International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Volume 10, Issue 04, April 2019, pp. 1674–1681, Article ID: IJCIET_10_04_175 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed ROAD DAMAGE ASSESMENT FOR FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT USING DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING Ida Ayu Ari Angreni Doctoral Course Student of Civil Engineerin Department Hasanuddin University, Jl. Poros Malino Km. 6, Gowa, Indonesia Sakti Adji Adisasmita Professor,Civil Engineering Department, Hasanuddin University, Jl. Poros Malino Km. 6, Gowa, Indonesia M. Isran Ramli Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Department Hasanuddin University, Jl. Poros Malino Km. 6, Gowa, Indonesia Sumarni Hamid Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Department Hasanuddin University, Jl. Poros Malino Km. 6, Gowa, Indonesia. ABSTRACT The assesment of the road pavement condition using mechanical tools collided with the problem of funds, because the price of these tools is quite expensive and for one type of equipment only measures one particular condition, the method of visual inspection is a good solution, because it is sufficient practical, simple and efficient, but there are still weaknesses in the visual assessment of road damage. The visual assessment method is very subjective, depending on the assessor. Considering the existence of weaknesses in the method of visually evaluating road damage, it is necessary to make an algorithm or method to detect and calculate the value of damage to the road quickly and precisely. This study aims calculating the value of road damage with the Dirgolaksono and Mochtar visual methods (D & M method), to make a model of road damage based assessment algorithms based on digital imagery, and to apply digital image methods to the road sections reviewed. The initial step of the algorithm process is taking pictures with a type of digital camera, so that digital images are generated and then processed using Matlab R2016a. It resulted a classification of road damage and the value of damage from the road section. The results obtained are visually damaged road values and road damage values in digital imagery, getting values that are almost the same for the same road segment. It is proven that there is a strong correlation between the value of damage visually with the 1674 Road Damage Assesment for Flexible Pavement Using Digital Image Processing value of damage digitally or it can be said there is no difference between the value of damage visually with the value of damage in digital image Key words: Road Damage, Value of road damage, Visual Inspection, Digital Image. Cite this Article: Ida Ayu Ari Angreni, Sakti Adji Adisasmita, M. Isran Ramli, Sumarni Hamid, Road Damage Assesment for Flexible Pavement Using Digital Image Processing, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 10(4), 2019, pp. 1674–1681. 1. INTRODUCTION The road functions as the main sector in the development of activities in other sectors (agriculture, industry, trade, education, health, tourism, etc.). Physical conditions condition of roads are the main thing which needs to be considered [1]. Road damage is a common problem. Many roads in big cities are damaged or in the process of being damaged. This condition has been an issue for almost every major city in Indonesia. Roads with minor damage often do not get attention so that the damage gets worse and results in reducing the capacity of roads. Thus, a particular method is needed to detect the damage of the road before it becomes severe. These efforts can be carried The pavement conditions of a road can be detected through functional analysis and structural analysis [2]. Functional analysis is carried out by examining road conditions in two ways, mechanical and visual, which results in disruption to road users' safety and comfort so the vehicle operating costs increased. Structural analysis includes pavement failure or damage from one or more pavement components which causes the pavement can no longer bear the traffic load [3]. The assesment of the road pavement using a mechanical tool is collided with the problem of funds, because the price of these tools is quite expensive and for one type of equipment only measures one particular condition, such as bending, surface hardness and others. The visual inspection method is one of good planning, because it is quite practical, simple and efficient. There are several methods of assessing the level of visual damages that are often used so far, one of which is the method of Dirgolaksono and Mochtar (1990) or what is called the D & M method [4]. This method is a refinement of the existing methods of road damage assessment. The improvement is that the D & M method divides roads in segments so that the assessment becomes more precise. The level of road damage is grouped into three levels, namely light, moderate, and severe according to the parameters of each damage level. Each type of damage is grouped in categories related to the damage factors that occur. There are 4 categories, namely: category I, is the type of damage with the biggest damage factor and the multiplier factor is 6. This category I includes the type of damage