osInternational Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Volume 10, Issue 04, April 2019, pp. 2074-2082, Article ID: IJCIET_10_04_216 Available online at http://www.iaeme.com/ijciet/issues.asp?JType=IJCIET&VType=10&IType=04 ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed INFLUENCE OF A STATE OF INTERPANEL PILLARS ON SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION OF COAL Dmitry Dmitrievich Golubev Ph.D. candidate, Department of Mining of mineral deposits, Saint-Petersburg mining university, Russian Federation, 199106, Saint-Petersburg, Vasilievski ostrov, 21 linia, 2 Pavel Nikolaevich Dmitriyev Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Mining of mineral deposits, Saint-Petersburg mining university, Russian Federation, 199106, Saint-Petersburg, Vasilievski ostrov, 21 linia, 2 Alexander Andreevich Sankovsky Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Mining of mineral deposits, Saint-Petersburg mining university, Russian Federation, 199106, Saint-Petersburg, Vasilievski ostrov, 21 linia, 2 ABSTRACT The main objective of researches was assessment of a stress-strain state of regional parts of a rock massif and coal pillars at various seam thickness, panel width and a mining depth. Dependences of extent of zones of limit state on the main geological and mining parameters are established. The increased hazard of mining of thick flat seams with the increased width of longwall panel is shown. Recommendations about decrease in the endogenous fire hazard connected with disintegration of regional parts of seam and chain enter panel coal pillars are made. Key words: underground mining, spontaneous combustion, longwall, inter panel pillar, rib spall, stress and strain state, numerical analysis, goaf. Cite this Article: Dmitry Dmitrievich Golubev, Pavel Nikolaevich Dmitriyev and Alexander Andreevich Sankovsky, Influence of a State of Interpanel Pillars on Spontaneous Combustion of Coal. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 10(04), 2019, pp. 2074-2082 http://www.iaeme.com/IJCIET/issues.asp?JType=IJCIET&VType=10&IType=04 \http://www.iaeme.com/IJCIET/index.asp 2074 editor@iaeme.com Dmitry Dmitrievich Golubev, Pavel Nikolaevich Dmitriyev and Alexander Andreevich Sankovsky 1. INTRODUCTION Longwall mining is the main method of underground coal mining in Russia. Application of fully mechanized longwall provides high technical-and-economic indexes of coal mining. Despite high technical-and-economic indexes of longwall mining hewing the risk of the accidents connected with methane explosions continues to remain unacceptably high. The largest accidents have happened to huge number of the victims in Russia in 2007 (Ulyanovsk mine, 110 people have died), in 2010 (Raspadskaya mine, 100 people have died), 2015 (the Severnaya mine, 36 people have died). One of probable causes of the majority of the accidents connected with methane explosion according to some scientists is spontaneous combustion of coal [1-4]. It should be noted that in the Kuznetsk coal basin about 70% of seams are prone to spontaneous ignition. The problem of the endogenous fires continues to remain relevant for mines of Russia: the endogenous fires increase danger of mining operations and also appear considerable negative impact on ecology of the region [5-12]. According to the normative documents existing in Russia mining of the seams prone to spontaneous ignition should be carried out with leaving of the inter panel not disintegrated pillars which are reliably isolating earlier mined longwall panel and excluding air leakages. The goaf, is specified as the main place of emergence of the endogenous fires. At the same time in recent years a number of researchers draw a conclusion that pillars can increase hazard of spontaneous combustion as their regional part crush out, creating congestions of the disintegrated coal, and along pillars an opportunity for an air course remains [13-14]. Besides, some authors specify heat production at disintegration of coal under action of rock pressure as the conditions promoting spontaneous combustion [15-19]. To issues of studying of a stress-strain state the considerable number of researchers was engaged [20-41]. However, in recent years on coal mines of Russia the tendency to increase in panel width and growth of a mining depth was outlined in the Kuznetsk coal basin that has led to increase in loads of regional parts of an array and inter panel pillars. Thus, studying of a state of regional parts of an array and inter panel chain coal pillars is of interest to assessment of a possibility of forming of congestions of the disintegrated coal which is chemically active material for spontaneous combustion. 