International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Volume 10, Issue 04, April 2019, pp. 2033–2047, Article ID: IJCIET_10_04_211 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed USE OF ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS FOR SIMULATING ADHAIM RIVER BASIN, IRAQ Laith B. Al-badranee PhD Candidate, Cairo University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Irrigation and Hydraulics Ahmed H. Solman Assistant Professor, Cairo University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Irrigation and Hydraulics Hesham M. Bekhit Professor of Water Resources, Cairo University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Irrigation and Hydraulics ABSTRACT Adhaim River is one of Tigris river tributaries, contributing by 5555% of the Tigris River yield, with annual flow rate of 0.832 BCM. To simulate Adhaim River flow, Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) was used, 21 years’ hydrological and meteorological data were collected and analyzed from Iraqi ministry of water resource. Catchment delineation was estimated using Geographical Information Systems (GIS( technique, to obtain the best simulation of the runoff, five different methods for estimated average rainfall and five formulas for scaled all data was examined. ANNs technique parameters was obtained by the most appropriate performance criteria of graphical and statistical approaches, such as number of neurons, layers, and epoch values. ten types of transfer functions, different learning rate. As a result, four models were developed with different time steps (i.e., 15, 20, 25, and 30 days). The study shows that the most appropriate ANNs algorithm was Levenberg-Marquradt with back propagation using one hidden layer and three transfer functions namely 'tansig', 'logsig', and 'trainlm', The networks’ performance varied with different time step involved in the study; however, the 30 days was almost better than other networks. Key words: ANNs, Levenberg-Marquradt, scaling factor, performance criteria, Adhaim, Iraq Cite this Article: Laith B. Al-badranee, Ahmed H. Solman and Hesham M. Bekhit, Use of Artificial Neural Networks for Simulating Adhaim River Basin, Iraq, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 10(4), 2019, pp. 2033–2047. 2033 Laith B. Al-badranee, Ahmed H. Solman and Hesham M. Bekhit 1. INTRODUCTION Iraq faces serious water shortage issue. Ambitious development plans, Rapid population growth, and deterioration of natural resources pose the risk of hunger and poverty increasing in the region; So, it was important to require better, more forward-looking development planning to prevent that risk. Simulation Models can provide a powerful tool for decision makers to test and examine different development scenarios. Yet there is a lack of such modeling tool that examines and manages the resources of the basin in an integrated fashion. Several techniques can be used to build such tools. Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) which is applied in this paper is one of these techniques that used to simulate the rainfall-runoff relationship within Adhaim River Basin. Most of the previous studies that covered Adhaim River Basin was focusing only on geological or morphological aspect [1] and few of them covered the hydrological interaction within the basin. One of the early attempts to study the hydrology of the basin was conducted by using the Surface in Filtration Base flow (SFB) conceptual rainfall-runoff model (Boughton, 1984) which was applied to simulate stream flow for Adhaim river basin. Three versions of the model were tested: the original Australian three-parameters (SFB), the modified five parameters version (SFB-5) and modified six parameters (SFB-6) model. The five parameters version (SFB-5) provided better performance runoff simulation than others models (Abdullah & Al-Badranih, 2000). Dawood, 2007, used Dynamic Regression model (DR) for forecasting the discharge of Adhaim river. In his study, the Auto Correlation Function (ACF) was used to determine the stationary level of the time series. In addition, Partial Auto Correlation Function (PACF) was used to identify a suitable Auto Regression Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model for time series of rainfall and discharges for the river. The model successfully forecasted the discharges [3]. A monthly modified Stanford rainfall-runoff model was used to develop Adhaim river runoff curves through simulating runoff processes. The runoff curves are developed by inserting various equations related to runoff calculations and coefficients, runoff curves accordingly provide a better and more accurate estimate for runoff coefficients [4]. Other researchers studied hydro-geographical analyses, geology, topography, climate, morphology, soil, land use, natural vegetation, sedimentation and soil erosion for Adhaim river basin to estimated how these factors influence on spatial and temporal distributions of Adhaim river flow [5]. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model was used to evaluate the impacts of climate change on water resources in Adhaim Basin. The study showed that climate change could lead to increasing variability which is contributing to more severe floods and droughts. The results showed that more sever conditions may occur into the future [6]. Most of the previous models require a lot of data, the access to such required data is often unavailable or difficult, and requires long time for collection, In addition to the difficulty of printing hardcopy data without errors. Therefore, there is a need for a model that could simulate the relation between rainfall and runoff with Acceptable simulation and less demand for the data. Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) can play such role as it is highly recommended in literature for similar cases. ANNs have been applied for rainfall-runoff modeling since 1980 [7]. Most recent researches recommend the use of artificial neural networks when the relationship between the input variable is not obvious, in addition, they can be used when data availability is limiting factor. Accordingly, simulation and the forecast ANNs will be adapted for this study. This paper also will examine determine parameters and variables the that can 2034 Use of Artificial Neural Networks for Simulating Adhaim River Basin, Iraq be used to build successful ANNS model and will suggest a recommended framework for building model for Adhaim river basin. 2. METHOD AND MATERIEL 2.1. Brief Description of the Study Area Adhaim River catchment located within the Iraqi borders, with area about 9896 square kilometers. It rises from the mountainous areas whiten Sulaymaniyah Governorate in the east of Iraq with elevation (1400-1600 meter above sea level). Adhaim River Basin have main five tributaries namely (Tuz kharmato chi, Kuri chi, Taweek chi, Khassah chi, and Zygetoon chi), where all these tributaries converge with each other’s near the Hemrin mountain forming one main stream namely Adhaim river, Adhaim River flow toward southern west till its conflict with Tigris river at point Located 15 kilometers south of Balad city at elevation 150 meters above mean sea level, the length of Adhaim river with the longest tributary Taweek chi is 232 km, its contributes 1.55% (0.823 BCM /Year) of the Tigris River annual flow [8,9]. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) was used for watershed delineation that derived from the digital elevation data (SRTM DEM of 90 m), these analyses explain the role of main valley’s contribution to the hydrology of the basin, as seen in Figs. 1 and 2. [10] Figure 1 Adhaim basins with its tributaries sub-catchment delineation upstream of Naros flow gauging station, with rainfall station using ArcGIS 2035 Laith B. Al-badranee, Ahmed H. Solman and Hesham M. Bekhit Figure 2 Adhaim basins with its tributaries sub-catchment delineation 2.2. Data Description The collected data for all stations within the study area were spread at a different time horizon and covered different periods of time. Only overlapped periods, which covered a period of 21 years, were considered in this study. Adhaim river has five tributaries, but unfortunately, none of these tributaries has streamflow records except one station which is Naros station. Therefore, the available streamflow data was limited to Naros station which has daily stream flow gauging and located at latitude 34°28`N, longitudinal 44°31`E with elevation 163 meter above mean sea level. Daily gage height readings have been taken twice a day and average of the two values adopted for computing the daily flow rate, stream flow data were obtained from the Ministry of