International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Volume 10, Issue 04, April 2019, pp. 210-215. Article ID: IJMET_10_04_021 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed NEW PARAMETERS ON INVERSE DOMINATION Jayasree T G Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kalady, Kerala. Radha Rajamani Iyer Department of Mathematics, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore, Amrita Viswa Vidyapeetham, India. ABSTRACT A set D of vertices in a graph G(V, E) is a dominating set of G, if every vertex of V not in D is adjacent to at least one vertex in D. A dominating set D of G(V, E)is a k – fair dominating set of G, for π ≥ 1 if every vertex in V – D is adjacent to exactly k vertices in D. The k – fair domination number πΎπππ (πΊ) of G is the minimum cardinality of a k – fair dominating set. In this article, we define the inverse of the k – fair domination number and try to find it for some class of graphs. Key words: Fair Domination, Inverse Domination, Inverse of k-fd set. Mathematics Subject Classification: 05C69. Cite this Article Jayasree T G and Radha Rajamani Iyer, New Parameters on Inverse Domination, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 10(4), 2019, pp. 210-215. 1. INTRODUCTION Let G(V, E) be a simple graph with vertex set V(G) and edge set E(G). The order and size of G are denoted by n and m respectively. For graph theoretic terminology we refer to Gary Chartrand and Ping Zhang [10] and Haynes et al. [11, 12]. For any vertex π£ ∈ π, the open neighborhood N(v) is the set {π’ ∈ π: π’π£ ∈ πΈ}, and the closed neighborhood N[v] is the set π(π£) ∪ {π£}. For any π ⊆ π, π(π) = βπ£∈π π(π£) and π[π] = π(π) ∪ π. A set D of vertices in a graph G(V, E) is a dominating set of G, if every vertex of V not in D is adjacent to at least one vertex in D. Let D be a minimum dominating set of G. If V - D contains a dominating set say D' is called an inverse dominating set with respect to D. The inverse domination number πΎ ′ (πΊ) of G is the order of a smallest inverse dominating set of G. A fair dominating set in graph G(V, E) is a dominating set D such that all vertices not in D are dominated by same number of vertices from D, that is, every two vertices not in D has same 210 Jayasree T G and Radha Rajamani Iyer number of neighbors in D. The fair domination number πΎππ (πΊ) of G is the minimum cardinality of an fd-set. A dominating set π· ⊆ π(πΊ) is a k-fd set in G, if for every two distinct vertices π’, π£ ∈ π − π· , |π(π’) ∩ π·| = | π(π£) ∩ π·| = π. That is, every two distinct vertices not in D have exactly k neighbors from D. Now, let as define the inverse of k-fair dominating set and the inverse of k-fair domination number as follows. Definition: A set S of vertices in a graph G (V, E) is a k-fair dominating set of G, if every vertex of V not in S is adjacent to exactly k vertices in S. Let S be a minimum k-fair dominating set of G. If V - S contains a set say S ' called an inverse k-fair dominating set with respect to S, if every vertex not in S ', is adjacent to at least k vertices in S '. The inverse k-fair domination number πΎπππ ′(πΊ) of G is the order of a smallest inverse k-fair dominating set of G. The following results are obvious. ′ 1. For complete graph πΎπ , πΎ1ππ (πΎπ ) = πΎ1ππ (πΎπ ) = 1 . 2. For complete bipartite graph πΎπ,π , πΎ1ππ (πΎπ,π ) = πΎ1ππ ′ (πΎπ,π ) = 2. 3. Let S be a πΎ1ππ - set of a connected graph G. If πΎ1ππ ′ - set exists, then G has at least two vertices. 