to potholes. Category II with multiplier factor 2, category II includes the type of raveling wethering damage, alligator cracking and depression. Category III with multiplier 1 includes transverse cracking damage, longitudinal cracking and block cracking. Category IV with a multiplier of 0.25, including shrinkage cracking, rutting, patching, edge deteriorations and asphalt excees. Unfortunately, the visual damage assessment of the road still have some weaknesses. The visual assessment method is very subjective, depending on the assessor. The assessment of an assessor can differ greatly from the results of assesments from others for the same road segment. In addition, visual assessment is subjective by considering the fatigue from human eyes so that the assessment of road damage becomes less precise [5]. Considering the 1675 Ida Ayu Ari Angreni, Sakti Adji Adisasmita, M. Isran Ramli, Sumarni Hamid weaknesses of the visual damage assessment method, an algorithm or method is needed to detect and calculate the value of damage to the road quickly and precisely 2. RELATED WORK There have been some researches conducted pertaining digital image processing for crack damage [6]. [7] conducted a research on a crack pattern on the pavement surface, while [8] identified a crack pattern from the linear tracking device (LINTRACK) with photos to obtain crack length, percentage and crack area. In 2010, [9] used a method with an initial image segmentation algorithm to calculate the area and length of road surface damage or defects. [10] conducted research with image processing techniques to extract features from images. Neural Networks approach was used to detect defective image areas. [11] conducted edge assesment in the process for the identification and classification of cracks. Other researchers, [12], [13], [14], [15] used more detailed assesments in detecting pavement cracks. [16] conducted analysis in digital image processing using bilinear interpolation to obtain image based correction on the threshold of segmentation with statistical analysis. Previous research carried out with digital image was only at the stage of detecting cracks, not yet at the stage of assessing road damage based on detected road damage. Based the review of the previous research, this research aims at conducting a visual assessment of road damage based on the Dirgolaksono and Mochtar methods, modelling an algorithms of road damage based on digital image processing and applying the digital image method on the road sections being assessed. This article particularly discusses the assessment of crack damage, cracked crocodile skin and holes. 3. RESEARCH METHODS 3.1. Location and Time of Research The research began with data collection in the form of images from road damage on ten road sections located in Depok. Canon 550D digital camera and a tripod with a height of 80 cm are used, with an angle of 60o. The data obtained is then processed by extracting the road damage image, using MATLAB R2016a after the extraction process the classification process will be carried out to determine the type of damages to the road. This research was carried out for 6 months. 3.2. Materials and Tools The data used in this study are image data or road damage photos. Total of data 565 (five hundred sixty five) photos for all three types of road damage. The types of damages comprises; crocodile crack damage, crack and hole. The data is obtained by taking pictures using a Canon EOS 550D digital camera and a tripod with a height of 80 cm, with an angle of 600. 1676 Road Damage Assesment for Flexible Pavement Using Digital Image Processing 3.3. Stages of Research Methods The stages of the research method are illustrated in the following flow diagram: START Road Damage Image Pre Processing Shape Extraction Classification The Value of Road Damage FINISH Figure 3.3. Flowchart of Research Method Stages 3.4. Image Extraction Stages The first step is to develop the application of road damage image extraction is to study the morphological method for extracting road damage images. In this study the image used is road damage images. In addition, the data used were five hundred and sixty-five photos of road damage. 3.5. The Stages of the Image Classification Process The process of classification of road damage images. 3.6. The Value of Road Damage The value of road damage obtained is a visual damage value using the Dirgolaksono and Mochtar methods (D & M method) and the value of road damage based on digital images. The assessment of road damage with digital images follows the stages below: a. Segment Classification Algorithm This segment classification program aims to find out what types of damage are contained in a segment that is inputted, along with the value of each type of damage, as well as the total value of the damage. In the database, a segment is a directory (folder) which contains road damage images along the segment. By the time the program runs, it required the directory input segment to be classified. Then the program will ask for the input percentage of the real damage value in the segment (percent_ damage). The percentage of damage to the estate is the total percentage of the damaged part of the road segment. Furthermore, each image in the segment will be classified one by one using the radial vector algorithm as explained earlier. The program will record the classification results of each image to be used in the next stage, namely the scoring stage. 