water resource in Iraq [11-13], the second type is rainfall data, four rainfall stations were selected within Adhaim basin, namely "hawejah, Kirkuk, jimjamal, and tuz kharmato”, most of the precipitation in the Adhaim basin ranging from (187-360) mm (Ministry of Communication). All data were entered manually; the data was divided into two main sets, one is used for the training phase, while the second data set is used for the validation and test phases of the network results. An ideal set of data to be used as a training data set should include higher and lower extremes that help the ANN network to int erpolate and predict within these values, it was decided to use time step equal five days, starting from fifteen days’ data up to thirty days as a proposed division, all data set with 70% of the available data for training data set, 15 % for validation data set, and 15 % for test data set. Since the amount of data cannot be listed here, a brief statistical analysis found to be more appropriate, as seen in Table 1 and 2. 2036 Use of Artificial Neural Networks for Simulating Adhaim River Basin, Iraq Table 1 Flowrate statistical analysis for Adhaim river at Naros station Maximum Water Minimum Water Standard Average annual Discharge year of Discharge year of deviation discharge discharge (m3/s) occurrence (m3/s) occurrence (m3/s) (m3/s) Percentage October 169 1966 0 1955 2.7 4 0.92 November 3520 1960 0 1955 49 21 6.93 December 969 1961 1.48 1966 39.6 37 8.95 January 1040 1959 2.1 1972 57.4 51 14.27 February 787 1971 4.1 1975 48.5 47 13.48 March 2850 1973 1.9 1955 78.5 68 21.57 April 1010 1973 2.3 1958 74.4 47 20.87 May 606 1962 0.84 1958 23.7 20 9 June 62 1971 0 1955 2.2 5.431 1.71 July 11 1956 0 1955 0.81 3 0.87 August 5 1956 0 1955 0.6 2.7 0.65 September 4 1955 0 1955 0.57 2.8 0.65 Month Table 2 Main monthly statistical parameter of Adhaim basin on for 21 years. Rainfall station Main statistical parameters Kirkok Hawejah 36.32 49.0 1.8 4.2 336 32.64 44.7 1.8 3.8 286 Average (mm) Standard deviation (mm) Skewness coefficient (cs) Kurtosis coefficient (ck) Maximum reading Tuz kharmato Jimjamal 25.23 38.2 2.3 8.3 308 42.0 59.5 1.7 3.5 393 The standard deviation is a measure for data scattering around its mean, based on statistical analysis Jimjamal rainfall station has more scatter than other, skewness coefficient is second test which measure the symmetry of the data about central axis. For perfect symmetry, this coefficient must be zero. Since all their values are positive, stations data are skewed to the right, kurtosis coefficient is third test which measure the peak ness of the data. Tuz kharmato rainfall station have the maximum skew to the right, with max peak [15, 16]. 2.3. Model Formulation. To build a simulation hydrological model for Adhaim river basin, many variables and method was tested to select the best methods and optimum values for model at training phase, including. 2.3.1. Average rainfall method Five methods were used to estimate the average rainfall data on the Adhaim basin, which are used as data input for the model in the training phase separately, as follows; Arithmetic mean method(AM), its summation of rainfall station records divided by its number Thiessen polygon method (T5P5), were created using ArcGIS after delineating the watershed. PAvg . (0.298* pTuz ) (0.346* p jimjamal ) (0.198* pkirkok ) (0.1569* phawejah ) (1) where =Average rainfall data for Adhaim catchment area(mm) PAvg . PJimjamal. = rainfall data for Jimjamal station. PTuz. = rainfall data for Tuz Kharmato station. 2037 Laith B. Al-badranee, Ahmed H. Solman and Hesham M. Bekhit PKirkok. = rainfall data for Kirkok station. PHawejah = rainfall data for Hawejah station. C. Distance Weighting method(D5W5) [17, 18]. PAvg . (0.3085* pTuz ) (0.2034* p jimjamal ) (0.4159* pkirkok ) (0.072* phawejah ) Two axis's method (T5A5) [19]. PAvg . (0.276* pTuz ) (0.248* p jimjamal ) (0.291* pkirkok ) (0.183* phawejah ) (2) (3) Hybrid method (H5M5) (Thiessen polygon method for each sub-catchment), To find the percentage of the area that divided by Thiessen polygon line in each sub catchment relative to the whole area of the sub illustrate in equation (4-8). The results from the equations above, multiplied by the weighted ratio that arises from area of each sub catchments by the whole basin as illustrated in equation (9), as seen in