International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Volume 10, Issue 03, March 2019, pp. 795-806. Article ID: IJCIET_10_03_077 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed RESTRUCTURING OF STEM-BASED STUDENT THINKING IN CONSTRUCTING THE CONCEPT OF DEFINITION A FUNCTION Ukhti Raudhatul Jannah* Doctoral Program Mathematics Education, Universitas Negeri Malang Mathematics Education Department, Universitas Madura Toto Nusantara Mathematics Education Department, Universitas Negeri Malang Sudirman Mathematics Education Department, Universitas Negeri Malang Sisworo Mathematics Education Department, Universitas Negeri Malang Faisal Estu Yulianto Civil Engineering Department, Universitas Madura *Corresponding Author ABSTRACT This study is qualitative research. It is to restructure the STEM-based students thinking in constructing the concept of formal definition of a function based on the assimilation and accommodation process through the provision of scaffolding. The research subjects are two students chosen from 18 students by a consideration that the students meet the determined criteria. The results show both the first and the second subjects experience errors in relation, the general definition of a function, and algebraic representation. Errors in Cartesian product and numerical representation are also experienced by the second subject. Scaffolding by using questions and instructions in the process of assimilation and accommodation are used to reconstruct the concept of formal definition of a function. It is essential for the teachers to create assimilation and accommodation in their thinking process in order to help the students to understand formal definition of a function in appropriate ways. Keywords: Definition of a function, constructing the concept of formal definition of a function, restructuring, student thinking, STEM education. 795 Restructuring of Stem-Based Student Thinking in Constructing the Concept of Definition a Function Cite this Article: Ukhti Raudhatul Jannah, Toto Nusantara, Sudirman, Sisworo and Faisal Estu Yulianto, Restructuring of Stem-Based Student Thinking in Constructing the Concept of Definition a Function, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 10(3), 2019, pp. 795-806. 1. INTRODUCTION The most important part to be studied in Mathematics is the concept of function (Harel & Dubinsky, 1992). Generally, the function is an important topic in Mathematics’ curriculum and it also relates to other lessons such as astronomy, engineering, and physics (Kjeldsen & Lützen, 2015; O’Shea, Breen, & Jaworski, 2016; Rossouw, Hacker, & de Vries, 2011; Salas-Morera et al., 2013; Sánchez & Llinares, 2003; Steele, Hillen, & Smith, 2013). One characteristic of the concept of a function is that it can be represented in various ways in form of tables, graphs, symbolic equations, and verbally. Moreover, the important thing of understanding the concept of a function is an ability to use various representations and translate them from one form to another (Lin & Cooney, 2001; Sajka, 2003). Consequenly, the concepts of function take an important role in the curriculum because it is closely related to not only in Mathematics itself but also to other fields of science. Students have difficulties connecting to their own previously function concepts with their new knowledge. Thus, they made some mistakes in constructing the formal definition of a function. To connect and construct those concepts, the teachers use Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). The term "STEM" refers to teaching and learning in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (Gonzalez & Kuenzi, 2012). The linking of observation, analysis, experiment as well as processes to form or to explain a new knowledge is called Science (White, 2014). In this study, Science is the concept of the formal definition of a function. Technology is a branch of knowledge related to the use of tools to achieve learning goals. It helps the students to achieve the formal definition of a function, while Engineering is an application of knowledge to construct concepts. Engineering in this research is an assimilation and accommodation. This allows students to build upon their own experiences and to provide opportunities constructing new science and math knowledge (Kelley & Knowles, 2016). Mathematics is a group of science that contains algebra, calculus, and geometry. In Mathematics, formal definitions of a functions are contained in algebra and calculus. The constructions of STEM require declarative, operational and conditional specifications about abstract concepts and their relationships among those concepts (Reif, 2008). STEM associates to scientific inquiry by formulating questions and answers through investigation to inform the students before engaging the engineering design process to solve problems (Kennedy & Odell, 2014). STEM can improve the structure of students' thinking when they have made some mistakes in constructing formal definitions of a functions. Their thinking process in form of a problem solving can be described into the structure of thinking which is usually done by a person when they want to solve a problem (Kumalasari, Nusantara, & Sa’dijah, 2016). STEM can help the next generation of students to solve real-world problems by applying concepts cutting across disciplines as well as capacities of critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity because STEM including conceptual understandings and procedural skills (Burrows & Slater, 2015; Bybee, 2010). By applying STEM, the teachers