International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Volume 10, Issue 04, April 2019, pp. 1808–1821, Article ID: IJCIET_10_04_189 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed EVALUATION AND IMPROVEMENT OF RAMP JUNCTIONS ON MULTILANE URBAN ARTERIAL STREETS Majed Msallam Associate Professor, Civil Engineering, Al- Balqa' Applied University, Faculty of Engineering Technology (FET), Department of Civil Engineering, Amman-Jordan Basim Jrew Professor, Civil Engineering, Isra University, Amman-Jordan Raed Nazzal Al-Muhanna Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering, Isra University, Amman-Jordan Mohammed Jabbar Hussein MSc. in Engineering Project Management, Isra University, Amman-Jordan ABSTRACT Ramp-freeway junctions are almost designed to allow high-speed and high capacity merging and diverging with the minimum disruption to the adjacent traffic. One source of conflict on freeway weaving section, when the merge and diverge is short require vehicle to entering or exiting the freeway to execute it need one or more lane changes. The operational analysis of weaving, merging and diverging of rampjunction in freeway are applicable at multilane highway. The objective of study is to evaluate and improve the existing ramp and ramp junction in urban area. The study conducted in Amman-Jordan for major known cloverleaf interchange. Two types of analysis are conducted, weaving and ramp-junction analysis using highway capacity manual of 2010 (HCM-2010) methodologies. The highway capacity software program (HCS-2010) is applied for analysis and improvement of the selected cloverleaf interchange as a case study. The result of the analysis for the existing condition shows that the interchange is operating at LOS F for the weaving area. The improvement results of short-term and medium-term for the weaving area, merging and diverging of the ramp-junction for the selectedinterchange will be operated at LOS D or LOS C. Key words: Freeway facilities, Multi-lane highway, Ramp and ramp-junction, Weaving area, Merging and diverging area, HCM-2010 methodology, HCS-2010 software. 1808 Evaluation and Improvement of Ramp Junctions on Multilane Urban Arterial Streets Cite this Article: Majed Msallam, Basim Jrew, Raed Nazzal Al-Muhanna, Mohammed Jabbar Hussein, Evaluation and Improvement of Ramp Junctions on Multilane Urban Arterial Streets, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 10(4), 2019, pp. 1808–1821. 1. INTRODUCTION The most resource of interruption on multilane highway is the weaving segment in merge or diverge ramps. The driver's decision to enter or exit to highway requires one lane change or more. Such maneuvers effect on the quality of highway facilities and cause high delay, speed reduction and stops, fuel consumption as well as traffic accidents. Highway capacity manual 2010 (HCM-2010) define ramp as a length of roadway connected two freeway facilities or a freeway and an arterial street. Entrance and exit maneuvers take place via ramps that designed to facilitate smooth merging of on ramp vehicles into the freeway traffic stream and smooth diverging of off-ramp vehicles from the freeway traffic stream to the ramp. A ramp may contain of up to three geometric elements of freeway or multilane highway facilities: Ramp-freeway junction, Ramp roadway and Ramp-street junction. The rampfreeway junction almost designed to license high-speed and high capacity merging and diverging with the minimum disruption to the adjacent traffic when a ramp connects one arterial to another. The ramp consists of two ramp-freeway junctions and the ramp roadway. In addition, a ramp-street junction, when a ramp connected to a surface facility such as a multilane highway, is designed for high speed merging or diverging without control, and it may be classified as a ramp-freeway junction for the purpose of analysis (HCM- 2010). Generally, multilane highways have a posted speed limit between 40 and 55 mi/h (60-90 km/h). They have four or six lanes, usually with physical medians or Two-Way LeftTurn Lanes (TWLTL), and they may also be undivided. The traffic volumes