International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Volume 10, Issue 04, April 2019, pp. 1239-1251, Article ID: IJCIET_10_04_130 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed MODIFICATION OF TEMPERATURE CORRECTION FACTOR IN FWD BASED ON FIELD EXPERIENCE IN INDIAN CONTEXT Kevin Garasia PG Student,Department of Civil Engineering, Parul Institute of Engineering and Technology, Parul University, Vadodara, India Jayesh Juremalani Asst. Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Parul Institute of Engineering and Technology, Parul University, Vadodara, India ABSTRACT Recently flexible pavements are evaluated by Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) instead of Benkelbeam method because of several advantages. Now pavement temperature is one of the most important parameters that influence the Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) measurements. Since there is a huge temperature variation in Vadodara City, Gujarat, India, it is necessary to study the temperature effect on the FWD measurements. In this paper, temperature correction factor is modified based on the field results. Five different sites are selected. The readings are taken at temperature 35° C and 45° C. Some other tests like road condition survey and test pit methods are used to know the thickness of the pavement. The field results are compared with the calculated values of the elastic moduli. Comparisons show that surface and base layer are mostly affected by the temperature variation but the sub grade layer is not much affected. Keywords: Falling weight deflectometer, flexible pavement, temperature correction factor Cite this Article: Kevin Garasia and Jayesh Juremalani, Modification of Temperature Correction Factor in Fwd Based on Field Experience in Indian Context. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 10(04), 2019, pp. 1239-1251 1. INTRODUCTION Country economic growth and development Transportation are playing a lead role. The road transport is the oldest and most widely mode of transport. Country infrastructure pavements are key elements, which is to promote transportation activities, economic activities and to \ 1239 Kevin Garasia and Jayesh Juremalani improve the standard of living. By the maintenance and rehabilitation activities, life of the structure is improved. So, the capacity of the vehicle pass at the pavement is improved, at the low cost. Benkelman Beam Deflection (BBD) is replaced with Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) nowadays. In the FWD the weight is constant at all the point and blows are fix so it is comparatively easy to operate and fewer persons are required. The falling weight deflectometer (FWD) has been broadly used to evaluate the structural capacity of flexible pavement for routine pavement design, rehabilitation strategy selection, and other pavement management activities. By analyzing FWD data, resilient modulus of pavement subgrade, layer coefficients, and some other parameters can be calculated. Generally, FWD measurement is carried out in a wide range of temperature conditions. However, the measured FWD deflection is significantly influenced by various factors such as temperature, pavement thickness, drop load, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to correct the FWD deflection data on the basis of a reference temperature. Then the corrected FWD deflection can be used to estimate pavement layer properties. A number of software such as ELMOD, EVERCALC, BISDEF, NUS-BACK, MICKBACK, MODULUS, PADAL, etc. are available for the backcalculation of pavement layer moduli from deflections measured using FWD. KGPBACK, a specific version of BACKGA program, which was developed for the research scheme R-81 (2003) of the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, is recommended in these guidelines for backcalculation. KGPBACK is a Genetic Algorithm based model for backcalculation of layer moduli. Because of this Genetic Algorithms (GA) have become popular to solve complex problems. 1.1. General Description of FWD During FWD testing a load pulse is achieved by dropping a constant mass with rubber buffers through a particular height into a loading platen. The load is usually transmitted to the pavement via a 150mm diameter loading plate. The loading plate has a rubber mat attached to the contact face and should preferably be segmented to ensure good contact with the road surface. An example of a segmented loading plate is shown in figure 1. A load cell placed between the platen and the loading plate measures the peak load. The resulting vertical deflection of the pavement is recorded by a number of geophones, which are located on a radial axis from the loading plate. One of the deflection sensors is located directly under the load as shown in Figure. A typical FWD test set-up is shown diagrammatically in the Figure 1. Figure: 1 Typical FWD test set-up 1240 Modification of Temperature