International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET)
Volume 10, Issue 03, March 2019, pp. 773-781. Article ID: IJMET_10_03_081
Available online at http://www.iaeme.com/ijmet/issues.asp?JType=IJMET&VType=10&IType=3
ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359
© IAEME Publication
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Ranta Butarbutara and Casimirus Andy Fenanlampir
Department of English Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
University of Musamus, Merauke, Indonesia
Inspiring phenomenal English songs have a great contribution to develop,
improve, and increase listening skills. This study aims to analyze the effect of inspiring
phenomenal songs to develop students’ listening skill. In doing it, this study used the
descriptive qualitative as approach to get and process the data. Implementing
research, it is done in three stages, pre-listening, whilst-listening, and post-listening.
The participants were students native Papua who study in boarding school. Totaling
were 40 students. The result showed that inspiring phenomenal English songs can
raise students’ motivation, vocabulary, cognitive, linguistics, affective, and makes
classroom’s atmosphere more comfortable free of boredom. It is implied to be a
reference media in developing students’ interest in listening skills which are stating in
boarding schools, in particularly.
Keywords: Inspiring, phenomenal English songs, listening skills.
Cite this Article Ranta Butarbutara and Casimirus Andy Fenanlampir, Teaching
Listening By Enhanced Inspiring Phenomenal Songs, a Case Study of Students Native
Papua in Boarding School, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and
Technology, 10(3), 2019, pp. 773-781.
Listening is one of the integrated four skill in languages. Either mother language, second
language or foreign language. It is can be improved by many ways, for instance, diligent in
study, tough, more in practices and never stop in persevering. In line with in, listening skills is
a crucial thing to teach in the classroom for students. As (I.S.P Nation cited in Harmer, 2009)
that teaching listening is an essential thing for classroom activities because needs
comprehension and acquisition. It is needed a good way to do well and successful involving
cognitive and metacognitive.
Teaching Listening By Enhanced Inspiring Phenomenal Songs, a Case Study of Students Native
Papua in Boarding School
In accordance with Jack. C. Richards (2008) identifies learning about listening and
speaking is top up position over the world recently. Everyone wants to grow up and speaking
English fluently, it has the reason for English role as an international language had been given
priority to find out the most effective to teach English. Furthermore, Richard (2008:2) one
way to make listening easier is by applying what we know about their purposes for listening,
and if speaking is also a goal of the classroom, using well-structured speaking tasks informed
by research. In other words, listening skills can be categorized in two ways, listening
comprehension and acquisition. It has meant that learners need to take part in activities that
require them to try out and experiment in using newly noticed language forms in order for
new learning items to become incorporated into their linguistic repertoire their purposes for
listening, and if speaking is also a goal of the classroom, using well-structured speaking tasks
informed by research. In other words, listening skills can be categorized in two ways,
listening comprehension and acquisition. It has meant that learners need to take part in
activities that require them to try out and experiment in using newly noticed language forms
in order for new learning items to become incorporated into their linguistic repertoire.
As explained above, listening skills is one of receptive skills, (Harmer, 2009). Receptive
skills are the ways of people extract meaning the discourse they hear or see. In other words,
receptive is a passive process by which the listener receives information sent by a speaker. It
is can be develop by everyone depend on contextual and subjects. If he wants to get better in
listening the subject of any lesson, he can listen the instruction repeatedly, even if he can play
recorded text.
In an initial study, Bostrom and Waldhart (1980) laid the groundwork for The Kentucky
Comprehensive Listening Test which examines various aspects of listening including longand short-term listening, and comprehension. Their findings indicated that short-term
listening ability was more closely related to measures of oral performance, and lecturecomprehension listening was more closely related to measures of general mental ability.
As mentioned above, listening skill could be developed by anyone in anyway. Here,
inspiring songs phenomenal chosen as the most relevant way for the students in the boarding
school. It is inspiring and motivating them to listen anymore.
Additionally, Song is expressing of soul can inspire, and motivate people. (Gugliemino,
1986 cited in Kevin Schoepp) states, “Adults sing at religious services, bars, in the shower,
and listening to the car radio even while cooking in the kitchen. Songs have become an
integral part of our language experience, and if used in coordination with a language lesson
they can be of great value”. It is implied that cannot be separated from human being.