generally differ from 15,000 to 40,000 vehicles per day. It may also go up to 100,000 vehicles per day with grade separations and no cross-media access offered. According to HCM- 2010, the operational analysis of weaving, merging and diverging of ramp-junction in freeway are applicable at multilane highway. A significant operation characteristic of any transportation facility on the multi-lane highways is the concept of capacity. Capacity could be defined as the maximum sustainable flow rate at which vehicles or persons moderately can be predicted to traverse a point or uniform segment of a lane or roadway through a specified time period under a given roadway, traffic and environmental as well as control conditions; usually expressed as vehicles per hour, passenger cars per hour or persons per hour (HCM, 2010). Cloverleaf interchanges are four-leg interchanges that employ loop ramps to accommodate left-turning movements. Interchanges with loops in all four quadrants were referred to as "Full Cloverleaf/s" and all others were referred to as “Partial Cloverleaf/s”. A partial cloverleaf may be preferred at major-minor crossings, where with the provision of only two loops, freedom of movement for traffic on the major road can be maintained by confining the direct at-grade left turns to the minor road. The principal disadvantages of the cloverleaf are the additional travel distance for left-turning traffic, the weaving maneuver generated, very short weaving length typically available and the relatively large right-of-way areas needed. When Collector-Distributor roads "C-D roads" are not used, further disadvantages include: weaving on the main line, the double exit on the main lanes and difficulties in placing signing for the second exit. Because cloverleaf are considerably more expansive than diamond interchanges, they are less common in urban areas and are better adapted to suburban or rural areas where space is available (AASHTO, 2011). 1809 Majed Msallam, Basim Jrew, Raed Nazzal Al-Muhanna, Mohammed Jabbar Hussein 2. STUDY AREA The selected interchange exists on one of the main multi-lane highways in Jordan. Al-Medina AL-Monawra cloverleaf interchange is located in the Jordanian capital, Amman, connecting several districts in West Amman, starting from the intersection of the main street Queen Rania St. near the University of Jordan. It is also considered as the most favorite areas for living due to its lovely location between the Mediterranean, western, and downtown of Amman (the center of the city). However, traffic jams are often observed many periods of time during the day especially at the peak hours periods. Figure 1 shows the Google earth photography of this cloverleaf interchange. Figure 1 Al-MadinaAl-Monawra Cloverleaf Interchange. (source: google earth). 3. DATA COLLECTION The collected data in this study were divided into three types: Geometric data of the ramp element, vehicles speed along multilane weaving segment and traffic volume through the ramp total segment data. All the traffic data was collected from the official and governmental sectors records such as Greater Amman Municipality "GAM" and the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (MPWH). The multi-lane highways in this study are classified as urban arterial multilane highways. While the urban area fall within the responsibility of the Greater Amman Municipality (GAM), Traffic Department in the ministry of public works and housing was contacted several times to get the yearly growth of traffic volume in Jordan highways. The collected data of traffic volumes in the past years shows that the number of vehicles increase with a growth rate (G) of 6.57% yearly. In addition, field investigation of the study area was conducted several times daily in order to get the geometric and traffic data for each ramp of the case study, and any needed data for the analysis. For any data that was too difficult to be collected; the ideal condition or the default values were used as recommended by highway capacity manuals (HCM) such as driver population factor (fp) and peak hour factor (PHF). In order to