International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET)
Volume 10, Issue 03, March 2019, pp. 882–889, Article ID: IJCIET_10_03_086
Available online at http://www.iaeme.com/ijmet/issues.asp?JType=IJCIET&VType=10&IType=3
ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316
© IAEME Publication
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Suria Ningsih, Erna Herlinda and Agusmidah
Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Determination of Traffic Ordered Regions aims to overcome traffic congestion in
the city of Medan so that the people of Medan City, Indonesia can drive comfortably
and safely. This research was conducted to see the implementation of regulation of
orderly traffic in the city of Medan through the Mayor of Medan Regulation No. 16 of
2011 concerning Traffic Orderly Areas. This type of research is empirical juridical
conducted with 2 stages, namely the first stage of the study of normative law and the
second stage of the study of the implementation of regulations by collecting secondary
data through library research and primary data through questionnaires, interviews and
focus group discussions. The results of the study show that the Orderly Traffic Area was
established on the protocol road in Medan City. In the area, what is the obligation,
prohibition and sanction is determined. For the supervision appointed by the
Department of Transportation, Medan Police Satlantas, Medan City Satpol PP. The
policy implemented by the Medan City Government in orderly traffic areas is the
installation of road equipment in the form of traffic signs, road markings and ATCS on
light traffic, pedestrian repairs that prioritize pedestrians, making Traffic Ordered Zone
(KTL) as a pilot area for the implementation of Integrated Urban Road Safety, applying
maximum penalties at KTL if there is a traffic violation.
Key words: Policy, Traffic Control, Traffic Control Zone.
Cite this Article: Suria Ningsih, Erna Herlinda and Agusmidah, Implementation of
Mayor Regulation No. 16 of 2011 Concerning Traffic Orderly Areas in Medan City,
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 10(3), 2019, pp. 882–889.
As one of the most populous cities in Indonesia with a population density of 2,983,868 people,
Medan is one of the cities with a high level of congestion. Classic problems such as congestion
were further aggravated by the low level of awareness of Medan people in their efforts to
comply with traffic regulations which became an endless problem that occurred in the city of
Medan (www.analisadaily.com). Dealing with traffic problems that occur requires policies
from the City of Medan to create smooth, orderly, disciplined traffic for road users and the
community in general, including through the establishment of orderly traffic zones. The
Implementation of Mayor Regulation No. 16 of 2011 Concerning Traffic Orderly Areas in Medan City
Regional Traffic Order is an orderly pilot area of traffic, namely the procedure for traffic, the
physical completeness of vehicles, namely the headlights, the rear view mirror, the
completeness of vehicle documents and helmets for motorbike drivers. As a pilot area in which
there is an orderly, safe and smooth traffic control and regulation for all road users so that it is
expected to become a positive culture that develops in the community
(http://shindriani.blogspot.co.id). When they compete, they will imitate the order as they enter
the orderly area of traffic. In general, the establishment of a program on the Area of Traffic
Regulations based on Law Number 22 Year 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation.
The Orderly Traffic Area is built and formed on certain road segments in an area determined
by the Regional Government with a decree issued by the Mayor with the intention and purpose
of this stipulation to be a program of the Regional Government that gets the allocation of funds
from the APBD. The program of Traffic Ordered Regions has long been implemented in various
regions, especially in big cities. Establishment of an orderly area of traffic in each region based
on the decisions of each Regional Head. For this reason, in Medan City, the Mayor of Medan
Regulation No. 16 of 2011 concerning the Traffic Orderly Zone of Medan City dated April 14,
2011. With the issuance of the Mayor's Regulation, it became the legal umbrella for the
management of traffic orderly areas in Medan City. Based on the reality in the field, it shows
that in implementing the Medan Mayor Regulation on Traffic Ordered Regions, the main
problems faced include; First, in the implementation of the Mayor of Medan Regulation number
16 of 2011 concerning Traffic Orderly Areas in the City of Medan, it is still far from expected.