Correction Factor in Fwd Based on Field Experience in Indian Context 1.2. Segmented FWD load plate Figure 2 shows diagrammatic view of FWD Figure: 2 Diagrammatic Representation of FWD 1.3. Load Pulse As stated earlier the load pulse is achieved by dropping a constant mass into a loading platen via rubber buffers. Differences in manufactures design have resulted in veering pulse shapes for the same peak load. However, most FWD's have a load rise time from start of the pulse to peak of between 5 and 30 milliseconds and have a load pulse width of between 20 and 60 milliseconds. The shape of the load pulse is intended to be similar to that produced by a moving wheel load. Figure 3 shows a typical longitudinal strain profile for a wheel moving at 100 km/h on a rolled asphalt road base. Figure 4 shows a typical deflection profile for an FWD load plate. Figure 3 Typical longitudinal strain profile for a wheel moving (100 km/h) 1241 Kevin Garasia and Jayesh Juremalani Figure 4 Typical deflection profile for an FWD load plate 1.4. Choice of Test Lane, Test Load The location of the FWD test will usually be governed by the information, which is required from the FWD survey. In many cases, the tests will be carried out in the inner wheel track of the slow lane (if applicable). The reason for this choice is that this is often the first location to show distress signs on a road pavement. Tests can also be carried out between the wheel track for Comparison purposes and to ascertain the residual life of the relatively untracked pavement. FWD survey on two-way single carriageway roads can be carried out in one direction or alternatively in both directions using "staggered" locations as shown in the Figure 5. It is generally recommended that at least three loading cycles, excluding a small drop for settling the load plate, should be made at each location as shown in Figure 5. It is generally recommended that at least three loading cycles, excluding a small drop for settling the load plate, should be made at each location. The first drop is usually omitted from calculations. A drop sequence of four drops ranging from 27kN to 50kN approximately allows data analysis to be carried out at either the 40 or 50kN load level as required. Each drop sequence takes approximately one minute or less. Figure 5: two-way single carriageway roads 1.5. PAVEMENT TEMPERATURE In general, FWD measurements can be carried out over a wide range of surface temperatures. The range for testing flexible pavements should be 10 to 30°C and 45°C. Bituminous bound material behaves in a visco-elastic manner under load and therefore stiffness is temperature 1242 Modification of Temperature Correction Factor in Fwd Based on Field Experience in Indian Context dependent. The temperature of the bituminous material must, therefore, be measured at the time of the test and corrected if necessary, to a reference temperature. Ideally, FWD testing should be carried out at a temperature, which is as close as possible to the reference temperature. It is not necessary to carry out temperature measurements on thin bituminous pavements such as surfaced dressed granular roads as the thickness of bituminous material is such that it would not have any significant effect on the overall pavement structure. The temperature of the bituminous material is measured by first drilling a hole in the bituminous layer and inserting a temperature probe into this hole. Holes for temperature measured should be pre-drilled at least ten minutes before recording the temperature in order that the heat generated by drilling has time to dissipate. A drop of glycerol or similar fluid can be used to ensure good thermal contact between the temperature probe and the bituminous material. This procedure takes approximately 15 minutes and should be carried out at least every 4 hours during testing. The stiffness of the bituminous bound layers depends on both the test temperature and the loading time. The loading time will be constant for a given FWD device. However, in order to compare deflection/ layer module, they should be normalized to a standard temperature. This will usually be the design temperature for the country or region. The stiffness moduli of the various layers can be calculated from the measured deflection and the bituminous bound layer stiffness then normalized. There are a number of normalization methods available, some of which are contained within the backcalculation package. An example of three such temperature stiffness relationships is shown as per IRC:115. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW Dar-Hao Chen they conducted falling weight deflectometer (FWD) tests at three sites. The tests were conducted at regular intervals for 2 to 3 consecutivedays per location and also done during different seasons inorder that the widest possible range of temperatures could be obtained.The influence of cracks on temperature correction was also investigated. It was founded that only the W1 and W2 deflections are significantlyaffected by temperature. W3 through W7 deflections remainedalmost constant at various temperatures. The same trend was observedfor all pavements used in this study. Bin Zhang studied about the effect of temperature on the pavement. He conducted a Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) measurement. They covered the different state of New Mexico and for that, they are collecting the data of the different state of the New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT). Based on the data, two specific temperature correction models for FWD deflection were developed. So, they have considered some data as an independent variable like pavement temperature, FWD drop load, AC layer thickness and the depth of layer temperature measurement. The developed model has done some of the errors. 3. STUDY AREA DETAILS. Survey is conducted on 5 roads near to Vadodara city. Road length is 3 to 6 km. so more data is collected. The weather is hot during March to July, when the average maximum is 40° C, and the average minimum is 23° C. Five Sites are as below (1) Sevasi – canal Road (2) Sevasi – Sindhrot Road (3) Ambada Road (4) Canal Road, Channi (5) Vishwamitri road 1243 Kevin Garasia and Jayesh Juremalani 4. DATA COLLECTION 4.1. Preliminary Studies: To starting the deflection studies, it is essential to carry out preliminary studies consisting of the following operations. Historical data of study area location like a map, annual rainfall, temperature and traffic condition data, etc. Visual inspection of road stretches and demarcation of the road into sub-stretches based on pavement surface condition. Marking of deflection observation points along the selected wheel paths. Existing highway pavements structural details by test pit. 4.2. Marking of the Deflection Observation Points The deflection observations points are marked at a transverse distance of 500 m from the starting point because road condition is good. Points are marked at both the outer wheel path of the lane. 4.3. Road Condition Survey Figure: 6 Road condition view The visual inspection is taken at all the sites. Sevasi canal road data is shown in Table 1. It is concluded from the inspection that road condition is good. To know the thickness of road layer, test pit method is used. Table 2 shows the thickness of the road. Table 1: Road condition survey data of Sevasi – canal road Location Condition of Road Spacing(m) for test points 0.250 RHS Good 500 0.750 LHS Good 500 1.250 RHS Good 500 1.750 LHS Good 500 2.250 RHS Good 500 2.750 LHS Good 500 3.250 RHS Good 500 3.750 LHS Good 500 4.250 RHS Good 500 4.750 LHS Good 500 5.250 RHS Good 500 5.750 LHS Good 500 1244 Modification of Temperature Correction Factor in Fwd Based on Field Experience in Indian Context By the using test pit method, GSB (Granular sub base) and BT (Bituminous Thickness) layers thickness were found. Bituminous Layer Granular Layer (Sub Base/ Base Layer) Subgrade Layer 4.3. Crush Thickness Table 2: Road crush thickness of Sevasi – canal road Sr No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Existing Crust Observed Chainage km. At Road Edge 0.250 0.750 1.250 1.750 2.250 2.750 3.250 3.750 4.250 4.750 5.250 5.750 At Road Edge – RHS At Road Edge – LHS At Road Edge – RHS At Road Edge – LHS At Road Edge – RHS At Road Edge – LHS At Road Edge – RHS At Road Edge – LHS At Road Edge – RHS At Road Edge – LHS At Road Edge – RHS At Road Edge – LHS Bituminous Layer Granular Layer Mm Mm 130 120 120 120 120 120 120 150 140 120 130 120 290 380 360 300 390 340 380 270 350 310 310 360 4.4. Falling Weight Deflect meters of data analysis The FWD test data is collected from different load drops at each test point primarily consist of peak load, peak deflections at different radial locations. Average value of load anddeflections are calculated from the three drop test data collected at a given location. The data is conducted at two different temperature one is at 35° C and second is at 45° C. Sevasi – canal road data at 35° C shown in Table 3 and it is modified at 45° C with the formula π= 1−0.238πΌπ π1 1−0.238πΌπ π2 λ = temperature correction factor T1 = temperature at survey conducted T2 = temperature at required condition data shown in Table 4. For same site test is conducted again at 45° C. The data are shown in Table 5. For the other four sites the Elastic Moduli of three-layer surface, base and subbase are presented in Table 6. 1245 Kevin Garasia and Jayesh Juremalani Table:3 - Sevasi – canal road data at 35°C Elastic Moduli [Mpa] Measured deflections (µm) Locatio n 0.2 50 0.7 50 1.2 50 1.7 50 2.2 50 2.7 50 3.2 50 3.7 50 4.2 50 4.7 50 5.2 50 5.7 50 R H S L H S R H S L H S R H S L H S R H S L H S R H S L H S R H S L H S Poi nts Te mp Fo rce 1 34. 4 41. 41 5 34. 4 10 D3 (450 ) D4 (600 ) D5 (900 ) D6 (1200 ) D7 (1500 ) Surf ace Ba Subg se rade 463 239 152 87 32 18 13 293 39 3 86.7 40. 