Uploaded by Jacob Pisockyj

Presentation Aids: Credibility, Visuals & Communication


Presentational aids COMM210

Primary VA is the presentation of yourself

How you are being put out there

Choices adding to credibility

I pad, fig leaf, eye contact

Can alter self-presentation for effect

Presentation of self will last long after presentation

Initial credibility o We get this from bios, the way we look, the way we act, and other information that is used to define our credibility.

 Leads to derived credibility

Secondary visual aid o Not the main attraction o Cannot/should not function without you

 Hence, why I do not write out all info for lecture o A bad aid is worse than no aid o Should never have to apologize for aid

Benefits o Increased comprehension

 Auditory vs. visual

 Complex processes

 Improves speaker efficiency o Makes presentation more memorable o Provides focus and tells us where to look o Creates interest o Convey messages in quick bursts

“Use less pictures” o Less words you have the better o More pictures=better o Layout is important – affects visual appeal and understanding o Color impacts understanding

Specifics to think about o Look at audience more than aids o Graphics – size matters lol o Graphs o Handouts o Videos

 Timing, length, edit for specific sound byte. o Slideshow (not text heavy) o Even needed?






If Anything Can Go Wrong, IT WILL – murphy’s law

Competent Communication and language … a transactional process of sharing meaning with others

A sign is composed of o A signifier – form o Signified – concept

The sign is the whole that results from the association of the signifier with the signified

Triangle of understanding signs


Signifier Signified

Symbolic convergence theory – when groups come together to make something mean something due to a common experience o “Make America Great again” or “I’m with her/Me Too”