Second, that is related to traffic behavior, the people of Medan City, so it is assumed that it is
difficult to implement the Mayor Regulation. Based on the explanation above shows that the
Implementation of Mayor Regulation No. 16 of 2011 concerning the Orderly Traffic Zone is
not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. Therefore, in this study will be discussed further
related to the implementation of Mayor Regulation No. 16 of 2011, in order to realize the
Orderly Zone Traffic so that later it can be used as a model for other cities, especially in North
Sumatra Province. In addition, it can also provide input to the Medan City Government so that
the implementation of the Mayor's Regulations is carried out according to what became the
destination of Medan City.
2.1. Traffic Ordered Zone (KTL)
The Traffic Ordered Zone (KTL) is an area where motorists who use motorized vehicles or
those who use car vehicles are obedient to the rules that apply when they are using vehicles on
the highway, the order in question is like: using a standard helmet, a complete rearview mirror,
standard exhaust, complete vehicle license plate, carrying correspondence (SIM & STNK)
equipment, driving a vehicle not exceeding a predetermined speed and using a predetermined
path for two-wheeled riders, while for vehicle users the rules must be followed such as: seat
belts, using a complete rear view mirror (both outside and inside the vehicle, the car plate must
be complete, driving the vehicle does not exceed the predetermined speed, using predetermined
paths for 4-wheeled and 6-wheeled vehicles, and the last don't forget to bring correspondence
equipment (SIM & STNK).
2.2. Reasons for the Need for Traffic Ordered Zone (KTL)
The reason for the holding of an orderly traffic zone (KTL) was due to a lack of awareness from
the public about the safety of driving on the road, and therefore with the existence of an orderly
traffic area (KTL) the community inevitably had to follow the rules made by the Regional
Government. For people who do not obey the rules in the Orderly Traffic Zone (KTL), they
will be immediately ticketed to the place, so as to give a deterrent effect to the people who do
Suria Ningsih, Erna Herlinda and Agusmidah
not obey the rules when driving on the highway and help reduce traffic accidents for the sake
of mutual safety. Efforts made by the Government to bring order to people who are aware of
safety will not work well if the people themselves do not participate and assist in obeying the
rules of the rules in traffic on the highway. Therefore, from now on, it is hoped that all people
will always give a sense of awareness of the importance of safety and respect for the regulations
that have been made by the Government.
This type of research is empirical juridical conducted with 2 stages, namely the first stage of
the study of normative law and the second stage of the study of the implementation of
regulations by collecting secondary data through library research and primary data through
questionnaires, interviews and focus group discussions.
4.1. Result
4.1.1. The Policy of the City Government of Medan in an Effort to Realize Orderly Traffic
in the City of Medan Based on the Regulations of Medan Mayor 16 of 2011
According to Woll (1966) public policy is a government activity to solve a problem in the
community both directly and through various institutions that affect a community's life. The
purpose of the formulation or public policy making is to create order, peace, peace and welfare
of the people. As the highest public policy in the region, Mayor Regulation must be a reference
for all other public policies in the form of regional head decisions and technical policies made
by the Regional Work Unit (SKPD). In the Mayor Regulation No. 16 of 2011 the Medan City
Government stipulates 7 (seven) roads in the Medan City area to become KTL (Article 1). The
7 road sections include:
1. Street of Suprapto on the bridge to Imam Bonjol street,
2. Street of Sudirman m / d Sp. Street of Imam Bonjol until Sp. Street of S. Parman,
3. Street of Pangeran Diponegoro m / d Sp. Street of Sudirman until Street of Kejaksaan,
4. Street of Imam Bonjol m / d Sp. Street of Head of Maulana Lubis until Sp. Street of Sudirman,
5. Street of Kapten Maulana Lubis and Street of Raden Saleh m / d Sp. Street of Court up to
Sp. Street of Town Hall,
6. Street of City Hall m / d Sp. Street of Pulau Penang up to Sp. Street of Putri Hijau,
7. Street of Putri Hijau m / d Sp. Street of Patimpus teacher until Street of Peacock Orange.
The 7 road sections are designated as pilot programs for the program which will be added
later if there are significant developments. In essence KTL is a road area arranged in such a
way that the traffic conditions are truly orderly, organized, and smooth. In addition to
encouraging orderly traffic to road users, KTL must be clean of all the chaos that complicated
the road. Sterile example from roadside parking, pedicab, and street vendors (PKL). For this
reason, the Mayor Regulation also contains Obligations, prohibitions, supervision and actions.
