Uploaded by Ivy Ferrer

Exercise 9

Chem 18.1 52 L | Group 3 1
Exercise No 09 | Semester 1, 2018-2019
Name: FERRER, Ivy Geraldine D.
Groupmates: Dela Torre, Athena Janssen
Fernandico, Kristine Psyche
Dela Rosa, Sean Vincent
Date Performed: October 18, 2018
Date Submitted: October 31, 2018
Exercise 9
I. Introduction
Metal complexes (ML) are the entities formed due to the combination of a metal cation
with a Lewis base. It is an ion containing a central metal ion (M), bonded with one or more ions
or molecules or ligands (L). The central metal ion, or the transition metal acts as the electron
acceptor that is attached to the ligands, which is a Lewis base, having a lone electron pair which
can be donated for the formation of a covalent bond. The formation reaction is shown below:
M + L  ML
equation 9.1
Metal ions add ligands one at a time characterized by equilibrium constants called
stability constants or formation constants (Kf) (Zumdahl, 2013). The corresponding pK and pH
values and stability constant of the complex and free concentration of the ligand were used as
variables in depending the concentration of metal ion. On the opposite, the larger Kf is, the more
stable the complex ion is (Chang, 2010).
Transition complexes can also establish different colors, depending on the metal center
and the number of ligands. The strength of the interactions with the metal ions can be identified
by the arrangement of ligands. The field strength of ligands is arranged in a list called the
spectrochemical series. Once the metal complex reached its equilibrium, the stability constant is
attained using the formula:
Kf = [𝑀][𝐿]
equation 9.2
The color formed in the solution from the metal complex corresponds to its degenerate
orbitals. The color observed is complementary to the wavelength of light absorbed in the color
wheel. This is due to the classification of weak field ligands with high spin and strong field
ligands with low spin. Upon the experimentation of the color observed, its complementary color
exhibits the range of wavelength of the ligand. Strong field ligands tend to absorb short
wavelength with high frequency while weak field ligands tend to absorb long wavelengths with
low frequency.
At the end of the exercise, preparation of different cobalt (III) complexes using various
ligands, writing complexation reactions and formation constant expressions, and construction of
spectrochemical series based on the colors of the solutions formed were achieved.
Chem 18.1 52 L | Group 3 2
Exercise No 09 | Semester 1, 2018-2019
II. Materials and Methods
0.05 M Cobalt Chloride solution (CoCl2)
15 M Ammonia (NH3)
6% Hydrogen Peroxide solution (H2O2)
0.05 M Sodium Nitrite solution (NaNO3)
1.5 mL of Glacial Acetic Acid (CH3COOH)
1.0 mL of saturated Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3)
1.0 mL of 6 M Nitric Acid (HNO3)
Apparatus and Equipment:
Pasteur Pipette
Test tube
Test tube rack
A. Preparation of different Cobalt (III) metal complexes
1 mL of 0.05 M cobalt chloride solution was placed in a three clean, dry test tubes. Pink
Co(H2O)62+ complex with water as ligand results to the color of the solution.
The formation reaction is written as:
[Co(H2O)62+ (aq) + 4Cl-  [CoCl4]2- (aq) + 6 H2O
equation 9.3
The three test tubes were labelled as A, B, and C, respectively. Few drops of 6 M
ammonia were added to the test tube labelled A and mixed well. 1.0 mL of 6% hydrogen
peroxide solution was added afterwards. The complexation of Cobalt (III) with ammonia
resulted to the change in color observed in the solution.
Test tube B was contained with a few drops of 0.05 M sodium nitrite solution, followed by
1.5 mL of glacial acetic acid. 1.0 mL of saturated bicarbonate solution was added and 1.0 mL
of 6% hydrogen peroxide solution were then added to test tube C.
The measured 1.0 mL solution from test tube C was transferred to a clean, dry test tube
labelled D. 1.0 mL of concentrated 6 M nitric acid was slowly added to produce [Co(H2O)6]3+.
Chem 18.1 52 L | Group 3 3
Exercise No 09 | Semester 1, 2018-2019
Observations for color changes, precipitate formation, and evolution of gas were evaluated and
results were recorded on Table 9.2
B. Predicting the arrangement of the ligands in the spectrochemical series
The complexes were arranged in terms of the amount of light absorbed using Table 9.1.
After which, the ligands were arranged in terms of field strength.
Table 9.1. Perception of color based on the wavelength of light absorbed
Wavelength absorbed (nm)
Color absorbed
Color observed
Greenish yellow
Greenish blue
Bluish green
Reddish violet
Yellowish green
Greenish blue
Bluish green
C. Waste Management
All mixtures were disposed to a waste bottle designated for Cobalt containing waste.
