Uploaded by Carol Wang

Municipal Auditing: A Big Ideas Initiative Proposal


Continuous monitoring and auditing municipalities

Naoual Ezzamouri and Joris Hulstijn from Netherlands published a paper about continuous monitoring and auditing in municipalities in earlier this year. The first application of continuous auditing was developed at AT&T Bell Laboratories in 1989, the system developed by Vasarhelyi and Halper. This is only applied in private sector. In 2007,

Wenming Zhu published a paper in Internal Auditor indicated that China National Audit

Office is using audit information system to help internal auditors determine the reliability of the budget system. Also, many researchers from Nigeria, Kenya are put a lot more thoughts in continuous monitoring and auditing the government agencies and public sector. It is apparently this is more associated with the corruption and fraud of those developing countries. But it is also meaningful for the US to apply them for municipalities to improve the information transparency and public accountability.

This topic is also highly related to E-government, which is the most promising subject in public administration area.

Rutgers Business School, Accounting department, AIS major is ranking first in the world for 19 years, we are leading the change of the accounting information changes and the design science.

At Rutgers – Newark, we are the most diversity campus in the United States, we should consider how to serve our society better.

Potential partner:

School of Public Affair and Administration

Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy




The Big Ideas Initiative is aimed at creating transformational impact, so the scope and scale of your project should be large and game-changing.

Big Ideas are intended to generate outstanding philanthropic support, so ideas should call for a private investment of at least $10 million. Don't be afraid to exceed the threshold

— really Big Ideas (those that require private investments in excess of $100 million) are strongly encouraged.

Because diversity breeds innovation, Big Ideas foster interdisciplinary collaboration among departments, schools, colleges, and even chancellorled units to celebrate Rutgers’ breadth and depth. Collaboration should be a key component of each Big Idea.

Key participants should be willing to contribute time and expertise to selection activities and communications efforts in support of submitted and selected Big Ideas.

Deadline for submission is Thursday, January 31, 2019 .

Looking for examples to help guide your submission?

View them here.

Need help or have questions?

Contact Jessica Miller, Campaign Director, Rutgers University Foundation, at jess.miller@ruf.rutgers.edu

or 848-932-2340.

First Name

Last Name

Email Address

Big Idea Proposed Name

What problem(s) does this Big Idea aim to solve?

Big Idea Goal(s)

Please list this project's target completion date (if applicable).

Please describe any work related to this Big Idea that is already under way.

Champion (Project Lead)

Champion's Email Address

Champion’s School or Unit

Note: Rutgers –Newark will serve as the project’s home.

Champion's Role

List your collaborators, e.g. faculty, staff, departments, institutes, centers, schools, community members

Note: Please list each on a separate line.

Interdisciplinary collaboration with the community and among departments, schools, colleges, and even chancellorled units is a fundamental element of Big Ideas. Please provide additional details about the collaboration that will take place (or is taking place) for this project.

What are the benefits of this collaboration and how will it advance knowledge? How might this Big Idea be transformational beyond a single school or unit?

In what ways might this Big Idea support and advance the Rutgers University


Strategic Plan ?

Why is Rutgers

–Newark uniquely positioned to house this project?

How will this Big Idea help Rutgers fulfill its mission ?

What might be this Big Idea's impact on Rutgers

–Newark, the university at large, or society as a whole? How might this Big Idea change the world?

What resources are currently allocated to/available for this project?

If you don't have any details for the fields below, please enter "N/A" for each.

Human Resources

Capital Resources (facilities, equipment, etc.)

Financial Resources (including public support)

Other Resources

What additional resources will this project require to be successful?

If you don't have any details for the fields below, please enter "N/A" for each.

Human Resources

Capital Resources (facilities, equipment, etc.)

Other Resources

Roughly, what level of private investment will these additional resources require?

If you don't have any details for the fields below, please enter "N/A" for each.

Note: Big Ideas should call for a private investment of at least $10 million.

Human Resources

Capital Resources (facilities, equipment, etc.)

Other Resources