We can meet the obligations of the parties in articles 2 and 3 of the Regulation of the Mayor of
Medan No. 16 of 2011, including:
Article 2: Drivers and motorized passenger traveling through the road in the orderly area of
traffic as referred to in Article 1 shall:
use a seat belt for four-wheeled motorized vehicles upwards
use Indonesian National Standard (SNI) helmets for two-wheeled motorized vehicles.
Implementation of Mayor Regulation No. 16 of 2011 Concerning Traffic Orderly Areas in Medan City
Article 3: The Transportation Office of Medan City is obliged to install prohibited signs for
motorized rickshaws through/crossing roads in the orderly traffic area as referred to in Article
The prohibition is contained in Article 4 of Mayor Regulation No. 16 of 2011, including:
Motorized pedicab is prohibited from crossing the road in the orderly traffic area as referred to
in Article 1,
It is prohibited to sell on the sidewalk/sidewalk along the road in the orderly area of traffic as
referred to in Article 1.
In addition to the obligations and prohibitions of Traffic Ordered Areas, it must also have
various facilities to support smooth traffic, such as complete signs, well-maintained road
markings, facilities for decent pedestrians, pedestrian bridges (jpo), and ideal zebra crossing.
Including the Orderly Traffic Area must have an ideal bus stop or location for public transport
stops. Physical facilities are important in policy implementation. The implementer may have
sufficient staff, understand what he must do, and have the authority to carry out his duties but
without supporting facilities (facilities and infrastructure) the implementation of the policy will
not succeed. The pathway that has been established as KTL will get more attention from the
Regional Transportation Management Agency (BPTD) which consists of several elements,
including the Transportation Agency, Police, Satpol PP, and several related agencies. This is in
line with the sound of Article 5 of the Mayor of Medan Regulation No. 16 of 2011 which
regulates supervision issues as follows: The supervision and control of compliance with the
provisions of the Mayor Regulation is submitted to the Medan City Transportation Office,
Medan Police Satlantas, Medan City PP Satpol and agencies related to the Medan City
Government. Supervision of this area will be carried out intensely not only for traffic violators
but also for making this route chaotic. The City Government also curbs street vendors (PKL)
who stand in the area designated as the KTL. Violations and/or non-compliance with the
provisions of the Mayor's Regulations are dealt with in accordance with the applicable laws and
regulations. (Article 6 of the Mayor of Medan Regulation No.16 of 2011). Based on the
provisions of Article 314 of Law No.22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation
that in addition to imprisonment, confinement, or fines, traffic offenders can be subject to
additional criminal sanctions in the form of revocation of a Driving License or compensation
for losses caused by traffic crime.
Policy Implementation of the Mayor of Medan to Realize Traffic Ordered Areas
The orderly traffic area in the city of Medan consists of eight regional points which is a pilot
point that aims to make the people of Medan city no longer face the chaos of traffic or traffic
jams. The eight points of the area are expected not to be violated by road users. Research that
has been carried out in the field by distributing questionnaires and interviewing permanent road
users still have road users who violate intentionally or unintentionally, including not using
standard helmets for reasons of haste, there are also road users not crossing well on zebra
crossings which is determined by an orderly traffic area. Road users still have a mindset if there
are no officers, they use the road as they wish, especially road users feel proud or feel great if
driving a vehicle does not comply with traffic regulations as a duty of the road user. This
situation can be seen in plain view that the lack of awareness of road users who must fulfill
their obligations obeying traffic regulations, and there are still many road users who do not
know and do not understand about the existence of an orderly traffic area in the city of Medan.