define the LOS for each ramp, the demand volume under base conditions (V) for the selected ramp and ramp junction must be estimated and converted to the demand flow 1810 Evaluation and Improvement of Ramp Junctions on Multilane Urban Arterial Streets rate under equivalent base conditions (vp). The maximum peak hour volume (PHV) for each ramp has to be obtained from traffic counters of Greater Amman Municipality (GAM) and manual count by researchers which distributed in each street. The geometric data and volume input data in the case study for weaving, merging and diverging in each direction were determined as shown in Table 1. The existing data in this table needs to be converted for the future analysis according to growth rate (6.57%). Therefore, the forecasted values were estimated for short term period of the next 5 years (i.e; year 2020), and for medium term period of the next 10 years (i.e; year2025) as shown in the tables 2 and 3 respectively. The studied interchange have four Ramp-junctions (merge and diverge), Freeway merge and diverge segments occur primarily at on-ramp and off-ramp junctions with the freeway mainlane. The required data of ramp-freeway were tabulated as shown in tables 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Table 1 Traffic and geometric data of weaving area for Al-Madina Al-MonawraCloverleaf Interchange: The Existing condition (2015). Right Side (West Bound "WB") Posted PHV Lane Width ft Direction HV % speed mi/h veh/h (m) (km/h) F-F* 3117 2 45 (70) 12 (3.6 m ) R-R* 25 0 45 (70) 12 (3.6 m ) F-R* 2765 2 45 (70) 12 (3.6 m ) R-F* 465 1 45 (70) 12 (3.6 m ) Left Side (East Bound "EB") Weaving length Posted PHV Lane Width ft Direction Ls HV % speed mi/h veh/h (m) ft (m) (km/h) F-F* 480 (145 m) 3150 1 45 (70) 12 (3.6 m ) R-R* 480 (145 m) 20 0 45 (70) 12 (3.6 m ) F-R* 480 (145 m) 575 0 45 (70) 12 (3.6 m ) R-F* 480 (145 m) 1083 1 45 (70) 12 (3.6 m ) *F-F: Freeway-Freeeway, R-R: Ramp-Ramp, F-R: Freeway-Ramp and R-F:Ramp-Freeway. Weaving lengthLs ft (m) 460 (140 m) 460 (140 m) 460 (140 m) 460 (140 m) NO. of lanes 3 2 2 2 NO. of lanes 3 2 2 2 Table 2 Traffic and geometric data of weaving area for Al-Madeena Al-Monawrainterchange : Shortterm (after 5 years - 2020). Right Side (West Bound "WB") Posted Weaving lengthPHV Lane Width NO. of Direction HV % speed mi/h Lsft (m) veh/h ft (m) lanes (km/h) F-F* 460 (140 m) 4285 3 45 (70) 12 (3.6 m ) 3 R-R* 460 (140 m) 34 0 45 (70) 12 (3.6 m ) 2 F-R* 460 (140 m) 3801 3 45 (70) 12 (3.6 m ) 2 R-F* 460 (140 m) 639 2 45 (70) 12 (3.6 m ) 2 Left Side (East Bound "EB") Weaving length Posted PHV Lane Width NO. of Direction Ls HV % speed mi/h veh/h ft (m) lanes ft (m) (km/h) F-F* 480 (145 m) 4330 2 45 (70) 12 (3.6 m ) 3 R-R* 480 (145 m) 27 0 45 (70) 12 (3.6 m ) 2 F-R* 480 (145 m) 790 0 45 (70) 12 (3.6 m ) 2 R-F* 480 (145 m) 1489 2 45 (70) 12 (3.6 m ) 2 *F-F: Freeway-Freeeway, R-R: Ramp-Ramp, F-R: Freeway-Ramp and R-F:Ramp-Freeway. 1811 Majed Msallam, Basim Jrew, Raed Nazzal Al-Muhanna, Mohammed Jabbar Hussein Table Error! No text of specified style in document. Traffic and geometric data of weaving area for Al-MadeenaAlMonawra interchange : Mid -term (after 10 years - 2025). Right Side (West Bound "WB") Posted PHV Lane Width Direction HV % speed mi/h veh/h ft (m) (km/h) F-F* 5890 6 45 (70) 12 (3.6 m ) R-R* 47 0 45 (70) 12 (3.6 m ) F-R* 5225 6 45 (70) 12 (3.6 m ) R-F* 879 4 45 (70) 12 (3.6 m ) Left Side (East Bound" EB") Weaving length Posted PHV Lane Width Direction Ls HV % speed mi/h veh/h ft (m) ft (m) (km/h) F-F* 480 (145 m) 5952 4 45 (70) 12 (3.6 m ) R-R* 480 (145 m) 38 0 45 (70) 12 (3.6 m ) F-R* 480 (145 m) 1086 0 45 (70) 12 (3.6 m ) R-F* 480 (145 m) 2046 4 45 (70) 12 (3.6 m ) *F-F: Freeway-Freeeway, R-R: Ramp-Ramp, F-R: Freeway-Ramp and R-F:Ramp-Freeway. Weaving length Ls ft (m) 460 (140 m) 460 (140 m) 460 (140 m) 460 (140 m) NO. of lanes 3 2 2 2 NO. of lanes 3 2 2 2 Table 4 Al-Madeena Al-Monawra interchange : ramp required data for existing condition (2015). Side Right Side (West Bound"WB") Left Side (East Bound "EB") Type of Ramp PHV veh/h HV % Merge Diverge Merge Diverge 465 2765 1083 575 1 2 1 0 Posted