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Article Analysis: Paradise Lost? Questions & Prompts

“Paradise? Not any more.” This is a headline. It is called a lead, or a tag line. It is intended to
get your attention and pull you in to read the article.
1. How does this title get your attention?
2. Why does it get your attention?
3. How is this a local community issue? Why is this an issue that is important to Hawaiians?
4. How is this problem globally relevant? Or in other words, why should I, in Virginia, care
about what happens in Hawaii?
5. Well, is anybody doing anything about it?
6. Really? Who is doing something about it, 1 person right? No? Well how many and who are
they? What exactly is it they are doing? is it working? Are these efforts local or global/
7. Who did they talk to find out about the problem and the solutions being attempted?
8. Now many sources did they use?
9. Do the pictures help? how so?
10. What might you have added?