hope that the students are able to define formal definition of a function; however, they are still have some difficultiies in defining formal definition of a function. Students although the teachers use STEM to increase sudents understanding in defining formal definition of a function, they are bringing or recalling the 796 Ukhti Raudhatul Jannah, Toto Nusantara, Sudirman, Sisworo and Faisal Estu Yulianto concept of function in their senior high school. Students are familiar with the concepts informing the formal definition of a function, namely set, Cartesian product, relation, functions, examples, and non-examples of a function, and function representation. The formal mathematics can reveal new embodied and symbolic ways of interpreting mathematics’ (Tall, 2013). The definition is commonly understood by them infuenced by the definition they have known in the senior high school, that is a function 𝑓 from a set 𝐴 into a set B is a rule of correspondence that assigns to each element x in A a uniquely determined element f(x) in B (Bartle & Sherbert, 2011). It means that the students have some difficulties and errors to interpret the expression "a rule of correspondence". The students who have had the initial knowledge about concepts of a formal definition of a function have to relate them according to the scientific concept. They did some mistakes in relating these concepts to formal definitions of a function. Figure 1 shows the students’ error in defining formal definiton of a function. Figure 1 The Students’ Error in Defining Formal Definiton of a Function The concepts in figure 1 describe the prior concepts of students.The quoation of students means that a function is a relation pairing a set to another set provided that all of the group of a domain is pairing a set exactly one element with another. It shows that the students are not able to describe the concepts of relation and their definition are not appropriate to formal definition of a function. It is the appropriate concepts to define formal definition of a function: Let A and B be set. A function from A to B is a set f of ordered pairs in 𝐴 × 𝐵 such that for each 𝑎 ∈ 𝐴 there exist a unique 𝑏 ∈ 𝐵 with (𝑎, 𝑏) ∈ 𝑓. (In other words, if (𝑎, 𝑏) ∈ 𝑓 and (𝑎, 𝑏’) ∈ 𝑓 then 𝑏 = 𝑏’) (Bartle, 2011). Bartle also formulates the way to form scientific concept of the formal definition of a function as in figure 2. Set Cartesian Product Relation Function Example and Non-example of a Function Function Representation Formal Definition of a Function Figure 2 Scientific concept in forming the formal definition of a function Figure 2 shows the scientific concepts in forming a formal definition of a function containing the forming concepts of a formal definition of a function. These concepts are used when the students construct the concept of the formal definition of a function. 797 Restructuring of Stem-Based Student Thinking in Constructing the Concept of Definition a Function Figure 3 Structure of student thinking in constructing the concept of formal definition of a function Figure 3 shows the structure of students’ thinking in constructing the concept of a formal definition of a function based on its scientific concept. The definition is let A and B be sets. Then a function from A to B is a set f of ordered pairs in 𝐴 × 𝐵 such that for each 𝑎 ∈ 𝐴 there exists a unique 𝑏 ∈ 𝐵 with (𝑎, 𝑏) ∈ 𝑓. The problems of the students in defining definition of a function are caused by the STEM applied by the teachers. The scaffolding in STEM used by the teachers is not appropriate to the students’ need; the use STEM in the teachers’ scaffolding are not exploring the students’ ability, they are not in steps of discovering the scientific concepts. Therefore, it is important to restructure the concepts of formal definition of a function. Thus, the purpose of this study is to restructure the students’ thinking (restructuring) by STEM-based in constructing the concept of formal definition of a function based on the process of assimilation and accommodation by scaffolding so they are able to understand the formal definition of the function as a whole, critical and creative in solving problems especially related to the problem about function in daily life. 2. METHODOLOGY This study is a qualitative research. It is to restructure (restructuring) of student thinking by STEM-based in constructing the concept of a formal definition of a function based on the assimilation and the accommodation through scaffolding. It is helping students to have complete understanding the formal definition of a function, and to have critical and creative in solving the problem. The subjects of the research are the students of Mathematics Education program at Madura University who have prior knowledge about scientific concepts forming 798 Ukhti Raudhatul Jannah, Toto Nusantara, Sudirman, Sisworo and Faisal Estu Yulianto formal definition of a function. Eighteen students are asked to define the function formally according to the concepts. The subjects are chosen based on some errors in constructing the concept, so they were not considered making the formal definition of the function, communicative ability, and collaborative ability. In addition, their concepts of formal definition of a function are still the concepts of senior high school students, without inviting the concepts of scientific. Then, they are tested and interviewed. The tests are given to check the structure of student thinking in constructing the concept of formal definition of a function. The interview is conducted to restructure of STEM-based students thinking in constructing of function definition concept based on the assimilation and accommodation process through the provision of scaffolding. To get the confidence of the data, this study compares the data to the peers and experts relevant to the study to have cross examination and make the disinterestedness of the data as well as the participants of the study. This research also uses another method to have trustworthiness of the data. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In this study, the researcher gave a test to students who already had had scientific concepts of formal definition of a function. They were asked to define about function formally. This stage was conducted to know the structure of student thinking whether it had been based on the concept of a formal definition of a function or not. When they made an error in constructing the formal definition of a function, the researcher then restructured their thinking process, so they would have a whole concept about it. Figure 4 shows the thinking structure of S1 (first subject) when he made some errors in constructing formal definition of a function. He got some difficulties in defining the function formally. The yellow colour indicates the type of errors, namely; concept of the relation, the function definition in general and the function representation. Test: Formal Definition of a Function As A is a set A Ø As B is a set B Ø As AS As A ×B Ak As Relation A to B As As Ak As ( a, b) As ⱯaЄA ꓱ!bЄB Ak (a, b) Є f Ak Ak Ak Ɐ a Є A, ꓱ ! b Є B Э (a, b) Є f Ak Ak Non Example of a Function Example of a Function Ak Verbal Representation Numeric Representation Ak Ak Visual Representation Ak Algebraic Representation Equilibration Let A and B be sets. Then a function from A to B is a set f of ordered pairs in A×B such that for each a Є A there exists a unique b Є B with (a, b) Є f Figure 4 The fault of concept construction in formal definition of a function on S1 799 Restructuring of Stem-Based Student Thinking in Constructing the Concept of Definition a Function After the researcher identified his errors in constructing the formal definition of a function, he reorganized the thinking structure as shown in Figure 5. Test: Formal Definition of a Function As Create an example of sets A and B As As A is a set A Ø Mapping the set A to B with the arrow diagram (Cartesian product) B is a set B Ø As As AS As Determining members of relation A to B A×B Ak As As As Relation A to B As Writing in ordered pairs Ak As Ak ( a, b) ⱯaЄA ꓱ!bЄB Ak (a, b) Є f Ak As Constructing relation A to B with A × B: relation A to B is subset A×B As Determine the members of the relation where each member in A has the exact match one in B Ak Ak Ɐ a Є A, ꓱ ! b Є B Э (a, b) Є f Ak Ak Ak Non Example of a Function Ak Example of a Function Ak Verbal Representation Hint: If f: A B, then algebraic form: f(a) = b, Ɐ a Є A, ꓱ ! bЄB Ak Numeric Representation Ak Visual Representation Represents the algebraic shape according to the created example Ak Algebraic Representation Ak Equilibration Let A and B be sets. Then a function from A to B is a set f of ordered pairs in A×B such that for each a Є A there exists a unique b Є B with (a, b) Є f Figure 5 Restructuring thinking of S1 in constructing the formal definition of a function Figure 5 shows the restructuring of students' thinking in constructing the definition based on assimilation and accommodation through scaffolding to help S1 in defining a correct formal definition of a function. When the student made some errors in constructing relations, they would be restructured by using scaffolding about a Cartesian product. Scaffolding was applied in form of commands and questions by creating examples of sets A and B, mapping the set A to B with the arrow diagram, determining members of relation A to B, writing in ordered pairs, connecting relation A to B with 𝐴 × 𝐵: relation subset 𝐴 × 𝐵. The general errors they made was corrected by determining the master of the relation where each member in A has the unique 𝑏 ∈ 𝐵 with (𝑎, 𝑏) ∈ 𝑓. The errors on defining formal definition of a function provide them scaffolding function representation and provide scaffolding with hints of the algebraic form of function, then they would define the function according to the instructions. 800 Ukhti Raudhatul Jannah, Toto Nusantara, Sudirman, Sisworo and Faisal Estu Yulianto Test: Formal Definition of a Function As A is a set A Ø As B is a set B Ø As AS As A×B Ak As Relation A to B As As Ak As ( a, b) As ⱯaЄA ꓱ!bЄB Ak (a, b) Є f Ak Ak Ak Ɐ a Є A, ꓱ ! b Є B Э (a, b) Є f Ak Ak Non Example of a Function Example of a Function Ak Verbal Representation Numeric Representation Ak Ak Visual Representation Ak Algebraic Representation Equilibration Let A and B be sets. Then a function from A to B is a set f of ordered pairs in A×B such that for each a Є A there exists a unique b Є B with (a, b) Є f Figure 6 The fault of concept construction in formal definition of a function on S2 Figure 6 shows the thinking structure of the second subject (S2) when he made some errors in constructing the formal definition of a function. He also had some difficulties like the first subject (S1), but it is in different types. Those are the concept of the Cartesian product, relation, definition of a function in general, and function representation. While figure 6 shows the restructuring of students thinking in constructing the definition based on assimilation and accommodation through scaffolding in the form of questions to help the S2 achieving the formal definition of a function. 