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Jurisprudence Exam Questions: Law & Legal Theory

Q1)10 Discuss the Nature, scope and utility of jurisprudence.
Define Jurisprudence and explain the importance of the study of
“Jurisprudence is not only knowledge of law, but also a mode to understand
the context of law in which it is to be used.” Comment.
Jurisprudence is a subject “On Law” but not a “Subject of Law” - elaborate
this statement.
Jurisprudence is a science of Law analyzing essential principles. Discuss.
Define Jurisprudence. Discuss whether ‘Jurisprudence is a science’ Explain
the relationship of Jurisprudence with other social sciences
Q6)10 Elucidate different meanings of Rights along with the extended
meaning envisaged by Hohfeld in his analysis of rights.
What is Legal Right and discuss on essential elements of Legal Right.
Discuss the classification of Legal Rights in the context of the Hohfeldian
Define “Legal Right” and what are various kinds of Legal Rights?
Discuss the characteristics of Legal Rights and kinds of rights.
Q3)9 Elucidate Austin’s definition of law with explanation of the two
Critically discuss Austin’s Theory of Command of the Sovereign’ in the
context of a
politically organized society. Discuss its relevance in modern legal systems.
Critically narrate the Austin’s concept of Law and discuss the criticism
against Austin’s theory of Law.
Examine critically Austin's "Command Theory of Law".
Discuss and evaluate in detail the Austin’s Positive Law Theory.
“Law is command of sovereign to be obeyed by the bulk of the human
Discuss the Austinian concept in the context of Indian Legal System
Q12)9 Elucidate the concept of “Standard of care”. Trace its application in
civil and criminal law.
“Administration of justice has it’s roots in certain cardinal principles common
to all legal systems”
Discuss the notion of Administration of Justice in Criminal & Civil
Law is body of principles applied by courts in the administration of justice".
Elucidate the abovementioned statement of Salmond with appropriate
Q5)8 “Social Engineering means creating a structure of society that would
satisfy maximum wants with minimum friction and waste”.
Elucidate the proposition with the help of Roscoe Pounds theory of law.
Explain the concept of ‘Social Engineering’ and Roscoe Pond’s proposition
of Law as a science of Social Engineering.
"Jurisprudence means a consideration of the ethical and social merits of
legal rules." - Roscoe Pound. Explain
What are the salient features of Sociological School of Law.
Q9)8 Describe kinds of Possessions and various modes of acquisition of
Define possession and discuss the distinction between Defacto and Dejure
Discuss the concept and importance of possession. Also state various
modes of acquisition of possession.
Explain the essential features and significance of possession
“Possession is nine points of ownership” Explain the proposition by
comparing it with the concept of ownership.
Q4)7 Discuss the classical tradition of natural law thinking in western legal
Discuss Theory of Natural Law in the light of appropriate case laws.
The theory of Natural Law has witnessed various changes in its growth and
grown with the changing time.
Illustrate and state its impact on the Indian legal system.
Critically discuss various versions of Natural Law Theory.
Discuss fully the Natural Law Theory and its influence on Indian Legal
Discuss the nature and functions of Law.
Q7)7 Define the “personality” and narrate the theories of corporate
Legal Personality is an artificial and technical creation of Law and exists
only in contemplation of Law. Explain.
Discuss the nature of Legal Personality of a Corporation. Also explain the
extent of its Liability.
“Legal Personality is an artificial and technical creation of law and exists
only in contemplation of law”. Explain
Discuss the nature of personality of a corporation. Also explain the extent of
it’s liability.
Define legal personality. Explain the theories of corporate personality.
Legal personality is an artificial and technical creation of Law and exists only
in contemplation of Law. Explain.
Q10)4 Define ‘Ownership’ and discuss its essentials.
What is ownership? and state how ownership is acquired?
Define Ownership. Explain the various characteristics of ownership and
different kinds of Ownership.
"Ownership is a bundle of rights which is available to legal owner and to be
guaranteed by the respective legal system". Explain the abovementioned