International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Volume 10, Issue 03, March 2019, pp. 679-690. Article ID: IJCIET_10_03_066 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed STUDY ON TIME AND COST MANAGEMENT IN CONSTRUCTION K. Venkat Raman Assistant Professor, Bharath Institute of higher education and research, Chennai. P. Dayakar, Dr. R. Venkatkrishniah and Dr. A. Mani Professor, Bharath Institute of higher education and research, Chennai. ABSTRACT In India large construction projects are inherently complex and dynamic. Many projects start with good ideas, huge investments and great efforts. However, most of them do not achieve much success. A major contribution to unsuccessful projects is the lack of understanding on scope, time, cost and quality. This project Projects as powerful strategic weapons when initiated create economic value and competitive advantage. The objective of the research is to explicitly declare the scope of the research to by considering only the scope, time, cost and quality as process success parameters and how specifically the cost element would influence the project success when all other elements or factors other than cost are represented in terms of cost factor along with the contract conditions as basic rules or constraints that drive the strategic cost based on applying the analysis methodology concept. The concept of benchmarking would provide right meaning of project success when allowing to properly distributing the meaning of customer profitability to the project providers (project owner and contractors). In this discussion, we emphasize the project management uses of accounting information. Interpretation of project accounts is generally not straightforward until a project is completed, and then it is too late to influence project management. Keywords: Time and Cost Management. Cite this Article: K. Venkat Raman, P. Dayakar, Dr. R. Venkatkrishniah and Dr. A. Mani, Study on Time and Cost Management in Construction, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 10(3), 2019, pp. 679-690. 1. INTRODUCTION Project costs management is one of the main and undeniable components in the project management processes, which becomes more important in costly and long-term projects such as major construction projects. Cost-time balancing is one of the important issues in project 679 K. Venkat Raman, P. Dayakar, Dr. R. Venkatkrishniah and Dr. A. Mani control and planning. The purpose of this issue is the transactional analysis of a variety of project costs and project execution time. In computing the project scheduling, the earliest completion time of the last activity is usually considered as the project delivery date. On the other hand, the project completion time is met based on a series of internal or external restrictions or requirements. In most cases, the completion time is determined longer than the project delivery date by these restrictions. In such conditions, the project completion time can be reduced using some methods. Shortening the duration of the critical path method (CPM) is one of those cases by spending more cost or compressing them. However, the question that always involves the managers and planners‟ mind in various stages of projects is that how can achieve a proper balance between the estimated time and cost (which certainly are not certain) so that the project to be completed at the estimated time and proper quality while using the maximum available resources. The aim of this control is not just comparing the current and estimated performance, but also concentrates on value generation. 2. TIME MANAGEMENT Time management is the process of organizing and implementing a strategy related to the time required for work activities on a project. Effective time management is essential to successfully and efficiently meeting budget and program targets, as well as achieving profitability. Projects can risk incurring unnecessary costs and delays as a result of ineffective time management, either by failing to allow for the full complexity of a project, or by failing to effectively manage scheduled work or unexpected events. On large projects, the client may appoint a program consultant to prepare a detailed program for the project including an outline program for construction if a contractor has not been appointed. Once the contractor is appointed, they will take responsibility for programming the construction works, but the program consultant may continue to develop an overall program for the client. During the planning stage, all work activities should be properly understood, and planned in detail to optimize the allocation of resources and reduce the potential for „unknowns. Estimates can then be made of how long each activity will take. This is critical to the setting of milestones and deadlines, for allocation of resources, and for determining the pricing of contracts and cash flow requirements. 3. COST MANAGEMENT The cost control is a process that should be continued through the construction period to ensure that the cost of the building is kept within the agreed cost limits. The cost control can be divided into two major areas. Cost management is viewed as a managerial process, which generates information to support decision-making, to stimulate cost reduction, value improvement and continuous improvement in the organization. Cost planning means refining the initial cost estimate and providing a project cash flow, build on extra information that is generated along the project (like the deadlines of payments for the main material supplier) which is formed on production plan. These additional processes should support the decisionmaking in a dynamic way, in order to raise the possibility to accomplish the business goals. The cost control involves monitoring actual cost performance and identifies business opportunities. Would deliver greater quality in the cost management by becoming proactive and enabling the company to face the dynamic, uncertain and complex construction environment that exists in many projects. 