International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET)
Volume 10, Issue 04, April 2019, pp. 801–807, Article ID: IJMET_10_04_079
Available online at http://www.iaeme.com/ijmet/issues.asp?JType=IJMET&VType=10&IType=4
ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359
© IAEME Publication
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Muhamad Dody Firmansyah, Saddam, Sariful Bachtiar, Sfenrianto Sfenrianto,
Emil Robert Kaburuan
Information Systems Management Department,
BINUS Graduate Program – Master of Information System Managements
Jakarta, Indonesia 11480
Along with the development of business based on web which is currently have used
information Technology. The efficiency of the business in need is one reason why
many small businesses that implement information technology. It plays a central role
that is essential for the development of small business in theof era the times today, so
the small business should have the ability quickly to adapt to changes that occur. The
purpose of this study was to create a media sale clear and easily accessible by the
consumer as well as easy to be managed by the smal business (CV. Tanaka Service).
To that end, it was the design of information systems do web-based sales. This study
will describe the activities and the products produced at each stage of the web design
for CV. Tenaka Service. The design of this information system is limited only to the
extent of information systems sales and the sales transaction database. At the final
stage of the design, be the implementation of the web-based information system that is
Key words: web, business online, sale information system, information system
Cite this Article: Muhamad Dody Firmansyah, Saddam, Sariful Bachtiar, Sfenrianto
Sfenrianto, Emil Robert Kaburuan, Sales Information System using Web for Small
Business (Case Study: CV. Tanaka Service), International Journal of Mechanical
Engineering and Technology 10(4), 2019, pp. 801–807.
At this time information technology is experiencing a very rapid development of both
technology, communication and information along with the growing business needs.
Technology plays a major role that is very important for business. Therefore, who can not
keep up with technological developments, it can be assured that it will be backward.
The development of technology in theera small business considered to be very influential
with the application of information technology in carrying out the business activities of a
company [1]. The application of information technology like web is currently very much
Sales Information System using Web for Small Business (Case Study: CV. Tanaka Service)
needed especially in a company, both large and small-scale companies [2]. The web needed
for business transactions anytime and anywhere. It is useful in order to to increase strategic
sales to the wider community and are required to be able to compete with other companies in
terms of information services to customers.
CV Tanaka Service is a small busines in Batam area engaged in the distributor for the sale
of energy saving lamps or better known aslights LED. The sales information system at CV
Tanaka Service is currently still usingmedia facilities Facebook social as a means and
infrastructure for sales, so the scope of the sales sector to all customers is still less reachable,
because only customers who join theaccount of Facebook CV Tanaka Service Batam can
access and knowing about information on products sold, this is because CV Tanaka Service
does not yet have a sales information system. So sales are still using marketing through
distribution of brochures, catalogs, e-mail and posting on youraccount facebook CV Tanaka
Service, then the sale is still minimal and process sales transactions inthe input still manually
using a storage system that is in the record and recorded in the logbook of sales transactions
each the day without storing softcopy on a computer or backing up data in adatabase
computer, this causes documentation to still use manual recording, often when problems
occur in searching for sales transactions it takes a very long time to find the data, so frequent
errors in searching transaction information data sales.
Based on the description of the background and identification of the problems that have
been proposed, the problems to be studied in this study is design a web-based sales
information system at CV Tanaka Service. Thus, the company can use and apply sales
information systems-based web.
Business needs adjustments to keep up with technological changes. The importance of
technology for business can affect the quality of service to customers [3]. In order to create a
perfect quality of service for small businesses, a website needs to be supported [4].
Some studies also state that web factors also support various business activities of small
companies [5] [6]. Some studies also state that web factors also support various business
activities of small companies [7]. The web can make it easier to introduce small business
products that were previously done conventionally [8]. In addition, the web also increases
sales transactions from small companies [9].
The web is a system of accessing information on the internet uses a protocol called HTTP
(HyperText Transfer Protocol) that runs on TCP / IP [10]. By using HyperText, users can
jump from a document to a document other easily, simply clicking on thetext specialwhich
was initially marked with an underscore. The use of HyperText on the web has also been
further developed into HyperMedia. By using theapproachHyperMedia, not only text can be
linked, but also pictures, sounds and even videos.
The research object studied by the author was at CV Tanaka Service Batam as small company
which is located at Jln. KH Ahmad Dahlan Kp. New Tg. Riau Sekupang Batam. The author
uses the research object of CV Tanaka Service Batam because in its marketing it still uses
conventional namelymedia Facebook social as marketing, therefore the author proposed a
sales information system based on web.
In designing a new information system, it must first be known how the system is running
in the process of designing a-based sales information system web at CV Tanaka Service
Batam. In the current system, the sales process still uses conventional means that the sales
Muhamad Dody Firmansyah, Saddam, Sariful Bachtiar, Sfenrianto Sfenrianto, Emil Robert Kaburuan
transaction is still input manually and not computerized so that sales transactions are only
recorded in the manual logbook.
To explain how the sales information system process on CV Tanaka Service Batam, figure
1 is done by describing how the flow of information on the sales system is running are as
follows: research such as studying documentation. Library search, namely research conducted
by exploring relevant libraries and related to the research topic under study.