Overview of each learner‟s development during the activities, this study implemented
qualitative approach. It concerns with increasing students‟ motivation to learn English, and
how the inspiring English songs phenomenal can be as a leaning media to improve listening
skills. Totaling of participants were 40 students. To collect data, it is done in six time
practices or in two periods. In the first period, students followed workshop with accompanied
by their English teacher. Afterwards, classroom activities divided into three stages, prelistening, whilst-listening, and post-listening. In supporting deepest result, and to enrich the
primary data, the researcher conducted interview with ten informants randomly relevant to
determine whether the influence of listening English song could motivate them, or nothing at
all the effect of listening skills for them.
Similar research methods (Emiliana et al., 2018; Julianto, 2018; Martha et al., 2018) are
also used as a reference for this study.
Ranta Butarbutara and Casimirus Andy Fenanlampir
3.1. English songs phenomenal can enrich vocabulary
In line with the initial observation, phenomenal English songs used as media in this study.
Researcher applying it in three activities below:
3.1.1. Pre-Listening
In the first meeting, to begin activities, researcher warming-up them by asking for students
sang together. It aims to stimulate, to dig-up whoever has hobby in singing. Five students
embarrassed raising their hands. It showed that they had hobby in singing but felt lack
confidence to say. Hence, researcher asked them questions taken from sound tract “Titanic”
with the title “My Heart Will Go On” which is popularized by phenomenal international artist,
Celine Dion. Its song quite inspire many people in cross generation.
R: Have you ever heard the song?
S: Never
R: Did you know the singer who popularize it?
S: I didn‟t know
3.1.2. During-Listening
This song purposely chosen by considering it is a kind of phenomenal songs. It is also known
by the people cross generation, from the 80(s) and 90(s), until now this song most popular and
phenomenal. During this activity is running, teacher asked for students to fill blanks, or
complete the empty song lyrics with the suitable and correct answer refer to information
listening to.
My Heart Will Go On
By Celine Dion
I see you, I feel you,
That is how I know you go on
Far across (2)
And spaces between us
You have come to show you go on
(3) Wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And (4) in my heart
And (5)
Love can touch us one time
And last for (6)
And never let go (7)
Love was when I loved you
One true time I (8)…
Teaching Listening By Enhanced Inspiring Phenomenal Songs, a Case Study of Students Native
Papua in Boarding School
In my life we'll always go on
Near, far, wherever you are
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on
You're here, (10)
This stage has done in six time practices or two period times. Firstly, it is implementing
while doing workshop, and then, continuing in evaluation. This song played for the students,
and they were just listening to, without do anything, started beginning until the end of song
lyrics. Afterward, replayed the song while asking for them to take note. Last, song replayed
again so that students a little bit understood about that song lyrics they have just listened.
In the second period, the same activities have done in evaluation phase. The aim of the evaluation is
to see the progressing or students’ developing in listening. It is repeatedly in three times, and the
result showed us that a third of students could follow the long lyrics although in a few sentences. It is
a good students’ progress in listening compare with previous observation.
3.1.3. Post-listening
In this stage, tested the students whether they understood of what they have listened or not.
Trying to test whether they were understanding or not, researcher asked for students by some
questions which related to the song lyrics, even the information about singers.
R: Can you guess who the name of singer is?
After listening to the song lyrics as have discussed above, there were three students
appropriately answered “Celine Dion”. It proved that English song lyrics can develop
students‟ listening. Actually students in the classroom did not know about the singer, but in
post-listening activities, they could imagine and guess of singer‟s name.
R: What does the singer‟s nationality?
A half students answered in wrong information. Ten students gave true information about
singer‟s nationality. It is proven by listening English song lyrics, students could guess the
appropriate information which related to song.
R: do you know the messages from the song?
One student could not give information. Teacher asked for them randomly, and they
answered in short or simple messages but it is true. It is also proven that by listening English
song, students understood what the song implied is.
R: any student could repeat the song?
Giving them the opportunities to repeat or sing the song. One of them raised her hand and
she was ready for sung it, but her problem is, she was afraid to sing by herself, therefor asked
for other students to help her, then they repeat the song in front of classroom. But, sometimes
they sang with incomplete lyrics. It proved after they have listened the good accent from
singer while they were listening to, a half students could repeat it even though done together.
R: Do you like that English song?
Students replied the question that they were like English song absolutely, but they did not
have enough facilities to supporting them. From the excerption given interpretation that while
listening classroom activities was running, students understood what they heard but difficult
in spoken. It is implied English song lyrics could develop students‟ understanding of meaning
the words.