680 Study on Time and Cost Management in Construction SURVEY REPORT ON TIME COST MANAGEMNET IN CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY 20 -30 31 - 50 More than 50 3.1. How employees do the company currently employed The above analysis states that more than 50 companies currently employed 40 peoples and it ranges about 40%. 31- 50 companies employed 26 peoples and it ranges 26% in the graph.2030 companies employed 34 peoples and it ranges 34% in the graph.The above analysis states that intake has changed in annual period is 33 company says YES for the changed in the intake. 67 companiessay NO for the changed in the intake.The above analysis states that financial status of the companies for the past two years is 65 companies says YES for their financial reporting for past two years 34 companies says NO for their financial reporting for past two years.The above analysis says that aware of fraud, abuse and grant agreements by the companies is 23 companies says YES for aware of illegal activates.77 companies says NO for aware of illegal activates. 3.2. Which of the following benefits does your organization offer? Is there any benefits like short or long term disability leave for the employees in the organization, is there any sick leave provided to the employees, any vacation time provided to the employees, during the time of retirement any investment is made for the employees. In which the responders have stated that more than 38 of the responders have mention they have 681 K. Venkat Raman, P. Dayakar, Dr. R. Venkatkrishniah and Dr. A. Mani long term disability to their employees. In only 12% of the responders have stated that they are been paid at the time of retirement. Form the delay of the work in the construction site may cause an impact on the time and the cost of the overall project. From the survey result it can be stated that more the 50% of the responder strongly agree the statement and overall 70% of the responder have stated as yes delay in the procession of the site make an effect in the time completion of the project and to money effect of the cost of the project. For the question of is more number of the workers or employees involved in a project or in a particular work can create a problem in the work place and also leads to time delay and cost overrun in the project from the survey result it can be stated that over 80% of the responders have stated that more no of participants can create more problem in the site in which only 20% of the responders have states as no. 10% 16% 2 to 4 5 to 7 74% more than 10 3.3. If Yes what is the minimum number of the labours engaged in a single work To know what are the maximum number of labours involved in a particular work in the site or in the construction field from the survey results it can be stated that more than 70% of the responder have stated that only 2-4 labours are engaged in a work, 16% of the responder have stated that 5-7 are engaged in a single work. So that the minimum no of labours will produce more productivity in the construction. 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 Good 10 13 16 38 21 Satisfactory 7 9 31 28 23 Poor 3 2 3 1 3 3.4. How would you rate Sub - Contractor performance in terms of time of Construction and Quality of Work? Rate the sub-contractors performance and their quality of the work and the time of construction and the quality of the work from the survey it can be stated that more than 40% of the responder have stated that it is satisfactory for the sub contract and their work is up to the standard 38% of the organization have rated 3 to sub-contractors work on a particular construction work. 682 Study on Time and Cost Management in Construction 30% 45% Always Sometimes 25% Never 3.5. Does the Management provide the consultants with a outset of activities and time conception of the project? Do the management provides a training consultant to activities and time in the construction project in which more than 40% of the responders have state that they are never been provided to outset the consultant of the project and over 20% of them have stated that sometimes the ousted consultant is done in their project and 30% of the responders have stated that they have been outset of activities and consulted to the execute the work. 11% 17% 0-5 yrs 5-10 yrs 10-15 yrs 29% 19% 24% 15-20 yrs 3.6. How long have you been working with this organization? Do the management provides a training consultant to activities and time in the construction project in which more than 40% of the responders have state that they are never been provided to outset the consultant of the project and over 20% of them have stated that sometimes the ousted consultant is done in their project and 30% of the responders have stated that they have been outset of activities and consulted to the execute the work. 14% Improper planning 11% 16% 27% Environmental reasons Unskilled workforce 32% Lack of finance Equipment breakdown 3.7. Do you think projects are delayed due to following reasons? What are the reasons for the delay of the project are enlisted below in which 32% of the responder haves replied as unskilled workforce is the major reason for the delay of the project, and 27% of the responder have stated that due to lack of finance is the next main 683 K. Venkat Raman, P. Dayakar, Dr. R. Venkatkrishniah and Dr. A. Mani reason for the delay of the project and 16% of the responder have stated that due to environmental reason and 14% of the responder have mentioned as equipment breakdown is the reason for the delay of the project. Technical Knowledge 39% 29% Communication skills 26% Marketing skills Innovation skills 6% 3.8. Which of these competencies is importance in your organization? What are the competencies is important in your organization what are the main reasons for compete the employees and in which 39% of the responders have stated that innovation skill plays a major role in the surviving the organization, 29% of the responders have stated that technical knowledge is one of the factor involved in the competency of the organization and around 25% of the responders have stated that communication skill is important to compete in the organization. 