speed of ramp mi/h (km/h) 25 (40) 25 (40) 25 (40) 25 (40) Posted speed of freeway mi/h (km/h) 45 (70) 45 (70) 45 (70) 45 (70) NO. on/offramp lanes 1 1 1 1 Table 5 Al-Madina Al-Monawra interchange: ramp required data for short-term (after 5 years - 2020) Side Type of Ramp PHV veh/h HV % Right Side (West Bound "WB") Left Side (East Bound"EB") Merge Diverge Merge Diverge 639 3081 1489 790 2 3 2 0 Posted speed of ramp mi/h (km/h) 25 (40) 25 (40) 25 (40) 25 (40) Posted speed of freeway mi/h (km/h) NO. on/offramp lanes 45 (70) 45 (70) 45 (70) 45 (70) 1 1 1 1 Table 6 Al-Madina Al-Monawra interchange: ramp required data for medium-term (after 10 years 2025). Side Right Side (West Bound "WB") Left Side (East Bound"EB" Type of Ramp PHV veh/h HV % Merge Diverge Merge Diverge 879 5225 2046 1086 4 6 4 0 1812 Posted speed of ramp mi/h (km/h) 25 (40) 25 (40) 25 (40) 25 (40) Posted speed of freeway mi/h (km/h) 45 (70) 45 (70) 45 (70) 45 (70) NO. on/offramp lanes 1 1 1 1 Evaluation and Improvement of Ramp Junctions on Multilane Urban Arterial Streets 4. FINDINGS AND RESULTS DISCUSSION 4.1. The analysis of weaving area: The HCS- 2010 software programs were applied for existing conditions, short-term conditions and medium-term conditions for the weaving segments of Al-Madina Almonawra interchange. The output results were shown in Table 7, Table 8 and Table 9 respectively. Figure 2 shows the formulation of weaving area. The result in Table 7 shows that all segments in each direction operate at LOS F for the existing condition. The result in Table 8 shows that all segments in each direction will operate at LOS F for the short-term conditions after 5 years; with higher (v/c) ratio. The result in Table 9 shows that the all segment in each direction will be operated at LOS F for the medium-term conditions after 10 years with the increased (v/c) ratio. Table 7 Results of HCS 2010 for Al-Madina Al-Monawra interchange weaving segments for the existing condition. Segment Right side( West Bound) Left side (East Bound) Weaving Flow Rate veh/h 6708 5083 Weaving segment Capacity CW: veh/h 4689 5445 Weaving Segment v/c ratio 1.43 0.933 Weaving Segment Speed mi/h 26 Density pc/mi/ln LOS 64 F F Table 8: Results of HCS 2010 for Al-Madina Al-Monawra interchange weaving segments for the short term (2020) conditions Weaving Flow Rate veh/h Segment Right side( West Bound) Left side( East Bound) 9220 6986 Weaving Segment Capacity CWveh/h 4666 5650 Weaving Segment v/c ratio 1.976 1.2 Weaving Segment Speed mi/h - Density pc/mi/ln LOS - F F Table 9: Results of HCS 2010 for Al-Madina Al-Monawra interchange weaving segments for the medium term conditions Segment Right side( West Bound) Left side( East Bound) Weaving Flow Rate veh/h 12675 9603 Weaving Segment Capacity CWveh/h 4599 5368 Weaving Segment v/c ratio 2.756 1.78 Weaving Segment Speed mi/h - Density pc/mi/l n LOS - F F Figure 2 Formation of Weaving Segment (Source HCM-2010) 1813 Majed Msallam, Basim Jrew, Raed Nazzal Al-Muhanna, Mohammed Jabbar Hussein Figure 3 Merge Influence Area of on-ramp (Source HCM-2010) Figure 4 Diverge Influence Area of of-ramp (Source HCM-2010) Figure 5: Sketch of the geometric condition after improvement of weaving area. 4.2. The analysis of merge and diverge ramps Four leg ramps exist in Al-Madina Almonawra cloverleaf interchange. All of these ramps (merge and diverge) were analyzed with HCS-2010 methodology for existing, short and medium-term conditions as shown in Tables 10, 11 and12 . Figure 3 and Figure 4 show the merg and diverge influence area for on ramp and off ramp of each approach of the selected interchange. 5. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS The analysis of the selected highway shows that some segments of ramp junctions are operating at LOS- F or at LOS-E. For the purpose of improving the LOS. The following suggestions could be applied: Increase the width of multilane street by adding collector-distributer(C-D) roadway. Increase the number of lane of multilane street to be 4 lanes by decrease lane width to (3.3m) in each direction at upstream and downstream. Adding auxiliary lane off/on-ramp to all segments to be tow on/off-ramp lane. Figure 5 shows sketch for improvement the geometric condition after improvement of weaving area. Based on the above suggestions, the following four tables show that the segments operating at LOS E and LOS F could be improved to better LOS. 1814 Evaluation and Improvement of Ramp Junctions on Multilane Urban Arterial Streets Table 13 shows the output results for improving the selected cloverleaf interchange within the existing, short and medium term periods of weaving areas. The results of improvement show that the existing condition improved from LOS F to LOS B for each direction; with lower (v/c) ratio. In short-term the LOS improved from LOS F to the LOS C. While in medium-term the LOS remained at LOS F. According to (Momani, 2016) in here MSc thesis, it was recommended to reduce 25% of the future demand as one of the demand reduction strategy in Amman area for future traffic condition. Therefore, the growth factor will be changed to (5 %) instead of (6.57 %) for next suggested improvement. As this strategy will be applied in medium –term. The LOS improved from LOS F to LOS D for each direction as shown in Table 14. Table 15 shows the improvement under the short-term for the selected cloverleaf interchange of merge and diverge areas. The right side merge ramp improved from LOS F to the LOS B, and diverge ramp improved from LOS F to the LOS C, The left side merge ramp improved from LOS F to the LOS B and diverge ramp are improved from LOS C to the LOS B. Table 16 shows the improvement for the medium-term for the studied cloverleaf interchange of merge and diverge areas. The right side merge ramp improved from LOS F to the LOS B and diverge ramp improved from LOS F to the LOS D. The left side merge ramp improved from LOS F to the LOS D and diverge ramp improved from LOS D to the LOS C. Table 10: Results of HCS 2010 for Al-Madina Al-Monawra interchangemerge and diverge ramp for the existing conditions. Segment Right side (WB*) Left side (EB*) Ramp Type Flow Rate for Multilan e pc/h NO. of lane of Multila ne Flow Rate For ramp pc/h Flow Rate in lane 1and 2 v12 (pc/h) Merge Diverge Merge Diverge 3422 3422 3441 3441 3 3 3 3 508 3020 1183 625 3422 3235 3066 2442 Space mean Speed in Ramp Influence Area SR mi/h 44 42 43 44 Density pc/mi/ln LOS 33 27.9 36 21 D C E C Table 11 Results of HCS 2010 for Al-Madina Al-Monawra interchangemerge and diverge ramp for short-term conditions (2020). Segment Right side (WB*) Left side (EB*) Ramp Type Flow Rate for Multilane pc/h NO. of Lane of Multilane Flow Rate For Ramp pc/h Flow Rate in Lane 1and 2 v12 (pc/h) Merge Diverge Merge Diverge 4727 4727 4745 4745 3 3 3 3 702 4193 1635 859 4727 4433 4754 3202 Space mean Speed in Ramp Influenc e Area mi/h 41 42 37 43 Density pc/mi/ln LOS 45 38 51 27 F F F C * WB:West Bound and EB:East Bound. 1815 Majed Msallam, Basim Jrew, Raed Nazzal Al-Muhanna, Mohammed Jabbar Hussein Table 12: Results of HCS 2010 for Al-Madina Al-Monawra interchange merge and Diverge ramp for medium-term condition (2025). aRmp Type Flow Rate for Multilane pc/h Segment Merge 6594 Right side (WB*) Diverge 6594 Merge 6599 Left side (EB*) Diverge 6599 *WB:West Bound and EB:East Bound NO. of Lane of Multila ne Flow Rate For ramp pc/h Flow Rate in Lane 1and 2 v12 (pc/h) 3 3 3 3 994 5850 2268 1180 6594 6093 6599 4110 Space mean speed in Ramp Influence Area SR mi/h 21 41 38 43 Density pc/mi/ln LO S 61 52 71 35 F F F D Table 13: Improvement for Al-Madina Al-Monawra interchange weaving area AccordingHCS2010output result. Time Period Segment Right side Left side Right side Left side Right side Left side Existing Short-term Medium-term Weaving Flow Rate veh/h 3308 3337 4547 4587 6250 6306 Weaving Segment Capacity CWveh/h 8265 8310 8225 8269 8105 8188 Weaving Segment v/c ratio 0.4 0.4 0.553 0.555 0.771 0.77 Weaving Segment Speed mi/h 41 41 39 39 37 37 Density pc/mi/ln LOS 20 20 29 29 43 43 B B C C F F Table 14: Improving Al-Madina Al-Monawra interchange weaving area by reduce growth factor in medium-term according HCS- 2010output result. Time period Medium- term Segment Right side Left side