International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Volume 10, Issue 04, April 2019, pp. 609–616, Article ID: IJCIET_10_04_063 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF ANTICORROSIVE REBAR COATING OVER MILDSTEEL ROD USING PLASTIC WASTES J. Jeyanthi Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi-626005, Tamilnadu, India ABSTRACT The objective of this project is to discover a solution for controlling the corrosion in steel bars. Among all waste plastics PET bottles, poly-ethene bags are playing the major role in pollution. Thus an attempt has been made to reduce corrosion in rebar by using waste plastics. In this project used Polyethylene terephthalate [PET] bottles have been chosen among all plastics, experimental investigation was carried out with mild steel rods of 6 mm diameter and average length of 50mm coated with PET. Corrosion tests were conducted on the treated specimens at 700 ºC. Pore resistance (Rp), Resistance of the MS sample(Rct), corrosion current (Icorr ) were found to find the corrosion rate. From weight loss method, it was concluded that the treated samples can be effectively used against corrosion in concrete which is basic in nature (pH: 11- 12.5) and also for off shore works. The SEM image of treated MS sample shows the coating thickness varies from 1.19 micron – 3.37 micron.From EIS experiment, it was found that optimum temperature to induce a corrosion resistant property to the rebar is 700 ºC and optimum weight ratio of rebar and PET is 1:1. Key words: Corrosion, Mild steel, PET bottles, EIS. Cite this Article: J. Jeyanthi, Experimental Investigation of Anticorrosive Rebar Coating Over Mildsteel Rod Using Plastic Wastes, University of Jordan, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 10(4), 2019, pp. 609–616. 1. INTRODUCTION In critical corrosion conditions, the durability of the structure can only be guaranteed by providing additional protection to the steel reinforcement. Behzadnasa et al found that addition of the spherical ZrO2 nano clay particles improves the corrosion performance of steel and improves the barrier properties and ohmic resistance [1].Chavan et al analyzed the corrosion effect of cold sprayed zinc coatings over steel rods at a temperature of 150 °C, found better improvement in properties of steel [2].Esfahani et al found that sprayed aluminum coatings can sustain steel structures against corrosion in aqueous solutions [3].Ohtsuka and Toshiaki experimentally found that steel coated with polimer was inactive for about 200 h in 3.5% sodium chloride solution without formation of corrosion 609 J. Jeyanthi products[4].Poursaee and Amir experimentally found that reduction in passivation of steel bars is caused by either chloride ions or carbonation exposure induces the active corrosion of steel bars[5].Shi et al investigated the corrosion behavior of steel beams and found that plate thickness is an important factor influencing the corrosion behavior over geometry[6].Tang et al investigated the corrosion behavior of enamel coated steel bars, found that pure and double enamel coatings can considerably recover corrosion resistance in salt environment[7].Umoren et al investigated the corrosion behavior of mild steel under methanol extract acid medium and found that extract was found to be better inhibitor, reduces the corrosion of mild steel [8].Ye, Chen-Qing et al proved that EIS measurement of corrosion behavior for reinforcement steel in simulated carbonated concrete pore (SCCP) solution was best with the LPR and SEM measurements [9].Zavareh et al investigated the ceramic oxide coated steel structures and found improved in corrosion resistance by noticeable improvement [10].Thus investigation of corrosion in mild steel is important for environmental protection. 1.1. Corrosion Preventive Methods By retarding either the anodic or cathodic reactions the rate of corrosion can be reduced. This can be achieved in several ways: A. Conditioning the Metal (a) Coating the metal: 1. Another metal, e.g. zinc or tin coatings on steel, 2. A protective coating derived from the metal itself, e.g. aluminium oxide on “anodised” aluminium, 3. organic coatings, such as resins, plastics, paints, enamel, oils and greases. (b) Alloying the metal to produce a more corrosion resistant alloy, e.g. stainless steel. B. Conditioning the Corrosive Environment (a) Corrosion Inhibitors Corrosion inhibitor is a Chemical additive, which when added to a corrosive aqueous environment reduces the rate of metal wastage. It can function in one of the following ways: 1. Anodic inhibitors. 