Ranta Butarbutara and Casimirus Andy Fenanlampir
English song lyrics phenomenal can improve students‟ mastery of vocabulary. From the
song, students got new vocabularies, even knew other synonym of the words. An English
word has more than one different meaning. In this study, the word ‟forever‟, asked for
students to looking for its synonym. It has same meaning with „eternal‟, ‟everlasting‟.
Therefore, the word ‟see’ its synonym ’find’, ’feet’. It is similar with (Tri Listiyaningsih,
2017) concluded that people who learn the English language should master the listening skill.
To improve listening skill, people can exercise through listening English song because
listening English song has the benefit to improve listening skill.
3.2. Inspiring English songs phenomenal as media to develop students’
When learning English language, especially in listening, there are many media to help learner
to improve the ability of listening skill such as video, movie, and song. Song as media that
can improve listening. Song can be the media to improve the listening skill because it is easy
to get song and it can train our ears to listen (Tri Listiyaningsih, 2017). In a similar vein,
(I.S.P Nation cited in Harmer, 2009) stated that teaching listening is an essential thing for
classroom activities because needs comprehension and acquisition. Listening is one of the
integrated four skill in languages. Either mother language, second language or foreign
language. It is can be improved by many ways, for instance diligent in study, tough, more in
practices and never stop in persevering. In line with in, listening skills is a crucial thing to
teach in the classroom for students. This study focused on song lyrics which is phenomenal
inspiringly. A song lyrics could be said phenomenal weather extremely successful or special,
especially in a surprising way (Cambridge Dictionary). It is chosen by writer on purpose slow
rhythm, easy to understand, and pronounce clearly. By listening its lyrics, students can
distinguish pronunciation correctly by native singer or British style, for instance, see /s i/ has
meaning verb [use eyes]. Compare it with sea /s i/ has meaning noun a large area of salt
water that is partly or completely surrounded by land], then, she /ʃi/ has meaning pronoun
[female], (dictionary.cambridge.org). By listening this song, students listened lyrics clearly
and repeatedly until they could distinguish its pronunciation.
3.3. Raising-up students’ Motivation.
How learner is motivated?
Motivation is the reason for people's actions, willingness and goals. Motivation is derived
from the word motive which is defined as a need that requires satisfaction, (Ryan et al, 2000).
Additionally, (Eady and Wilson cite in Hilda F Israel) confirm that various studies prove that
music does contribute to a learner‟s academic achievement, motivation and creative
development. They conclude that music helps one to learn more, and more effectively. Music
contributes to all of education. The learner benefits by enhancing key developmental goals
such as self-esteem and creativity. Music inspires and soothes, and people who are musically
talented seem to have an enhanced aptitude in the learning of foreign languages in addition, (
Hilda F Israel, 2013) clearly claims that music inspires and soothes, and people who are
musically talented seem to have an enhanced aptitude in the learning of foreign languages.
However, a student who have music competence, ones he listen to music, and then, he will
repeatedly easier.
As mentioned above, this study demonstrated whilst-listening activities, 1 student
automatically repeated this song because she has music competence, and aptly her hobby is
singing and listening to music. Clearly, inspiring phenomenal English songs could be
inspiring, enlivening, life being more motivated after listen that songs.
Teaching Listening By Enhanced Inspiring Phenomenal Songs, a Case Study of Students Native
Papua in Boarding School
This study demonstrated 10 ten songs more inspired and motivated students, that are, “We
are the Champions” popularized by Queen. Researcher purposely chosen it because its lyrics”
And bad mistakes I’ve made a few I’ve had my share of sand kicked in my face; But I’ve come
through” it motivated, told, reminded us that we may all have had bad days and felt that
everything bad was above us. But think about how your struggle goes through all that, and
how you have learned from what has happened to you. Its entitled” We are the Champions”
implied us or students that everyone is the champion, the winner in everything we are doing,
just depended on our way to be the winner, there is no limitation. It also often be heard in the
end of a competition, event, contest, or tournament. Similarly, motivated lyrics comes from
legendary singer, Jhon Lennon, entitled,”Imagine”. Proven by “You may say I am a dreamer,
but I am not the only one, I hope someday you’ll join us, and the world will be as one.