III. Results and Discussion
Table 9.2. Observations on the upon addition of different ligands to Cobalt Chloride
Test Tube
Ligand Added
Dark green
Faint pink
Moss green; bubbling upon addition of bicarbonate solution
Table 9.2 shows the data observed upon the addition of different ligands to Cobalt
Chloride. Addition of few drops of 6 M ammonia and 1.0 mL of 6% hydrogen peroxide solution in
test tube A turned into a dark green solution with the presence of precipitate. The solution in test
Chem 18.1 52 L | Group 3 4
Exercise No 09 | Semester 1, 2018-2019
tube B turned faint pink in color when added with few drops of 0.05 M sodium nitrite (NaNO3)
solution, followed by 1.5 mL of glacial acetic acid. Test tube C turned moss green with formation
of bubbling upon addition of 1 mL of saturated bicarbonate (NaHCO3) solution and 1.0 mL of 6%
hydrogen peroxide solution. Addition of 1.0 mL of concentrated 6 M nitric acid (HNO3) in test
tube D leads to a colorless solution.
Table 9.3. Net ionic equations involved in the formation of Cobalt (III) complexes
Test Tube
Net Ionic Equations
Co + 2NO2
Co(NO2)2 + 2 HNO2
Co(NO2)3 + H2O + NO
Co(NO2)3 + 3NO2[Co(NO2)6]3[Co(H2O)6]2++6HCO3-→[Co(CO3)3]3-+3H2O + 3CO2
[Co(CO3)3]3-+6H3O+→[Co(H2O)6]3+ 3H2O + 3CO2
Theoretical Color
Red orange
Table 9.3. shows the net ionic equations involved in the formation of cobalt (III)
complexes. Test tube A shows the net ionic equation of 2Co(NH3)62++H2O2
+ 2OH- with the corresponding theoretical color of red orange. Test tube B shows the net ionic
equations of Co2+ + 2NO2Co(NO2)2 + 2 HNO2
Co(NO2)2, NO2- + CH3COOH
Co(NO2)3 + H2O + NO and Co(NO2)3 + 3NO2-
exhibiting a yellow color. Test tube C involves the net ionic equation of [Co(H2O)6]2++6HCO3-→
[Co(CO3)3]3-+3H2O + 3CO2 wherein green can be seen as the theoretical color. Lastly, test tube
D perceives the color blue with the corresponding net ionic equation of [Co(CO3)3]3+6H3O+→[Co(H2O)6]3+ 3H2O + 3CO2. This shows that upon addition of the different ligands to
the cobalt chloride, its net ionic equation and perceived color changes.
Table 9.4. Stability constant expression (Kf expression) of the net ionic equation
Test Tube
Stability constant expression (Kf expression)
[Co(N𝐻3 ]3+ ]
[Co3+ ][𝑁𝐻3 ]6
[Co (𝑁𝑂2 )6 ]3−
[Co3+ ][N𝑂2 ]6
[Co (C𝑂3 )3 ]3−
[Co3+ ][𝐢𝑂3 ]3
[Co (𝑂𝐻2 )6 ]3+
[Co3+ ][𝑂𝐻2 ]6
Chem 18.1 52 L | Group 3 5
Exercise No 09 | Semester 1, 2018-2019
Table 9.4. shows the stability constant expression (Kf expression) of the net ionic
equations involved in the experiment to solve for the formation constant. The Kf expression
consists of ligands and its central atom. Based on the table shown, the product corresponds to
the numerator and the denominator were the reactants in the net ionic equation.
Table 9.5. Perception of color based on the wavelength of light absorbed (Experimental)
Test Tube
Wavelength absorbed (nm)
Color absorbed
Color observed
Bluish green
Reddish violet
Greenish yellow
Table 9.5 shows the experimental perception of color based on the wavelength of light
absorbed. The color observed in test tube A, containing ammonia as the ligand, was bluish
green (dark green), corresponding to its complimentary color of red as the color absorbed in the
spectrochemical series, absorbing a wavelength of 605-750 nm. Test tube B, containing nitrite
as the ligand, shows 500-560 nm as its wavelength, thus absorbing the color green, with
reddish violet (faint pink) as the color observed. Carbonate ligand contained in test tube C
shows the color greenish yellow (moss green), complementary with violet as the color absorbed,
therefore, having a range of wavelength from 400-435 nm. Test tube D, containing water as the
ligand, exhibited a colorless solution, resulting to colorless absorption without corresponding
Table 9.6. Perception of color based on the wavelength of light absorbed (Theoretical)
Test Tube
Wavelength absorbed (nm)
Color absorbed
Bluish green
Color observed
Red orange
Table 9.6 shows the theoretical perception of color based on the wavelength of light
absorbed. The color observed in test tube A, containing ammonia as the ligand, was red
orange, corresponding to its complimentary color of bluish green as the color absorbed in the
spectrochemical series, absorbing a wavelength of 480-500 nm. Test tube B, containing nitrite
as the ligand, shows 435-480 nm as its wavelength, thus absorbing the color blue, with yellow
as the color observed. Carbonate ligand contained in test tube C shows the color green,
complementary with red as the color absorbed, therefore, having a range of wavelength from
605-750 nm. Test tube D, containing water as the ligand, exhibited a yellow absorption with
580-595 nm, resulting to the observation of blue in color.
