Enclosure 24 FY 2013-14 PATH Program Discharge Summary Client Name: ______________________________________________________________ Discharged to: _____________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________________________________________ Enrollment Date: _________________ Type of Discharge: Low Impact Medium Impact High Impact Discharge Date: _______________ (Dropped Out, Refused Service, Lost Contact) (Remains Homeless but Linked to Mental Health Services) (Temporarily or Permanently Housed and Linked to Mental Health Services) HOUSING STATUS UPON DISCHARGE 1. Homeless: Outdoors Abandoned Building Short-Term Shelter Unknown 2. Temporary Housing: Long-Term Shelter Homeless Service Center Transitional Housing (up to 24 months) Motel Residential Treatment Program Living with Family/Friends 3. Permanent Housing: Supportive Housing Program Shelter + Care Section 8 Voucher Leases Own Apartment/Room/House Other ______________________________________________ 4. Corrections or Institution: Jail or Correctional Facility Hospital Nursing Home Was Client’s Housing Status Improved from Initial Contact to Discharge? YES NO Outcome Measures OBTAINED FOLLOWING SERVICES AND RESOURCES DURING ENROLLMENT: Check Housing (temporary, transitional, permanent) Assisted Attained Mental Health Services Assisted Attained Income Benefits (SSI/SSDI) Assisted Attained Employment Assisted Attained N/A Medical Insurance or Coverage Plan Assisted Attained N/A Additional Services General Assistance Income California ID Self Help (i.e. 12 step programs) Dental Services VA Benefits Primary Health Care CalFresh Program/ Food Stamps TANF Substance Abuse Services Other _____________________________________________ DISCHARGE SUMMARY Comments: _________________________________________________________________________________________ PATH Staff Name (Print): _____________________________________________ Date: _________________ PATH Staff Name (Signature):______________________________________ PATH 2013-14 Request for Application Page 1 of 2 Enclosure 24 FY 2013-14 PATH Program Discharge Summary Instructions A discharge summary is required for all PATH enrolled individuals. This information collected on the discharge summary assists in collecting information for the Quarterly Performance Report and PATH Annual Report. All of the above information is required to be collected upon discharge from the PATH Program with the exception of address and phone number. PATH 2013-14 Request for Application Page 2 of 2