M780636110250 Senior Phase – Grade 8 Today Planning Pack SOCIAL SCIENCES Contents: Work Schedule: Page Grade 8 …………………………………………………………… 2 Lesson Plans: Grade 8 …………………………………………………………… 4 Rubrics: Rubric 1……………………………………………………………14 Rubric 2……………………………………………………………15 Rubric 3……………………………………………………………16 Work schedule for Social Sciences Today – Grade 8 Term Week LOs & ASs Chapter Assessment Resources 1 1-2 LO1 Geographical enquiry 1: Mapwork Informal and formal assessment 1 3-4 LO1 Geographical enquiry LO2 Geographical knowledge and understanding LO3 Exploring issues LO1 Historical Enquiry 2: Settlement Informal and formal assessment Social Sciences Today Grade 8 Learner’s Book and Teacher’s Guide Topographic map of school area (optional) Atlases Wall maps Pieces of paper Pair of dividers Rulers or measuring tapes Social Sciences Today Grade 8 Learner’s Book and Teacher’s Guide Dictionaries Internet access Newspapers Magazine articles Telephone directory 1 5-6 LO1 Geographical enquiry LO2 Geographical knowledge and understanding LO3 Exploring issues LO1 Historical Enquiry 3: Transport Informal and formal assessment 1 -2 7-10 LO1 Geographical enquiry LO3 Exploring issues LO1 Historical Enquiry 4: Patterns of social inequality in South Africa Informal and formal assessment 2 11 -12 LO1 Geographical enquiry LO3 Exploring issues LO1 Historical Enquiry 5: Natural resources Informal and formal assessment 2 13-16 Revision and examination cycle 2 Social Sciences Today Grade 8 Learner’s Book and Teacher’s Guide Shopping items in original packaging Wall maps of the world and Africa Newspapers/articles Library Internet Clipboard Observation sheet Pens Social Sciences Today Grade 8 Learner’s Book and Teacher’s Guide Tape recorders or video recorders Formal letter template Slips of paper Newspapers – classified section Social Sciences Today Grade 8 Learner’s Book and Teacher’s Guide Internet and library resources Atlases Sloping, waterproof surface Cotton wool 3 17-18 3 19-22 3 23-24 4 25-26 4 27-28 4 29-32 LO1 Geographical enquiry LO1 Historical Enquiry LO 2 Historical Knowledge and Understanding LO 3 Historical Interpretation LO1 Historical Enquiry LO 2 Historical Knowledge and Understanding LO 3 Historical Interpretation 6: The French Revolution Informal and formal assessment Social Sciences Today Grade 8 Learner’s Book and Teacher’s Guide Internet and library access A3 sheets Koki pens Scissors, glue Magazines 7: Industrialisation Informal and formal assessment Social Sciences Today Grade 8 Learner’s Book and Teacher’s Guide Informal and formal assessment Sources on local community A3 paper for posters, Coloured pens Social Sciences Today Grade 8 Learner’s Book and Teacher’s Guide 8: Resisting British control LO1 Geographical enquiry LO1 Historical Enquiry LO 2 Historical Knowledge and Understanding LO 3 Historical Interpretation 9: The experience of colonialism LO1 Geographical enquiry LO1 Historical Enquiry LO 2 Historical Knowledge and Understanding LO 3 Historical Interpretation 10: The First World War LO1 Historical Enquiry LO 2 Historical Knowledge and Understanding LO 3 Historical Interpretation Revision and examination cycle Informal and formal assessment Social Sciences Today Grade 8 Learner’s Book and Teacher’s Guide Atlas Wall map of Africa Informal and formal assessment Social Sciences Today Grade 8 Learner’s Book and Teacher’s Guide Note: You need to complete 2 formal assessment tasks per term for Social Sciences for the Senior Phase. This work schedule shows all the opportunities for formal assessment. 3 LESSON PLANS – Grade 8 Chapter 1: Mapwork Learning Areas: Social Sciences Duration: 6 hours Learning Outcome Assessment Standards G: LO1: Geographical enquiry Grade: 8 Weeks: 1-2 Integration Identifies and selects a variety of geographical and environmental sources Interprets maps and atlas information Measures distances on orthophoto maps Identifies some physical and constructed features Observes and records information in the field Presents an original idea as part of an answer to the questions Languages LO4, 5 Mathematics LO2, 5 Natural Sciences LO1 Content/Knowledge: Mapwork: • • Extracting information from maps and photos Identifying features on maps and orthophotos • Comparing distances on maps and orthophotos Learning activities Teaching methods/approach Resources Social Sciences Today Lesson 1: How to read maps Activity 1: Getting information from maps and Grade 8 Learner’s Book and photographs LB p2 photographs using an atlas and index TG p2 and Teacher’s Guide Lesson 2: Using map symbols Activity 2: Use map symbols based on photos TG p4 LB p3 Lesson 3: Reading a Activity 3: Starting to use a topographic map; use map Topographic map of school area (optional) topographic map LB p5 conventions to interpret a map TG p5 Atlases Lesson 4: Identifying features Activity 4 and 5: Hunt the symbol; identify map Wall maps on maps and photographs symbols TG p6 and p8 Pieces of paper LB p7 Lesson 5: Measuring Activity 6: Measuring distance on a map using a paper Pair of dividers Rulers or measuring distances on maps LB p13 strip method TG p9 tapes Lesson 6: Orthophoto maps Activity 7: Observations using an orthophoto map LB p16 TG p11 Lesson 7: Assessment LB p18 Assessment activity TG p12 Assessment: Reinforcement: Identify map symbols on various maps Type of assessment: Formal assessment for Lessons 2, 4, 6 and 7 Expanded opportunities: Informal assessment: all other activities can be used for informal Look at orthophoto map and work with assessment contours Form of assessment: Rubric 3 for Lesson 2; rubric 3 for Lesson 4; rubric 3 for Lesson 6 and memo (TG p12) for Lesson 7 Teacher reflection: 4 LESSON PLANS – Grade 8 Chapter 2: Settlement: where people live Learning Areas: Social Sciences Duration: 6 hours Learning Outcome Assessment Standards G: LO1: Geographical enquiry G: LO2: Geographical knowledge and understanding G: LO3: Exploring issues H: LO1: Historical enquiry Grade: 8 Weeks: 3-4 Integration Identifies and selects a variety of geographical and environmental sources relevant to an enquiry Interprets maps and atlas information, graphical and statistical sources Measures distances on orthophoto maps Observes and records information in the field Presents an original idea as part of an answer to the questions Reports on the knowledge gained in the enquiry Identifies and compares different types of settlement patterns Identifies factors that influence the formation of settlement patterns Identifies critical factors that have led to changes in settlement patterns Languages LO4, 5 Life Orientation LO1, 2, 5 Mathematics LO2, 5 Economic and Management Sciences LO1, 2 Identifies challenges to societies and settlements Examines the unequal distribution of, and access to, resources Investigates possible ways of reducing resource consumption Makes suggestions to guide sustainable living practices Continues to identify and select Interprets graphical and statistical sources Communicates knowledge and understanding Content/Knowledge: Settlement: • Functions of cities • Settlement patterns, including internal structures of settlements and location patterns in South Africa • Factors affecting settlement patterns, including physical, environmental, social, political and economic Learning activities Teaching methods/approach Resources Social Sciences Today Lesson 1: Who lives where? Activity 1: Looking at settlements; complete a table Grade 8 Learner’s Book LB p21 TG p16 and Teacher’s Guide Activity 2: Finding out about urban and rural living, using resources TG 17 Dictionaries Activity 3: Finding out about the world’s biggest cities Internet access TG p18 Newspapers Lesson 2: Functions of cities: Activity 4: Identify urban activities TG p19 Magazine articles What do cities offer? LB p24 Telephone directory Lesson 3: Settlement patterns Activity 5: Compare dispersed and nucleated rural LB p26 Lesson 4: Rural depopulation LB p28 Lesson 5: Urban settlement patterns LB p30 Lesson 6: Urban settlement location patterns in South Africa LB p31 Lesson 7: Internal city structures LB p34 Lesson 8: Changes in urban settlements LB p36 Lesson 9: How colonialism and apartheid affected settlements LB p36 Lesson 10: What is globalisation and how does it affect settlements? LB p39 Lesson 7: Assessment LB p40 Assessment: Type of assessment: settlements TG p19 Discuss in your groups the reason rural people are moving to the cities Activity 6: Help Gugu! Identify functions of urban settlements TG p20 Activity 7: Understanding the factors affecting settlement and complete a table TG p21 Activity 8: Understanding land use zones; give correct definitions and examples TG p21 Discuss in your group the way urban townships are growing so fast. Activity 9: Understanding South Africa’s settlement patterns; interpret a timeline TG p22 Activity 10: Looking at how globalisation affects you; discuss branding and globalisation TG p22 Assessment activity TG p23 Reinforcement: Think of brand names Formal assessment for Lessons 1, 2, 6 and 7 Informal assessment: all other activities can be used for informal assessment Form of assessment: Rubric 1 for Lesson 1; rubric 3 for Lessons 2 and 6; memo (TG p23) for Lesson 7 Teacher reflection: 5 Expanded opportunities: Imagine the impact of the population increase on a region LESSON PLANS – Grade 8 Chapter 3: Transport Learning Areas: Social Sciences Duration: 6 hours Learning Outcome Assessment Standards G: LO1: Geographical enquiry G: LO2: Geographical knowledge and understanding G: LO3: Exploring issues H: LO1: Historical enquiry Grade: 8 Weeks: 5-6 Integration Identifies and selects a variety of geographical sources Interprets maps and atlas information Measures distances Observes and records information in the field Presents an original idea Reports on the knowledge gained in the enquiry Identifies and compares different types of settlement patterns Identifies factors that influence the formation of settlement patterns Identifies critical factors that have led to changes in settlement patterns Identifies challenges to societies and settlements Examines the unequal distribution of, and access to, resources Investigates possible ways of reducing resource consumption Makes suggestions to guide sustainable living practices Continues to identify and select a variety of historical and archaeological sources Interprets graphical and statistical sources Presents an original idea as part of an answer Communicates knowledge and understanding Languages LO2, 4, 5 Mathematics LO2, 5 Life Orientation LO1, 2, 5 Economic and Management Sciences LO1, 2 Content/Knowledge: Transportation: • Effect on trade • Response to demand for trade • Role in providing access to opportunities • Effect on the shape and structure of settlements • Transport between settlements Learning activities Teaching methods/approach Resources Social Sciences Today Lesson 1: Transport in the Activity 1: Different kinds of transport networks TG p27 Grade 8 Learner’s Book past LB p44 and Teacher’s Guide Lesson 2: Transport gives Activity 2: Do a survey of different types of transport access to places and TG p27 Shopping items in opportunities LB p46 Activity 3: Draw graphs and discuss transport in original packaging different communities TG p28 Wall maps of the world Activity 4: How did your place begin; collect and and Africa present research TG p29 Newspapers/articles Activity 5: Ring roads and bypasses TG p30 Library Lesson 3: Transport routes Activity 6: Do a traffic survey TG p30 Internet in your area LB p52 Activity 7: Making presentations; interpret bar graphs Clipboard TG p31 Observation sheet Lesson 4: The effect of Activity 8: Investigate local trade TG p32 Pens transport on trade LB p54 Activity 9: Interpret data on South Africa’s trading partners TG p32 Lesson 5: Some problems Activity 10: Identify the issues and answer questions on with transport LB p55 photos TG p32 Activity 11: Discuss issues of trucking routes and HIV TG p33 Lesson 7: Assessment Assessment activity TG p33 LB p57 Reinforcement: Assessment: Source pictures of types of transport Type of assessment: Formal assessment for Lessons 2, 3, 5 and 7 Expanded opportunities: Discuss the taxi industry and the pros Informal assessment: all other activities can be used for informal and cons of taxis assessment Form of assessment: Rubric 1 for Lessons 2 and 5; rubric 2 for Lessons 2 and 3; memo (TG p33) for Lesson 7 Teacher reflection: 6 LESSON PLANS – Grade 8 Chapter 4: Patterns of social inequalities in South Africa Learning Areas: Social Sciences Duration: 12 hours Learning Outcome Assessment Standards G: LO1: Geographical enquiry G: LO3: Exploring issues H: LO1: Historical enquiry Grade: 8 Weeks: 7-10 Integration Identifies and selects a variety of geographical and environmental sources Interprets maps and atlas information Observes and records information in the field Presents an original idea as part of an answer Reports on the knowledge gained in the enquiry Identifies challenges to societies and settlements Examines the unequal distribution of, and access to, resources Investigates possible ways of reducing resource consumption Makes suggestions to guide sustainable living practices Continues to identify and select a variety of historical and archaeological sources Interprets graphical and statistical sources Presents an original idea as part of an answer to questions Communicates knowledge and understanding Languages LO2, 3, 4, 5 Mathematics LO2, 5 Life Orientation LO2, 5 Economic and Management Sciences LO1 Content/Knowledge: Patterns of social inequalities in South Africa: • Status of women • Exploitation of labour (including child labour) • Access to education and training, housing and other services and resources - who gets what • Comparison with other developing and developed parts of the world Learning activities Teaching methods/approach Resources Lesson 1: What are Activity 1: Using sources to understand inequalities; Social Sciences Today inequalities? LB p60 express opinions on a table TG p37 Grade 8 Learner’s Book and Teacher’s Guide Lesson 2: The status of Activity 2: Gender equality; use data to get women LB p61 information