Suria Ningsih, Erna Herlinda and Agusmidah
In its implementation, after more than 7 years of this Mayor Regulation has been implemented,
there are only 4 (four) KTL locations that have signs as an adequate traffic order area, namely:
Street of Suprapto m/d bridge until Street of Imam Bonjol, with a road length of 696.4 m and a
road width of 16.3 m
Street of Sudirman m/d sp. Street of Imam Bonjol until Sp. Street of S. Parman, with a road
length of 1,257.4 m and a road width of 14.2 m
Street of Prince of Diponegoro m/d Sp. Street of Sudirman until Sp. Street of Prosecutor's
Office, with a road length of 1,257.6 m and a road width of 9.9 m
Street of Imam Bonjol m/d Sp. Street of Capt. Maulana Lubis up to Sp. Street of Sudirman, with
a road length of 2,299.8 m and a road width of 14.4 m.
Whereas the other 3 (three) KTL locations are inadequate because they do not have signs,
Street of Capt. Maulana Lubis and Jl. Raden Saleh m / d Sp. Street of Court up to Sp. Street of
town Hall
City Hall m/d Sp. Street of Pulau Penang up to Sp. Street of Putri Hijau
Street of Putri Hijau m/d Sp. Street of Patimpus teacher until Street of Peacock Orange.
In addition to not having signs in the 3 (three) orderly traffic areas, there are still parking
vehicles on the sidewalk, the presence of street vendors and building materials placed on the
sidewalk so that pedestrians are forced to go down the shoulder. The presence of several roads
in KTL that are inadequate such as sidewalks that have not been functioning properly, from the
side of the Medan City Government began to make improvements through the agency of the
Department of Transportation, cooperating with the Park Office for parks and Public Works
Agency for sidewalk structure matters, including conducting studies appeal to other countries
such as Taiwan. Some policies implemented by the Medan City Government in the area of
Traffic Order, namely:
Installation of good road equipment in the area in the form of installing traffic signs, road
markings and area traffic light control systems (ATCS) on traffic light.
Repair of pedestrians that prioritize pedestrians, such as cleaning police stations on the sidewalk,
cleaning street vendors and parking. There are a number of Regents who support the rules
regarding the KTL such as the Mayor of Medan Regulation Number 70 of 2017 concerning
Procedures for Transfer / Pressing, locking, and scraping/grinding of Wheel Vehicles.
The KTL area is a pilot area of Integreted Urban Road Safety (IURSP) implementation carried
out by the Australian Government together with the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation.
There were 4 cities chosen for the implementation of the program with the Australian
government, one of them being Medan City. So there is assistance from the Australian
Government in developing sidewalks including the design.
Maximum implementattion fines in the orderly area of traffic in the event of traffic violations.
In collaboration with Dirlantas it was determined that the traffic violation penalty at KTL with
other places must be different so as to provide a deterrent effect.
There are several factors that are interrelated to create traffic order, namely:
Regulations that are truly based on the study
Facilities and infrastructure (infrastructure must be repaired)
Culture of orderly traffic
The existence of power that can force the regulation is adhered to.
Implementation of Mayor Regulation No. 16 of 2011 Concerning Traffic Orderly Areas in Medan City
Ad. 1. Regulations
Determination of orderly traffic areas in the city of Medan is based on the Mayor's Regulation.
In the mayor's regulation, criminal provisions / sanctions cannot be included as in a regional
regulation. So the violation in the KTL area so that it can be followed up in court must be
improved in the regional regulations in the form of criminal offenses. So regulations need to be
strengthened in the regulation of this orderly traffic area.
Ad. 2. Repair of facilities and infrastructure
In a Traffic Orderly Zone, there must be:
a. Road completeness;
• road markings, and
• traffic light
b. Road body parts;
• sidewalks
• parking location
• bus stops
• zebra crossing
c. KTL officers must be equipped with:
• assignment order
• use bad KTL
• make a journal book / KTL mutation
d. Integrated KTL Post, which consists of:
• Police
Department of Transportation
Civil service police Unit
Military police
The above has been explained that with regard to facilities and infrastructure there are still
