International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET)
Volume 10, Issue 04, April 2019, pp. 768–776, Article ID: IJMET_10_04_076
Available online at http://www.iaeme.com/ijmet/issues.asp?JType=IJMET&VType=10&IType=4
ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359
© IAEME Publication
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Sai Sasidhar.K
PG Scholar, Godavari Institute of Engineering and Technology (A), Rajahmundry,
East Godavari, India
Bala Krishna.M
Senior Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering), Godavari Institute of
Engineering and Technology (A), Rajahmundry, East Godavari, India
Day by day vehicle population in the world is increasing and usage of fossil fuel is
also increasing. The countries like INDIA are depending on other countries for the
petroleum-based fuel and it will affect the development of the country also. The India
has lot of resources to produce Liquid alternate fuels like Ethanol, Methanol, and BioDiesel etc. The viscosity of the Bio diesel is high compared to diesel fuel. So, due to
high viscosity the atomization of fuel is less causes poor combustion, high in
emissions. To overcome these problems Nano metal oxides are utilizing as a fuel
additive in fuels for increasing the combustion as well as to reduce the emissions. The
metal oxides like zinc oxid0e (ZnO), Cerium Oxide (CeO2), Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3)
will donate the oxygen molecule in lattice structure during combustion process causes
proper combustion. The present work is to check the performance, parameters of a
CALOPHYLLUM INOPHYLLUM bio diesel and its blends (CIB10, CIB20, CIB30 and
CIB100), results are compared with the diesel fuel. The aluminum oxide is added to
the best blend at a proportion of 25 ppm,50 ppm and 75 ppm and the performance and
emissions parameters are investigated.
Key words: Aluminum Oxide Nano Particles, Bio Diesel, CALOPHYLLUM
INOPHYLLUM, Emission, Performance
Cite this Article: Sai Sasidhar.K and Bala Krishna.M, Experimental Evaluation for
the Performance of VCR Diesel Engine by Using Calophyllum Inophyllum Bio Diesel
with Nano Additives of Aluminium Oxide, International Journal of Mechanical
Engineering and Technology 10(4), 2019, pp. 768–776.
Sai Sasidhar.K and Bala Krishna.M
Worldwide Fuel consumption and Emissions are the major challenges in Energy and
Environmental Fields. The solution to overcome the problems (Fuel Consumption, Emissions)
is neat and cleaner fuels and more efficient in combustion.
Due to availability of the fossil fuel the usage is high when compared to other fuels like
petrol, kerosene and L.P.G etc... But by the usage of diesel as a fuel it will produce more
emission, high fuel consumption than other fuels due to lower calorific value compared to
petrol. Based on the requirements researchers are more and more concentrated on the
Alternate to the Traditional fuels. One of the common Alternate fuel to the Diesel fuel is BioDiesel. In worldwide plenty of resources are available to produce bio-diesel, the researchers
from U.S.A is concentrated on soybean, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia on palm oil,
Philippines on coconut oil, Europe on Sunflower and India on Pongamia and jatropha
recourses.The bio-diesel is produced from the vegetable oils (edible and non-edible) is the
alternate fuel to the Petroleum Based Diesel Fuel (PBDF) due to following reasons. It can be
produced from vegetable oils, oxygenated, non-flammable, less emissions and reduce global
warming etc.,
Preparation of bio diesel involves i.e., Collection of seeds from the sources and converting
into raw oil, Transesterification, Separation of glycerin, Washing and Heating.
In the present project the Calophylum Inophylum bio diesel is prepared by
Transesterification process using NaOH as a Catalyst in the presence of Methanol alcohol.
The yield of bio diesel is about 50 to 60%.The produced bio diesel is now blended with fossilbased diesel fuel. The blends in the ratio of 10%, 20% and 30%. The blend 10 means 10% of
bio diesel and 90% fossil-based diesel fuel and named as CIB 10 respectively.