Thus, Horn cited in Hilda F Israel (2013) claims that music “is a form of language, using
tones, pitch, timbre and rhythm as a universal language. Both language and music are
„communicative modes, aurally and orally transmitted, containing phonetic, syntactic, and
semantic components, develop early in life and are socially interactive media”. Lyrics of
“Imagine” stated that others can be judged of us as a dreamer but we are not the only one,
more importantly, how can we reach our dream come is.
By supporting information got from students that they were more motivated in listening to
English song versions. They are interested in doing practices from YouTube, soft copy
listening materials researcher given. More details as drawn in the following table 1:
Table 1. Negative statements
Negative statements
There is no feedback from the English songs
Some difficult questions are understood
Listening material is difficult to understand.
There is no new vocabulary
Lack of practice
Limited Infrastructures
Discussing of table 1 above, it is clearly seen that 1 student stated that there is no feedback
from the English songs, 8 students felt there are some questions difficult to understand, and
then 11 had difficulties in understanding of listening materials. Afterward, 4 participants
stated there is no new vocabularies, 6 of them answered they had lack practice, and the rest
stating limitation of infrastructures. Furthermore, after students got listening materials in hard
and soft copy from researcher, brought it home, it is meant they could be practice at their
dorms. It results significantly satisfied 30 students felt more motivated in to listening English
anymore. For further explanation and information, details clearly seen in the table 2.
Table 2. Positive statements
Positive statements
the practice provides motivation.
I am increasingly critical in listening the text
I can answer questions directly
There is a variety of text listening material
I understand the implicit meaning of listening material
Increasingly interested in listening module.
Ranta Butarbutara and Casimirus Andy Fenanlampir
Based on the students‟ statement in the table 2 provided above, clearly shown that
listening practice thorough songs English phenomenal could raise their motivation to listening
in many times. How can it works?. Learners as subject in this study who did not come native
speaker were 30 having motivation to do practices in many time after they got workshop.
They were having great desire to listen English song lyrics, even to sing although they did not
know understand its meaning. Meanwhile, two students stated that they were increasingly
critical in listening the text, two of them could answer questions directly, and then two stated
that there is a variety of text listening material. Two students understood the implicit meaning
of listening material, and the rest, increasingly interested in listening module. In line with (Tri
Listiyaningsih, 2017) claimed that listening English song can improve the pronunciation. She
also said while people were listening English song, they could alter the words which similar
in pronunciation but really distinguish.
In addition, Jeremy Harmer (2008) states that music is a powerful media or stimulus for
students because it can amuse or entertain, even change the atmosphere in the classroom to
the new world of learning listening. Indeed, media could be provided by play film, or music
recorded. Based on his experienced that students given the chance to choose and brought their
favorite songs into the classroom. Someone‟s favorite song can be motivated him to listen it
in many times cause of easier understanding by student deals with meaning, additional
vocabularies, and its correct pronunciation.
3.4. To provide a relaxed classroom atmosphere.
Pertaining to Murray cite in Hilda F Israel, 2013) aptly points out that songs “provide us with
a window into a world that is not our own, a world that we glimpse and remember thanks to
the power of music.” Music is an integral part of our lives today –it‟s in our cars, homes, cell
phones, MP3s, shopping malls, radios, television programs. Students walk around campus
with earphones plugged on for the entire day, listening to their personal music selections. This
is an ideal context for the language teacher, who should explore as many ways as possible to
formally integrate music into the classroom.
Afterward, (M. Fadlillah, et al., 2014:43-45 cited in Muti‟ah 2017), investigated the using
of song in the teaching process is creating, enlivening classroom atmosphere. This study
played the song “Black or White by Michael Jackson”. Hysterical students made classroom‟s
atmosphere significantly changed. Why? This song trust in many people cross generation is
phenomenal, hypnotized children, teens, and adults. Its rhythm able to arouse spirit and soul,
supported by music and characteristic‟s dance of singer, or, which is called ”walkmoon”,
made classroom more amazing. Absolutely, researcher concluded this song enliven classroom
3.5. Linguistic Aspects
In accordance with Schoepp (2001) investigates that colloquial is there a reason for using the
English songs in the classroom, besides automatization . his study also clarified that English
songs provide linguistics aspect, such as, grammatical structures, semantics: (vocabulary
creates meaning and understanding). Phenomenal English song, like “killing me softly” by
Jessie J, contains some phrases” killing me softly with his song, “Strumming my pain with his
fingers”, “telling my whole life with his words”. The song lyric” killing me softly with his
song” this study analyzed from semantics‟ perception, killing means cause death, murder
(online dictionary). But, from culture‟s perspective its meaning makes our local cultures value
is cooling down, decreasing caused by western life style, and modernization. On the hand
local culture is extinct. Focused on grammatical structures, Strumming, telling, killing, those
Teaching Listening By Enhanced Inspiring Phenomenal Songs, a Case Study of Students Native
Papua in Boarding School
are examples of “base (verbs) form + suffix ing”. This sample can be modified became
sentences in vary. This study demonstrated those words to students, asking them find out
other samples, and then, undoubtedly they create sentences easier.