4. Let G be a connected graph with πΎ(πΊ) = πΎ1ππ (πΊ), then πΎ1ππ ′ (πΊ) = πΎ ′ (πΊ). 5. Let G be a connected graph, then πΎπππ (πΊ) always depends on Δ(πΊ) and πΎπππ ′ (πΊ) depends on πΏ(πΊ). In other words, for k-fair domination, π ≤ Δ and for inverse k-fair domination, π ≤ πΏ. π Lemma: Let πΎπ be a complete graph of order n and let k be a positive integer with π ≤ ⌊ 2⌋, then πΎπππ ′ (πΎπ ) = π. Proof: As we have, πΎπ be a complete graph of order n, there exist k-fd sets for all π ≤ (π − 1), with πΎπππ (πΎπ ) = π for all π ≥ 2. But πΎ- set and πΎ ′ -set forms partition of vertex set and in a complete graph, 2- distinct vertices are connected by edges, if there is a k-fd set, the inverse set can have at the most (n - k) vertices. Hence for the maximum case, k = (n - k). In π π other words, π = 2 , or in general, π ≤ ⌊ 2⌋. Then the result follows. 2. INVERSE DOMINATION IN 1-FD SETS In this section we can find inverse fair domination in paths and trees, because in both cases we can’t expect higher order inverse fair domination as πΏ = 1. π Theorem: Let ππ be a path with π ≥ 2 vertices. Then πΎ1ππ (ππ ) = ⌈ 3⌉ and πΎ1ππ ′ (ππ ) = ⌈ π+1 3 ⌉. Proof: Let ππ be a path with π ≥ 2 vertices. To dominate n vertices exactly by one vertex, π we need 3 vertices. This is true for any n, which is a multiple of 3. For each additional vertex π we need one more vertex for fair domination. This lead to the result πΎ1ππ (ππ ) = ⌈ 3⌉ . π+1 Now, 1-fd set and its inverse are mutually disjoint sets, the result πΎ1ππ ′ (ππ ) = ⌈ 3 ⌉ follows. Now, consider the case of trees. We refer Yair Caro, [9] for the following notation. A vertex of degree one is called a leaf and its neighbor is called a support vertex. Let ππ , denote 211 New Parameters on Inverse Domination the set of all support vertices of a tree T, and πΏπ denotes the set of all leaves. A vertex adjacent to at least two leaves in a tree T is known as strong support vertex of the tree. The graph obtained by attaching a leaf to each vertex of a graph H is called corona of graph H and is denoted by cor(H). Observation: Every πΎ1ππ ′ - set in a tree T contains all its leaves. Proof: Already we have by [9], every 1-fd set contains all its strong support vertices. Also we know that πΎ1ππ set and πΎ1ππ ′ set are mutually disjoint sets, the result follows. Observation: If T is the corona of a tree H and T has order n, then πΎ1ππ ′ (π) = π 2 . Proof: If T is the corona of a tree of order n,[9], V(T) can be partitioned as ππ and πΏπ of π cardinality 2 and these two sets are πΎ1ππ - sets. Hence the result. Observation: In a tree, if πΎπππ ′ exists, then k = 1. Proof: Let T be a tree and let D be a fd-set. Then by the result of Yair Caro,[9], D is a 1fd-set. But we have by the above observation, every πΎ1ππ ′ set in a tree T contains all is leaves, the result follows. Proposition: Let T be a tree with π ≥ 3 vertices with π pendent vertices and π supports. ′ Then π ≤ πΎ ≤ πΎ1ππ ≤ πΎ1ππ ≤ π. Theorem: Let S be a πΎ1ππ - set of the tree T. Then T has a πΎ1ππ ′ - set, if and only if the following conditions satisfied. T should be connected, that is, T contains no isolated vertices. T has more than two end vertices. |π| ≤ |π − π|. Proof: Given S be a πΎ1ππ - set of the tree T, if T contains isolated vertex, say v, then π£ ∈ π and we can’t find a disjoined dominating set containing v. It contradicts our assumption that T has a πΎ1ππ ′ - set. Hence T should be connected. Let as assume that T contains no isolated vertices. If T has only one end vertex, as T is connected, T may contain