Technologized Quranic Learning in Ulul Albab Quranic Studio

osInternational Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET)
Volume 10, Issue 04, April 2019, pp. 2157-2169, Article ID: IJCIET_10_04_223
Available online at http://www.iaeme.com/ijciet/issues.asp?JType=IJCIET&VType=10&IType=04
ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316
© IAEME Publication
Scopus Indexed
Abdul Hanis Embong
Centre for Fundamental and Liberal Education, University Malaysia Terengganu
Academic Visitor, Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, Oxford
Mohd Faiz Mohd Yasin
Centre for Fundamental and Liberal Education, University Malaysia Terengganu
Wan Mohd Khairul Firdaus Wan Khairuldin
Faculty of Islamic Contemporary Studies, University Sultan Zainal Abidin
This article aims to introduce Ulul Albab Quranic Studio (UAQS) which was built
upon cooperation between University Malaysia Terengganu and Education Welfare
Council of Besut and analyse its usage from the aspect of technologised Quranic
learning. Discussion on the learning process of al-Quran is always mentioned by many
sides as it is an obligatory upon every Muslim. This is important because it involves
compulsory recitation in the prayer and sunat muakkad outside the prayer as a highly
encouraged form of worship in Islam. Usually, the learning process of al-Quran is
performed traditionally based on the talaqqi and musyafahah techniques through
recitation before a trusted teacher. However, development of science and technology
nowadays has improved the learning techniques by the establishment of the first UAQS
in Malaysia. The questions are, how was UAQS established? What is meant by
technologised quranic learning? How far is the extent of usage and advantages of
quranic studio compared to previous methods? This article utilised content analysis
method to several related texts and special interviews to answer the questions. The
discussion in this article is arranged into three parts. First, the history of UAQS
establishment. Second, the usage of UAQS from the beginning until today. Third,
analysis of the UAQS preferences compared to traditional methods. As a result, this
article found that there are four main advantages of technologised quranic learning in
the studio which are efficient audio-visual utilisation, interactive learning, conducive
atmosphere and scientific measurement of recitation achievement. It can be concluded
that all these advantages are on the right track of learning al-Quran today and
compatible with standard guidelines of Quranic recitation.
Abdul Hanis Embong, Mohd Faiz Mohd Yasin and Wan Mohd Khairul Firdaus Wan Khairuldin
Keywords: Quranic learning, technology, Ulul Albab Quranic Studio
Cite this Article: Abdul Hanis Embong, Mohd Faiz Mohd Yasin and Wan Mohd
Khairul Firdaus Wan Khairuldin, Introduction to Technologised Quranic Learning in
Ulul Albab Quranic Studio. International Journal of Civil Engineering and
Technology, 10(04), 2019, pp. 2157-2169
Teaching and learning of al-Quran is a much emphasised process in Islam as mentioned by
Rasulullah SAW “The best among you are the one who learns al-Quran and teaches it” (alBukhari, 5027). It is important for every Muslim to learn the correct recitation of al-Quran to
avoid making mistake in the recitation especially the obvious mistake (lahn al-jaliy) which is
judged as forbidden (haram) by agreement of all scholars (Al-Zu’bi, 2005). Indeed, if the
obvious mistake is done in the recitation of al-Fatihah during prayer, it would nullify the prayer
(Abd Rahman Abd Ghani, 2014:12).
Besides that, Quranic recitation outside the prayer is a much encouraged ritual and the
reward of performing it is bountiful. Rasulullah SAW said “Whoever recites a letter from the
Book of Allah (al-Qur’an), thus for him is a reward (thawab) and the reward is multiplied ten
times” (al-Tirmidhi). Since the time of Rasulullah SAW, teaching and learning process of alQuran are done through talaqqi and musyafahah1 methods which rely mainly on the
pronunciation sound and mouth movement (, 2014:6).
Today, technology has a great potential of being applied into the teaching and learning
(Khairuldin et al. 2018; Khairuldin et al., 2019) process of al-Qur’an to increase the
effectiveness of the process and tajweed understanding among the students could be improved
(Yasin et al., 2018:1349). The attempt of integrating technology into the teaching and learning
process of al-Qur’an closely relates to ulul albab concept stated by Allah SWT in al-Quran.
