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Senior Research Paper Assignment Guidelines

Senior Research Paper
Your final major writing assignment for English IV will be the Senior Research Paper. You will use research
skills/ inquiry research to investigate a topic of your choice relating a social or health issue. Your paper
should also discuss proposed solutions to the problem. In addition to your research paper grade, you will
get credit for your participation in each stage of the research process. Please consider a social or health
issue related to your passion, future career goal, or the approved list below.
Research Paper Guidelines
 1,250 words – with a counterargument, Double Spaced, Times New Roman Font
 Title Page
 1 Page Outline
 1 Page Works Cited (References)
 12 Credible Sources
 In-Text Citations
 Alignment with the Common Core Argumentative Essay Rubric
 Applicable conventions of grammar from the entire school year
Research Process
Pre-Writing: Planning and Researching (Narrowing Topic, Research, Note-Taking) (322-327 in
Writer’s Choice) DUE:______
Pre-Writing: Developing an Outline (328 – 331 in Writer’s Choice) DUE:______
Drafting (332-335 in Writer’s Choice) DUE:______
Citing Sources: MLA Style (336 – 341 in Writer’s Choice) DUE:______
Revising (342 – 357 in Writer’s Choice) DUE:______
Editing: Peer Review DUE:______
Presentation and Reflection: Senior Exhibition and Forum – graded by presentation rubric
Approved Research Topics
 Is the biggest terrorist threat in the U.S. domestic terrorism or foreign terrorism?
 Does the impact of “inner city” violence/death relate to the PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
experienced by veterans?
 Is the fact that the U.S. has its first black president demonstrative of a post-racial society?
 Immigration Issues in America
 Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or another social medium’s Influence on Identity and Self Esteem
 Hip Hop Influence on Teens/ Adolescents
 Light Skinned vs. Dark Skinned: Skin Color or other physical attributes that divide a community
 Absent Fathers and the Male
 Absent Fathers and the Female
 Compare the current spread of HIV rates in Chicago, Illinois, or the U.S. with the current spread of HIV in
Sub-Sahara Africa
 Why are Blacks and Latinos suffering at alarming rates from heart disease or diabetes or asthma?
What point can you make about this phenomenon?
 What role do the Black and Latino vote play in city, state, or national politics? What is the power of
 How will the failing U.S. schools and the outstanding colleges and universities impact the role of the U.S.
as a world leader? What point can you make about this topic?
 What is the impact of high school athletes choosing basketball as a career goal?
 Should more athletes consider baseball?
You may create your own research topic. This topic must be approved by your English Teacher. Complete
the box below with your proposed topic.
Proposed Research Topic:
English Teacher’s Signature/ Date:
Name _________________________________________
Date __________________
Period _____________
Part I: Previewing a Topic and Developing Open Ended Questions
Topic of Interest: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Open Ended Question
Open Ended Question