“The importance of chemistry was further highlighted by the development of bleaches. In the early early eighteenth century, textiles were bleached with sulfuric acid, which was scarcely beneficial to the fabric. The French chemist Claude-Louis Berthollet showed in the 1780s that chlorine, discovered by Carl Scheele, exhibited bleaching power without the corrosive consequences of the acid (207-208). I was interested in writing about bleaching agents in art because it is an interesting concept. Most art is the intention of color, not the absence of it, or even the removal of it. Removal is usually the result of a mistake. I began my search by typing “chlorine as a bleaching agent in art” into google and got over 1 million results. Bleaching agents work by oxidizing or reducing impurities within the dyes, pigments, or other substances that make up the color of an object or material. The natural way to bleach something is to leave it in the sun. This is an ancient tradition that has was commonly used in Egypt, China and the Middle East. Other bleaching techniques involved natural processes such as using urine and feces because of the properties of ammonia that they produced. Eventually chemical agents were used to bleach materials. The chemicals used were lye—which is the leftover drainage from liquid wood ashes— sulfuric acid, and eventually chlorine. Sulfuric acid reduced the amount of time that it took to bleach something. It also made it easier to make white textiles, which because of their timely processes used to cost a significant amount of money. Because the process became a much quicker process, it made it much more affordable, and accessible for different social classes to buy. The process, before sulfuric acid used to take a significant amount of time that could take as long as a few months. After the introduction of sulfuric acid, the process took only a few days. The dry mixture of chlorine was created by a man named Charles Tennant. It combined chlorine and slaked lime, also known as calcium hydroxide. This mixture was the most commonly used until liquid bleach came into existence. The largest problem with chlorine is the gas it emits and the effect it has on the people working with it. Mills that produced bleached items began facing issues with fumes and began to realize that chlorine dissolved in water instead of using it in a gas form helped reduce the fume levels. Bleach is most commonly known for its whitening effects on clothing. I am unclear of how much this affects art, possibly in the way that it can effect fibers? I would assume that this would be beyond a canvas. Overall, I found this information interesting. http://cameo.mfa.org/wiki/Bleaching_agent http://www.niscair.res.in/sciencecommunication/researchjournals/rejour/ijct/Fulltextsearch/2 004/November%202004/IJCT-vol%2011-November%202004-pp%20876-887.htm http://www.chemistryexplained.com/Ar-Bo/Bleaches.html