Chem 18.1 52 L | Group 3 6
Exercise No 09 | Semester 1, 2018-2019
Figure 1. Test tubes containing the different cobalt (III) complexes formed in the
The results were based on four prepared set-ups that contained reagents. These set-ups
were used to observe the changes in color, formation of precipitation, and evolution of gas that
will arise upon addition of different ligands such as the ammonia, nitrite, carbonate and nitric
acid. The arrangement of ligands in terms of field strength was identified. Data and information
were recorded after observing the set-ups.
Changes in color, formation of precipitation and evolution of gas were seen in the test
tubes labeled A, B, C, and D as shown in Table 9.2 upon the addition of ammonia, nitrite,
carbonate, and water to Cobalt chloride, respectively.
Ligands express a certain color once it attaches to the central metal ion through ligand
exchange reaction where substitution of ligands occurs such that a metal ion is replaced by
another. Formation of precipitation was observed since the concentrations were dropped when
some ligands are placed in the solution, thus, the precipitate disappeared and further dissolved
after continuous addition of ligand. Based from the experiment, test tube A was perceived as
dark green in color upon the addition of the ligand ammonia. Test tube B presented a faint pink
color when ligand nitrite was added while test tube C became moss green after adding the
ligand carbonate and test tube D was observed as colorless after adding the ligand water.
In the theoretical observation, changes in color were different from the experimental
changes. Test tube A must perceive a change in color red-orange with precipitate when added
with ammonia, while test tube B must exhibit a yellow color upon addition of nitrite. In test tube
Chem 18.1 52 L | Group 3 7
Exercise No 09 | Semester 1, 2018-2019
C, the carbonate ligand combined with the cobalt chloride must present a green color with
precipitate and test tube D must have change in color blue with gas when added with water. The
possible source of error in the experiment is due to the impurities of the solution and inaccurate
measurements the reagents or the ligands used.
As shown in Table 9.4., the Kf expression of the net ionic equation included was also
recorded. This expression was used to solve for the formation or stability constant in order to
determine the strength of interactions of the metal complexes.
The theoretical and experimental perception of color based on the wavelength of light
absorbed were arranged using the spectrochemical series. The use of the colors observed
corresponds to its complementary color to determine the absorbed wavelength. Upon
observation of Table 9.5 and Table 9.6, the difference between the theoretical color and
experimental color is clearly seen, therefore, having different ranges of wavelength and color
IV. Summary and Conclusion
Transition metal complex is a formation of a Lewis acid which accepts electrons with a
Lewis base which donates electrons. These metal complexes exhibit different colored solutions
depending on the given central metal ion and the corresponding ligands.
Ligands, when attached to the metal center, can be arranged according to the strength
of interactions. Since the perceived color is complementary to that of the color absorbed and to
the wavelength of light absorbed, strong fields tend to absorb radiation with shorter wavelength
and high frequency while weak field ligands tend to absorb radiation with longer wavelength and
low frequency. Based on the given data in Table 9.5, it can be concluded that the arrangement
of ligands in terms of increasing field strength can be evaluated by the comparison of the colors
shown. The strongest ligand was nitrite with a wavelength ranging from 435-480 nm, followed
by ammonia with a wavelength ranging from 480-500 nm. The second to the weakest ligand is
the water with a wavelength ranging from 580-595 nm while carbonate is shown to be the
weakest ligand out of the four with a wavelength ranging from 605-750 nm. The arrangement of
ligands based on its increasing field strength would be:
Carbonate < Water < Ammonia < Nitrite
The addition of four different ligands to the metal center form cobalt (III) complexes.
Upon the addition of the ligands to each Cobalt Chloride, it can be concluded that there is a
change in their color of the complex, presence of precipitate formation and evolution of gas.
Chem 18.1 52 L | Group 3 8
Exercise No 09 | Semester 1, 2018-2019
V. References
Chang, R. (2010). Chemistry (10th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill, pp. 531-533.
Zumdahl, S., ZUMDAHL, S.A. (2013). Chemistry: An atom’s first approach. Lorong Chuan,
Singapore: Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd.