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Data Analysis Project Rubric

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Excellent - 4
Good - 3
Collecting and analysing graphs
Creating a survey
Survey questions, as well as
their formatting,
demonstrate excellent
understanding of numerical
and categorical questioning
styles, as well as provision
of answer choices
Constructing graphs
Data has been correctly
summarised by using
various types of graphs.
Graphs are accurate,
labelled appropriately and
Analysing results
Interpretations of the
graphical and numerical
summaries are thorough
and accurate. In addition,
generalisations concerning
the population of interest
are identified.
Satisfactory - 2
Acceptable - 1
Survey questions, as well as
their formatting, demonstrate
good understanding of
numerical and categorical
questioning styles, as well as
provision of answer choices
Survey questions, as well as
their formatting,
demonstrate satisfactory
understanding of numerical
and categorical questioning
styles, as well as provision of
answer choices
Survey questions, as well as their
formatting, demonstrate limited
understanding of numerical and
categorical questioning styles, as
well as provision of answer choices
Data has been correctly
summarised by using various
types of graphs, but a minor
error is made.
Data has been correctly
summarised by using various
types of graphs, but a major
error in one of the
Some of the data has been correctly
summarised graphically and student
used various types of graphs
One of the data summaries is
Interpretations of the
graphical and numerical
summaries have minor errors
or omissions. In addition some
generalisations concerning the
population of interest are
Interpretations of the
graphical and numerical
summaries have multiple
errors/omissions. In
addition, an attempt is made
at addressing generalization
concerning the population of
Interpretations are attempted but
are limited. Generalizations
concerning the population of
interest are omitted.