2. Cathodic inhibitors. 3. Adsorption type corrosion inhibitors. 4. Mixed inhibitors- combination of anodic and cathodic inhibitors. 1.2. PET Polyethylene terephthalate commonly abbreviated PET. PET is a thermoplastic polymer resin of the polyester family and is used in synthetic fibers, beverage, food and other liquid containers. Depending on its processing and thermal history, polyethylene terephthalate may exist both as an amorphous (transparent) and as a semi-crystalline polymer. The semi crystalline material might appear transparent (particle size < 500 nm) or opaque and white (particle size up to a few microns) depending upon its crystal structure and particle size. Its monomer (bis-β-hydroxy-terephthalate) can be synthesized by the esterification reaction between terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol with water as a by-product, or by transesterification reaction between ethylene glycol and di-methyl terephthalate with methanol as a by-product. Polymerization is through a poly-condensation reaction of the monomers (done immediately after esterification/trans-esterification) with water as the by-product. 610 Experimental Investigation of Anticorrosive Rebar Coating Over Mildsteel Rod Using Plastic Wastes PET consists of polymerized units of the monomer ethylene terephthalate, with repeating C10H8O4 units. 2. SAMPLE PREPARATION PROCEDURE The sample preparation was carried out using an alumina crucible which can withstand upto 1750ºC.The 6 mm diameter Mild Steel bar is cut into 50mm length to fit inside the crucible. The MS bar was initially washed with soap solution and cleaned with distilled water and then it was allowed to dry in sunlight for 60 minutes. Waste PET bottles were collected and it was cut into small pieces. Similar to MS bar, small pieces of PET also washed and dried. The experiment was done with various ratios like 1:1 and 1:0.5 of MS bar and PET respectively in terms of weight. Hence MS bar and PET are weighed before the experiment. Then the small PET pieces were wrapped around the 50mm length MS bar and placed inside the crucible and closed with a lid. Table 1 Sample preparation details Sample Details Length of MS rod Diameter of MS rod Surface are of MS rod Unit mm mm mm2 Weight before testing grams Plastic used Temperature Ratio [Steel : plastic] Duration Residue[ash] grams ᵒC -minutes grams Weight after testing grams Sample1 50 6 99.943 12.40 12.06 11.57 36.03 600 1:1 30 2.88 12.41 12.07 11.58 Sample2 50 6 99.943 11.46 11.47 12.07 35.00 400 1:1 30 3.5 11.48 11.49 12.09 Sample3 50 6 99.943 11.79 11.38 12.10 35.27 700 1:1 30 2.82 11.80 11.39 12.11 Sample4 50 6 99.943 10.82 11.56 12.18 17.38 700 1:0.5 30 1.39 10.83 11.57 12.19 Sample5 50 6 99.943 13.17 12.64 11.95 18.88 600 1:0.5 30 1.51 13.18 12.65 11.96 The total arrangement was then kept inside the induction furnace. To determine the optimum temperature, the experiment was carried out over five samples as shown in table. 1 at various temperatures like 700ºC, 600ºC and 400ºC. The total setup was maintained at respective temperatures in the furnace for duration of 30 minutes. Then the setup was allowed to cool at room temperature. After that the treated sample was again weighed to observe the weight difference. Numerous samples have been prepared with the particular ratio and temperature. Finally the tests like weight loss, EIS were conducted on the sample and the results were tabulated. 3. EXPERIMENTAL METHODS 3.1. Weight Loss Method For weight loss method six mild steel (MS) rod sample coated with PET of diameter 6mm and length 50mm were taken. Out of six sample three sample were treated at 700ᵒC with the ratio 1:1 (MS : PET) and remaining three sample were untreated. All samples are washed thoroughly with soap solution and distilled water and dried in sunlight for 30minutes. Initially all the MS samples are weighed. Two set of 200 ml Acidic medium of 0.1N HCL, Base 611 J. Jeyanthi medium of 0.1N NaOH and Salt solution of 0.1N Nacl were prepared and their pH values were also noted. Both treated and untreated MS samples were immersed in corresponding mediums for 24 hours. Then both the samples were washed with soap solution, distilled water and was sun dried. Weight of each sample after immersion is weighed and pH of the medium were measured after immersion. Summary of weight