cycles. And if T has no end vertices also assure the presence of cycles in T. So these two cases contradict the assumption that T is a tree. Hence T must have more than two end vertices. Now let as assume that T has more than two end vertices. Then by the definition of S, all the support vertices must belongs to S and all the leaves belongs to V - S. Hence, |π| ≤ |π − π|. Let |π| ≤ |π − π|. We have to prove, T contains no isolated vertices. On the contrary, if possible, assume that T is disconnected. Then each component contain πΎ1ππ - set and if T contain isolated vertex, they must be members of S and this contradicts our assumption that |π| ≤ |π − π|. Hence, T must be connected. Here we have, 1 βΉ 2 βΉ 3 βΉ 1 . Hence the theorem. π+1 Theorem: If T is a tree of order π ≥ 2, then πΎ1ππ ′ (π) ≥ ⌈ ⌉ and the equality will be 3 attained when T is a path ππ . Proof: Let T be a tree of order π ≥ 2. A path is an acyclic graph or a tree by its construction ′ (ππ ) = which has only two end vertices. If T is a path ππ , then already we have the result, πΎ1ππ ⌈ π+1 3 ⌉ and the result follows. 212 Jayasree T G and Radha Rajamani Iyer If there exist more than two end vertices in a tree, then πΏπ set contains more elements than ππ . Hence in such cases, the inverse domination set contains more terms than the dominating π+1 ′ (π) ≥ ⌈ ⌉. sets. Hence πΎ1ππ 3 ′ (π) ≤ (π − 1) and the equality will be Theorem: If T is a tree of order π ≥ 2, then πΎ1ππ attained when T is a star π1,(π−1) . Proof: Let T be a tree of order π ≥ 2. If T is a star, π1,(π−1), the central vertex of T is a πΎ1ππ ′ ′ (π) = (π − 1). Also, this should be the maximum possible value for πΎ1ππ (π). - set, hence πΎ1ππ Hence the result. 3. INVERSE DOMINATION IN 2-FD SETS Here we try to find inverse fair domination in total graph and square graph of cycles. Proposition: In cycles, as every vertex is of degree 2, maximum expected value for k in π πΎπππ is 2 and πΎ2ππ (πΆπ ) = ⌈ 2⌉, for π ≥ 3. π Proposition: Let πΆπ be cycle with π ≥ 4 vertices. Then πΎ2ππ ′ (πΆπ ) = 2, if n is even. Also for π ≥ 4 and if n is odd, πΎ2ππ ′ (πΆπ ) does not exists. Now, we can consider the total graph of Cn . Let G(V,E) be a graph with vertex set V and edge set E. The total graph of G, denoted by T(G) is defined as follows. The vertex set of T(G) is π(πΊ) ∪ πΈ(πΊ). Two vertices u, v in T(G) are adjacent if any one of the following holds: (i) u, v are in V(G) and u is adjacent to v in G, (ii) u, v are in E(G) and u is adjacent to v in G, (iii) u is in V(G), v is in E(G) and u, v are incident in G. 2n Proposition: For π ≥ 3, γ2fd [T(Cn )] = ⌈ 3 ⌉ . 2n Theorem: Let Cn be a cycle with π ≥ 3, vertices. γ2fd ′ [T(Cn )] = ⌈ 3 ⌉. Proof: In Cn every vertex dominates exactly three vertices. Hence in T(Cn ) every vertex dominates exactly 5 vertices because T(Cn ) is a 4- regular graph. Let as consider the graph T(Cn ) as the union of two cycles Cn and Cn ′ joined by edges. Take any vertex v of Cn . Beginning with v proceed cyclically about these two cycles in some direction to cover all the 2n vertices. Since T(Cn ) is a 4- regular graph, the vertices can partitioned into two sets say D and D' such that they dominate every vertex of the graph exactly be two vertices. Hence D become the two fair dominating set and D' be the inverse of two fair dominating set of the graph 2n T(Cn ). So γ2fd ′ [T(Cn )] = ⌈ 3 ⌉ . In this section we consider the square graph of the cycle Cn . The definition of square graph of the cycle as follows. Let G (V, E) be a simple graph with