Weaving Flow Rate veh/h 5350 5398 Weaving Segment Capacity CWveh/h 8144 8229 Weaving Segment v/c ratio 0.657 0.656 Weaving Segment Speed mi/h 38 38 Density pc/mi/ln LOS 35 35 D D Table 15: Improvement merge and diverge ramps for Al-Madina Al-Monawra interchangefor the short-term (2020) according HCS-2010output result. RRamp Type Segment Flow Rate for Multilane pc/h Merge 4727 Right side (WB*) Diverge 4727 Merge 4754 Left side (EB*) Diverge 4754 *WB:West Bound and EB:East Bound NO. of Lane of Multilan e Flow Rate For Ramp pc/h Flow Rate in Lane 1and 2 v12 (pc/h) 4 4 4 4 461 2096 818 429 988 2780 994 1553 1816 Space Mean Speed in Ramp Influence Area SR mi/h 44 43 44 43 Density pc/mi/l n LO S 14 25 17 17 B C B B Evaluation and Improvement of Ramp Junctions on Multilane Urban Arterial Streets Table 16: Improvement merge and diverge ramps for Al-Madina Al-Monawra interchange for the medium-term (2025) According HCS- 2010output result. RRamp Type Segment Flow Rate for Multilane pc/h Merge 6594 Right side (WB*) Diverge 6594 Merge 6599 Left side (EB*) Diverge 6599 *WB:West Bound and EB:East Bound NO. of Lane of Multilane Flow Rate For Ramp pc/h Flow Rate in Lane 1and 2 v12 (pc/h) 4 4 4 4 498 2925 1134 590 1378 3879 1379 2152 Space Mean Speed in Ramp Influence Area SR mi/h 44 43 44 43 Density pc/mi/ln LO S 17 34 32 23 B D D C 6. DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM The main achievement of this study is to improve LOS to better traffic flow for the selected interchange. This improvement is achieved by increase number of lanes of multilane street, decreasing lane width to decrease density, Also adding collector-distributor roadway (C-D) to decrease weaving maneuver drive. For merge and diverge ramps adding on-ramps off-ramps to increase capacity of ramp junction. The LOS(F or E) will be improved to to better LOS (C or D) respectively. This improvement lead to decrease congestion, stops, delay time, air pollution, and increase safety for the drivers with better travel time. Meanwhile, cost estimation for such improvements is out of scope of this study, and it is recommended for any future work in this field. However, the results of management flow diagrams to develop existing, short-term and medium term condition for the weaving areas as well as the ramp-junction based on analysis and improvement of the output results by using highway capacity software (HCS2010) for the selected interchange are shown in Figures 6 and Figures 7respectively. Figure 6 shows a flow diagram of the weaving management components for the selected cloverleaf interchange. The existing traffic condition is operated at LOS F for each segment, and for short term and medium-term will be operated at LOS F. Due to the improvement of the geometric condition, the existing condition will be operated at LOS B for each segment. The short term will be operated at LOS C for each segment. The medium-term will be operated at LOS F. By reducing 25% of future demand as one of the strategy of demand reduction, the medium term will be operated at LOS D. Similarly, Figure 7 shows a flow diagram of the ramp-junction management components for the selected cloverleaf interchange. 1817 Majed Msallam, Basim Jrew, Raed Nazzal Al-Muhanna, Mohammed Jabbar Hussein Weaving of Cloverleaf Interchange Data collecton Data analysis Existing condition (2015) Left side (EB) LOS F Right side (WB) LOS F Short-term (2020) Right side (WB) Left side (EB) LOS F Medium-term (2025) Left side (EB) LOS F Right side (WB) LOS F Existing condition improvement Left side (EB) LOS B Right side (WB) LOS B Short-term improvement Left side (EB) LOS C Right side (WB) LOS C Medium-term improvement Left side (EB) LOS D Right side (WB) LOS D Figure 6 The flow diagram of improving weaving area for Al-MadinaAl-MonawraCloeverleaf interchange 1818 Evaluation and Improvement of Ramp Junctions on Multilane Urban Arterial Streets Ramp Junction Cloverleaf Interchange Data collection Data analysis Existing condition (2015) Right side (WB) Merge LOS D Diverge LOS C Left side (EB) Merge LOS E Diverge LOS C Short-term (2020) Right side (WB) Merge LOS F