and managers differ?

Do you agree? Why or why not?

I think that Buckley is spot on with his analysis that leaders and managers are different. I completely agree with Buckley. A manager usually concentrates on the job at hand, and process by which the job is done. A leader usually “leads” by example, showing the workers how something is done, and creating admiration among his followers. I agree with Buckley because what he said makes perfect sense in my mind. Leaders need to be developed. Managers can be given processes and it is not too hard to figure out how to get it done with the set guidelines in place.

2. What leadership models/theories/issues do you see in this case? List and describe.

The leadership model that I personally see in place is the visionary leadership model.

This model represents a person’s ability to create and articulate a realistic simulation that would allow a company a “vision” on the future, something realistic and tangible that is better than what is happening in the present.

The leadership theory that is within this case is the Fiedler contingency model. Basically, the Fiedler contingency model is properly using a manager’s skill and leadership style to create the best results possible based on the current situation.

The only issue that I see in this case is that by using those six attributes that the company is training its leaders to follow, it makes them follow a fairly narrow path to success when there are many more possibilities that will lead to success. To put it plainly, it pigeon-holes the leaders into thinking that those six attributes that the company is looking for are the only things that really matter at the end of the day.

3. Take each of the six leadership attributes that the company feels is important.

Explain what you think each one involves. Then discuss how those attributes might be developed and measured.

Chart the course – Charting the course involves making a plan and being adaptable because of unforeseen events and situations. Everything needs to have a plan so that there is an end goal, so that everyone has a goal to work towards. I think that this can be measure by how

closely the end results resemble what the hypothetical plan looks like, and the success of that plan.

Energize and inspire others – The ability to make the people around you work harder, whether that be by incentives, compliments, or raising the overall morale of the company. This can be measured with surveys and questionnaires that will rate the overall morale and happiness level of the workforce.

Demonstrate ethics, integrity, and compliance – The ability to not do anything under the table, and follow directions from up above without questioning it. I think this can be developed by putting the manager in different kinds of situations and seeing how he reacts, and what he learns from each of those situations. I think that this would be measure by personal experience with that manager, and talking to the people that he works with on a day to day basis. Basically, the people that are in positions above him are judging his moral character, and how well he follows directions.

Deliver results – This one is self-explanatory. The leader must be able to deliver positive results in most or all fields, and keep improving over time. If the leader came up with a plan, he must try as hard as he can to get the results that he promised. This can be measure by charts with information on them regarding productivity, waste tracking, and statistics on what has improved lately.

Raise the bar – To raise the bar would be to go above and beyond what the norm is for something and take it to the next level. For example, if something is supposed to be cleaned once a month, the manager raises the bar by making time to clean it twice a month. This can be measured by the overall success of the manager, and comparing it to what has been done in the past, and what company policy is regarding what bar has been “raised.”

Innovate resourcefully – To innovate resourcefully would be to use already existing products or space more productively. An example of this would be to take away unnecessary steps in order to make a product quicker. Another example would be to make a new food dish at a restaurant already using the same exact ingredients that they already purchase. One way that this can be measured is to use this innovation in other areas of the business, and see if it creates a desirable impact on that particular element of the business.

4. What did this case teach you about leadership?

This case taught me that leaders and managers are different kinds of people. To be a manager is to focus on the process of how a job is done, and what it takes to get that job done. To be a leader is to focus on the inspiration of the workforce to do the task at hand, and put all of their effort into that project. Leaders also focus on what the task at hand actually is, and leads by example. A leader literally “leads” his followers into the fray, but knows what to say and do in order to inspire them to complete the job to the best of their ability.