Fig. (3). Figure 3 Thiessen polygon weight-factors in Adhaim tributaries sub basins. pZygetoon (0.4909* phawejah ) (0.2184* PTuz ) (0.2905* Pkirkok ) (4) ) pKhassah (0.102 * phawejah ) (0.2911* PJimjamal ) (0.5733* Pkirkok ) pTaweek (0.2211* pTuz ) (0.7358* PJimjamal ) (0.0759* Pkirkok (5) (6) PKuri ( pTuz ) pTuz (0.6047* PTuz ) (0.3952* PJimjamal ) (7) (8) PAvg . (0.1647* pTuz ) (0.07 * PKuri ) (0.3185* pTaweek ) (0.1589* pKhassah ) (0.2866* pZygetoon ) (9) where 2038 Use of Artificial Neural Networks for Simulating Adhaim River Basin, Iraq p Zygetoon Average rainfall for Zygetoon sub-catchment (mm) pKhassah Average rainfall for Khassah sub-catchment (mm) pTaweek Average rainfall for Taweek sub-catchment (mm) PKuri Average rainfall for Kuri sub-catchment (mm) pTuz Average rainfall for Tuz Kharmato sub-catchment (mm) 2.3.2. Data Scaling Five formula were used to scaled all data entering to the model to make the transformed values of the data lay between -1, and +1, The idea behind that is to make the transformed values of the data lay between specified boundaries, between 0 and 1.(equation 10,12, and 13), where the data lay between -1, 1, (equation 11, and 14)Scaling factor equation (S.F.eq.) that used is listed below [20, 21],after ANN technique run, The model results are transformed back to its original state by reverse data processing. S.F.eq. (1) xobsi S.F.eq. (2) xobsi xobs xobsmax ( xobs xobsavg ) x (10) (11) obs S.F.eq. (3) xobsi ( xobs xobsmin ) ( xobsmax xobsmin ) S.F.eq. (4) xobsi a S.F.eq. (5) xobsi xobs (b * xobsmax ) ( xobs xobsavg ) ( xobs * k ) (12) (13) (14) where xobsi : Transformed vector of the data, xobs : Original observed data, xobsmax : Maximum value observed in data series, xobsavg : Average value observed in data series, xobsmin : Minimum value observed in data series, x obs : Standard Deviation observed data, a and b : Constants , 0.2 and 1.2 respectively, k: Empirical Parameter. 2039 Laith B. Al-badranee, Ahmed H. Solman and Hesham M. Bekhit 2.3.3. Transfer Functions Ten different types of Transfer Functions are tested in this study, namely as fallow. Hyperbolic tangent sigmoid transfer function (tansig), Log sigmoid transfer function (logsig),Hard limit transfer function (hardlim), Symmetric hard limit transfer function (hardlims), Positive linear transfer function (poslin), Linear transfer function (purelin), Radial basis transfer function (radbas), Saturating linear transfer function (satlin), Symmetric saturating linear transfer function (satlins), Soft max transfer function (softmax) [22, 21]. 2.3.4. Performance Criteria Two main Performance criteria used to test the Artificial Neural Network (ANNs) performance ability for comparison of the error between the observed and the simulated model output, first graphical method that allows viewing the entire data set at once. The shortcoming of this procedure is that it depends on personal judgment, second performance criteria is statistical and mathematical methods which are more narrowly focused on a particular aspect of the data and often try to compress that information into a single number, two performance evaluation criteria have been used in this study. These criteria are listed below5 Correlation coefficient ( R ): Define as a numerical measure of statistical relationship between given data set of observations, and simulated data, they all assume values in the range from −1 to +1, where +1 indicates the strongest possible agreement [23]. R ( (qobsi * qsimi ) n * (qobs * qsim )) (15) ( ((qobs ) 2 n * (qsim ) 2 ) * ((qsim ) 2 n * (qsim )2 ) i Root mean square error ( RMSE ): Defined as the square root of the average of squared errors between predicted and observed values, value of 0, would indicate a perfect fit to the data. In general, a lower value is better than a higher one [19]. RMSE (q obsi qsim i ) 2 (16) n where: qobsi qobs : Observed flows at time i. : Mean observed flows. qsim : Simulated flows value at time i. i q sim : Mean simulated flows. n: no of record. Finally, main suggested procedure can be summarized as illustrated in Fig. (4). 2040 Use of Artificial Neural Networks for Simulating Adhaim River Basin, Iraq Figure 4 Flow chart algorithm illustrates the steps for model formulation. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION By applying steps in Fig. 4 to build the ANNs Model and evaluating quotients according to the performance standards, the results can be summarized as follows. Average Rainfall data five methods were used to estimate Average Rainfall (see section 2.3.1), using equation from number 1 to 9, according to (Fig.4, step 3), the results can have summarized as seen in Table 3. 2041 Laith B. Al-badranee, Ahmed H. Solman and Hesham M. Bekhit Table 3 Correlation coefficient (R) verses different rainfall methods for different time step time step 15 days 20 days 55days 30 days Train Validation Test overall RMSE Train Validation Test overall RMSE Train Validation Test overall RMSE Train Validation Test overall RMSE Correlation coefficient (R) for different rainfall methods Arithmetic Thiessen Distance Two axis's Hybrid Mean polygon Weighting method method (AM) (TP) (DW) (TA) (HM) 0.77 0.81 0.71 0.72 0.77 0.68 0.66 0.73 0.63 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.68 0.73 0.77 0.75 0.74 0.71 0.709 0.76 0.0032 0.0047 0.0025 0.0031 0.0024 0.72 0.72 0.75 0.77 0.75 0.79 0.79 0.62 0.61 0.72 0.76 0.72 0.61 0.52 0.61 0.74 0.73 0.73 0.71 0.74 0.01 0.0036 0.0072 0.0033 0.0018 0.77 0.73 0.78 0.83 0.75 0.60 0.68 0.68 0.63 0.77 0.64 0.71 0.71 0.6 0.72 0.74 0.71 0.76 0.77 0.76 0.0085 0.0031 0.0065 0.0081 0.0011 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.83 0.91 0.79 0.77 0.73 0.80 0.72 0.76 0.74 0.7 0.76 0.64 0.83 0.82 0.81 0.82 0.85 0.0024 0.002 0.002 0.0024 0.0018 Scaling factor Five scaling factors formula were applied to normalized data, using equation from number 10 to 14, according to (Fig.4- step 4), based on maximum (R-value) estimated from Table 3, the obtained results can have summarized as seen in Table 4. Table 4 Correlation coefficient (R) for different scaling factor formula for different time step 15 days Maximum obtain (R) From Table 3. Hybrid method (HM) 20 days Thiessen polygon (TP) 25 days Two axis's method (TA) Time step (days) 30 days Arithmetic Mean (AM) Train Validation Test overall RMSE Train Validation Test overall RMSE Train Validation Test overall RMSE Train Validation Test overall RMSE Correlation coefficient (R) for different scaling factor formula S.F.eq. S.F.eq. S.F.eq. S.F.eq. S.F.eq. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 0.77 0.73 85748 0.75 99700 0.7 0.65 85736 0.66 997.0 0.77 0.69 85646 0.75 9977 0.76 0.788 85745 0.75 99774 0.0024 8554 858857 85857 9999.0 8576 8575 8578 0.76 0.75 8557 8575 8574 0.68 0.72 8575 8557 8565 0.73 0.61 8574 8573 8576 0.71 0.74 85885 858845 858835 85884 0.0018 8575 8585 8585 0.77 0.75 8575 8569 8563 0.743 0.77 8568 8567 856 0.739 0.72 8575 8578 8574 0.756 0.76 8559 8585 858888 85889 0.0011 0.91 8586 8587 8585 99.0 0.72 857 8575 8587 9970 0.64 8565 8563 8563 9974 0.85 8583 8585 8579 99.. 0.0018 85659 85886 85859 9999.. 2042 Use of Artificial Neural Networks for Simulating Adhaim River Basin, Iraq Number of neuron There is no specific rule to determine the optimal number of neurons that can achieve balance between training, validation and testing phases. as an example, for 30 days, at 4-5 neurons the best correlation coefficient was achieved for three phases, by increase the number of neuron the correlation coefficient increase in training stage, but it well decries in validation and test at the same time. Figure 5 Correlation coefficient (R) verses numbers of neurons for different time step. Performance criteria Two main Performance criteria used to evaluate the Artificial Neural Network (ANNs) performance ability for comparison of the error between the observed and the simulated model output for different time steps. First performance criteria are graphical method, as seen in Figs 6 to 9, which show Adhaim river graphical performance criteria of observed versus simulated discharge for 21 years with different time steps (15, 20, 25, and 30 days). As well as the scatter diagram for the same time steps for three phases respectively. Second one are statistical performance criteria of Adhaim river as shown in Tables 3-4, best results obtain from ANNs runs with different time step relationships between number of neuron for different type of scaling method. Validation: R=0.72935 Output ~= 0.55*Target + 0.014 Output ~= 0.64*Target + 0.013 Training: R=0.79939 0.8 Data Fit Y=T 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.8 Data Fit Y=T 0.7 0 0.2 Target 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.8 