2. METHODS For studying of a stress-strain state of inter panel pillars and regional parts of the rock massif the finite element method is used. Modeling it is carried out for conditions plainly of the deformed state. The applied design layout is presented on figure 1. The model consists of one seam, two mined-out areas, an enter panel chain pillar and two entries. Calculation of model is made taking into account the weight of rocks. Goaves are modelled as filled with the broughtdown rocks with use of bulk density of rocks and the lowered deformation and strength characteristics. Entries are set as cavities, the timbering is not modelled. In model nonlinearity of strains and failure of material due to application of model of Coulomb Mora and a task of the passport of strength for coal seam is considered. http://www.iaeme.com/IJCIET/index.asp 2075 editor@iaeme.com Influence of a State of Interpanel Pillars on Spontaneous Combustion of Coal Figure 1 2D model of rock massif When performing researches the dependence of a state of regional parts of rock massif (was studied from local entries) and states of an enter panel pillar from a mining depth at the panel width of 300 m. Depth of conducting works of 400 m, a seam thickness of 3.7 m, panel width of 200 and 300 m, width of a pillar is 30 m. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION As a result of the numerical analysis stress fields for various panel widths (200 m and 300 m), various mining depth (400 m, 500 m, 600 m), various seam thickness (1.7 m, 2.5 m, 3.7 m) are received. An example of the received results of researches is set in figure 2. Over and under mined-out areas destressed zones are formed, at the same time the destressed zone in a seam roof has considerably the larger size. In regional parts of a seam and an enter panel pillar bearing pressure zones are formed. Stresses in a pillar exceed stress in a regional part of a seam as a result of imposing of bearing pressure from two mined-out areas. http://www.iaeme.com/IJCIET/index.asp 2076 editor@iaeme.com Dmitry Dmitrievich Golubev, Pavel Nikolaevich Dmitriyev and Alexander Andreevich Sankovsky Figure 2 Fields of vertical stress (width of longwall panel 300 m), Pa For studying of influence of a seam thickness calculation of stress in an enter panel pillar has been executed. Figure 2 shows stress distribution in a pillar at various panel width: 200 m and 300 m. From figure 2 it is visible that increase in panel width leads to growth of stress in a pillar and to increase in a zone of limit state in its regional parts. Increase in panel width by 100 m the drive to increase in a zone of limit state approximately on 0.8 m. Leads to increase in the sizes of a zone of limit state also increase in a seam thickness and mining depth. http://www.iaeme.com/IJCIET/index.asp 2077 editor@iaeme.com Influence of a State of Interpanel Pillars on Spontaneous Combustion of Coal Figure 3 Diagram of stress distribution in the enter panel coal chain pillar Figure 4 shows stress distribution around entry in a regional part of seam on border with a mined-out space at the panel width of 200 m and 300 m. Apparently from figure 4 increase in panel width leads to growth of extent of a zone of limit state (to shift of a maximum of bearing pressure from a mined-out area). Thus, panel width also has a considerable impact on a state of a regional part of seam and conditions of maintenance of local entries. Figure 4 Diagram of stress distribution in the regional part of the seam at a mined-out area (goaf) The executed researches have shown that with increase in extraction height of seam increase in a zone of limit state and a zone of a соal sloughing in regional parts of a seam and pillars is observed. Increase in panel width also leads to growth of the sizes of a zone of limit state of a seam. http://www.iaeme.com/IJCIET/index.asp 2078 editor@iaeme.com Dmitry Dmitrievich Golubev, Pavel Nikolaevich Dmitriyev and Alexander Andreevich Sankovsky 4. CONCLUSION The current trend in increase in panel width and extraction height of seam brings in growth of a zone of limit state and a coal sloughing that creates conditions for the forming of firedangerous congestions disintegrated (as a result of a coal sloughing) or very cracked coal. Thus the hazard of spontaneous combustion of coal significantly increases. 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