TG p38 Tape recorders or video Lesson 3: Exploitation of Activity 3: Interview a worker to find information about recorders labour LB p65 working conditions TG p41 Formal letter template Activity 4: Wage exploitation; discuss issues and Slips of paper write a letter TG p42 Newspapers – Activity 5: Structure and argue a point of view TG p43 Lesson 4: Access to services Activity 6: Investigating basic services in South Africa: classified section and resources LB p69 Discuss the lack of basic services TG p43 Activity 7: Investigating the housing shortage in South Africa: make decisions about housing TG p44 Assessment activity TG p45 Lesson 5: Assessment LB p71 Assessment: Reinforcement: Learners role-play the situation of farm Type of assessment: Formal assessment for Lessons 2, 3, 6 and 7 workers Informal assessment: all other activities can be used for informal assessment Expanded opportunities: Learners investigate the roles of males Form of assessment: Rubric 2 for Lesson 3; rubric 3 for Lesson 4; memo (TG p45) for Lesson 5 and females in different contexts Teacher reflection: 7 LESSON PLANS – Grade 8 Chapter 5: Natural resources Learning Areas: Social Sciences Duration: 6 hours Learning Outcome Assessment Standards G: LO1: Geographical enquiry G: LO3: Exploring issues H: LO1: Historical enquiry Grade: 8 Weeks: 11-12 Integration Identifies and selects a variety of geographical and environmental sources Interprets maps and atlas information Observes and records information in the field Presents an original idea as part of an answer to the questions Reports on the knowledge gained in the enquiry Identifies challenges to societies and settlements Examines the unequal distribution of, and access to, resources Investigates possible ways of reducing resource consumption Makes suggestions to guide sustainable living practices Continues to identify and select a variety of historical and archaeological sources Interprets graphical and statistical sources Presents an original idea as part of an answer Communicates knowledge and understanding Languages LO4, 5 Mathematics LO2, 5 Life Orientation LO1, 2, 5 Economic and Management Sciences LO1 Content/Knowledge: Natural resources in South Africa and worldwide: • How they are being used • Conservation and protection of resources • Why conservation is necessary • Threats to conservation • New opportunities to conserve resources Learning activities Teaching methods/approach Resources Social Sciences Today Lesson 1: Conserving natural Activity 1: Identify natural resources TG p47 Grade 8 Learner’s Book resources LB p74 and Teacher’s Guide Lesson 2: Marine resources at Activity 2: Understanding how people and nature are risk LB p76 connected by using facts to get information TG p48 Internet and library Activity 3: Interpret a graph about fisheries in the resources northern hemisphere TG p49 Activity 4: Learning from the Kosi Bay story; discuss a Atlases A sloping, waterproof case study TG p50 surface Lesson 3: The importance of Activity 5: Reclaiming wetlands; make a model of a Cotton wool soil, water, air and forests wetland TG p50 LB p78 Lesson 4: Conservation areas Activity 6: Finding out about protected areas TG p51 LB p80 Activity 7: Look at different views about protected areas TG p51 Activity 8: Making the right choices TG p51 Lesson 5: Endangered Activity 9: Find out more about endangered animals species LB p84 TG p52 Lesson 6: What you can do Activity 10: Identify ways of conserving natural LB p86 resources TG p53 Activity 11: Research and discuss forming action groups TG p53 Assessment activity TG p54 Lesson 7: Assessment LB p88 Reinforcement: Assessment: Discuss extinction Type of assessment: Formal assessment for Lessons 2, 3 and 7 Informal assessment: all other activities can be used for informal Expanded opportunities: Debate different views about assessment conservation issues Form of assessment: Rubric 3 for Lesson 2, rubric 2 for Lesson 3; memo (TG p54) for Lesson 7 Teacher reflection: 8 LESSON PLANS – Grade 8 Chapter 6: The French Revolution Learning Areas: Social Sciences Duration: 6 hours Learning Outcome Assessment Standards H: LO1: Historical enquiry H: LO2: Historical Knowledge and Understanding H: LO3: Historical Interpretation Grade: 8 Weeks: 17-18 Integration Evaluates the sources used Interprets graphical and statistical sources Presents an original idea as part of an answer to questions Begins to make links between historical events and processes Recognises that causes and effects of events vary in importance Explains changes in a wider historical and environmental context Identifies and gives reasons for the different ways that the past is represented and interpreted Recognises that sense of