Diverge LOS F Medium-term (2025) Right side (WB) Merge LOS F Diverge LOS F Left side (EB) Merge LOS F Diverge LOS D Medium-term improvement Left side (EB) Merge LOS D Diverge LOS C Short-term improvement Right side (WB) Merge LOS B Diverge LOS D Left side (EB) Merge LOS B Diverge LOS B Right side (WB) Merge LOS B Diverge LOS C Figure 7 The flow diagram for improving ramp-junction of Al-Madina Al-Monawra cloverleaf interchange 1819 Majed Msallam, Basim Jrew, Raed Nazzal Al-Muhanna, Mohammed Jabbar Hussein 7. CONCLUSIONS 7.1. Weaving area For the studied cloverleaf interchange, the LOS F (failure or breakdown) traffic flow was found for the existing condition, short- term and medium-term condition in all directions. Due to the improvement of management program the existing condition of each direction will be operated at LOS B. Due to the improvement of management program the short-term condition of each direction will be operated at LOS C. Due to the improvement of management program the medium-term condition of each direction will be operated at LOS D. 7.2. Ramp-junction For the studied cloverleaf interchange in the existing condition, the LOS E was found at the left side (EB) for the merge ramp. In short-term and medium-term, the LOS F was found at the right side (WB) in all direction, and left side (EB) the LOS F was found in merge ramp. Due to the improvement of management program the short-term of the right side (WB) merge ramp will be operated at LOS B and diverge ramp will be operated at LOS C. The left side (EB) for each direction will be operated at LOS B. Due to the improvement of management program the medium-term of the right side (WB) merge ramp will be operated at LOS B and diverge ramp will be operated at LOS D. The left side (EB) merge ramp will be operated at LOS D and diverge ramp will be operate at LOS C. 8. RECOMMENDATIONS The following recommendations are driven: Increase number of lane on urban multilane highway on upstream and downstream of each interchanges in order to operate as expressway. Therefore, the capacity and LOS will be improved in the selected cloverleaf interchanges. Adding collector-distributor road (C-D) to the cloverleaf interchanges will improve capacity and LOS for both weaving area and ramp-junction in a multilane highway Adding auxiliary lane to the ramp-junction with the (C-D) roadway will increase the capacity and improve LOS of the cloverleaf interchanges. It is recommended to combine the policy on geometric of highway and street AASHTO with HCM methodology to improve the cloverleaf interchanges at multilane highway capacity and LOS. It is recommended to use reduction demand strategy by 25% for the medium- term condition in order to reduce the growth traffic factor. The improvement leads to decrease congestion, stops, delay time, air pollution and also increase safety for the driving with better travel time. Cost estimation for such improvements is recommended for any future work in this field. It is recommended to use intelligent transportation system (ITS) as alternative tools to improve ramp and ramp junction such as ramp metering or junction control. The objective of junction control through either static or real-time means the best management of recurrent congestion by making traffic flow more uniform, utilizing more effectively for the existing roadway capacity, and improving traffic safety. 1820 the Evaluation and Improvement of Ramp Junctions on Multilane Urban Arterial Streets More studies are required on other major cloverleaf interchanges in Amman-Jordan in urban, suburban and rural areas. REFERENCES [1] American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets. Washington, D.C., 2011. [2] Highway Capacity Manual, Special Report 209. Transportation Research Board, Washington DC (1985). [3] Momani M, Wasef. (2016). Evaluation and improvement of transportation demand management (TDM) in Jordan, MSc, ISRA University. [4] TRB. Highway Capacity Manual, HCM2010. Transportation Research Board, Washington DC . [5] TRB.Highway Capacity Manual.HCM 2000.Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, DC. 1821