Ulul albab is a term in al-Quran mentioned by Allah SWT 16 times. It refers to a group of
people observing, studying and taking lessons from Allah’s creations and evidences of His
power through tauhidic perspective (Kasim, 2017:89). In a speech by Tun Abdullah Ahmad
Badawi, he quoted the term ulul albab and interpreted it as ‘Muslim intellects’ and the word
was borrowed by Dato’ Seri Haji Idris bin Jusoh. Since then, he had put his efforts to
understand it more deeply and contemplated on methods to apply the concept. As a result, he
had formularised the ulul albab concept into a practical framework based on quranic,
encyclopedic and ijtihadic elements, and another concept leadership (Kasim, 2017:4-6).
Beginning from the year 2016, University Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) also moved the
efforts to uphold the integration of Science and al-Quran into the community life through
expertise in various fields which are Philosophy and Civilisation, al-Qur’an, Science and
Information Technology. Many strategies and programs are planned and executed in the effort
of upholding the application of ulul albab concept proposed by Dato’ Seri Haji Idris bin Jusoh
and integration of Science and al-Quran by University Malaysia Terengganu (UMT). The
agendas involved is the establishment of a Quranic studio that integrates technology into the
teaching and learning process of al-Quran named as Ulul Albab Quranic Studio (UAQS)
(Yusoff Kasim, 2017:47).
UAQS is a state-of-the-art quranic studio located in Masjid Lama Kampung Raja Besut,
Terengganu. It was found in June 2017 upon cooperation between UMT, Education Welfare
Introduction to Technologised Quranic Learning in Ulul Albab Quranic Studio
Council of Besut (EWCB) and Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) (Yusoff Kasim, 2017:47;
Paper for Announcement) and became the first UAQS in Malaysia (Kamaruddin Hamzah,
2017; Mohammad Ishak, 2017). This studio continues an idea sparked by Dato’ Seri Haji Idris
bin Jusoh to realise the ulul albab concept in the community practice, and an effort of UMT to
inculcate the element of science and al-Quran into the community. The following is the
chronology of cooperation between UMT and EWCB towards the building of UAQS (Slide of
Quranic Studio; Paper for Announcement)
Beginning on 20 May 2015, close cooperation between UMT and EWCB started with a
goodwill visit by EWCB and committee members of Masjid Lama Kampung Raja (MLKR) to
Figure 1: Goodwill visit by EWCB and MLKR to UMT 2015
Then, on 17 June 2015, the collaboration was extended with a negotiation to form
cooperation between UMT and Yang Di Pertua (YDP) of EWCB.
Figure 2: Around the negotiation between UMT and YDP EWCB. UMT was represented by Prof. Dr.
Asyraf Ab. Rahman (standing far left)
Abdul Hanis Embong, Mohd Faiz Mohd Yasin and Wan Mohd Khairul Firdaus Wan Khairuldin
After that, on 8 September 2015, the proposal for the establishment of UAQS at Centre of
Activity for Senior Citizens (CASC), Besut was organized based on the discussion between
Figure 3: The presentation of proposal for establishment of UAQS Besut in CACS, Besut
Then, on 19 February 2016, a discussion session between UMT and EWCB on the
establishment of UAQS was held in CACS, Besut. On 23 October 2016, paperwork for
construction project of UAQS was presented to Ministry of Higher Education to apply for
allocation. On 7 December 2016, application for allocation of UAQS Besut construction was
approved by MoHE for RM 99,500. 00. As a consequence, on 3 January 2017, a discussion
session between UMT and EWCB on the need of equipment for UAQS and studio
demonstration took place during the visit by EWCB to MOOC Studio, UMT.
Introduction to Technologised Quranic Learning in Ulul Albab Quranic Studio
Figure 4: Around visit by EWCB to MOOC Studio, UMT
In Februari until June 2017, development project of UAQS proceeded as planned. On 2 Jun
2017, Dato’ Seri Haji Idris bin Jusoh visited UAQS.
Figure 5: Dato’ Seri Haji Idris bin Jusoh looked through a pair of books published by EWCB during
visit to UAQS
On 30 June 2017, UAQS was ready with equipments and facilities for usage. The process
took almost two years including the early discussion process.
Abdul Hanis Embong, Mohd Faiz Mohd Yasin and Wan Mohd Khairul Firdaus Wan Khairuldin
Figure 6: View of UAQS. Left: From front of studio. Right: Inside studio.