14% 17% 30% Never Rare 39% Frequent Always 3.9. How frequently training programs are organized in your organization? Is there any training program organized by the organization and how frequently the training is been done 39% of the responder have stated that the training is been organized is rare in an organization and 30% from the total responder have stated there is no training provided by the organization and more than 30% from the total responder have stated that the organization have arranged training frequently to improve their standards as well as their level of increment 684 Study on Time and Cost Management in Construction 44% 35% Timely completion of projects Change of environment Growth of organization 21% 3.10. What is the drivers for conducting training in your organization? what are the drivers used in the training by the organization in which the main aspect of the training is stated as 44% of the responder have mentioned that the growth organization is been discussed in the training and 35% of the responder have stated that the timely completion of the project of the project and 21% of the responder have stated that the change in environment is the main aspect in the reason. Strongly Agree 17% 33% Agree Strongly Disagree 23% 27% Disagree 3.11. Lack of top management commitment by the Project Management Team would cause impact on time delay and cost overrun of the project. Lack of top management commitment by the Project Management Team would cause impact on time delay and cost overrun of the project more than 60% of the responder have stated that Lack of top management commitment creates problem in the cost overrun and time delay in which 33% of the responders have stated that they are strongly agreed the statement made, and more than 35% of the responder have disagreed the statement and more than 15% of the responder have strongly disagreed the statement. 50% 13% Strongly Agree 7% Agree Strongly Disagree 30% Disagree 685 K. Venkat Raman, P. Dayakar, Dr. R. Venkatkrishniah and Dr. A. Mani 3.12. Unrealistic project schedule by the Project Management Team would cause impact on time delay and cost overrun of the project. Unrealistic project schedule by the Project Management Team would cause impact on time delay and cost overrun of the project more than 80% of the responder have stated that Unrealistic project schedule creates problem in the cost overrun and time delay in which 50% of the responders have stated that they are strongly agreed the statement made, and more than 20% of the responder have disagreed the statement and more than 10% of the responder have strongly disagreed the statement. 18% 27% Competitive markets Customer satisfaction 39% Client satisfaction 16% Management commitment 3.13. Which aspect is most important for maintaining quality management System at construction projects? From the construction quality management system what are the important aspect plays major role in the construction field , customer satisfaction, client satisfaction, competitive market, client satisfaction, from the survey result it can be revealed that more than 35% of the responders have stated that due to customer satisfaction the quality of the project will be increased and by proper management commitment by the organization will leads to a good quality of the project is stated by more than 25% of the responders. Payment delays by the Client would cause impact on time delay and cost overrun of the project by the construction project more than 60% of the responder have stated that Payment delays by the Client creates problem in the cost overrun and time delay in which 29% of the responders have stated that they are strongly disagreed the statement made, and more than 35% of the responder have disagreed the statement and more than 20% of the responder have strongly disagreed the statement. For the question of the project completed in time the responder have to state the percentage of the project completed in time more than 30% of the responder have stated that 80-100% of the project they have handled have been completed in time, more than 20% of the responders have stated that around 80% of their projects have been completed in time given by the client and over 15% of the responders have stated that they have completed only 60% of their project in time. 8% of the responders have stated that the only 20% of their projects are been completed in time. Does your organization use any software to monitor the progress of the project and from which the progress of the project have been stated and the progress can be regularly monitored and can provide solution to resolve the problem, from the survey it can be stated that more than 50% of the responders have stated that they do not use any software application to track the project progress and over 40% of the responders have mention that 686 Study on Time and Cost Management in Construction they are using software analysis to reduce the time delay and to rectify the cost overrun in the project . 