3.1. Performance analysis of CR16
Figure 1 Performance graphs at compression ratio 16
Experimental Evaluation for the Performance of VCR Diesel Engine by Using Calophyllum
Inophyllum Bio Diesel with Nano Additives of Aluminium Oxide
From the graph with increasing load, break power increases for CIB10, CIB20, CIB30,
CIB100 and diesel with small variations. the break power obtained for bio diesel are more
compared to diesel at full load condition CIB30 produce maximum break power compared to
all bio diesel and diesel. Break thermal efficiency increases with increase in load for all bio
diesel and diesel. At full load condition CIB20 given maximum break thermal efficiency
compared to all bio diesels and it is lower than diesel by 6.43%. Break specific fuel
consumption decreases with increase in load because with increase in load break power
increases this results in decrease in BSFC.at full load condition diesel gives lowest BSFC
compared to all remaining bio diesel. Coming to bio diesel CIB10 & CIB20 have the lowest
Mechanical efficiency termed as it is the ratio of break power and indicated power. From
the fig 6.4 mechanical efficiency increases with increase in load because as load increases
break power increases.at full load condition diesel gives the maximum efficiency than other
bio diesels. CIB 10 archives maximum efficiency than other bio diesels
3.2. Performance analysis of CR17
Figure 2 Performance graphs at compression ratio 17
Break power increases with increase in load.as compression ratio increases from 16 to 17
break power also increases.at half load condition CIB10 achieves the maximum break power
compared to diesel. Break thermal efficiency increases with increase in load.at full load
condition, break thermal efficiency increases, but at a decreasing rate, with increasing
compression ratio.at part load nearly insignificant improvements in break thermal efficiency
and it decreases with increase in compression ratio.CIB20 achieves better thermal efficiency
nearer to diesel at full load conditions. From the above graphs the break specific fuel
consumption is slightly varies from the 25% of load. At the full load condition, the specific
fuel consumption is higher for bio diesel then the diesel.
Sai Sasidhar.K and Bala Krishna.M
The above graph shows the relation between load vs mechanical efficiency. The CIB20
gives the better result of 4.5% of mechanical efficiency at no load condition. At full load
condition the CIB0 produces the maximum value of 64.94%. CIB100 produces the maximum
mechanical efficiency of 60.14%. which is nearer to the CIB10 value at full load condition.
3.3. Performance Analysis of CR18
Figure 3 Performance graphs at compression ratio 18
From the graphs at compression ratio 18, the blend B20 gives the maximum value of 0.15
among the all blends at No load condition. The break power values of all blends are obtained
similarly at half load condition with smaller deviation(CIB10,CIB20,CIB30 and B100 of
1.81,1.82,1.8 and 1.8 respectively)The break power at full load condition the blends B10,B30
gives the better results among the all blends which is 3.47kW.The diesel has lesser BP value
then the blends CIB10,CIB30. From the graphs the blend CIB20 has higher break thermal
efficiency of 2.95% at No load condition. Compression ratio 18 at 50% load the CIB100 has
higher break thermal efficiency of 21.15%. At full load condition CIB10 has higher break
thermal efficiency of 26.61%. The diesel has the value of 25.97%. From the results at
compression ratio18 the bio diesel blends have higher break thermal efficiency values over
diesel values. The graphs show the break specific fuel consumption at compression
ratio18.The BSFC value of CIB30 is 8.05 kg/kwh, which is higher than the all blends. At full
load condition the BSFC value of CIB10 is 0.33 kg/kWh. The blends CIB20,CIB30 are
having maximum BSFC of 0.34kg/kWh.
From the graph compression ratio18 at No load condition CIB20 give better results of
5.62%. At half load condition the diesel mode has higher mechanical efficiency of 45.28%. At
full load condition the blend CIB100 gives the maximum efficiency of 59.51%. Compression
ratio 18 the mechanical efficiency of blend CIB100 has maximum value
Experimental Evaluation for the Performance of VCR Diesel Engine by Using Calophyllum
Inophyllum Bio Diesel with Nano Additives of Aluminium Oxide
3.4. Emission Analysis
Emissions from the different fuels vary because of the different elements present in the fuel
composition. In this study we observe the rate of the emissions from using different blends of
the biodiesel.
Emissions for CR16
Figure 4 Emission graphs at compression ratio 16
At full load pure Bio Diesel (CIB100) is producing highest HC of 93 ppm. At full load
fossil-based diesel fuel producing lowest HC of 6 ppm by increasing the Diesel content in the
blend HC is decreasing.
From the graph results the CIB10 has lesser co emissions at no load condition. At
compression ratio16 the blend CIB10 gives the lowest co emission value of 0.077%. From the
graph all the points meet at nearer values at full load condition. The blend CIB30 gives the
lowest CO value of 0.148%.