identity may influence the way events in the past are interpreted Observes and records information in the field Presents an original idea as part of an answer to the questions Mathematics LO5 Languages LO2, 3, 4, 5 Life Orientation LO2 Economic and Management Sciences LO1 G: LO1: Geographical enquiry Content/ Knowledge: Changing worlds: • The French Revolution Learning activities Lesson 1: Revolutions LB p90 Lesson 2: French life in the 1700s LB p91 Lesson 3: French society LB p92 Lesson 4: The French revolution LB p95 Lesson 5: The Revolution continues LB p97 Teaching methods/approach Activity 1: Understanding revolutions and reactions today; read text; encourage discussion TG p56 Activity 2: Investigate sources to answer questions TG p57 Activity 3: Interpret cartoons about the First and Second Estates TG p58 Activity 4: Understanding the Third Estate TG p58 Activity 5: Understanding the causes of the revolution; write a letter TG p59 Activity 6: Interpret newspaper articles about Bastille Day TG p60 Activity 7: Understanding the steps to change; answer questions TG p61 Activity 8: Decide whether statements are true or false TG p62 Activity 9: Debate different aspects of the Revolution TG p62 Activity 10: Compare the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Freedom Charter TG p63 Assessment activity TG p64 Lesson 6: Assessment LB p101 Assessment: Type of assessment: Formal assessment for Lessons 3, 5 and 6 Informal assessment: all other activities can be used for informal assessment Form of assessment: Rubric 1 for Lesson 5; rubric 3 for Lesson 3, memo (TG p64) for Lesson 6 Teacher reflection: 9 Resources Social Sciences Today Grade 8 Learner’s Book and Teacher’s Guide Internet and library access A3 sheets Koki pens Scissors Glue Magazines Reinforcement: Draw cartoons Expanded opportunities: Role play philosophical debates and ideas LESSON PLANS – Grade 8 Chapter 7: Industrialisation Learning Areas: Social Sciences Duration: 12 hours Learning Outcome Assessment Standards H: LO1: Historical enquiry H: LO2: Historical Knowledge and Understanding H: LO3: Historical Interpretation Grade: 8 Weeks: 19-22 Integration Continues to identify and select a variety of historical and archaeological sources Evaluates the sources used Presents an original idea as part of an answer to questions posed Communicates knowledge and understanding Begins to make links between historical events and processes Recognises that causes and effects of events vary in importance Explains changes in a wider historical and environmental context Identifies and gives reasons for the different ways that the past is represented and interpreted Explains why history is not objective or neutral Recognises that sense of identity may influence the way events in the past are interpreted Describes main features and uses of material remains of the past Content/ Knowledge: Changing worlds: • Industrialisation: The Industrial Revolution in Britain • Changing technology, agriculture and trade • Exploitation and the new world of work, trade unionism • The growth of urban areas, social problems and political rights • Industrialisation in South Africa • Sugar and labour in Natal • Early trade union movements Learning activities Teaching methods/approach Lesson 1: The Industrial Activity 1: Discuss life before the Industrial Revolution Revolution LB p104 TG p66 Activity 2: Understand peaceful revolution TG p67 Activity 3: Discuss how goods are produced TG p68 Lesson 2: The growth of Activity 4: Understanding the effects of new inventions industry LB p106 and the impact of e.g. power and bridges TG p68 Activity 5: More about inventions; investigate an invention and its impact TG p68 Activity 6: Using pictures as sources; answer questions about a photo TG p69 Lesson 3: Urbanisation and Activity 7: Research historical sources about industry in housing LB p109 your area TG p69 Activity 8: Assess and discuss how healthy your area is TG p70 Activity 9: Using written sources; discuss TG p71 Lesson 4: Children at work Activity 10: Using sources to look at child labour LB p110 TG p71 Activity 11: Imagining what it was like TG p71 Activity 12: Discuss child labour TG p72 Lesson 5: Workers get Activity 13: Interpret sources TG p72 organised LB p112 Activity 14: Understand what causes poverty; write a short story TG p74 Lesson 6: The Activity 15: Understand capitalism; discuss a cartoon industrialisation of South TG p73 Africa LB p114 Lesson 7: Changes in how Activity 16: Conduct an interview to understand the people lived LB p116 impact of migrant labour on people TG p74 Activity 17: Looking at compound life TG p74 Activity 18: Looking at early Johannesburg TG p75 Lesson 8: Development of a Activity 19: Describe opinions and attitudes TG p76 racially divided economy Activity 20: Discuss the causes TG p76 TG 119 10 Languages LO2, 3, 4, 5 Life Orientation LO1, 2 Economic and Management Sciences LO1, 2 Resources Social Sciences Today Grade 8 Learner’s Book and Teacher’s Guide Sources on local community A3 paper for posters Coloured pens Lesson 9: Industrial Activity 21: Listening to points of view; have a debate developments after gold TG p77 TG 122 Assessment activity TG p77 Lesson 10: Assessment LB p125 Assessment: Reinforcement: Role play a day in your life without Type of assessment: Formal assessment for Lessons 2, 6, 7, 8 and 10 machines Informal assessment: all other activities can be used for informal Think of modern inventions assessment Expanded opportunities: Imagining life before the industrial Form of assessment: Rubric 3 for Lessons 2, 6; rubric 1 for Lessons 7, 8; memo (TG p77) for revolution Lesson 10 Interview older members of community Teacher reflection: 11 LESSON PLANS – Grade 8 Chapter 8: Resisting British control Learning Areas: Social Sciences Duration: 6 hours Learning Outcome Assessment Standards H: LO1: Historical enquiry H: LO2: Historical Knowledge and Understanding H: LO3: Historical Interpretation G: LO1: Geographical enquiry Grade: 8 Weeks: 23 – 24 Integration Continues to identify and select a variety of historical sources Evaluates the sources used Interprets graphical and statistical sources Presents an original idea as part of an answer Communicates knowledge and understanding Begins to make links between historical events and processes Recognises that causes and effects of events vary in importance Explains changes in a wider historical and environmental context Identifies and gives reasons for the different ways Explains why history is not objective or neutral Recognises that sense of identity may influence the way events in the past are interpreted Explains the importance of conserving our natural and cultural heritage Identifies and selects a variety of geographical and environmental sources Interprets maps and atlas information Presents an original idea as part of an answer Reports on the knowledge gained in the enquiry Languages LO2, 3, 4, 5 Life Orientation LO2 Economic and Management Sciences LO1 Content/Knowledge: Resisting British control: • The wars between the Zulu and the British • The Pedi and the British • The South African War: who was involved and how did it affect their lives? Learning activities Teaching methods/approach Resources Lesson 1: British-Zulu wars Social Sciences Activity 1: Looking at KwaZulu-Natal TG p80 LB p128 Today Grade 8 Activity 2: Using pictures as sources; develop visual Learner’s Book and literacy skills TG p81 Teacher’s Guide Activity 3: Take a closer look at pictures as sources TG p81 Activity 4: Understand the Anglo-Zulu wars and the impact of the war TG p82 Lesson 2: The South African Activity 5: Use map work skills TG p82 War LB p130 Activity 6: Understand the South African War (1); give opinions and justification TG p83 Lesson 3: War is declared Activity 7: Understand the South African War (2) TG p83 LB p133 Activity 8: Write a report; simulate writing a journalist’s report based on sources TG p84 Activity 9: Looking at sources; develop empathy TG p84 Activity 10: Debate an idea TG p84 Lesson 4: The scorched earth Activity 11: Compare sources and stories TG p85 policy and concentration camps LB p137 Lesson 5: Black people in the Activity 12: Thinking about how history is written TG p86 war LB p139 Activity 13: Discuss reasons for black people’s role in the war TG p86 Lesson 6: Conclusion: The Activity 14: Debate sides in a formal debate TG p86 end of the war LB p140 Lesson 7: Assessment Assessment activity TG p87 LB p142 Assessment: Reinforcement: Look at pictures of KwaZulu Natal and discuss Type of assessment: Formal assessment for Lessons 1, 4 and 7 how it has changed Informal assessment: all other activities can be used for informal Expanded opportunities: assessment Write 1 page essay based on Activity 4 Form of assessment: Rubric 3 for Lesson 1, 4; memo (TG p87) for Lesson 7 Teacher reflection: 12 LESSON PLANS – Grade 8 Chapter 9: The experience of colonialism Learning Areas: Social Sciences Duration: 6 hours Learning Outcome Assessment Standards H: LO1: Historical enquiry H: LO2: Historical Knowledge and Understanding H: LO3: Historical Interpretation G: LO1: Geographical enquiry Grade: 8 Weeks: 25-26 Integration Continues to identify and select a variety of historical and archaeological sources Evaluates the sources used Interprets graphical and statistical sources Presents an original idea as part of an answer to questions posed Communicates knowledge and understanding