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Philosophical Essay Writing Tips

UNST 239C – Knowledge, Values, and
Dr. Brian Elliott
What is a philosophical essay?
 What it is NOT:
 Descriptive
 Research
 Informative
 What it IS:
 Argumentative – make a claim and defend it
 It has a precise and clear thesis
 “A position or proposition that someone advances and
maintains by argument”
 Anticipating arguments against your claim, and then
refuting those arguments
Examples of thesis statements
 “In this paper, I will argue that from a utilitarian
perspective, cost benefit analysis is an inherently
flawed approach business decisions because it does
not adequately address the social consequences.”
 “In this paper, I will prove how utilitarianism is an
inadequate moral theory when faced with a situation
where not all the facts are known.” (Afghan goat
herders; consequences versus intent in moral theory)
 “In this paper, I will show how higher or lower
pleasures are purely subjective, thus arguing against
John Stuart Mill’s assumptions inherent in his
utilitarian philosophy.”
Flow of a philosophical essay
 Introduction (1 paragraph, ½ page)
 Clearly stating your thesis (“In this paper, I will argue…”)
 Explain what you will base your argument on and what sources you
will look at
 Argue your thesis (2 pages)
 Each paragraph should contain one argument in support of your
thesis, and backed by reasoned explanation and evidence (when
 Anticipate arguments against your thesis (2 pages)
 Use the strongest argument against your thesis and explain it
 Refute the argument against your thesis (1 page)
 Show why the strongest challenge against your thesis doesn't
show your position to be incorrect
 Conclusion ( ½ page)
Things to avoid
 Tentative thesis (e.g. “fence sitting”)
 Avoid things like, “It appears that…” or “It may be the
case that…”
 Long quotations
 Dr. Elliott is looking for short quotations that add to
your argument
 Avoid colloquial language
 “It is like he wanted us to understand…”
 Trying to explain something that doesn’t make sense
to you
Things to keep in mind
 6 – 7 pages, double spaced
 Dr. Elliott is asking for a total of 12 short quotations:
 3 from Justice 1, 3 from Justice 2, and 3 from two recent (2010
or later) articles related to your topic
 PSU Library’s UNST study guide
 Use APA formatting
 Be sure to cite your quotations and include a reference page
 Perdue OWL: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/purdue_owl.html
 Start now!!
 Outline your argument, gather evidence, find quotations, begin
drafting; use your group activity to help focus
 Email questions to me or Dr. Elliott
 Due: Saturday 10/27 at 11.59pm via D2L
 Visit the writing center: https://www.pdx.edu/writingcenter/
Optional resources
 http://www.sfu.ca/philosophy/resources/writing.html
 Helpful explanation on a philosophical essay
 https://liberalarts.oregonstate.edu/sites/liberalarts.oreg
 VERY thorough (144 pages!!) guide to philosophical writing
 https://depts.washington.edu/owrc/Handouts/How%2
 Good general tips on writing
 PSU’s Writing Center!!
 https://www.pdx.edu/writing-center/