3.14. External factors influence project time planning The external factors which are influencing the time planning of the construction are bad weather, lack of communication between parties, slow decision making by parties and conflict between the parties permission from the government. More than 38% of the responders have rated 5 by them slow decision making by the parties, and more than 32% from the total responder it can be stated that 5 rated that lack of commutation by the parties, 30% of the responders have stated that they are having problem in getting permission from the government. Poor efficiency of supervision by the contractor‟s staff would cause an impact on time delay and cost overrun of the project by the construction project more than 65% of the responder have stated that Poor efficiency of supervision creates problem in the cost overrun and time delay in which 38% of the responders have stated that they are strongly disagreed the statement made, and more than 30% of the responder have disagreed the statement and more than 10% of the responder have strongly disagreed the statement. Inadequate experience staff within the Project Management Team would cause impact on time delay and cost overrun of the project by the construction project more than 70% of the responder have stated that improper construction creates problem in the cost overrun and time delay in which 40% of the responders have stated that they are strongly agreed the statement made, and more than 25% of the responder have disagreed the statement and more than 10% of the responder have strongly disagreed the statement. In appropriate construction method will cause an major impact on the time delay and cost overrun by the construction project more than 60% of the responder have stated that improper construction creates problem in the cost overrun and time delay in which 35% of the responders have stated that they are strongly agreed the statement made, and more than 35% of the responder have disagreed the statement and more than 15% of the responder have strongly disagreed the statement. 687 K. Venkat Raman, P. Dayakar, Dr. R. Venkatkrishniah and Dr. A. Mani delivery time 14% 20% 44% quantities quality 22% relations with suppliers 3.15. What are the major problems that you can identify in with the material used in the site? The major problems identified in the site while handling the materials related to the work and consequences of the material in the handling and problem related to material from the survey it can be stated that more then 40% of the responders have stated that the delivery time of the material in the site is major problem for the delay of work, 22% of the responder have stated that quantity of the materials supplied to the site is having problem, 20% of the responder have stated that the relationship between the suppliers are also a major constrain for delay of work in the site. 11% 39% 24% Difficulties in financing the project by contractor Deficiency in planning and scheduling of project 26% 3.16. Delays related to Contractor Reasons to project completion delay by the contractors difficulties in financing the project by contractor, deficiency in planning and scheduling the project unsafe practice at site and inappropriate construction method from the result it can be stated that more than 30% of the responder have stated that the contractors are facing difficulties in financing the project, improper planning is one of the reason for the delay in the construction of the project, 24% of them have responder have stated that stated that unsafe practice in site leads to delay of the project. 9% 3% 10% 26% 27% 25% 50% 35% 75% None 688 Study on Time and Cost Management in Construction 3.17. In your experience, how many projects finish to the original budgeted cost? How many project is been completed in time and as well as within the quoted budget was the question and the from the total of 35% of the responder have stated that they are completing the project in time and 26 % of the responder have stated as that they are completing the project in the framed budget, and around 3% of the responder have stated that the project could not be completed in time and with the framed budget of the project. 9% After Major changes to Scope 13% 45% 33% For Every Reporting Period At the Clients Request Never . 3.18. How frequently do you provide % progressed program? How frequently do the percentage progress is been discussed in the organization for a project, at the client requested, after major change to scope, for every reporting period and never, from the result it can be stated as more than 40% of the responder have stated that at the time of the client request the percentage progress is been explained to them, more than 30% of the responder have stated that at every reporting period of time the progress is been discussed by the management. 4. CONCLUSION More than 60% of responders have stated the intake is less when compared to the last year. 65% of them have also resulted that there is no improvement in the financial status of their organization. 32% of the responder haves replied as unskilled workforce is the major reason for the delay of the project, and 27% of the responder have stated that due to lack of finance is the next main reason for the delay of the project. 70% of the responder have stated as yes delay in the procession of the site make an effect in the time completion of the project. 60% of the responder has stated that improper construction creates problem in the cost overrun and time delay, that more than 40% of the responders have stated that the delivery time of the material in the site is major problem for the delay of work. More than 65% of the responder has stated that Poor efficiency of supervision creates problem in the cost overrun and time delay. 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