At No load condition the blend CIB30 gives the lesser emission value compare to other
blends. The blend CIB10 value is 543PPM at full load condition. Among the all blends the
blend CIB30 has lesser value of 979ppm.
Emission Graphs for CR17
Sai Sasidhar.K and Bala Krishna.M
Figure 5 Emission graphs at compression ratio 17
The graphs show the representation of load value vs. HC value at compression ratio 17. At
half load condition the blend CIB100 has the lower value of HC is 27ppm.The diesel mode
has HC value of 6 ppm at full load condition. The bio diesel blend CIB100 has 53ppm of HC
at full load condition.
The above graph shows the at No load condition compression ratio17 the CIB100 value is
0.048%. The blend CIB10 give lesser CO value of 0.14%, at No load condition. At full load
condition the blend CIB10 has the lowest value of 0.159%. among the all bio diesel blends
From the graph values the blend CIB100 gives the lowest value of NOx. At full load
condition the blend CIB20 has highest NOx value of 1269ppm.The CIB100 has the lowest
NOx value among the blends of 1080ppm.From the graph results the blend CIB100 has lower
NOx values at compression ratio of 17.
Emission Graphs for CR18
Figure 6 Emission graphs at compression ratio 18
Experimental Evaluation for the Performance of VCR Diesel Engine by Using Calophyllum
Inophyllum Bio Diesel with Nano Additives of Aluminium Oxide
The graph obtained for LOAD vs. HC at compression ratio 18. The obtained results are,
the diesel mode has lesser HC value among the all blends. At full load condition the blend
CIB100 give lower HC value of 23ppm.
The graph results show that no load condition the blend CIB10, CO value is 0.048%. The
CIB30 gives the lowest CO value of 0.084% at no load condition. At full load condition the
blend CIB100 gives the lower CO emission value of 0.103%. The Diesel mode condition has
0.077% of CO emission value.
From the above graph the at No load condition the blend CIB10 give lesser NOx value of
15ppm.At 50% load condition the diesel mode give 135ppm of NOx. the blend CIB10 give
lesser value of NOx is 378ppm. At full load condition the blend CIB10 give lowest value of
1196ppm of NOx value. The diesel mode gives the 543ppm.
Figure 7 Performance graphs after addition of nano aditives at CIB10 and CR18
From the Load vs BP break power increases with increase in load conditions. With
addition of Nano particles break power increases compared to without Nano particles. With
increase in Nano particles composition break power increases. At75ppm achieves maximum
break power compared to other compositions. From the graph Load vs BSFC, BSFC
decreases with increase in load conditions. With addition of Nano particles, BSFC decreases
compared to without Nano particles. with increase in Nano particles composition break power
decreases.25ppm achieves minimum BSFC compared to other compositions.
In the load vs Bthe graph, break thermal efficiency increases with increase in load
conditions. With addition of Nano particles break thermal efficiency increases compared to
without Nano particles. with increase in Nano particles composition break thermal efficiency
first increases then decreases.
In the load vs ME graph, mechanical efficiency increases with increase in load conditions.
With addition of Nano particles mechanical efficiency increases compared to without Nano
particles. with increase in Nano particles composition mechanical efficiency increases. At 75
Sai Sasidhar.K and Bala Krishna.M
ppm composition Nano particle achieves maximum mechanical efficiency compared to
another Nano particle compositions i.e.,50 ppm and 25ppm.
The execution and outflow attributes of the DI diesel engine with diesel-mixed biodiesel with
the expansion of Al2O3. The accompanying conclusions were drawn the test comes about.
According to Brake thermal efficiency perspective by the expansion of Nanoparticles to
Calophylum inaphylum biodiesel mix (CIB10) CIB10+75Al2O3 demonstrates that most
astounding BTE due to better shower qualities, higher calorific value and disintegrated in
esters of CIB10 mixes in the ignition chamber.
By the expansion of Alumina Nano added substances to CIB10+25Al2O3 demonstrates that
most minimal BSFC contrasted. This is for the most part because of the upgraded surface area
to volume proportion by the reactant impact amid the ignition inside the engine cylinder.
CIB10+75Al2O3 gives a higher heat discharge rate contrasted and other test fuel mixes. This is
expected to by the expansion of alumina Nano particles finish ignition happens. And
furthermore, another reason is expanding heat discharge rate because of the higher calorific
estimation of Nano particles mixed biodiesel.
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