0 0.2 Target 0.4 0.6 0.8 Test: R=0.77051 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.8 All: R=0.77416 Data Fit Y=T 0.2 0.4 0.6 Target Target 0.6 1 1 Data Fit Y=T Output ~= 0.55*Target + 0.014 0.6 0.8 Output ~= 0.47*Target + 0.01 Output ~= 0.55*Target + 0.014 Output ~= 0.64*Target + 0.013 Data Fit Y=T 0.7 Test: R=0.77051 Validation: R=0.72935 Training: R=0.79939 0.8 0.4 Target 0.8 1 Data Fit Y=T 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Target All: R=0.77416 1 1 Output ~= 0.55*Target + 0.014 Output ~= 0.47*Target + 0.01 Figures 6 Hydrographs and Scatter plot of observed and simulated flow for Adhaim river at Naros station for (training, validation, and testing phase) for Fifteen days’ time step. Data Fit Y=T 0.8 0.6 0.4 Data Fit Y=T 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Target 0.8 1 2043 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Target 0.8 1 Laith B. Al-badranee, Ahmed H. Solman and Hesham M. Bekhit Validation: R=0.72951 1 Output ~= 0.51*Target + 0.018 Output ~= 0.57*Target + 0.015 Training: R=0.75446 1 Data Fit Y=T 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Data Fit Y=T 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 0 0.2 0.4 Target Test: R=0.6127 Validation: R=0.72951 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Data Fit Y=T 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 0 0.2 0.4 Target 0.6 0.8 Test: R=0.6127 Data Fit Y=T 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 0 Target 1 0.8 1 1 Output ~= 0.55*Target + 0.016 0.8 Output ~= 0.37*Target + 0.023 Data Fit Y=T 0.8 All: R=0.74518 1 1 Output ~= 0.51*Target + 0.018 Output ~= 0.57*Target + 0.015 Training: R=0.75446 1 0.6 Target 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Data Fit Y=T 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 0 0.2 0.4 Target 0.6 Target All: R=0.74518 1 1 Output ~= 0.55*Target + 0.016 Output ~= 0.37*Target + 0.023 Figure 7 Hydrographs and scatter plot of observed and simulated flow for Adhaim river at Naros station for (training, validation, and testing phase) for twenty days Data Fit Y=T 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Data Fit Y=T 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 Target 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Target Training: R=0.75692 Validation: R=0.77751 Output ~= 0.56*Target + 0.032 Output ~= 0.57*Target + 0.024 1 0.8 Data Fit Y=T 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Data Fit Y=T 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.8 0 0.2 Target Training: R=0.75692 Validation: R=0.77751 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Data Fit Y=T 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.8 1 0.8 1 All: R=0.76076 0 0.2 Target 0.4 0.6 0.8 Output ~= 0.57*Target + 0.024 0.7 0.8 1 Output ~= 0.62*Target + 0.012 Output ~= 0.56*Target + 0.032 Output ~= 0.57*Target + 0.024 Data Fit Y=T 0.6 Target Test: R=0.72578 1 0.8 0.4 Data Fit Y=T 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 0 0.2 0.4 Target Target 0.6 Data Fit Y=T 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Target Test: R=0.72578 R=0.76076 Figure 8 Hydrographs and ScatterAll:plot of observed and simulated flow for Adhaim river at Naros station for (training, validation, and testing phase) for Twenty-five - days’ Output ~= 0.57*Target + 0.024 Output ~= 0.62*Target + 0.012 1 Data Fit Y=T 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.2 0.4 Target 0.6 Data Fit Y=T 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Target 2044 Use of Artificial Neural Networks for Simulating Adhaim River Basin, Iraq Validation: R=0.79112 Training: R=0.85194 Data Fit Y=T 0.8 Output ~= 1*Target + 0.014 Output ~= 0.73*Target + 0.013 1 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Data Fit Y=T 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 0 0.2 Target 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 Data Fit Y=T 0.2 0.4 0.6 Data Fit Y=T 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 Target 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Data Fit Y=T 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.8 0 Target Target Test: R=0.74311 All: R=0.82203 Output ~= 0.75*Target + 0.016 0.6 Output ~= 0.87*Target + 0.019 Output ~= 1*Target + 0.014 Output ~= 0.73*Target + 0.013 0.8 0.8 1 1 Data Fit Y=T 0.6 Target Test: R=0.74311 Validation: R=0.79112 Training: R=0.85194 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Target All: R=0.82203 Figure 9 Hydrographs and Scatter plot of observed and the ANN estimated flow for Naros station (training, validation, and testing phase) for thirty - days’. Output ~= 0.75*Target + 0.016 Output ~= 0.87*Target + 0.019 1 Data Fit Y=T 0.8 0.6 Data Fit Y=T 0.8 0.6 For Adhaim River Flow Forecasting, four models were built using different time steps, as they can serve different purposes and use 5-day time steps starting from 15 days. Figures 6 to 9 show for different time steps that the maximum peak predictions are underestimated and the minimum peak predictions are overestimated, which show some weakness in peak values. Target Target The final Optimum results obtained from ANN runs can be shown in Table 5, which shows that the correlation coefficient (R) for different validation and testing phase scaling factor formula is within the range of the training data set, which can be used to build a river model for any future Adhaim river forecast for a specific time period. 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Table 5 Optimum results obtain from ANNs runs with different time step for Adhaim basin. based on statistical performance criteria Testing overall 0.72 0.71 0.77 0.79 0.77 0.61 0.72 0.74 0.77 0.74 0.76 0.82 0.0013 0.0018 0.0011 0.0011 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 Number of neuron Validation 0.79 0.76 0.75 0.85 Number. of Hidden layers Moment rate value (mc) Training D.W. T.P. HM T.A. Learning Rate value (LR) Best rainfall methods S.F.-3 S.F.-1 S.F.-1 S.F.-4 optimum training parameters RMSE Best Scaling factor Time (days) 15 20 25 30 Correlation coefficient (R) 1 1 1 1 6 5 4 4 4. CONCLUSIONS The conclusions of this research can be summarized as follow: Why ANNs? Unlike other models, using ANNs requires only two variable and less data while others need several variables, On the other hand, there is no particular law to certify selected parameters, such as number of neurons, type of transfer function, number of hidden layers, and learning rate value. So, the method used in this model leading to results is trial-and-error, 2045 Laith B. Al-badranee, Ahmed H. Solman and Hesham M. Bekhit on this basis, we have developed a procedure to reduce trail to reach the optimum simulation with minimum effort. Generally, the performance of ANN models can be undoubtedly superior to conventional hydrological models in situations that do not require more detailed knowledge of the hydrological system. [21]. Five scaling factor formula was being used Best correlation coefficient for three phases obtained from equations number (10,12, and 13) that achieved higher simulation, based on performance criteria test for each formula. After application ANNs on Adhaim river and according to final estimated results, optimum simulation obtained for time step up to fifteen days, trained with LevenbergMarquradt back propagation algorithm, with one hidden layer, three transfer functions mainly of 'tansig', 'logsig', hidden neurons and linear output 'trainlm', ANNs model was able to provide a better generalization of the complex, dynamic, non-linear, and fragmented in the semi-arid region in Adhaim flow rate estimation process, in which the perception and river flow are very irregular. Finally, the study revealed the feasibility of adopting the ANNs as a river flow forecasting tool REFERENCES [1] K. Varoujan, Geomorphology and morphometry of the three tributaries of Adhaim river, central part of Iraq, Journal of Research in Environmental Science and Toxicology, 2(3), 2013. [2] F. Abdullah, and L. B. Al-Badranih, Application of a rainfall-runoff model to three catchments in Iraq, Hydrological Sciences-Journal, 2000. [3] B. K. Dawood, Rainfall-Discharge Relation for Adhaim and Greater Zab Rivers, AL Rafdain Engineering Journal, Iraq, 15(1), 2007, 61-74. [4] A. M. Al-Kadhimi, and A. A. Lamia, Runoff Curves Development for Al-Adhaim Cachment Using Digital Simulation Models, Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, 5(2) , 2011. [5] I. A. Hameed, The Hydrology of the Adhaim River 1: General Characteristics of the River Basin, Journal al-furat for science and agricultural Iraq, 6(3), 2014, 259-246. [6] N. S. Abbasa, and A. Wasimia, and N. 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