Uploaded by Dasun Gunasekera

3205 s18 in 02

Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge Ordinary Level
Paper 2 Translation and Reading Comprehension
May/June 2018
1 hour 30 minutes
This Insert contains the reading passage for use with the Question Paper.
You may annotate this Insert and use the blank spaces for planning.
This Insert is not assessed by the Examiner.
This document consists of 2 printed pages.
KI 142944/2
© UCLES 2018
[Turn over
Read the following passage carefully and then answer, briefly and in Sinhala, Questions 3–11 on the
Question Paper.
Y%S ,xldfõ fndfyda .ïno ñksiqkag /lshd ke;. iuyr jeäysáhka /lshd n,dfmdfrd;a;=
fkdjkafka Tjqkag l=Uqre f.dú;ek, fyaka f.dú;ek fyda i;aj md,kh jeks Ôjk
ud¾. ;sfnk fyhsks. ,xldfõ msgsir .ul cSj;a jk oSmd,a fufia lshhs( zfufya fndfyda
usksiaiq fï jsoshg cSj;a fj;s. ta;a lsishï wOHdmkhla ,enQ ;reK msrsig ´kE k.rhlg
f.dia /lshdjla lsrSughs.Z
fndfyda .ïj, mdi,a we;;a tajd k.rfha mdi,aj,g jvd fjkiah. oSmd,a fufia o
lshhs( z.ïno mdi,aj, jsoHd.dr jeks kQ;k myiq lï ke;. iuyr .usj, mdi,aj,
iEfyk ;rus mka;s ldur ke;s ksid t<suyfka .ia hg o b.ekajSu lrkq ,efí. mfya
YsIH;aj jsNd.h iu;ajk YsIHhska iq,q msrsilg muKla k.rfha fyd| mdi,aj,g we;=¿
jSug wjia:dj ,efí.Z
fndfyda .ïj, mkai,a o ;sfí. oSmd,a fufia lshhs( zmkai, .fï cSjs;hg b;du;a
wjYHhs. uf.a .fï ñksiqka mkai,g /iajkafka wd.usl lghq;=j,g iyNd.s jSug
muKla fkdfõ. tys meje;afjk kegqï yd ck kdgH ne,Sug o Tõyq tys h;s. iuyr
oskj, .fï Ys,amSkaf.a .dhkd o tys meje;afõ. oeka uf.a .ug úoq,sh o ;sfnk fyhska
uf.a fndfyda wi,a jeishka rEmjdyskS yd .=jka jsoq,s hka;% ñ, oS f.k we;. oeka wmg
oskm;d cd;sl mqj;aj,g ijka osh yelsh. Bg;a jvd wm oeka ndysr f,dalh yd iïnkaO
hehs isf;a.Z
kd.rsl ixialD;sh blauKska me;srhdu;a iu. iuyr .eñhka mrs.Kl yd f;dr;=re
;dCIKsl fuj,ïo us, oS .kakg mgkaf.k we;. fï fjkia lï oSmd,a fufia jsia;r
lrhs( zmdi,a jsIh ud,djg f;dr;=re ;dCIKh y\qkajd oS ;sfnk fyhska fndfyda .ïno
mdi,aj, tu jsIhhka o W.kajkq ,efí. m%jdyk myiq lï blauKska jevs jS hdu;a iu.
.u yd k.rh w;r fmr mej;s mr;rh o oeka wvq jS hñka ;sfí. oeka .fï fndfyda
ksfjiaj, lsishï wdldrhl jdykhla o olakg we;. miq.sh oYl fol ;=< kd.rsl
ixialD;sh me;srSu;a iu. .fï wdydr, we|qï yd isrs;aúrs;a fjkia fjñka mj;S. iuyr
.eñhka msiaiqfjka fuka kd.rsl ixialD;sh fj; wefok w;r .fï wdydr yd we|qï
wdosh je<| .ekSu fj; weoS hk m%jK;djla k.rj, o mj;S. ta ksid k.rj, yd m%Odk
mdrj,a fomi z.fï lfâZ zfmd,a w;= n;a lfvsZ zweUq,Z jeks kdu mqjre olakg we;. fï
isoqjk fjkialï mqoqu iy.;h.Z
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