801 Restructuring of Stem-Based Student Thinking in Constructing the Concept of Definition a Function Make an example of two sets A and B Test: Formal Definition of a Function As Determing members of relation from A to B As As As Mapping two sets A to B through the arrow diagram A is a set A Ø Write down the members of the relation in the form ordered pairs B is a set B Ø As As Ak AS Definition of A×B As Associates relation with A × B: relation A to B is subset A × B A×B Ak As Ak As Relation A to B As Ak Classify members of relation as members of a function Ak As ( a, b) ⱯaЄA Ak (a, b) Є f Ak As As ꓱ!bЄB Define the function Ak Ak Ak Ak Ɐ a Є A, ꓱ ! b Є B Э (a, b) Є f Create an arrow diagram as an example of a function Ak Ak Non Example of a Function As Example of a Function Ak Ak Ak Ak Ak Create a table with components A, B, and f(a) based on the arrow diagram Ak Verbal Representation Numeric Representation Visual Representation Algebraic Representation Equilibration Represents the algebraic shaape according to the created example Ak Let A and B be sets. Then a function from A to B is a set f of ordered pairs in A×B such that for each a Є A there exists a unique b Є B with (a, b) Є f Hint: If f: A B, the algebraic form are: f(a) = b, Ɐ a Є A, ꓱ ! bЄB Figure 7 Restructuring thinking S2 in constructing the formal definition of a function The student (S2) also made some errors in constructing the concept of the formal definition of a function. it can be seen on their thinking structure. When they made errors on the Cartesian product concept, they would be restructured by giving them instruction to make an example of two sets A and B, map the set A to B with the arrow diagram, and define of 𝐴 × 𝐵. To restructure the errors of the concept on relation could be improved by scaffolding. This step mean giving them some questions and commands to determine members of Relation from A to B, writing down the members of the relation in the form of ordered pairs, and associating relation with A × B: Relation A to B is a subset 𝐴 × 𝐵. The wrong concept in defining function in general could be restructured through scaffolding in the form of classifying members of relations as members of a function, defining the function. The way of scaffolding restructure in representing numerical error could be done by creating an arrow with components A, B, and 𝑓 (𝑎) based on the arrow diagram. The last, the error construction on the algebraic representation could be restructured by creating a table with components A, B, and 𝑓 (𝑎) based on the arrow diagram and representing the algebraic shape according to the created example. Students of university should have good representations and improve them. Representing definition formal of a function are verbal, numeric, visual and algebaric. Ordered pairs, equations, and Cartesian graphs are the ways to represent a function (Cho, 2013). According to Rockswold (2009) formal definition of a function can be represented by diagrams, tables, and verbal descriptions. The features of formal definition function concepts are in a formal 802 Ukhti Raudhatul Jannah, Toto Nusantara, Sudirman, Sisworo and Faisal Estu Yulianto symbolic way, and it is nearly without using words (Sierpinska, 1992). When the students understand the concepts of a function, uncover relationships between various representations, decide the appropriate representation in solving problems, and transfer between representations with relative ease, it indicates that the students have ability to define definition formal of a function (Metcalf, 2007). The process of restructuring in students thinking can be used to solve the students’ errors in structuring concepts of formal definition of a function. The goal of restructuring process on students' thinking in constructing the formal definition of STEM-based functions is to make students think critically and creatively in solving daily problems related to a function because the concept of a function is related to many other sciences and our daily life. There are several transferable skills can be gained by the students from STEM study as identified by National Governors Association (NGA). To recognize and evaluate the problems, they are using critical thinking as well as using math, science, technology, and engineering concepts (Barakos, Lujan, & Strang, 2012). STEM is crucial in modern conception since it contains practical purposes on various disciplines as well as real-world problems solving (Labov, Reid, & Yamamoto, 2010; Sanders, 2009). STEM activities provide students with rich learning experiences, and the students of all educational backgorund have posibilities to access. Therefore, the teachers should be professional in developing the ways to be design experiences supporting the learners in the classroom (Brenneman, Lange, & Nayfeld, 2018). STEM education consist of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. The main parts of STEM Education are Science and Mathematics because most people can recognize and relate to them (White, 2014). In this research, Science is the concept definition formal of a function. Science is discussing the origin of formal definition of a function, but Mathematics is about the ways to inquire the natural science , social sciences, engineering, and technology (Michelsen, 2006). Mathematics comprise algebra and calculus, consisting a function. It needs a certain ability and critical thinking to understand the concept of a function by using the algebraic approach. However, calculus and other practical sciences invite the students to have changes in understanding as the