1677 Ida Ayu Ari Angreni, Sakti Adji Adisasmita, M. Isran Ramli, Sumarni Hamid After each image in the segment is fully classified, the next step is calculating the score. Scores are calculated separately for each type of damage, so there are 6 types of scores, namely: 1) Cracked score,2) Moderate Aligator Score 3) Aligator Severe's score, 4) Pothole Slight Score, 5) Pothole Moderate Score, 6) Pothole Severe score The six scores are then accumulated based on their weight so that the total score is generated. The seven scores are then presented as program output. For more details, see Figure 3.4. START Segment Directory Input Input percent_ damage Classification of Types of Damage to Each Image in the Segment Directory Calculate Score -Crack Scores - Moderate Aligator scores - Aligator Severe score - Pothole Slight score - Pothole Moderate scores - Pothole Severe's score - Total score FINISH Figure 3.4. Road Damage Assessment Flowchart 4. ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION 4.1. The Assessment of Visual Road Damage The survey was carried out by preparing the SNR (Strategic National Road) road object for 10 road segments. Visually assessed the damage to the road based on the D & M method. Road damage that is seen is: cracks, crocodile skin cracks, and holes, conduct road damage 1678 Road Damage Assesment for Flexible Pavement Using Digital Image Processing assessment using the DM method, The results of the assessment are shown in the following Table.4.1. Table 4.1. The Value of Road Damage Based on D & M Method No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 Roads Jl. Meruyung Raya Jl. Jambore Jl. Raya Sawangan Jl. Cilodong Raya Jl. Arief Rahman Jl. Radar Auri Jl. Nusantara Raya Jl. Teratai Raya Jl. Taman Bunga Jl. Muchtar Raya Damage Value 182 38 70 308 54 292 52 88 38 102 4.2. Digital Image Damage Assessment The value of road damage is based on digital imagery for 10 road segments, only 5 roads with valid data, because there are data that cannot be read for example: the shadow of a legible leaf is damaged, the last night's rain is also legibly damaged. The five roads can be seen in following Table 4.2. Table 4.2. The Value of Road Damage by Digital Image No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Name of Roads Jl. Cilodong Raya Jl. Jambore Jl. Meruyung Raya Jl. Arief Rachman Jl. Raya Sawangan The Value of Digital Image Damage 236,16 42,56 162,24 41,28 66,2 4.3. Validation To find out whether the value of damage based on a digital image is valid, a statistical test will be conducted with Spss. The test used is a different pair of tests. We can see in Table 4.3. that the value of road damage visually and damage value of road based on digital image. Table 4.3. The Value of Road Damage by Visual and Digital Image The Name of Roads The Value of Visual Damage Jl. Cilodong Raya Jl. Jambore Jl. Meruyung Raya Jl. Arief Rachman Jl. Raya Sawangan 308 38 182 54 70 The Value of Digital Image Damage 236,16 42,56 162,24 41,28 53,44 The average damage value visually is 110.4, while the digital damage average value is 107.136. There is a strong correlation between the value of damage visually and the value of damage digitally. The correlation coefficient is 0.876 and significant. It means that there is no difference between the value of damage visually and the value of damage digitally. 1679 Ida Ayu Ari Angreni, Sakti Adji Adisasmita, M. Isran Ramli, Sumarni Hamid 5. CONCLUSIONS The conclusions from the research are: a). Analyzing road damage by the D & M visual method was obtained as follows: for the Arif Rahman road, the damage value was 57; Meruyung Raya road segment is 182; the Jamboree road segment is 38; Cilodong Raya road segment is 308 and for the Sawangan Highway, the damage value is 70. From these 5 road sections based on visual assessment, it can be concluded that this road has minor damage. b). Create a digital image-based road damage assessment algorithm model. By going through the extraction process, classification and looking for the value of road damage. Obtained road damage value for 5 (five) road segments, namely: (1) Arif Rahman road the damage value is 41.28, the road segment.(2) Roaring is 162.24. (3) Jambore road segment is 42.56; roads. (4) Cilodong Raya is 236.16; (5) Sawangan highway section is 53.44. This indicates that the value of damage obtained by using a digital image is smaller in value than visually, although the amount of damage obtained is more, due to the image. This digital can detect the type of damage more sensitive than that visual method. c). By using SPSS, it can be known the validation, how valid is the value of road damage in digital image against the value of damage visually. There is a strong correlation between the value of damage visually with the value of damage digitally. The correlation coefficient is 0.998 and significant. REFERENCES [1] Sakti Adji Adisasmita, 2011. Perencanaan Pembangunan Transportasi. Graha Ilmu Yogyakarta. 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