METHODS OF SEPARATING MIXTURES METHOD 1. Magnetism DESCRIPTION (HOW IT WORKS) 2. Filtration EXAMPLE Used to separate materials made from iron, nickel or cobalt Coffee filter to separate coffee flavor from the beans 3. Centrifuging Separating blood into serum and plasma 4. Decanting Separating oil and water from a mixture Heating sugar water to leave sugar crystals behind 5.Evaporation 6.Chromatography Separating sugar from a diabetic patient’s urine 7. Distillation Separating water from salty water (sea water) 8.Crystallization Making rocky candy or crystals from salty water 9.Hand Separation 10. Sifting/Sieving Separating parts of a salad Using a sifter/sieve to separate big parts from small parts Homework: Using the article “Essential Separation” on the back, create a 3-fold, z-type illustrated pamphlet showing the step-by-step drawing of procedures used in separating different materials. Each page of the pamphlet should include the following information: Page 1: Title (Essential Separation), Date submitted, Name, Class Page 2: How copper ore is separated from unwanted rocks (include heading, drawings/illustrations) Page 3: How copper ore is carried to the surface during froth flotation ((include heading, drawings/illustrations) Page 4: How gold is separated from unwanted rocks (include heading, drawings/illustrations) Page 5: How skim milk powder is separated from whole milk ((include heading, drawings/illustrations) Page 6: Three uses of chromatography in industry (include heading, drawings/illustrations) Your pamphlet should be folded in the way illustrated below: EACH PAGE OF YOUR PAMPHLET SHOULD LOOK SOMETHING LIKE THE ABOVE, EXCEPT PAGE 1.