No. of Printed Pages – 3 IMCA-401/MCA-401 Roll No. M.C.A. FOURTH SEMESTER EXAMINATION, 2015-16 DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100 Note : (i) Attempt ALL questions. (ii) Choices are given in each question set. 1. Attempt any Four of the following questions: 5 x 4 = 20 (a) Explain architectural model of Distributed Systems. (b) Discuss the issues and challenges of Distributed Systems. (c) Explain the need of clock synchronization in distributed systems. Describe some design requirements for system to synchronize the clocks. (d) In a distributed system a server gives the down time of 80% to its clients. How many more servers should be added to get the up time of more than 98%. (e) Explain the concept of Vector Clock. Write some advantages of Vector Clock over Lamport clock. (f) 2. Explain the major limitations of distributed System. Attempt any Four of the following questions: 5 x 4 = 20 (a) What is distributed mutual exclusion? Briefly describe the classification of mutual exclusion algorithm. (b) Write Ricart Agarawala's algorithm of distributed mutual exclusion? Explain the optimization of this algorithm. (c) Describe deadlock handling strategies in distributed systems. 1 P.T.O. IMCA-401/MCA-401 IMCA-401/MCA-401 (d) What are the issues in deadlock detection and resolution? 3. (c) Write short notes on : (e) Explain any one algorithm for centralized deadlock detection. (i) Deadlock Free Packet Switching (f) (ii) Balanced Sliding Window Protocol. Describe edge chasing algorithm for distributed deadlock detection. Attempt any Two of the following questions: 10 x 2 = 20 (a) Briefly describe the three agreement problems. Show that Byzantine agreement can't always be reached among four processors if two processors are faulty. (b) Describe distributed file system requirements. Explain the architecture and typical data access in distributed file systems. (c) Discuss the mechanisms and design issues for building the distributed file system. 4. Attempt any Two of the following questions: 10 x 2 = 20 (a) Explain the advantages of Distributed shared memory. Briefly describe the Central-Server and Migration algorithm for implementing the distributed shared memory. (b) Describe the Sender-Initiated and Receiver-initiated load distributing algorithms. (c) Write notes on : 5. (i) Memory Coherence. (ii) Issues in load Distribution. Attempt any Two of the following questions: 10 x 2 = 20 (a) Explain Routing in Distributed system. Describe destination based routing. (b) Describe Election algorithm. Discuss the case when two processes detect the demise of coordinator simultaneously and both decide to hold an election using bully algorithm. 2 3