On 30 July 2017, UAQS was used for the first time for learning of al-Quran by ulul albab
children. Also present was Vice Chancellor of UMT, Prof. Dato’ Dr. Nor Aeini binti Haji
Figure 7: Around the first utilization of UAQS which was also attended by Vice Chancellor of UMT,
Prof. Dato’ Dr. Nor Aeini binti Haji Mokhtar.
Inaugurate the studio, then on 29 September 2017, a Launching Ceremony of UAQS by
Minister of Higher Education, Dato’ Seri Haji Idris bin Jusoh was held.
Introduction to Technologised Quranic Learning in Ulul Albab Quranic Studio
Figure 8: Left: Launching of UAQS by Dato’ Seri Haji Idris bin Jusoh (Kamaruddin Hamzah, 2017),
Right: Dato’ Seri Haji Idris bin Jusoh in a class session of Quranic Studio (Mohammad Ishak, 2017)
This qualitative study is exploratory and comparative, and was done through examination of
documents related to history and chronology of UAQS establishment. Next, documents
discussing the advantages of UAQS compared to traditional method were scrutinised.
Information from the documents was then analysed through content analysis method to study
the factors and procedures of the studio establishment. Besides that, this paper also analysed
the advantages gained from its utilisation compared to readily-available traditional methods.
UAQS Besut is the first studio of its kind in Malaysia (Kamaruddin Hamzah, 2017; Mohammad
Ishak, 2017). This studio implements the latest element of technology into the teaching and
learning process of al-Quran. This permissable in Islam as long as the technology still produces
the same recitation as the one of Rasulullah SAW (Surur Shihabuddin Hassan, 2010:208).
Implementation of the latest technology element into the teaching and learning process of alQuran provides many benefits compared to the previous traditional method. This can be proved
through various aspects of facilities in UAQS prepared for the involved teachers and students
(Abdul Hanis Embong, 2017).
In UAQS, al-Quran learning medium for the students is in the audio and visual forms.
Compared to the previous method, most learning references are in textual form. This would
lead to a decline in students’ attention during the session due to the decrease of interest which
would lead further to loss of learning effectiveness. Teachers have to think of diverse, more
creative approaches just to attract students’ attention.
Omar Ibrahim Massoud Hammza et. al (2013) have concluded that students who are being
taught in the traditional method are less excited and motivated during the process of learning.
Furthermore, they are unable to repeat the same sector more than once. Due to traditional
methods text materials and black and white board, which does not contain audio, images or
videos, students find it hard to motivate their learning process.
However, audio-visual approach in UAQS is capable of keeping students’ focus for them
to be more enthusiastic in each learning session. At the same time, students’ understanding of
Quranic knowledge would be improved more effectively. Facilities of audio technology in
UAQS and the soundproof studio condition also facilitate teachers to listen to students’
Abdul Hanis Embong, Mohd Faiz Mohd Yasin and Wan Mohd Khairul Firdaus Wan Khairuldin
recitation more clearly so that each mistake can be detected by teacher easily and corrected
Figure 9: Examples of visuals used in UAQS
In additional, the teaching and learning system in UAQS is in multi-functional form. In this
system, several items can be connected instantaneously which can save learning time compared
to the traditional method that only covers a particular part at a time. This multi-functional
system also enables the students to comprehend a certain topic more holistically compared to
limited understanding in the traditional method.
Figure 10: Utilisation of large-sized and LCD television in UAQS
Moreover, UAQS also provides a voice recording facility through the portal. Through this
portal, students will record their recitation and save them according to their respective profiles.
This facility enables the instructor to evaluate students’ recitation for frequent times even
though it is done outside the class session. This differs from the previous method in which
students can only recite once without being recorded. Through this recording system also
evaluate students’ recitation carefully before the next class session commences. Thus, the
teacher is more prepared with a list of mistakes to be corrected in students’ recitation through
evaluation of the recorded recitation. This scientific evaluation would observe the students’
progress clearly and systematically.
Introduction to Technologised Quranic Learning in Ulul Albab Quranic Studio
Figure 11: Portal of UAQS is equipped with observational system by teacher and caretaker
Furthermore, In UAQS a new approach is introduced to study Quranic recitation from the
students which is through a technology known as spectrogram. It is a technology dispersing
the speech signal into spectrum of frequencies through Fast Fourier Transform algorithm
(Muhammad Saiful Ridhwan et al., 2016:30). In this technology application, students’
recitation will be displayed in the form of frequency spectrum possessing different patterns for
different letter pronunciation (Awais et al., 2006:2). Through this technology, recitations from
the students can be analysed from many aspects such as pronunciation duration that closely
relates with long duration (harakat) value (Styler, 2017:15), attributes of letters through
patterns of spectrographic display (Awais et al., 2006:2), and vocal formants that relate to the
diacritics pronounced (Styler, 2017:20).
