International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Volume 10, Issue 04, April 2019, pp. 443-454. Article ID: IJMET_10_04_043 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed AN INTUITIONISTIC FUZZY MAGNIFIED TRANSLATION OF KM IDEALS ON KALGEBRA S. Kailasavalli Assistant Professors, PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul-624622, Tamilnadu, India. C.Yamini Assistant Professors, PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul-624622, Tamilnadu, India. M.Meenakshi Assistant Professors, PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul-624622, Tamilnadu, India. VE.Jayanthi Professor and Head, Department of Bio medical Engineering, PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul-624622, Tamilnadu, India. ABSTRACT Fuzziness is found in engineering, medicine, manufacturing and other areas in our daily life. Recently, Fuzziness is applied to find the solution of human decision, reasoning and learning. The concept of intuitionistic fuzzification of subalgebra and KM ideals of the K-algebra are considered for testing the satisfaction of the properties. In addition to Intuitionistic fuzzy magnified translations to intuitionistic fuzzy KM ideals in K-algebra also introduced and their several related properties are tested and proofs are presented in this work. Keywords: K-algebra, fuzzy KM ideals, intuitionistic fuzzy KM ideal, intuitionistic fuzzy magnified translation of KM ideals. Cite this Article S. Kailasavalli, C.Yamini, M.Meenakshi and VE.Jayanthi, an Intuitionistic Fuzzy Magnified Translation of Km Ideals on K-Algebra, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 10(4), 2019, pp. 443-454. 443 S. Kailasavalli, C.Yamini, M.Meenakshi and VE.Jayanthi 1. INTRODUCTION The fuzzy set theory domain is a wide range and its information is incomplete or inaccurate such as bioinformatics. Initially, the notion of the fuzzy sets and its functions are introduced by Zadeh[1]. Extension properties of BCK-Algebras are described and it is implicative [2].Intuitionistic fuzzy set (IFS) is a powerful tool to deal with imprecision. Assigning each element as a membership degree in IFS is the extension of Zadeh’s fuzzy set and it is successfully applied and tested by Atanassov[3]. IFS are applied in various fields in artificial intelligence system of intuitionistic fuzzy for expert systems; neural networks decision making, machine leaming and semantic representations. The concepts of fuzzy magnified translation on groups are introduced [4]. Intuitionistic fuzzy magnified translation notion and its various properties are discussed [5],[6], [7] and [8].The K-Algebras and BCI Algebras are introduced and the concepts are clearly discussed [9]. Fuzzy ideals of K Algebras are introduced and their properties are verified [10] and [11] and the extension of Fuzzy KM an ideal on K-algebras is also introduced and checked [12]. In this paper, Intuitionistic fuzzy and Intuitionistic fuzzy magnified translations basic concepts are presented in section 2. Intuitionistic fuzzy is defined in KM ideal and some theorems are verified in section 3 and its morphism properties proof are in section 4. The following section 5 consists of Intuitionistic fuzzy magnified translations in KM ideal are defined and their morphism properties are discussed in section 6. 2. PRELIMINARIES Basic concepts of fuzzy K-algebra and its KM ideal are defined and discussed in this section for obtaining the results of intuitionistic fuzzy and intuitionistic fuzzy magnified translations under homomorphism and epimorphism properties. Definition 2.1: Let (G, ·, e) be a group with the identity e such that x2 ≠ e for some x(≠ e) ∈ G. A K-algebra built on G (briefly, K-algebra) is a structure K = (G, ., β¨, e) where “ ” is a binary operation on G which is induced from the operation “·”, that satisfies the following: (k1) (∀a, x, y ∈ G) ((a x) (a y) = (a (y-1 x-1))β¨a), (k2) (∀a, x ∈ G) (a (a (k3) (∀a ∈ G) (a a = e), (k4) (∀a ∈ G) (a e = a), (k5) (∀a ∈ G) (e a = a-1). x) = (a x-1) a), If G is abelian, then conditions (k1) and (k2) are replaced by: (k1’) (∀a, x, y ∈ G) ((a x) (a y) = y x), (k2’) (∀a, x ∈ G) (a (a x) = x), respectively. A nonempty subset H of a K-algebra K is called a subalgebra of K if it satisfies: • (∀a, b ∈ H) (a b ∈ H). Note that every subalgebra of a K-algebra K contains the identity e of the group (G, ·). Definition 2.2: A fuzzy set η in a k-algebra k is called a fuzzy ideal of k if it satisfies: (i) (∀x∈ πΊ)(η(e)≥ η(x)) (ii) (∀x, π¦ ∈ πΊ) (η(y)≥min{η(y β¨x), η((xβ¨(x β¨ y))}) 444 An Intuitionistic Fuzzy Magnified Translation of Km Ideals on K-Algebra Definition 2.3: An intuitionistic fuzzy set A = {<x, ηπ΄ (x), ϑπ΄ (x)>: x∈ π } is called an intuitionistic fuzzy subalgebra X if it satisfies i. ηπ΄ (x*y)≥ min{ηπ΄ (x),ηπ΄ (y)} and ii. ϑπ΄ (x*y) ≤ max{ϑπ΄ (x),ϑπ΄ (y)} for all x,y∈ X. Definition 2.4: An intuitionistic fuzzy set A = {<x, ηπ΄ (x), ϑπ΄ (x)>/x∈ π} in X is called an intuitionistic fuzzy ideal of X if it satisfies I. ηπ΄ (0) ≥ ηπ΄ (x), ϑπ΄ (0) ≤ ϑπ΄ (x) II. ηπ΄ (x) ≥ min{ηπ΄ (x*y), ηπ΄ (y)} III. ϑπ΄ (x) ≤ max{ϑπ΄ (x*y),ϑπ΄ (y)} for all x,y∈ X. 3. INTUITIONISTIC FUZZY KM-IDEAL: Intuitionistic Fuzzy is the Extensions of fuzzy is defined and its subdivion of KM ideals are described below. Definition 3.1: Let (X,β,0) be a K-algebra, if the following conditions are satisfied, for all x,y,zπX I. η(0) ≥ η(x). II. π(π¦ β π§) ≥min{ π(π₯ β π¦), π(π§ β π₯) } III. then, a fuzzy subset ηin x is called a fuzzy KM-Ideal of X Definition 3.2: An intuitionistic fuzzy set A = {<x, ηπ΄ (x), ϑπ΄ (x)>/x∈ π} in K-algebra X is called an intuitionistic fuzzy KM-ideal of A if I. ηπ΄ (0) ≥ ηπ΄ (x) and ϑπ΄ (0) ≥ ϑπ΄ (x) II. ηπ΄ (yβ¨ z) ≥ min{ηπ΄ (xβ¨ y), ηπ΄ (zβ¨ x)} III. ϑπ΄ (yβ¨ z) ≤ max {ϑπ΄ (xβ¨ y), ϑπ΄ (zβ¨ x)} Theorem 3.3: Let A be a nonempty subset and intuitionistic fuzzy KM ideals of a k-algebra. Then so is A = (x, ηπ΄ , Μ Μ Μ ) ηπ΄ and A = (x, ϑπ΄ , Μ Μ Μ ππ΄ ) Proof: We know that,ηπ΄ (0) ≥ ηπ΄ (x). This implies that 1- Μ Μ Μ ηπ΄ (0) ≥ 1- Μ Μ Μ ηπ΄ (x) ηπ΄ (0) ≤ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ ηπ΄ (x) for every a∈ π΄. Let us consider ∀ a, b, c ∈ π. Then ηπ΄ (yβ¨ z) ≥ min{ηπ΄ (xβ¨ y), ηπ΄ (zβ¨ x)} βΉ 1- Μ Μ Μ ηπ΄ (yβ¨ z) ≥ min {1- Μ Μ Μ ηπ΄ (xβ¨ y), 1- Μ Μ Μ ηπ΄ (zβ¨ x)} βΉη Μ Μ Μ (yβ¨ z) ≤ 1- {η Μ Μ Μ (xβ¨ y), Μ Μ Μ ηπ΄ (zβ¨ x)} π΄ π΄ βΉη Μ Μ Μ (yβ¨ z) ≤ max {η Μ Μ Μ (xβ¨ y), Μ Μ Μ ηπ΄ (zβ¨ x)} π΄ π΄ Hence A = (x, ηπ΄ , Μ Μ Μ ) ηπ΄ is an intuitionistic fuzzy KM ideal of X. 445 S. Kailasavalli, C.Yamini, M.Meenakshi and VE.Jayanthi To prove the second part, Let A be an intuitionistic fuzzy KM ideal of a K-algebra X. Nowϑπ΄ (0) ≤ ϑπ΄ (x) βΉ 1- Μ Μ Μ ϑπ΄ (0) ≤ 1- Μ Μ Μ ϑπ΄ (x) Μ Μ Μ βΉϑΜ Μ Μ π΄ (0) ≥ ϑπ΄ (x) ∀x∈ X. Now consider ∀ a, b, c ∈ A. Then we have ϑπ΄ (yβ¨ z) ≤ max {ϑπ΄ (xβ¨ y), ϑπ΄ (zβ¨ x)} βΉ 1- Μ Μ Μ ϑπ΄ (yβ¨ z) ≤ max { 1- Μ Μ Μ ϑπ΄ (xβ¨ y), 1- Μ Μ Μ ϑπ΄ (zβ¨ x)} Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ βΉϑΜ Μ Μ π΄ (yβ¨ z) ≥ 1- max { ϑπ΄ (xβ¨ y), ϑπ΄ (zβ¨ x)} Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ βΉϑΜ Μ Μ π΄ (yβ¨ z) ≥ min {ϑπ΄ (xβ¨ y), ϑπ΄ (zβ¨ x)} Hence A = (x, ϑπ΄ , Μ Μ Μ ϑπ΄ ) is an intuitionistic fuzzy KM ideal of X. Definition 3.4 An ideal A of a KM ideal is said to be closed if 0*x ∈ X, ∀ x ∈ X. Theorem3.5: Let A be a nonempty set and an intuitionistic fuzzy closed KM-ideal of a K-algebra A. Then A = (x, ηπ΄ , Μ Μ Μ ) ηπ΄ and A = (x, ϑπ΄ , Μ Μ Μ ϑπ΄ ) is also a closed intuitionisticfuzzy closed KM-ideal. Proof: First we prove A = (x, ηπ΄ , Μ Μ Μ ) ηπ΄ is a intuitionistic closed fuzzy KM-ideal . For all x ∈ X we have ηπ΄ (0*x) ≤ ηπ΄ (x)βΉ 1- Μ Μ Μ (0*x) ηπ΄ ≤ 1-η Μ Μ Μ (x)βΉη Μ Μ Μ (0*x) ≥ Μ Μ Μ (x) ηπ΄ π΄ π΄ Therefore A = (x, ηπ΄ , Μ Μ Μ ) ηπ΄ is a intuitionistic closed KM-ideal of A. To prove the second part, let x ∈ X, then we have Μ Μ Μ ϑπ΄ (0*x) ≥ ϑπ΄ (x) βΉ 1- Μ Μ Μ ϑπ΄ (0*x) ≥ 1- Μ Μ Μ ϑπ΄ (x) βΉϑΜ Μ Μ ∀ a, b, c ∈A. π΄ (0*x) ≤ ϑπ΄ (x) Μ Μ Μ Hence A = (x, ϑπ΄ , ϑπ΄ ) is an intuitionistic fuzzy closed KM-ideal of A. Lemma 3.6: Let A= (ηπ΄ , ϑπ΄ ) be an intuitionistic fuzzy KM ideal of X. If y ≤ x in X, then ηπ΄ (y) ≥ ηπ΄ (x), ϑπ΄ (y) ≤ ϑπ΄ (x) that is ηπ΄ is order-reserving and ϑπ΄ is order-preserving. PROOF Let x, y ∈ X be such that y ≤ x. Then yβ¨ x = 0 and so ηπ΄ (y) = ηπ΄ (0β¨ y) ≥ min (ηπ΄ (xβ¨ 0), ηπ΄ (yβ¨ x)) ≥ min (ηπ΄ (x), ηπ΄ (0)) = ηπ΄ (x) Hence ηπ΄ (y) ≥ ηπ΄ (x) Similarly ϑπ΄ (y) = ϑπ΄ (0β¨ y) ≤ max (ϑπ΄ (xβ¨ 0), ϑπ΄ (yβ¨ x)) 446 An Intuitionistic Fuzzy Magnified Translation of Km Ideals on K-Algebra ≤ max (ϑπ΄ (x), ϑπ΄ (0))= ϑπ΄ (x) Hence ϑπ΄ (y) ≤ ϑπ΄ (x) Lemma 3.7: Let an intuitionistic fuzzy set A= (ηπ΄ , ϑπ΄ ) in X be an intuitionistic fuzzy ideal of X. If the inequality (xβ¨ y) ≤ z holds in X, then ηπ΄ (yβ¨ z) ≥ min{ηπ΄ (xβ¨ y), ηπ΄ (zβ¨ x)} ϑπ΄ (yβ¨ z) ≤ max {ϑπ΄ (xβ¨ y), ϑπ΄ (zβ¨ x)} Proof: Let x, y, z ∈ X be such that xβ¨ y ≤ z. Then (xβ¨ y) β¨ z = 0 and thus ηπ΄ (yβ¨ z) ≥ min{ηπ΄ (xβ¨ y), ηπ΄ (zβ¨ x)} ≥ min {min { ηπ΄ ((xβ¨ y) β¨ z), ηπ΄ (zβ¨ x)}, ηπ΄ (xβ¨ y)} = min {min {ηπ΄ (0), ηπ΄ (zβ¨ x), ηπ΄ (xβ¨ y)} = min {ηπ΄ (xβ¨ y), ηπ΄ (zβ¨ x)} ϑπ΄ (yβ¨ z) ≤ max {ϑπ΄ (xβ¨ y), ϑπ΄ (zβ¨ x)} ≤ max {max{ϑπ΄ ((xβ¨ y) β¨ z), ϑπ΄ (zβ¨ x), ϑπ΄ (xβ¨ y)} = max {max{ϑπ΄ (0), ϑπ΄ (zβ¨ x)}, ϑπ΄ (xβ¨ y)} = max {ϑπ΄ (zβ¨ x), ϑπ΄ (xβ¨ y)} = max {ϑπ΄ (xβ¨ y), ϑπ΄ (zβ¨ x)} Hence the proof. Theorem 3.8: An intuitionistic fuzzy set A= (ηπ΄ , ϑπ΄ ) is an intuitionistic fuzzy KM ideal of X if and only if the fuzzy set ηπ΄ and Μ Μ Μ ϑπ΄ are fuzzy KM ideal of X. Proof: Let A= (ηπ΄ , ϑπ΄ ) be an intuitionistic fuzzy ideal of X. Clearly, ηπ΄ is a fuzzy KM ideal of X. For every x, y, z ∈X we have Μ Μ Μ ϑπ΄ (0) = 1- ϑπ΄ (0) ≥ 1- ϑπ΄ (x) = Μ Μ Μ ϑπ΄ (x). Μ Μ Μ ϑπ΄ (yβ¨ z) = 1- ϑπ΄ (x) ≥ 1- max{ϑπ΄ (xβ¨ y),ϑπ΄ (zβ¨ x) } = min {1- ϑπ΄ (xβ¨ y), 1-ϑπ΄ (zβ¨ x)} = min { Μ Μ Μ ϑπ΄ (xβ¨ y), Μ Μ Μ ϑπ΄ (zβ¨ x)} Hence Μ Μ Μ ϑπ΄ is a fuzzy KM ideal of X. Conversely, assume that ηπ΄ and Μ Μ Μ ϑπ΄ are fuzzy KM ideal of X. For every x, y, z ∈X we get η (0) ≥ η (x), 1- ϑπ΄ (0) = Μ Μ Μ ϑπ΄ (0) ≥ Μ Μ Μ ϑπ΄ (x) = 1- ϑπ΄ (x) π΄ π΄ That is, ϑπ΄ (0) ≤ ϑπ΄ (x), ηπ΄ (yβ¨ z) ≥ min{ηπ΄ (xβ¨ y), ηπ΄ (zβ¨ x)} 447 S. Kailasavalli, C.Yamini, M.Meenakshi and VE.Jayanthi Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ 1 − ϑπ΄ (yβ¨ z) = ϑΜ Μ Μ π΄ (yβ¨ z) ≥ min { ϑπ΄ (xβ¨ y), ϑπ΄ (zβ¨ x)} ≥ min {1- ϑπ΄ (xβ¨ y), 1-ϑπ΄ (zβ¨ x)} = 1- max{ϑπ΄ (xβ¨ y),ϑπ΄ (zβ¨ x) } That is, ϑπ΄ (yβ¨ z) ≤max{ϑπ΄ (xβ¨ y),ϑπ΄ (zβ¨ x) } Hence A= (ηπ΄ , ϑπ΄ ) is an intuitionistic fuzzy ideal of X. 4. INTUITIONISTIC FUZZY KM IDEAL ON HOMOMORPHISM Definition 4.1: A mapping f: X → Y be a mapping of K-algebras is called a homomorphism if f(xβ¨ y) = f(x) β¨ f(y) ∀ x, y ∈ X. Definition 4.2: A mapping f : X → Y be a mapping of K-algebras and απ΄ be a fuzzy set of Y. The map απ΄ f is the pre-image of απ΄ under f if απ΄ f (x) = απ΄ (f(x)). Definition 4.3: If f: X → Y is a homomorphism of K-algebras, then f(0) = 0. Let f: X → Y be a homomorphism of K- algebra for any intuitionistic fuzzy set A= (ηπ΄ , ϑπ΄ ) in Y, we define new intuitionistic fuzzy setAf = (ηπ΄ f, ϑπ΄ f) in X by ηπ΄ f (x) = ηπ΄ (f(x)) ϑπ΄ f (x) = ϑπ΄ (f(x)) ∀ x ∈ X. Theorem 4.4: Let f: X → Y be a homomorphism of K-algebras. If an intuitionistic fuzzy set A= (ηπ΄ , ϑπ΄ ) in Y is an intuitionistic fuzzy KM ideal of Y then an intuitionistic fuzzy set Af = (ηπ΄ f, ϑπ΄ f) in X is an intuitionistic fuzzy KM ideal of X. Proof: We first prove that ηπ΄ f (x) = ηπ΄ (f(x)) ≤ ηπ΄ (0) = ηπ΄ π(0)= ηπ΄ f (0) Similarly ϑπ΄ f (x) = ϑπ΄ (f(x)) ≥ ϑπ΄ (0)= ϑπ΄ π(0)= ϑπ΄ f (0) ∀ x ∈ X. Let x, y,z∈ X. Then min{ηπ΄ f (xβ¨ y), ηπ΄ f (zβ¨ x)} = min{ ηπ΄ (π(xβ¨ y)), ηπ΄ (π(zβ¨ x))} = min{ ηπ΄ (f(x) β¨ f(y)), ηπ΄ (f(z) β¨ f(x)} ≤ ηπ΄ (f(y) β¨ f(z)) ≤ ηπ΄ f(y β¨ z) = ηπ΄ f (yβ¨ z) max{ ϑπ΄ f (xβ¨ y), ϑπ΄ f (zβ¨ x)} = max{ ϑπ΄ (π(xβ¨ y)), ϑπ΄ (π(zβ¨ x))} = max{ ϑπ΄ (f(x) β¨ f(y)), ϑπ΄ (f(z) β¨ f(x)} ≥ ϑπ΄ (f(y) β¨ f(z)) ≥ ϑπ΄ f(y β¨ z) = ϑπ΄ f (yβ¨ z) Hence Af = (ηπ΄ f, ϑπ΄ f) is an intuitionistic fuzzy KM ideal of X. 448 An Intuitionistic Fuzzy Magnified Translation of Km Ideals on K-Algebra Theorem 4.5: Let f: X → Y be an epimorphism of K-algebras and let A= (ηπ΄ , ϑπ΄ ) be an intuitionistic fuzzy set in Y. If Af = (ηπ΄ f, ϑπ΄ f) is an intuitionistic fuzzy KM ideal of X, then A= (ηπ΄ , ϑπ΄ ) is an intuitionistic fuzzy KM ideal of Y. Proof: For any x ∈ Y, there exists a ∈ X such that f(a) = x. Then ηπ΄ (x) = ηπ΄ (f(a)) = ηπ΄ f (a) ≤ ηπ΄ f (0)= ηπ΄ (f(0)) = ηπ΄ (0) ϑπ΄ (x) = ϑπ΄ (f(a)) = ϑπ΄ f (a) ≥ ϑπ΄ f (0)= ϑπ΄ (f(0)) = ϑπ΄ (0) Let x, y, z ∈ Y. Then f(a) = x and f(b) = y and f(c) = z for some a, b, c ∈ X. It follows that ηπ΄ (yβ¨z) = ηπ΄ (f(b) β¨ f(c)) = ηπ΄ (f(bβ¨ c)) = ηπ΄ f (bβ¨ c) ≥ min{ ηπ΄ f (aβ¨ b), ηπ΄ f (cβ¨ a)} ≥ min{ ηπ΄ (f(aβ¨ b), ηπ΄ (f(cβ¨ a))} = min{ηπ΄ (f(a) β¨ f(b)), ηπ΄ (f(c) β¨ f(a)} = min{ηπ΄ (xβ¨ y), ηπ΄ (zβ¨ x)} ϑπ΄ (y β¨z) =ϑπ΄ ( f(b) β¨ f(c)) = ϑπ΄ f(b β¨ c) = ϑπ΄ f (b β¨ c) ≤ max{ ϑπ΄ f (aβ¨ b), ϑπ΄ f (cβ¨ a)} ≤ max{ ϑπ΄ (f(aβ¨ b), ϑπ΄ (f(cβ¨ a))} = max{ϑπ΄ (f(a) β¨ f(b)), ϑπ΄ (f(c) β¨ f(a)} = max{ϑπ΄ (xβ¨ y), ϑπ΄ (zβ¨ x)} This completes the proof. 5. INTUITIONISTIC FUZZY MAGNIFIED TRANSLATION ON KM IDEAL Definition 5.1: Let A= (ηπ΄ , ϑπ΄ ) be an intuitionistic fuzzy subset of X and β∈ [0,1] and α ∈[0,1- sup{ ηπ΄ (x) + ϑπ΄ (x): x∈ π, 0<ηπ΄ (x) + ϑπ΄ (x)<1}]. Then the intuitionistic fuzzy magnified translation (IFMT) T of A is an object of the form π΄ π΄ T = {<x, η(β,α) (x), ϑ(β,α) (x) >: x∈ π} or briefly as {< (x, ηπ (x), ϑ π (x)> : π΄ π΄ x∈ π} where the functions η(β,α) (x) = ηπ (x): x→[0,1] and ϑ(β,α) (x) = ϑ π (x) : x→[0,1] are defined as π΄ ηπ (x) = η(β,α) (x) = βηπ΄ (x) + α, π΄ ϑ π (x) = ϑ(β,α) (x) = βϑπ΄ (x) + α for all x∈ π. Theorem 5.2: 449 S. Kailasavalli, C.Yamini, M.Meenakshi and VE.Jayanthi Let T be an intuitionistic fuzzy KM ideal of X, then the intuitionistic fuzzy magnified translation of T is an intuitionistic fuzzy KM ideal of X and α ∈[0, T]. Proof: Let x, y, z ∈ X. Then assume that η ∈ X and α ∈[0, T]. Then ηπ (0) = βηπ΄ (0) + α≥ βηπ΄ (x) + α= ηπ (x) and ηπ (yβ¨ z) = βηπ΄ (yβ¨z) + α ≥ β min { ηπ΄ (xβ¨ y), ηπ΄ (zβ¨ x)} + α = min { βηπ΄ (xβ¨ y) + α, βηπ΄ (zβ¨ x) + α} = min (ηπ (xβ¨ y), ηπ (zβ¨ x)} for all x, y, z ∈ X. Also, ϑ π (0) = βϑπ΄ (0) + α ≤ βϑπ΄ (x) + α=ϑ π (x) Andϑ π (yβ¨ z) = βϑπ΄ (yβ¨ z) + α ≤ β max { ϑπ΄ (xβ¨ y), ϑπ΄ (zβ¨ x)} + α = max{ βϑπ΄ (xβ¨ y) + α, βϑπ΄ (zβ¨ x) + α} = max (ϑ π (xβ¨ y), ϑ π (zβ¨ x)} for all x, y, z ∈ X. Therefore, T is an intuitionistic fuzzy magnified translation of KM ideal of X. Theorem 5.3: Let Abe an intuitionistic fuzzy subset of K – algebra such that the intuitionistic fuzzy magnified πΌ translation T of A is an intuitionistic fuzzy KM ideal of X for some α ∈[0, T]. Then A is an intuitionistic fuzzy KM ideal of K- algebra on X. Proof: Assume that ηπ(β,α) is a intuitionistic fuzzy KM ideal of X for some α ∈[0, T]. Let x, y, z ∈ X. Then βηπ΄ (0) + α = ηπ(β,α) (0) ≥ ηπ(β,α) (π₯) = βηπ΄ (x) + α and so η(0)≥ η(x). Now, we have βηπ΄ (yβ¨ x) + α = ηπ(β,α) (yβ¨ x) ≥ min {ηπ(β,α) (xβ¨ y), ηπ(β,α) (zβ¨ x)} + α = min { βηπ΄ (xβ¨ y) + α, βηπ΄ (zβ¨ x) + α} = min { βηπ΄ (xβ¨ y) , βηπ΄ (zβ¨ x)} + α = β min {ηπ΄ (xβ¨ y) ,ηπ΄ (zβ¨ x)} + α which implies that ηπ΄ (yβ¨ x) ≥ min {ηπ΄ (xβ¨ y) ,ηπ΄ (zβ¨ x)} and βϑπ΄ (0) + α = ϑπ(β,α) (0) ≤ ϑπ(β,α) (π₯) = βϑπ΄ (x) + α and so ϑ (0)≤ ϑ(x). βϑπ΄ (yβ¨ z) + α = ϑπ(β,α) (yβ¨ z) ≤ max {ϑπ(β,α) (xβ¨ y), ϑπ(β,α) (zβ¨ x)} + α = max { βϑπ΄ (xβ¨ y) + α, βϑπ΄ (zβ¨ x) + α} = max { βϑπ΄ (xβ¨ y) , βϑπ΄ (zβ¨ x)} + α = β max {ϑπ΄ (xβ¨ y) ,ϑπ΄ (zβ¨ x)} + α which implies that ϑπ΄ (yβ¨ z) ≤ max {ϑπ΄ (xβ¨ y) ,ϑπ΄ (zβ¨ x)}. 450 An Intuitionistic Fuzzy Magnified Translation of Km Ideals on K-Algebra Hence A is an intuitionistic fuzzy KM ideal of K- algebra. Lemma 5.4: π΄ π΄ If π΄π(π½,πΌ) = (π(π½,πΌ) , π(π½,πΌ) ) is intuitionistic fuzzy magnified translation KM ideal and y≤ π₯ in π΄ π΄ π΄ π΄ π΄ X, then π(π½,πΌ) (π¦) ≥ π(π½,πΌ) (π₯), π(π½,πΌ) (π¦) ≤ π(π½,πΌ) (π₯) . That is π(π½,πΌ) is order reserving and π΄ π(π½,πΌ) is order preserving. Proof: Let x,y∈ π be such that y≤ π₯, by lemma (3.6) ππ΄ (π¦) ≥ ππ΄ (π₯) and π΄ π΄ (π¦) = π½ππ΄ (π¦) +πΌ ≥ π½ππ΄ (π₯) +πΌ = π(π½,πΌ) π(π½,πΌ) (π₯) Also π΄ π΄ (π¦) = π½ππ΄ (π¦) +πΌ ≤ π½ππ΄ (π₯) +πΌ= π(π½,πΌ) π(π½,πΌ) (π₯) Hence the proof. Lemma 5.5: π΄ π΄ If π΄π(π½,πΌ) = (π(π½,πΌ) , π(π½,πΌ) ) is intuitionistic fuzzy magnified translation KM ideal and the π΄ π΄ π΄ π΄ (π₯) ≥ min(π(π½,πΌ) (π¦), π(π½,πΌ) (π₯) ≤ inequality π₯β¨π¦ ≤ π§ hold in X, then π(π½,πΌ) (π§)) and π(π½,πΌ) π΄ π΄ max(π(π½,πΌ) (π¦), π(π½,πΌ) (π§)). Proof: Let x,y,z∈ π be such that π₯β¨π¦ ≤ π§. Thus π΄ (π₯) = π½ππ΄ (π¦) +πΌ π(π½,πΌ) ≥ π½(min(ππ΄ (π¦) , ππ΄ (π§))+πΌ = πππ(π½ππ΄ (π¦) + πΌ , π½ππ΄ (π§)+πΌ) π΄ π΄ (π¦), π(π½,πΌ) = min(π(π½,πΌ) (π§)) Also π΄ (π₯) = π½ππ΄ (π¦) +πΌ π(π½,πΌ) ≤ π½(max(ππ΄ (π¦) , ππ΄ (π§))+πΌ = πππ₯(π½ππ΄ (π¦) + πΌ , π½ππ΄ (π§)+πΌ) π΄ π΄ (π¦), π(π½,πΌ) = max(π(π½,πΌ) (π§)). Hence the proof. 6. INTUITIONISTIC FUZZY MAGNIFIED TRANSLATION ON KM IDEAL ON HOMOMORPHISM 451 S. Kailasavalli, C.Yamini, M.Meenakshi and VE.Jayanthi Definition 6.1: Let f: X→ π be a homomorphism of K-Algebra, for any intuitionistic fuzzy magnified π translation T of A in Y. We define intuitionistic fuzzy magnified Translation π΄(π½,πΌ) = π π (π(π½,πΌ) , π(π½,πΌ) ) in X by π π π(π½,πΌ) (π₯) = π(π½,πΌ) π(π₯) and π(π½,πΌ) (π₯) = π(π½,πΌ) π(π₯). Theorem 6.2: Let f: X→ πbe a homomorphism of K-Algebra. If an intuitionistic fuzzy set π΄(π½,πΌ) = π (π(π½,πΌ) , π(π½,πΌ) ) in Y is an intuitionistic fuzzy magnified translation KM-Ideal of Y then π΄(π½,πΌ) = π π (π(π½,πΌ) , π(π½,πΌ) ) is an intuitionistic fuzzy magnified translation KM-Ideal of X. Proof: For all x,y,z∈ π, we