effect of instruction (Malik, 1980). STEM is not only includes the teaching mathematics in isolation, but also invite other disciplines. It builds on the content knowledge and understanding developed in and across the four disciplines while acknowledging that all STEM learning activities are underpinned by Mathematics (Bruton, 2017) Technology and Engineering support the restructuring thinking process of students in structuring thinking of formal definition of a function. In this study, scaffolding is as the representation of technology to achieve learning objectives. Scaffolding is a process that includes tasks and questions to help students in solving problems (Wood, Bruner, & Ross, 1976). Scaffolding is applied through several questions, providing examples and giving clues related to student concept errors in constructing formal definition of a function. The strategies in scaffolding is questioning, modeling, instructing (Tharp & Gallimore, 1991). However, engineering in this research is the process of assimilation of accommodation. The structure of students thinking structures can be assessed by assimilation and accommodation of their frameworks of the previous concepts. This is in line with Piaget statement that a person interacts with the environment or prior knowledge, there will be a cognitive process called assimilation and accommodation (Subanji & Supratman, 2015). The assimilation process is the process of integrating new stimulus into the scheme. The accommodation process is the process of new stimulus integration through the modification of the old scheme or through the formation of the new scheme to adapt to the new acquired stimulus. In solving the problem, the process of assimilation and accommodation will continue to take place until the existence 803 Restructuring of Stem-Based Student Thinking in Constructing the Concept of Definition a Function of balance (equilibration) (Subanji & Supratman, 2015). When they reach the equilibration, the students will recall the previous knowledge to define formal definition of a function by using scaffolding, assimilation and accommodation process. Transferability by comparing the finding to experts, peers, and previous studies related to participants, scope, data, richness, and the depth of information is asserted that constructs and results of the study relevant to the context of students and it gives effect on the students concepts in defining formal definition of a function, so that they are able to solve their problem in social life. Appropriate scaffolding given to the students offers positive effects on their concepts to define formal definition of a function. The findings of this study facilitate the development of STEM in recent years; it can create a new strategy that is unusual and original to change the development of education that can be used in practical teaching learning process. It also helps the students to get easier jobs and associate themselves in nature. 4. CONCLUSION Based on the result and analysis of this study, it can be concluded that, a. The three errors of constructing concept made by student (S1) are relations, the definition of a function in general, and function representation. b. The restructuring process of S1 can be done by the following steps; errors in relation can be solved by scaffolding of Cartesian product, errors on the general definition of the function can be solved by scaffolding of the relation, while errors on function representation can also be solved by scaffolding on the concept of the function example, c. The four errors of the construction made by student (S2) are the Cartesian product, relation, definition of the function in general, and function representation. d. The restructuring process on S2 can be done by the following steps; errors on Cartesian product can be solved by scaffolding identifies the set, error on the relation with the scaffolding of Cartesian product, the general definition of the function by scaffolding about the relation, and scaffolding on the concept of the function example can be used to solve errors about the representation of function. e. Scaffolding helps students to construct the concept of formal definition of a function. It facilitates the students in particular students with dominant errors in constructing formal definition of a function. The more scaffolding is given to the students, the more construction of thinking of students is getting better. This study gives contributions to students and to the development of STEM education in modern period. Its facilities students to have critical and creative thinking in overcoming the problems associated to the function as well as to create a new and more innovative STEM education appropriate to the context. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors are very grateful to the Editor and anonymous referees for the constructive comments and suggestions which led to the final presentation of this paper. They also thank Madura University for providing them with research facilities and supporting the administration. Special thanks go to the students and lecturers for their involvement and helping this study running smoothly. 804 Ukhti Raudhatul Jannah, Toto Nusantara, Sudirman, Sisworo and Faisal Estu Yulianto REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] Barakos, L., Lujan, V., & Strang, C. (2012). Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM): Catalyzing Change Amid the Confusion. Center on Instruction. Retrieved from Bartle, R. G., & Sherbert, D. R. 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