With this technology, mistakes made by the students can be displayed interactively and
proved scientifically in which the traditional method could only explain them subjectively.
When the mistake in the recitation can be viewed visually, students become more alert and the
mistake is prevented from recurring. With spectrogram, students are also able to do self-study
by observing the spectrographic pattern produced from their own recitation.
Abdul Hanis Embong, Mohd Faiz Mohd Yasin and Wan Mohd Khairul Firdaus Wan Khairuldin
Figure 12: Example of Spectrographic Display of Verse 6 Surah al-Fatihah
In accordance with the statement in the study by Mohd Faiz Mohd Yasin et al. (2018:1349),
even though the teaching and learning process in UAQS could be executed with help of
technology, talaqqi and musyafahah still remain as the main method in the process. However,
the implementation of this method is upgraded with the technology provided in UAQS.
Facilities of microphone and camera ease the teacher to listen to the pronunciation and observe
the mouth movement of the student clearly while the recitation is uttered from a long distance
in the class without a need of each student to sit right in front of the teacher just to present their
recitation. This technology saves learning time without much movements of teacher and
students during the process of talaqqi and musyafahah. Furthermore, with technology in
UAQS, the teacher is able to supervise students’ recitation randomly using the numbering
system provided.
Meanwhile, the teaching method in UAQS is also more effective in which it emphasises
the team-teaching where two teachers will handle each learning session. This system is formed
making example of the teaching method by Rasulullah SAW which was assisted by Jibril AS
while educating the Companions RAH. This team-teaching method will serve a holistic
learning atmosphere creating high access for each student compared to traditonal method which
only involves a single teacher.
Introduction to Technologised Quranic Learning in Ulul Albab Quranic Studio
Figure 13: Team-teaching in a certain session
In the traditional method, the syllabus or learning module is decided by the teaching
personnel and it is limited to only a certain topic. At the same time, the teacher also has to
prepare teaching-assisting tools (TAT) by himself. This would consume a lot of the teacher’s
time and energy to arrange the module for each session and prepare the TAT. However, this
situation is avoided in UAQS where systematic module has already been prepared for the
teacher’s reference. Standardisation of the module for all teachers would simplify teaching and
This module is flexible according to the involving level of students. In additional, TAT is
also prepared and ready to be used by the teacher in UAQS. The module and TAT facilities
readily prepared in UAQS help to save energy and focus as it would be benefited maximally
in each learning session, and conjunctively the effectiveness of content delivery in each class
will be increased. As a result, the understanding and achievement of students in Quranic
knowledge will excel from time to time.
Ulul Albab Quranic Studio is the first highly-technolgised Quranic studio in Malaysia that
integrates the technology into the teaching and learning process of al-Quran. Its establishment
is the result of cooperation between University Malaysia Terengganu, Education Welfare
Council of Besut and Ministry of Higher Education. In summary, it indicates a productive
cooperative network between UMT and associations or community in Terengganu.
The existence of this studio would help the student to understand al-Quran by a more
interesting and deeper approach through the provision of audio and visual facilities as medium
of learning, multi-functional learning system, voice recording in portal, spectrogram
application, technologised talaqqi and musyafahah method, team-teaching method, and
readily-available systematic module and teaching-assisting tools. It is hoped that the existence
of this studio would be benefited by many parties to increase the knowledge and understanding
in Quranic knowledge through the technological approach provided and at the same time it
answers the call of the government towards Industrial Revolution 4.0.
Abdul Hanis Embong, Mohd Faiz Mohd Yasin and Wan Mohd Khairul Firdaus Wan Khairuldin
This article is supported by Knowledge and Technology Assimilation Grant Scheme (KTAGS)
2018, reference number UMT/PIJI/2-2/25/15 (46) vot: 58902. Thanks to University Malaysia
Terengganu for the funding provided to undertake the study.
Many thank given to Dr. Harun Rasiah, Holy Names University, Oakland, CA, currently
as Visiting Fellow at Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (OXCIS) who proofread the whole text
and made very useful suggestions.
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