3 KTL areas in Medan that are not yet adequate.
Ad. 3. Culture of orderly traffic
Although it is stated that legal development consists of 3 (three) components, namely substance,
structure and legal culture, the most influential component is legal culture. Because as good as
any law is made, but in the end the success of the law will be determined by the legal culture
of the community concerned. The legal culture that grows in society is the embodiment of the
value structure which is the foundation. Legal culture is the overall attitude of the citizens and
the value system in society that will determine how the law should apply in the community
concerned. Legal culture is not a personal culture but a whole culture of society as a unity of
attitude and behavior. The level of awareness and compliance of the people of Medan City is
still very low towards efforts to obey traffic regulations. In line with what was stated by the
Head of the Transportation Agency Renward Parapat that the more sidewalks made the better
the parking community there, even though the sidewalks were made for pedestrian convenience
and disability. The slogan "This Medan Bung" that is so famous for being able to understand
the culture of the people of Medan should be replaced with the slogan "This is only Medan"
which gives more positive meaning.
Suria Ningsih, Erna Herlinda and Agusmidah
Ad. 4. There is power that can force the regulation to be obeyed
Talking about law enforcement is very much related to power, meaning that law enforcement
must be supported by power. In a Traffic Ordered Zone, the agencies involved are:
1. Indonesian National Police (Polri):
a. Medan Polrestabes Police
b. Sabhara Polrestabes Medan
2. Medan City Government
a. Department of Transportation
b. Civil service police Unit
3. BKO/Military Police Assistance
This is in accordance with the Mayor of Medan Regulation Number 16 Year 2011 Chapter
IV Supervision of Article 5 namely "The supervision and control of compliance with the
provisions of the Mayor Regulation is submitted to the Medan City Transportation Service,
Medan Satlantas Medan, Medan City Satpol PP and related institutions within the Government
Medan city.
In the context of law enforcement carried out by Medan Polrestabes through acting, among
The actions of officers who are regulating, reprimanding, giving warnings and instructions with
sympathetic repression patterns,
Hunting system of action against traffic violations that appears on the road,
Actions of officers based on applicable law (through judicial proceedings) by means of law
enforcement stipulated as follows:
1) Legal sanctions in accordance with the provisions in Law Number 22 Year 2009
2) Apply e-ticket
In order to enforce the KTL a team consisting of the Department of Transportation, the Civil
Service Satpol and the Medan Poltabes Satlantas were formed. But in its implementation in the
field there are still different visions due to the different agencies. For this reason, it is necessary
to have a special control post and be equipped with a clear SOP. In addition to direct control of
the field, the Medan City Government also installed CCTV at each intersection (traffic light).
The Medan City Government and the Transportation Office also expect the participation of the
community in monitoring this traffic with the ATCS Instagram Medan. If there are people who
find the occurrence of parking violations for example directly photographed and send to the
instagram. This is intended to overcome the problem of the lack of personnel in the field and as
a form of public concern in an effort to achieve traffic order in the city of Medan.
The Medan City Government Policy as the implementation of the authority granted by Article
96 paragraph (6) of Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation by issuing
Regulation of the Mayor of Medan No. 16 of 2011 concerning Medan City Traffic Ordered
Zone. The Medan Mayor Regulation contains 7 (seven) road sections which are designated as
Traffic Ordered Areas in Medan City, Obligations for road users, prohibitions, supervision and
implementation are handed over to the Medan City Transportation Agency, Medan Polrestabes
Satpant, Medan City Satpol. This Mayor Regulation also includes sanctions for non-compliance
with the provisions of this Mayor's Regulation in accordance with applicable laws.
Implementation of Mayor Regulation No. 16 of 2011 Concerning Traffic Orderly Areas in Medan City
The occurrence of violations of the determination of the orderly traffic area because there are
still many road users who do not know about the orderly traffic area, do not standardize safety
in transportation and lack of awareness in the obligation to comply with traffic regulations.
The policies implemented by the Medan City Government in Orderly Traffic Areas are:
Installation of good road equipment in the area in the form of installing traffic signs,
road markings and ATCS on traffic light
Pedestrian repairs that prioritize pedestrians
The KTL area is a pilot area of Integreted Urban Road Safety implementation carried
out by the Australian Government together with the Indonesian Ministry of
Application of maximum penalties in orderly traffic areas in the event of traffic
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