Figure 1 The ystem analysis of CV. Tanaka Service
There are problems that are faced, based on analyzing the information system processes
that are running on the sales information system process at CV Tanaka Service Batam, we can
find several weaknesses as follows:
On the CV Tanaka sales system Service Batam still usesmedia Facebook social as a sales
medium, so that it can only be accessed by members of theaccount facebook CV Tanaka
Service Batam, and its information is unknown through the public.
The recording of sales transactions still uses the recording of manuals in thelog book
transactionso that there is no storage in the form of soft copy or backup ofdata transactionso
that if there is a search for sales data it takes a long time to search.
The absence of a documentary so that the data information that is sought is still a frequent
mistake and there is a need for data backup.
Proposed Problem Solving
From the above problems, the authors propose several alternatives to solve the above
problems, namely:
Propose implementing a sales information system at CV Tanaka Service Batam by-based web,
so that the general public can know and access CV Tanaka sales information system Service
Batam' seasily.
Sales Information System using Web for Small Business (Case Study: CV. Tanaka Service)
Create a database of sales transaction storage on the TanakaCV Service Batam, so as to make
it easier admin users forto view sales transactions easily and not difficult to find.
Make a program design to replace the old system with a-based sales information system
After looking at the data flow in the old system flow, and making proposals to improve the
old system flow with the new system flow, researchers try to build a new system flow based
on computerization that is making system design-based sales information web on CV Tanaka
Service Batam so that customers can easily access the product sales information system and
information provided about products that are sold can be accepted by customers and create a
database of sales transactions on sales information systems so that accounting and finance can
easily search transaction code easily and the absence of more data in each sales transaction
code in the sales information system based on the proposal.
In developing or designing a new system for managing-based sales information systems
web at CV Tanaka Service Batam, changes are made to the information system flow that will
be designed, while the changes made according to the proposal on the new system analysis
are as follows:
Figure 2. Flowchart for New Information System Proposed
Figure 3. is the web system for CV Tanaka Service Batam, that proposed in the study.
Muhamad Dody Firmansyah, Saddam, Sariful Bachtiar, Sfenrianto Sfenrianto, Emil Robert Kaburuan
Figure 3 User interface for New Information System based web Proposed
The study also explains the comparison between the old system and the new system for
information system at the Tanaka CV Service Batam (see table 1).
Table 1. The comparison between the old system and the new system
New System
Not require computer devices as a data
storage media
At CV Tanaka Service Batam Sales information
system at CV Tanaka Service Batam on
currently still usingmedia facilities Facebook
social as a means and infrastructure of sales,
then the scope of the sales sector to all
customers is still less reachable
Requires a long time in searching for files sales
transaction needed
Old System
Web-based sales information system can
be accessed easily and able to handle
purchase transactions on time
Requires large implementation costs for
designing web-based sales information
Requires data storage that is large enough
to load all transactions needed for each
Advantages of the system are built in terms of efficiency, including (1) it can reduce
operational costs used for the cost of making brochures, advertisements and other
advertising services; (2) Admin can process any sales information system anywhere; and (3) it
can easily access sales transactions without data collection and data backup in sales
transactions according to date, month and year.
Then, system superiority is built in terms of effectiveness, including the following:
In the sales system process customers can easily access and reach the system web-based
sales information on CV Tanaka Service Batam.
Facilitate the recording process of sales transactions at CV Tanaka Servce Batam.
For advantages of the system are built in terms of efficiency, including the following:
Can reduce operational costs used for the cost of making brochures, advertisements and
other advertising services.
Admin can process any sales information system anywhere.
Sales Information System using Web for Small Business (Case Study: CV. Tanaka Service)
Can easily access sales transactions without data collection and data backup in sales
transactions according to date, month and year.
Then, for system superiority is built in terms of effectiveness, including the following:
In the sales system process customers can easily access and reach the system web-based
sales information on CV Tanaka Service Batam.
Facilitate the recording process of sales transactions at CV Tanaka Servce Batam.
After developing based on the explanations of the previous chapters, the conclusions that can
be taken are:
information system Web-based sales for marketing on sales at CV Tanaka Service
The sales transaction process at CV Tanaka Service Batam already has a database and there
are no more duplicate sales transaction number data.
The sales report documentation is well organized and makes it easier for accounting and
finance to look for sales transaction numbers that are on a web-based sales information system
at CV Tanaka Service Batam.
By designing a-based sales information system web at CV Tanaka Service Batam makes it
easier for customers to access information on sales goods.
Then, the suggestions submitted here are as follows:
The-based sales information system web at CV Tanaka Service Batam is designed only for
transactions via bank transfers, it's good to add features through payment using credit cards
It needs system development and the addition of sales and transaction features that exist in
the-based sales information system web at CV Tanaka Service Batam.
The-based sales information system web on CV Tanaka Service Batam can still be developed
into a special application for customers that is used to access the sales information system
available at CV Tanaka Service Batam, which can later be downloaded by all existing
customers throughout Indonesia.
The-based sales information system web needs to add features such as the service trading
feature tracking goods shipping.
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