50 354 175 106 63 29 21 21 159 8 39 6 86.6 34. 4 39. 61 388 209 130 77 43 30 24 110 6 39 6 86.6 15 35. 2 40. 64 361 197 89 82 45 30 24 160 8 39 6 86.6 20 35. 2 40. 72 528 266 169 116 66 49 34 215 32 0 86.7 25 35. 2 40. 11 378 230 152 103 58 48 33 111 7 39 6 86.7 30 35. 2 41. 90 383 220 147 103 61 45 32 105 2 39 6 86.7 35 36. 9 39. 40 720 474 325 218 111 69 52 745 73 71.4 40 36. 9 41. 22 268 185 130 89 48 31 26 160 7 39 6 86.7 45 36. 9 39. 55 459 261 170 115 62 45 34 439 33 8 86.7 50 36. 9 40. 58 309 188 130 97 62 45 32 160 8 39 6 86.7 55 36. 4 41. 15 278 179 127 91 51 35 26 160 8 39 6 86.7 D1 (0) D2 (300 ) 1246 Modification of Temperature Correction Factor in Fwd Based on Field Experience in Indian Context Table:4 - Elastic Moduli Converted at 45° C (Calculated) Elastic Moduli [Mpa] at 45 Surface Base Subgrade 479 643 142 2615 648 142 1810 648 142 2631 648 142 352 524 142 1828 648 142 1721 648 142 1219 119 117 2629 648 142 718 553 142 2631 648 142 2631 648 142 Table:5 - Sevasi – canal road data at 45°C (Actual) Point Tem Forc Location s p e D1 D2 (0) (300) 0.25 RH 41.4 1 43.6 467 240 0 S 1 0.75 LH 40.5 5 43.6 360 177 0 S 0 1.25 RH 39.6 10 43.6 390 213 0 S 1 1.75 LH 40.6 15 44.2 360 204 0 S 4 2.25 RH 40.7 20 44.2 530 270 0 S 2 2.75 LH 40.1 25 44.2 382 229 0 S 1 3.25 RH 41.9 30 44.9 386 216 0 S 0 3.75 LH 39.4 35 44.9 723 478 0 S 0 4.25 RH 41.2 40 44.9 265 188 0 S 2 4.75 LH 39.5 45 44.9 468 262 0 S 5 5.25 RH 40.5 50 45.2 312 190 0 S 8 5.75 LH 41.1 55 45.2 281 181 0 S 5 Measured deflections (µm) Elastic Moduli [Mpa] D7 Surfac Bas Subgrad (1500) e e e D3 (450) D4 (600) D5 (900) D6 (1200) 155 88 35 19 14 484 649 143 108 65 30 22 22 2641 654 143 134 79 42 31 24 1828 654 143 91 85 48 31 24 2657 654 143 172 119 67 52 35 355 529 143 155 108 60 50 34 1846 654 143 151 108 65 48 35 1738 654 143 327 221 119 71 54 1231 121 118 132 92 50 34 30 2656 654 143 172 119 65 48 36 725 559 143 135 102 63 48 34 2657 654 143 130 101 54 39 27 2657 654 143 1247 Kevin Garasia and Jayesh Juremalani Table:6 - OTHER FOUR SITE ELASTIC MODULI [MPA]DATA SURFACE ACTUAL BASE ACTUAL SUBGRADE ACTUAL SITE 2 SITE 3 SITE 4 SITE 5 SITE 2 SITE 3 SITE 4 SITE 5 SITE 2 SITE 3 SITE 4 SITE 5 371 1608 631 219 205 396 323 396 86.7 86.7 86.7 86.7 215 264 403 729 300 396 227 396 86.7 86.7 86.7 86.7 232 1608 526 332 324 396 169 370 86.7 86.7 86.7 86.7 247 379 482 372 396 73 120 246 86.4 86.7 86.7 86.7 244 499 920 433 361 394 75 338 86.7 86.7 86.7 86.7 217 517 624 1276 346 395 165 396 86.7 86.7 86.7 86.7 214 1161 214 454 251 396 396 396 86.7 86.7 86.7 86.7 406 216 481 140 218 381 86.7 86.7 86.7 463 214 324 302 86.7 86.7 489 214 73 331 86.6 86.7 335 247 232 396 86.6 86.7 1608 261 396 189 86.7 86.6 1584 557 396 396 86.7 86.7 1522 253 396 166 86.7 86.7 319 388 86.7 5. ANALYSIS OF CALCULATED AND ACTUAL DATA TAKEN AT 45° C Sevasi – Sindhrot Road No. of reading 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Elastic Moduli [ Mpa] Actual Elastic Moduli at 45°C Calculated Elastic Moduli at 45°C Chart 1: Comparison between Calculated and actual Elastic Moduli at Sevasi – Sindhrot Road 1248 Modification of Temperature Correction Factor in Fwd Based on Field Experience in Indian Context Ambada Road No. of reading 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Elastic Moduli [ Mpa] Actual Elastic Moduli at 45°C Calculated Elastic Moduli at 45°C Chart 2: Comparison between Calculated and actual Elastic Moduli at Amboda Road Canal Road, Channi 15 No. of reading 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Elastic Moduli [ Mpa] Actual Elastic Moduli at 45°C Calculated Elastic Moduli at 45°C Chart 3: Comparison between Calculated and actual Elastic Moduli at Canal Road, Channi 1249 Kevin Garasia and Jayesh Juremalani Vishwamitri Road 8 No. of reading 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Elastic Moduli [ Mpa] Actual Elastic Moduli at 45°C Calculated Elastic Moduli at 45°C Chart 4: Comparison between Calculated and actual Elastic Moduli at Vishwamitri Road Chart 1, 2, 3 & 4 show the comparison between Calculated Elastic Moduli at 45°C and Actual Elastic Moduli at 45°C. X axis shows elastic moduli of actual and calculated data and y axis shows number of readings taken. As per charts we shown that actual elastic moduli are high compare to the calculated elastic moduli. 6. CONCLUSION From the present study, it can be seen that elastic moduli vary with the temperature. The data is collected are at two different temperature that is 35° C and 45° C respectively for which elastic moduli is calculated and compared in the study. From the study it is found that elastic moduli are more for surface and base layer; no significant change is seen on the subgrade layer. Five different sites were evaluated at both the temperature and depending on its temperature correction factor is modified. FWD can be used very easily and more reliable values are obtained rather than using other methods. 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