Begins to make links between historical events and processes Recognises that causes and effects of events vary in importance Explains changes in a wider historical and environmental context Examines historical interpretation by asking relevant questions Identifies and gives reasons for the different ways that the past is represented and interpreted Explains why history is not objective or neutral Recognises that sense of identity may influence the way events in the past are interpreted Describes main features and uses of material remains of the past Explains the importance of conserving our natural and cultural heritage Explains how and why people’s memories of the past might differ Presents an original idea as part of an answer Reports on the knowledge gained in the enquiry Languages LO2, 3, 4, 5 Life Orientation LO2 Economic and Management Sciences LO1 Content/Knowledge: The experience of colonialism in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: • The Industrial Revolution and colonial expansion • How African societies experienced and responded to colonialism • A British, Belgian or Portuguese colony • Colonialism and the exploitation of resources Learning activities Teaching methods/approach Resources Social Sciences Today Lesson 1: Colonialism Activity 1: Understanding what colonisation means Grade 8 Learner’s Book LB p144 TG p89 and Teacher’s Guide Lesson 2: The link between Activity 2: Understand economic forces; how colonists the Industrial Revolution and made money TG p90 Atlas colonialism LB p146 Activity 3: Write a paragraph about the past TG p90 Wall map of Africa Lesson 3: The Scramble for Activity 4: Dividing Africa up TG p91 Africa LB p148 Activity 5: Discuss opinions and find information from different sources TG p92 Activity 6: Look at main concepts (the four Cs) behind colonialism TG p92 Lesson 4: Congo: a case Activity 7: Write and role-play a dialogue TG p93 study LB p151 Activity 8: Draw a time-line; place events in chronological order TG p93 Activity 9: Discuss events in the Congo TG p94 Activity 10: Talking about freedom (1) Discuss independence TG p94 Activity 11: Talking about freedom (2) Write a diary TG p95 Lesson 5: Europe needed Activity 12: How do we judge colonialism? Discuss Africa LB p154 different views TG p96 Assessment activity TG p96 Lesson 6: Assessment LB p156 Assessment: Reinforcement: Revise the structure of a paragraph Type of assessment: Formal assessment for Lessons 4 and 6 including a topic sentence Informal assessment: all other activities can be used for informal Look at issues behind name changes assessment Research place names and family names Form of assessment: Rubric 2 for Lesson 4; memo (TG p96) for Lesson 6 Expanded opportunities: Draw a cartoon about the Scramble for Africa Teacher reflection: 13 LESSON PLANS – Grade 8 Chapter 10: The First World War Learning Areas: Social Sciences Duration: 6 hours Learning Outcome Assessment Standards H: LO1: Historical enquiry H: LO2: Historical Knowledge and Understanding H: LO3: Historical Interpretation G: LO1: Geographical enquiry Grade: 8 Weeks: 27 – 28 Integration Continues to identify and select a variety of historical sources Evaluates the sources used Presents an original idea as part of an answer Communicates knowledge and understanding Begins to make links Recognises that causes and effects of events vary in importance Explains changes in a wider historical and environmental context Explains why history is not objective or neutral Recognises that sense of identity may influence Describes main features and uses of material remains Explains how and why people’s memories of the past might differ Identifies and selects a variety of sources Interprets maps and atlas information Presents an original idea as part of an answer Reports on the knowledge gained Languages LO2, 3, 4, 5 Life Orientation LO2 Economic and Management Sciences LO1 Content/Knowledge: Changing ideas and technologies – World War I: • How industrialisation, growing nationalism in Europe, and conflict over colonies led to the outbreak of WW I • Trench warfare • Changing roles • Women in World War I • The impact of World War I on South Africa Learning activities Teaching methods/approach Resources Social Sciences Lesson 1: What was the Activity 1: Reading maps and a cartoon; answer questions Today Grade 8 world like in 1914? LB p160 based on sources TG p99 Learner’s Book and Lesson 2: What happened Activity 2, Activity 3: War and peace; role-play opinions Teacher’s Guide at Sarajevo? p162 TG p100 Activity 4: True or false; test your knowledge TG p100 Atlas Activity 5: Reading with a purpose; examine the evidence Template for TG p101 informal letter Lesson 3: Britain enters the Activity 