In similar, another song lyrics investigated another refer to semantic‟s perception, the
song lyrics “I am sailing by Rod Stewart”. Similarly (Kevin Schoepp , 2001) clarified that
song through cognitive reasons. His study also states its lyrics emphasized repetition. I am
sailing, it is indirectly explained about sentence structures, present progressive tense. In
contrast, as continuing of Kevin Schoepp‟s statement, this research investigated it by
linguistics‟ aspect, semantics in particularly.
In line with it, semantics in general talks about meaning (Hoffmann, 1993). Song lyrics of
I am Sailing stated that the singer explains his way to reach his dream of (contextual
meaning), and then, he also wants to be a bird cross the sky to get freedom (connotative
meaning), thus, its lyrics” we are sailing, we are sailing, home again,” it is stated that he is
not alone but work together which have same dream, ambition or destination (connotative).
More clearly, the word “Sailing” derived from “base form (verbs) sail + suffix ing”
(grammatical structures).
3.6. Cognitive Reasons
An activity in singing involving music, by music enhances some activities, one of them, that
is, cognitive. She also explains that music and action (body movement) are spontaneous and
natural occur. But, is not simple, this action needs the ability for feeling and paying attention
so that they are in one harmonious. Melody and rhythms and action be in unity. For it, needs
of cognitive aspect.
It is demonstrated, while students heard popular music, jazz, and classical music, their
response also be automatically changed. During this study, and then classroom observation,
researcher played song from king of pop, Michael Jackson, unconsciously students nodding
head, jump-up, and tapping table as if they were holding drummer sticks. This action is not
realized or unconsciousness as cognition process as well. Researcher states ”bombastic
reflection”. Similar studies, evidence that in the human brain, one of the most powerful
sources of auditory stimulation is provided by music (Sacks, 2006 cite in T. Sarkamo 2008).
Thus, more importantly, listening to music “beyond involving a wide-spread bilateral
network of frontal, temporal, parietal and subcortical areas related to attention, semantic and
music-syntactic processing, memory and motor functions” (Bhattacharya et al., 2001; Janata
et al., 2002; Koelsch et al., 2004; Popescu et al., 2004 cited in T. Sarkamo 2008). Research
also be evidenced after listening activities, often students could memorize song lyrics without
meaning comprehending.
Starting from beginning, during, to the end of activities, this study absolutely claimed that
70% students agreed that inspiring phenomenal English song as a learning media provided
benefits for understanding listening skill courses. It is also be supported by interview result in
the evaluation, it implied that listening skill can be developed by using inspiring phenomenal
English songs. They are increasingly motivated to read more listening materials, inspiring,
enliven, they also have enthusiasm to sing it in front of the classroom. Interestingly however,
6% students want to be a famous singer. In accordance with it, 20% students have new habits
in listening activities by used recorded text and YouTube. This study in vain with (Tri
Listiyaningsih, 2017) clarified that listening English song can be as a learning media to
improve listening skills.
Ranta Butarbutara and Casimirus Andy Fenanlampir
Last but not least, it is expected to be a reference media in developing students‟ interest in
listening skills which are stating in boarding schools, in particularly. Knowing stayed at
boarding school make some students feeling boredom because having similar daily routines
for certain time.
However, nobody can guarantee that this study appropriately implied to each students
because every student has different learning styles. Study shown there are 4% students did not
show any advances. It caused of students‟ internal factors, on the hand, it is called as a
limitation of this study. Hopefully, it is being a topic will do in the next research.
We thank Rector of Musamus University for facilities, supports and publications. This project
was supported by Internal Department of Research and Community Services (LPPM),
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