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Poster Template: Academic Presentation Guide

Poster Template 76.2 cm x 106.68 cm
(30”x42” – 2.5 x 3.5 feet)
Author (s) names go on this line
The names and addresses of the associated institutions go here.
Developed by Dr. Lynne Lafave
Your text here – highlight the information below and replace with your content
Remember to Save: once you begin - save your file immediately! It is very
disheartening to put in a lot of effort and lose your file.
Keep Multiple Versions: I recommend that you save the file at different points
in your progress with new version numbers. i.e. MyPoster_v1; MyPoster_v2;
MyPoster_v3. This way if anything major goes awry, you can go back to a
previous version with little harm done.
Change the Template to Meet your Needs: You have a couple of headers and
text areas provided. You can easily add more using the copy and paste
function of PowerPoint. Under the “Design” heading change the color
themes. Be creative: the poster needs only to be 2.5 x 3.5. IF you want,
design your own poster template.
Font Size: The text size is set to 28. This makes your poster easier to read from
10 feet away and if there is a crowd in front of the poster, people may be
reading from a distance. Smaller fonts are not recommended.
Your text here – highlight the information below and replace with your content
Design Suggestions
• Viewer should be able to see all sections of the poster from a distance of 8-10
• It should be obvious where to start inspecting the poster and how the
information flows
• Leave some open space in the design. Tightly packed space tires the eye and
the mind.
• Use elements of different sizes and proportions; try a mixture of shapes and
straight lines.
• Enlarge photos and graphs so that pertinent details can be clearly seen. Make
illustrations simple and bold.
• Convert tables to graphs when possible; avoid tables with excessive
Your text here – highlight the information below and replace with your content
Presentation Tips
 The poster is a VISUAL representation of your work and should give the key
elements of the project so that the viewer can understand the basics without
speaking to the author. Include diagrams and pictures to illustrate your point
and enhance the visual attraction of your poster.
 You may use point form (less text making your poster easier to read and more
inviting; too much text and people will just walk by)
 Minute details can be provided by you (leave them off the poster and provide
that information in your individual talks with the viewers)
 Graphics should be “inserted” and not copy and pasted. This will preserve the
resolution of the picture.
Your text here – highlight the information below and replace with your content
Ethics Approval
LLafave 2010
Study collections