have π π π π π(π½,πΌ) (π₯) = π(π½,πΌ) π(π₯) ≤ π(π½,πΌ) (0) ≤ π(π½,πΌ) π(0) = π(π½,πΌ) (0) And π(π½,πΌ) (π₯) = π(π½,πΌ) π(π₯) ≥ π(π½,πΌ) (0) ≥ π(π½,πΌ) π(0) = π(π½,πΌ) (0) Now, π π(π½,πΌ) (π¦ β π§) = π(π½,πΌ) π(π¦ β π§) = π(π½,πΌ) (π(π¦) β π(π§)) ≥ min{π(π½,πΌ) (π(π₯) β π(π¦)), π(π½,πΌ) (π(π§) β π(π₯))} = min{π(π½,πΌ) (π(π₯ β π¦)), π(π½,πΌ) (π(π§ β π₯))} π π = πππ {π(π½,πΌ) (π₯ β π¦), π(π½,πΌ) (π§ β π₯)} π π(π½,πΌ) (π¦ β π§) = π(π½,πΌ) π(π¦ β π§) = π(π½,πΌ) (π(π¦) β π(π§)) ≤ max{π(π½,πΌ) (π(π₯) β π(π¦)), π(π½,πΌ) (π(π§) β π(π₯))} = max{π(π½,πΌ) (π(π₯ β π¦)), π(π½,πΌ) (π(π§ β π₯))} π π = πππ₯ {π(π½,πΌ) (π₯ β π¦), π(π½,πΌ) (π§ β π₯)} π π π Hence π΄(π½,πΌ) = (π(π½,πΌ) , π(π½,πΌ) ) is an intuitionistic fuzzy magnified translation KM-Ideal of X. Theorem 6.3: Let f: X→ πbe an epimorphism of K-Algebra. If intuitionistic fuzzy set π΄(π½,πΌ) = π π π (π(π½,πΌ) , π(π½,πΌ) )a intuitionistic fuzzy magnified translation in Y. If π΄(π½,πΌ) = (π(π½,πΌ) , π(π½,πΌ) ) intuitionistic fuzzy magnified translation KM-Ideal of X, then π΄(π½,πΌ) = (π(π½,πΌ) , π(π½,πΌ) )is intuitionistic fuzzy magnified translation of KM-Ideal in Y. Proof: For any x∈ π¦, there exists a∈ π₯such that f(a) =x π π π(π½,πΌ) (π₯) = π(π½,πΌ) (π(π)) = π(π½,πΌ) (π) ≤ π(π½,πΌ) (0) ≤ π(π½,πΌ) π(0) = π(π½,πΌ) (0) 452 An Intuitionistic Fuzzy Magnified Translation of Km Ideals on K-Algebra And π π π(π½,πΌ) (π₯) = π(π½,πΌ) (π(π)) = π(π½,πΌ) (π) ≥ π(π½,πΌ) (0) ≥ π(π½,πΌ) π(0) = π(π½,πΌ) (0) Now, let x,y,z Y. Then f(a)=x, f(b)=y, f(c)=z for some a, π, π ∈ π§. It follows that π(π½,πΌ) (π¦ β π§) = π(π½,πΌ) (π(π) β π(π)) = π(π½,πΌ) (π(π β π)) π = π(π½,πΌ) (π β π) π π ≥ min {π(π½,πΌ) (π β π), π(π½,πΌ) (π β π)} = min {π(π½,πΌ) (π(π β π)), π(π½,πΌ) (π(π β π))} = min{π(π½,πΌ) (π(π) β π(π)), π(π½,πΌ) (π(π) β π(π))} = min{π(π½,πΌ) (π₯ β π¦), π(π½,πΌ) (π§ β π₯)} and π(π½,πΌ) (π¦ β π§) = π(π½,πΌ) (π(π) β π(π)) = π(π½,πΌ) (π(π β π)) π = π(π½,πΌ) (π β π) π π ≤ max {π(π½,πΌ) (π β π), π(π½,πΌ) (π β π)} =max{π(π½,πΌ) (π(π β π)), π(π½,πΌ) (π(π β π))} =max{π(π½,πΌ) (π(π) β π(π)), π(π½,πΌ) (π(π) β π(π))} = max{π(π½,πΌ) (π₯ β π¦), π(π½,πΌ) (π§ β π₯)} Hence the proof. 6. CONCLUSION The concept of intuitionistic fuzzification of subalgebra and KM ideals of the K-algebra are tested with some of the properties and the results are presented in this paper. Intuitionistic fuzzy magnified translations to intuitionistic fuzzy KM ideals in K-algebra properties are tested and some of the properties are proved. 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