6: Predicting the future TG p101 Large sheets of war LB p164 Activity 7: Communicating; write a letter TG p102 paper Activity 8: Use sources to interpret images TG p102 Glue, scissors Lesson 4: The world at war Activity 9: Discuss early sentiments about the war TG p103 Materials for LB p166 Activity 10: Examine propaganda TG p104 making posters Lesson 5: Life in the Activity 11: Understanding a modern source TG p104 trenches LB p167 Activity 12: News from the trenches; write a letter TG p105 Lesson 6: Taking to the Activity 13: The effects of industrialisation; present a written seas and the air LB p171 and visual summary TG p105 Activity 14: Considering all sides TG p106 Activity 15: Being a war correspondent TG p106 Lesson 7: Women in the Activity 16: Women during the war; Understand changing war LB p172 attitudes using sources TG p107 Lesson 8: The war in brief Activity 17: What happened, when and where; complete a 1914 -1918 LB p174 time-line TG p108 Lesson 9: The beginning of group discussion the end LB p175 Lesson 10: The effect of Activity 18: Propaganda poster for South Africans; promote World War 1 on SA LB p176 an idea on a poster TG p108 Lesson 11: Assessment Assessment activity TG p109 LB p177 Reinforcement: Assessment: Draw a trench Type of assessment: Formal assessment for Lessons 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 11 Expanded opportunities: Make a recruitment poster Informal assessment: all other activities can be used for informal assessment Form of assessment: Rubric 2 for Lesson 3, 8; rubric 1 for Lesson 2, 6; rubric 2 for Lesson 9; memo (TG p 109) for Lesson 11 Teacher reflection: 14 RUBRIC 1: Geography/ History written work Activity: Date: Level 7 Excellent achievement far exceeding expected requirements Level 6 A very good achievement where all requirements have been met at a very high standard Name: Grade: Level 5 Level 4 A good A fair achievement achievement meeting most meeting an of the adequate requirements portion of the requirements Level 3 A moderate achievement partially satisfying the requirements Level 2 An elementary achievement marginally satisfying the requirements Level 1 Unsatisfactory achievement Requirements not met Look for and select sources Interpret and make use of sources Identify, present and express knowledge in a clear manner Write structured paragraphs Understand the significance of the issue Explain cause and effect factors RUBRIC 2: Geography/ History visual presentation (poster; pamphlet) Activity: Date: Presentation is: Level 7 Excellent achievement far exceeding expected requirements Level 6 A very good achievement where all requirements have been met at a very high standard Exceptionally eye-catching; outstandingly creative; expresses excellent evidence of topic; factually accurate; shows maturity and great insight Eye-catching; creative; good clear evidence of topic; factually correct knowledge; shows some maturity and insight Name: Grade: Level 5 Level 4 A good A fair achievement achievement meeting meeting an most of the adequate requirements portion of the requirements Attractive; fairly creative; some reasonable ideas and evidence of topic; mostly correct knowledge; shows partial maturity and insight Merely presentable; little creative; some evidence of topic; merely adequate presentation of knowledge; shows little maturity and insight 15 Level 3 A moderate achievement partially satisfying the requirements Level 2 An elementary achievement marginally satisfying the requirements Level 1 Unsatisfactory achievement, Requirements not met Visually unappealing; no clear ideas; little factual knowledge presented; no evidence of insight or maturity Slapdash presentation; no clear ideas expressed; inaccurate knowledge; no insight or evidence of care or thoughtfulness Activity misunderstood or incomplete RUBRIC 3: Geography/ History: Visual data interpretation (map; graph; flow chart; labelled diagram) Activity: Date: Level 7 Excellent achievement far exceeding expected requirements Level 6 A very good achievement where all requirements have been met at a very high standard Name: Grade: Level 5 Level 4 A good A fair achievement achievement meeting meeting an most of the adequate requirements portion of the requirements Follow instructions Understand the meaning of symbols, signs and other conventions Describe the information shown in words and sentences Interpret and analyse the visual information Make comparisons using the data Offer explanations for the information shown in the visual data 16 Level 3 A moderate achievement partially satisfying the requirements Level 2 An elementary achievement marginally satisfying the requirements Level 1 Unsatisfactory achievement Requirements not met