International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Volume 10, Issue 04, April 2019, pp. 410-418, Article ID: IJCIET_10_04_044 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed A STUDY OF BITUMINOUS MIXES WITH NATURAL FIBRE (SISAL FIBRE) BY EXPERIMENT. Amit Kundal M.Tech. Transportation Engineering, Chandigarh University, Mohali-140413, Punjab, India. Dr. Amit Goel Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Chandigarh University, Mohali 140413, Punjab, India ABSTRACT The main aim of this study was to determine the benefits of use of naturally available fibre called SISAL fibre used as additive in Bituminous concrete. Bituminous Mixture in which all component were mixed, placed and compacted at High temperature is called as hot mix asphalt. HMA grade is referred as Dense Grade mixture (DGM). Asphaltic concrete is also called Bituminous Concrete (BC). Pavements are vulnerable to cracks, potholes, distresses and permanent deformation. In this study, SISAL fibre had been used in bituminous mixes to study the benefits of use of natural fibre and environmentally sustainable design. Standard Marshall Mix design test and Drain Down test were performed. The process of mixing and preparation of aggregate, gradation had been taken as per specification of (IS-MORTH). The various percentages of binder varied to (4%-6%) and additive fibre varied to (0%-0.8%) of total aggregates and Stone dust as a filler. Using Marshall Procedure, the optimum value of bitumen content was found to be (5%). Similarly, Fibre content for Bituminous Concrete (BC) was found to be (0.4%). Bituminous Concrete (BC) mix samples were made to find out their OBC and OFC, then performed with tests like Marshall Stability and Drain down test to assess the result of addition of fibre in bituminous mix. The test results show that the modification of bitumen with sisal fibre used as additive in the bituminous mixture help in increasing its stability, durability and decreasing air void and flow value. In the end it is found that using fibre as an additive enhance the properties like Stability, Strength, and endurance and reduce the Drain down of Bituminous Concrete (BC). Keywords: Bituminous concrete, SISAL fibre, Marshall Properties, Dense Graded Mixes, Drain Down. Cite this Article: Amit Kundal and Dr. Amit Goel, a Study of Bituminous Mixes with Natural Fibre (Sisal Fibre) by Experiment. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 10(04), 2019, pp. 410-418 410 Amit Kundal and Dr. Amit Goel 1. INTRODUCTION For the Development of country, development of transportation plays important role. As, flexible pavement is commonly used in India and due to more benefits over rigid pavement. Flexible pavement requires a detailed engineering design which minimize its cost and give good dependable performances of in-service highway. Fiber has become a focus of research for scientists and researchers. SISAL fibre is naturally and locally available fibre in India which has been economically beneficial as well as shows its good characteristic. SISAL fibre is obtained from leaf skin after removing the pulp. SISAL fibre neither attract dust particles nor absorb water and moisture0[1].The use of SISAL fibre gives better strength, durability and prevent from drain down of the mix [2][2].The size of SISAL fibre used in the sample preparation was taken to be length 6mm to 18mm with diameter 0.2mm to 0. 6mm. The aggregate gradation was taken according to the of IS: 107-2386 Grade1 and as per specification of Ministry of road transportation and highway (MORTH, 2013) [3]. The calculation of the optimum value of bitumen and optimum fibre content are found with the help of Marshall Test. To determine the values of Marshall test parameters were stability, flow value and voids in mineral aggregates VMA, voids filled with bitumen (VFB) and air content (VA) [4] . The drain down determines the part of mixture which separates itself from the sample and flow down [5]. A researcher attempts to attain these essential and fulfill by preparing number of samples on the bituminous mix with varied proportions and test them to find out the optimum from it. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS For the Study and preparing of bituminous mixes aggregates were used. Aggregates were comprising of stone dust, coarse and fine aggregates. The aggregate gradation was taken according to the IS: 107-2386 Grade1 and as per specification of Ministry of road transportation and highway (MORTH, 2013) [3](Table 1). The physical properties of aggregates as per Indian standards were tested Moisture Content, Impact Value, Flakiness Index, Elongation Index (Table 2). The specific gravities of coarse aggregates and Fine aggregates were found to be 2.6 and 2.55 respectively. The specific gravity of stone dust which was used as filler was found out to be 2.42. Table 1. Gradation of aggregate as per MORTH specifications Sieve size Passing % % Quantity of aggregate 26.5 mm 100 19 mm 90-100 9 13.2 mm 59-79 12 9.5 mm 52-72 15 4.75 mm 35-55 10 2.36 mm 28-44 10 1.18 mm 20-34 11 600 µm 15-27 9 300 µm 10-20 10 150 µm 5-13 5 75 µm 2-8 4 Filler 5 5 411 A Study of Bituminous Mixes with Natural Fibre (Sisal Fibre) by Experiment. A B C D Figure 1. Materials used in the study (A) aggregates as Per specific quantity, (B) SISAL fibre (C)Coated with Emulsion (D) Small cut pieces SISAL fibre. Table 2. Properties of aggregates (Physical) PROPERTY Moisture content (%) Aggregate Impact value (%) Flakiness Index (%) Elongation Index (%) Combined Elongation and Flakiness Test (%) [6] TEST RESULT 0.20 MORTH specifications Max 2% TEST METHOD IS:2386 Part-III 19.22 Max 24% IS:2386 Part-IV 12.64 15.81 Max 30% Max 30% IS:2386 Part-I IS:2386 Part-I 28.45 Max 35% IS:2386 Part-I 2.1. Bitumen and Sisal fibre Viscosity grade VG-30 bitumen was used for preparation of mix and samples. The bitumen’s physical properties are shown in Table 3. The length of SISAL fibre (Additive) was (750-900) mm and Fibre diameter from (0.2mm to 0.6 mm). The emulsion SS-1 coated the SISAL fibre and was stored in a hot air furnace at 110 °C for 24 hours. SISAL fiber has been produced in a length of 6 - 18 mm to be cut into small fiber sections. 412 Amit Kundal and Dr. Amit Goel Table 3. Physical Properties of bitumen (VG-30)3 Property Requirement as per IR IS 73: 2013 Test result Penetration at 25°C 0.1mm,100gm, 5sec 50-70 60 cm 40 38 cm 47 45°C 0.97-1.02 1.052 Ductility at 25°C, (cm) Softening Point (R&B) (°C) Specific gravity 2.2. Methodology Bituminous Mix design sample were prepared after fixing the proportion of aggregates and varying binder content (4%-6%). The optimum bitumen content was found. Marshal Mix design was used to determine the stability, Flow value and Air Voids. Various percentages of fibre content (0% - 0.8%) and fibre length(6mm-18mm) were taken. 1200 g of aggregate with 5% filler as a (stone dust) by weight of aggregate to determine the optimum fibre content 7. Adequate binder quantity of bitumen to check a strong pavement and good working to allow easy layer settlement without segregation or separating. The solidarity to oppose shear buckling under traffic at higher temperature. Researcher experience had shown that SISAL fibre perform better than other fibre and polymer in case of reduction of the drain down of mix 5. 2.3. Preparation of Mix The Marshall test procedure describe in ASTM D1559 and MoRTH specification followed for this experimentation. The Bituminous Concrete comprises of fine, coarse aggregates and Stone dust were mixed as per adopted gradation. Bitumen is heated at temperature of 150°C. The mix was heated up to 180°C in an Air oven for continuous 2 hours so that it can mix well with heated binder8. The process was performed according to (IRC-MORTH). SS-1 emulsion coated the fibre and kept for 24 hours in an air- hot furnace at 110°LC. After this, the emulsion coated Sisal fibre was slit into small pieces by length and weight and added directly to the mixture. The total aggregate was kept up at a temperature of 20° LC higher than the temperature of the bitumen. Required amount of bitumen needed was add on aggregate and fibre heating mixture. The mix preparation was performed manually with hands until the color and constancy of the mixture to show constant and homogenous. The mixing time maintained 2 to 5 minutes. The prepared mix was poured in to pre-heated Moulds and the samples were compact by 75 blows on both sides. For Room temperature cooling, the samples had been kept overnight. Then, a standard testing procedure was use extract and test samples with a temperature of 60°C 413 A Study of Bituminous Mixes with Natural Fibre (Sisal Fibre) by Experiment. Figure 2. Mixing of SISAL fibre in Aggregate. In this Experimental study the preparation of samples takes place in following steps: I. According to the aim of study the first step was to determine the content for optimal bitumen (OBC) of the bituminous mix with the help of Marshall stability Test, this was achieved by preparing the marshal sample at different bitumen percentages (4% to 6%). II. The Marshall Stability parameters and volumetric parameters were used to determine that 5% bitumen content was found to be an Optimum value. III. At this stage keeping the bitumen content constant (5%), SISAL fibre varying from (0% to 0.8%) and different Fibre length up to (4mm-16mm) will help in determining the Optimum Fibre content which was (0.4%). IV. At the end samples of with sisal fibre 0.4% and without fibre and 5% bitumen content of bituminous mix tested with drain down test. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 3.1. Marshall Stability Test The standard method is Marshall Stability test which is widely and commonly used for pavement works Bituminous concrete or bituminous mix is commonly design by Marshall test Procedure. In this present study Marshall properties stability, flow value, air voids, Vma and Vfb were investigated to obtain the optimal binder contents (OBC) and optimal fibre contents (OFC) and Marshall Quotient set as per according to (IS-MORTH) [10]. The Marshall properties of bituminous mix with addition of sisal fibre are present in Fig 3. The Marshall properties of modified bituminous mix with addition of sisal fibre are present in Fig 3. In this present Experimental study modified bituminous concrete with addition of sisal fibre was evaluated by Marshall mix design procedure. Binder content varied from (4% to6%). Optimal binder content was found to be 5%. In this graphical representation Fibre content varying percentage were (0.2%,0.4%,0.6% and 0.8%) and Fibre length varying from length (6mm,10mm,14mmand 18mm). Stability graphs show increase in stability till adding up to fiber length 10mm and Fibre content 0.4 but when adding more than 0.4% fibre content stability start decreases. It is also observed that with increase in fibre content and fibre length up to a given level, Air void and flow value decreases Thus the consistency of bitumen changes and becomes harder and adding up to o.4% fibre shows good characteristic and strength. Void in Mineral Aggregates with addition of fibre content up to 0.4% shows good result further, addition it starts gradually 414 Amit Kundal and Dr. Amit Goel STABILITY 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 FLOW VALUE STABILITY increases and decreases. Void Filled with Bitumen till addition of 0.4% shows stable and good binding character. FLOW VALUE 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0.20% 0.20% 0.40% 0.60% 0.80% FIBRE CONTENT OBC-5% FIBRE LENGTH 6mm FIBRE LENGTH 10mm FIBRE LENGTH 14mm 0.40% 0.60% 0.80% FIBRE CONTENT OBC-5% FIBRE LENGTH 6mm FIBRE LENGTH 10mm FIBRE LENGTH 14mm Figure A Figure B Figure C Figure D Figure E Figure 3. The Marshall Properties with varying Fibre length and Fibre content at OBC-5% (A) Stability (B) flow value. (C) Air voids. (D) Variation in voids in mineral aggregate. (E) Variation in VFB. 415 A Study of Bituminous Mixes with Natural Fibre (Sisal Fibre) by Experiment. 3.2. Drain down Test Drain Down test in which part of mix separate from sample of bituminous mix and flows downward and drain down. The test process and determine the amount of Drain Down in an uncompacted bituminous concrete5. In this Present study bituminous concrete was obtained at Optimum bitumen content and Optimum fibre content. Drain down test of samples with fibre and without fibre were determined through drain down method as follow. As per AASHTO T305 conditions that the mixture as it is producing, stored, transported, and placed. The Test needs an evaluation of the drain down capability of a bituminous mixture with fibre and without fibre during mixture design. It is observed that drain down of value of Bituminous concrete with fibre decreases as compare to without fibre which means it reduces and prevent drain down of bituminous concrete Table 5. Drain Down values of mix Without Fibre (OBC-5%) With fibre (OBC-5% OFC-0.4%) 0.02 0.2 0.034 0.2 Figure 4. 4. CONCLUSION In this Experimental study, Sisal fibre was used as additive in Bituminous Concrete. Two tests were performed to evaluate its characteristic Marshall Tests and drain down test. Marshall Test was performed on the bituminous samples to found out the optimum Fibre content. Drain Down test helps to determine and evaluating the prevention of drain down of bituminous mix. It was observed that after adding Sisal fibre to 0.4% and fibre length 10mm and bitumen content-5% the stability of the mix increases, but when adding more than 0.4% fibre content stability start decreases. It was identified that with increase in fibre content and fibre length up to a certain level, Air void and flow value decreases Thus the consistency of asphalt changes and becomes harder. Use of emulsion coated fibre increases resistance to moisture induced damages. Drain down of binder decreases which show good characteristics of bitumen. 416 Amit Kundal and Dr. Amit Goel ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author thanks Er. Shaurya Sharma of Civil Engineering Department, Chandigarh University for sharing his skills and knowledge. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] P Teja Abhilash. A Study on bituminous mix with sisal fibre. International Journal of Civil engineering and Concrete Structures (Int. J. Civil Engg. Conc.Structs). October 2016, ISSN 2455-7714 Vol. 1, No. 3. Garnepudi Sandeep. 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