vertex set V and edge set E. The k-th power Gk of the graph G is another graph that has the same set of vertices, but in which two vertices are adjacent when their distance in G is at most k. The Square graph G2 of graph G is the graph that has the vertex set V in which two vertices are adjacent when their distance in G is at most 2. Graph powers should be distinguished from the products of a graph with itself, which (unlike powers) generally have many more vertices than the original graph. π Proposition: Let Cn be cycle with π ≥ 3 vertices. Then πΎ2ππ [(πΆπ )2 ] = ⌈ 3⌉. π Theorem: πΎ2ππ ′ [(πΆπ )2 ] = ⌈ 3⌉ for π ≥ 3. Proof: Since Cn is two regular, (πΆπ )2 is a four regular graph. Hence every vertex of (πΆπ )2 dominates exactly five vertices. Take a set D consisting of any vertex v of (πΆπ )2 and every third vertex of (πΆπ )2, starting with v and proceed cyclically in some direction. Then every vertex of 213 New Parameters on Inverse Domination the graph is dominated exactly twice by the vertices of D. Same fashion, take another set say D' in such a way that every second vertex u of (πΆπ )2 and fourth vertex of (πΆπ )2 in the same direction. Then we get two sets D and D', both are disjoint sets but they dominate in a two fair π dominating set of (πΆπ )2. Hence πΎ2ππ ′ [(πΆπ )2 ] = ⌈ 3⌉. 4. INVERSE DOMINATION IN K-FD SETS In this section we try to find the inverse of k-fair domination in corona of graphs. Corona of graphs are defined as follows. Let G and H be graphs of order m and n respectively. The corona of two graphs G and H is the graph πΊ π π» obtained by taking one copy of G and m copies of H, and joining the ith vertex of G to every vertex of the ith copy of H. We refer Emiliano C Maravilla,,[1] for the following notation. For every π£ ∈ π(πΊ), denote by H v , the copy of H whose vertices are attached one by one to the vertex v. Denote by π£ + π» π£ , the sub graph of the corona πΊ π π» corresponding to the join 〈{π£} + π» π£ 〉. Figure 1. Corona Product πΎ5 π πΎ3 . Theorem: Let G and H be non-trivial connected graphs of order m and n respectively. m × γkfd (H) for k = 1 Then πΎπππ ′ ( πΊ π π») = { . m × γkfd ′ (v + H v ) for k ≥ 2 Proof: By the definition of πΊ π π», each π£ ∈ π(πΊ), is enough to form πΎ1ππ - set, and hence πΎ1ππ ( πΊ π π») = m . Hence to form πΎ1ππ ′ - set of minimum cardinality, we require πΎ1ππ (π») members for each π£ ∈ π(πΊ). Hence πΎ1ππ ′ (πΊ π π») = π × πΎ1ππ (π»). Now suppose, π ≥ 2. Consider the sub graph v + H v . As every πΎπππ - set of the graph πΊ π π», contains the vertex π£ ∈ π(πΊ), the πΎπππ ′ -set depends on v + H v . This is true for all π£ ∈ π(πΊ). Hence πΎπππ ′ ( πΊ π π») = m × γkfd ′ (v + H v ) for π ≥ 2. π Corollary: In a graph πΊ π π», πΎπππ ′ exists only when πΎπππ (v + H v ) ≤ 2, for the sub graph v + H v of πΊ π π». 5. CONCLUSION In this work we define the inverse concept for k-fair domination number and find the same for some class of graphs. REFERENCES [1] Emiliano C Maravilla, Rowena T Isla and Sergio R CanoyJr., k-Fair domination in the join, corona, composition and Cartesian product of graphs, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 8, 2014, no.178, 8863-8874. 214 Jayasree T G and Radha Rajamani Iyer [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] Gabriele Taentzer, Enrico Biermann,, Generation of Sierpinski Triangles: A Case Study for Graph Transformation Tools. Applications of Graph Transformations with Industrial Relevance, pp. 514-539. 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