loss method is shown in Table 2. Corresponding percentage of weight loss are calculated by using the formulae: %Weight loss = Where, W1 = Weight before immersion, W2 = Weight after immersion. Corresponding corrosion rate per year are calculated by using the formula: Corrosion rate per year (mm/yr) = 87.6 Where, W = difference in weight in mg D = density of steel (7.75 g/cm3) a = area of steel (9.9943cm2) T = duration (24hours) Table 2 Summary of weight loss method Normality Medium 0.1N HCl 0.1N HCl 0.1N NaOH 0.1N NaOH Acid Acid pH value (before test) 1.23 1.28 Base 12.01 11.44 12.127 12.03 11.53 7.54 7.52 Sample @ 700ºC Nature of sample 1 2 Untreated Treated 3 Untreated 4 Treated 5 Untreated 0.1N NaCl 6 Treated 0.1N NaCl Base Salt solution Salt solution pH value (after test) 1.19 1.24 Weight before test W1 [g] 11.689 12.144 Weight after test W2 [g] 11.396 11.81 Figure 1 % weight loss Corrosion rate mm\yr 2.5 2.7 13.624 15.530 12.099 0.2 1.302 12.411 12.396 0.12 0.697 7.43 11.765 11.758 0.06 0.325 7.28 12.724 12.719 0.03 0.232 Figure 2 612 Experimental Investigation of Anticorrosive Rebar Coating Over Mildsteel Rod Using Plastic Wastes Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3 shows the result of weight loss test in acid, basic and in NaCl medium respectively. The dissociation rate of untreated MS sample lower than treated sample in acid medium but the results are vice versa in other two mediums which can be concludes that the treated samples can be effectively used against corrosion in concrete which is basic in nature (pH : 11- 12.5) and also for off shore works. Figure 4 shows that results of pH before and after immersion. Irrespective of mediums for both treated and untreated samples, pH values get reduced after immersion due to acid based reactions. 3.2. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Three-electrode setup: Working Electrode Reference Electrode Counter Electrode Electrolyte - MS Sample Glass Electrode Platinum Electrode 3.5% NaCl Solution Table 3 Results of EIS experiment System Temp (ºC) Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 Sample 5 600 400 700 400 600 Where Icorr Rs Rct CDL - Ratio Steel : PET 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:0.5 1:0.5 Corrosion rate Icorr (mA/cm2) mm/yr mpy 0.18008 11.574 0.0813 13.52 0.37942 2.095 134.1 0.9472 153.2 4.395 0.053 3.406 0.0241 3.891 0.112 Rs (ohm scm2) 19.45 6.858 53.65 8.256 42.37 RCT (Ohm scm2) 144.3 2.255 319.2 3.113 68.8 corrosion current. resistance of the medium. resistance of the MS sample. capacitance of double layer. 613 mm/yr J. Jeyanthi Series1 sample1 2.0950 sample3 0.9472 sample5 4.3950 mA/cm2 Figure 5 Corrosion Rate Series1 sample1 0.1801 sample3 0.0813 sample5 0.3794 Figure 6 Corrosion Current [ ICorr] Figure 7 RS vs RCT According to EIS if a sample has to be a corrosion resistant, the value of Rct should be higher than that of Rs. Thus from Table 3, it is clearly observed that sample 2 and sample 4 gets corroded more in the NaCl medium as their Rct< Rs. Whereas all other samples have their Rct> Rs thereby getting a corrosion resistant property. 614 Experimental Investigation of Anticorrosive Rebar Coating Over Mildsteel Rod Using Plastic Wastes Among samples 1, 3 and 5, sample 3 is more corrosion resistant as its corrosion rate comparatively lower which is clearly shown in Figure 5. Similarly the value of corrosion current is also lesser for sample 3 which is clearly shown in Figure 6. As a result of the EIS experiment as shown in table 3, it is concluded that optimum temperature to induce a corrosion resistant property to the rebar is 700°C and optimum weight ratio of rebar and PET is 1:1. 3.3. SEM ANALYSIS The scanning electron microscope gives the morphological structure by an image. It takes the image of a sample by scanning it with a high energy beam of electrons in a raster scan pattern. Here the morphology of the treated surfaces are analyzed using HITACHI SUI510 scanning electron microscope operating at 10KV. Figure 8 SEM image of coated mildsteel rod. The above figure 5 shows the SEM image of treated MS sample in cross section, it shows the coating thickness of PET over MS rod varies from 1.19 micron – 3.37 micron. 4.CONCLUSIONS From weight loss method, it was concluded that the treated samples can be effectively used against corrosion in concrete which is basic in nature (pH: 11- 12.5) and also for off shore works. 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